1. 11 10月, 2012 1 次提交
  2. 06 10月, 2012 1 次提交
    • R
      Add Spring MVC Test framework · 22bcb54a
      Rob Winch 提交于
      This commit adds the spring-test-mvc project [1] to the Spring
      Framework as part of the spring-test module.
      The sources are added as a root-level project called "spring-test-mvc"
      instead of under "spring-test" because the new sources need to be
      compiled with Servlet 3 while the current "spring-test" sources require
      Servlet 2.5 and the Eclipse IDE does not support having different
      classpaths for the same project.
      The Gradle build produces a single spring-test jar that contains
      sources from both "spring-test" and "spring-test-mvc". This merge is
      made possible through merge-dist.gradle as follows:
      - jar tasks of the "from" project execute tasks of the "to" project
      - "to" project is added to the classpath of the "from" project
      - "to" project pom is updated with entries from the "from" project
      For further details see documentation in merge-dist.gradle.
      Special thanks to everyone who contributed to the initial development
      of the Spring MVC Test framework:
       Arjen Poutsma <poutsma@mac.com>
       Craig Walls <cwalls@vmware.com>
       Frans Flippo <fransflippo@utopia.orange11.nl>
       Harry Lascelles <harry@firstbanco.com>
       Irfan <mail.urfi@gmail.com>
       Jörg Rathlev <joerg.rathlev@s24.com>
       Keesun Baik <whiteship2000@gmail.com>
       Keesun Baik <whiteship@epril.com>
       Matthew Reid <matthew.reid@nakedwines.com>
       Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik <Nils-Helge.Hegvik@telenor.com>
       Rob Winch <rwinch@vmware.com>
       Scott Frederick <sfrederick@vmware.com>
       Sven Filatov <sven.filatov@gmail.com>
       Thomas Bruyelle <thomas.bruyelle@gmail.com>
       youngm <youngm@gmail.com>
      [1]: https://github.com/SpringSource/spring-test-mvc
      Issue: SPR-9859, SPR-7951
  3. 12 9月, 2012 1 次提交
  4. 11 9月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Upgrade to JUnit 4.11 snapshot in support of JDK7 · dfe05305
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Class#getDeclaredMembers returns arbitrary results under JDK7. This
      results in non-deterministic execution of JUnit test methods, often
      revealing unintended dependencies between methods that rely on a
      specific order to succeed.
      JUnit 4.11 contains support for predictable test ordering [1], but at
      the time of this commit, JUnit 4.11 has not yet been released.
      Therefore we are testing against a snapshot version [2], which has been
      uploaded to repo.springsource.org [3] for easy access. Note that this
      artifact may be removed when JUnit 4.11 goes GA.
       - Care has been taken to ensure that spring-test's compile-time
         dependency on JUnit remains at 4.10. This means that the spring-test
         pom.xml will continue to have an optional <dependency> on JUnit
         4.10, instead of the 4.11 snapshot.
       - For reasons not fully understood, the upgrade to the 4.11 snapshot
         of junit-dep caused NoSuchMethodErrors around certain Hamcrest
         types, particularly CoreMatchers and Matchers. import statements
         have been updated accordingly throughout affected test cases.
       - Runtime errors also occurred around uses of JUnit @Rule and
         ExpectedException. These have been reverted to use simpler
         mechanisms like @test(expected) in the meantime.
       - Some test methods with order-based dependencies on one another have
         been renamed in order to fall in line with JUnit 4.11's new method
         ordering (as opposed to actually fixing the inter-test
         dependencies). In other areas, the fix was as simple as adding a
         tearDown method and cleaning up state.
       - For no apparent reason, the timeout in AspectJAutoProxyCreatorTests'
         testAspectsAndAdvisorNotAppliedToPrototypeIsFastEnough method begins
         to be exceeded. Prior to this commit the timeout value was 3000 ms;
         on the CI server under Linux/JDK6 and JDK7, the test begins taking
         anywhere from 3500-5500 ms with this commit. It is presumed that
         this is an incidental artifact of the upgrade to JUnit 4.11. In any
         case, there are no changes to src/main in this commit, so this
         should not actually represent a performance risk for Spring
         Framework users. The timeout has been increased to 6000 ms to
         accommodate this situation.
      [1]: https://github.com/KentBeck/junit/pull/293
      [2]: https://github.com/downloads/KentBeck/junit/junit-dep-4.11-SNAPSHOT-20120805-1225.jar
      [3]: https://repo.springsource.org/simple/ext-release-local/junit/junit-dep/4.11.20120805.1225
      Issue: SPR-9783
  5. 13 8月, 2012 2 次提交
    • C
      Add optional AspectJ dependencies where appropriate · 81128871
      Chris Beams 提交于
      spring-core, spring-aop and spring-context each have compile-time
      dependencies on classes in the aspectjweaver jar. Prior to this commit,
      only spring-core declared an optional dependency on it; now all three
      Issue: SPR-9683
    • C
      Make spring-orm dependency on spring-web optional · d986585b
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Historically spring-orm has had an optional dependency on spring-web,
      primarily in support of OpenSessionInView functionality. This optional
      dependency was inadvertently made required when porting the build to
      Gradle. This commit simply reintroduces the optional setting.
      Issue: SPR-9632
  6. 11 8月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Expand repackaged asm/cglib jars into spring-core · 4e0977cc
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Prior to this change, the repackaged spring-asm and spring-cglib jars
      were being included wholesale in the spring-core jar, whereas the
      intention was to include the unzipped classfiles.
      This change ensures that spring-asm and spring-cglib jars are unzipped
      on the fly when creating the spring-core jar.
      Issue: SPR-9669
  7. 10 8月, 2012 3 次提交
    • C
      Upgrade to CGLIB 3 and inline into spring-core · 92500ab9
      Chris Beams 提交于
      CGLIB 3 has been released in order to depend on ASM 4, which Spring now
      depends on internally (see previous commit).
      This commit eliminates spring-beans' optional dependency on cglib-nodep
      v2.2 and instead repackages net.sf.cglib => org.springframework.cglib
      much in the same way we have historically done with ASM.
      This change is beneficial to users in several ways:
       - Eliminates the need to manually add CGLIB to the application
         classpath; especially important for the growing number of
         @Configuration class users. Java-based configuration functionality,
         along with proxy-target-class and method injection features now
         work 'out of the box' in Spring 3.2.
       - Eliminates the possibility of conflicts with other libraries that
         may dependend on differing versions of CGLIB, e.g. Hibernate
         3.3.1.ga and its dependency on CGLIB 2.1.3 would easily cause a
         conflict if the application were depending on CGLIB 3 for
         Spring-related purposes.
       - Picks up CGLIB 3's changes to support ASM 4, meaning that CGLIB is
         that much less likely to work well in a Java 7 environment due to
         ASM 4's support for transforming classes with invokedynamic
         bytecode instructions.
      On CGLIB and ASM:
        CGLIB's own dependency on ASM is also transformed along the way to
        depend on Spring's repackaged org.springframework.asm, primarily to
        eliminate unnecessary duplication of ASM classfiles in spring-core and
        in the process save around 100K in the final spring-core JAR file size.
        It is coincidental that spring-core and CGLIB currently depend on the
        exact same version of ASM (4.0), but it is also unlikely to change any
        time soon. If this change does occur and versions of ASM drift, then
        the size optimization mentioned above will have to be abandoned. This
        would have no compatibility impact, however, so this is a reasonable
        solution now and for the forseeable future.
      On a mysterious NoClassDefFoundError:
        During the upgrade to CGLIB 3.0, Spring test cases began failing due to
        NoClassDefFoundErrors being thrown from CGLIB's DebuggingClassWriter
        regarding its use of asm-util's TraceClassVisitor type. previous
        versions of cglib-nodep, particularly 2.2, did not cause this behavior,
        even though cglib-nodep has never actually repackaged and bundled
        asm-util classes. The reason for these NoClassDefFoundErrors occurring
        now is still not fully understood, but appears to be due to subtle JVM
        bytecode preverification rules. The hypothesis is that due to minor
        changes in DebuggingClassWriter such as additional casts, access to
        instance variables declared in the superclass, and indeed a change in
        the superclass hierarchy, preverification may be kicking in on the
        toByteArray method body, at which point the reference to the missing
        TraceClassVisitor type is noticed and the NCDFE is thrown. For this
        reason, a dummy implementation of TraceClassVisitor has been added to
        spring-core in the org.springframework.asm.util package. This class
        simply ensures that Spring's own tests never result in the NCDFE
        described above, and more importantly that Spring's users never
        encounter the same.
      Other changes include:
       - rename package-private Cglib2AopProxy => CglibAopProxy
       - eliminate all 'cglibAvailable' checks, warnings and errors
       - eliminate all 'CGLIB2' language in favor of 'CGLIB'
       - eliminate all mention in reference and java docs of needing to add
         cglib(-nodep) to one's application classpath
      Issue: SPR-9669
    • C
      Remove spring-asm and inline ASM 4 into spring-core · c16f18a5
      Chris Beams 提交于
      ASM 4.0 is generally compatibile with Java 7 classfiles, particularly
      including 'invokedynamic' instructions. This is important when
      considering that Spring's component-scanning support is internally
      ASM-based and it is increasingly likely that component classes having
      invokedynamic instructions may be encountered and read by ASM.
      This upgrade, then, is primarily preventive in nature.
      Changes include:
       - upgrade from ASM 2.2.3 to ASM 4.0
       - adapt to ASM API changes as necessary throughout spring-core,
         resulting in no impact to the public Spring API.
       - remove dedicated spring-asm module
       - use new :spring-core:asmRepackJar task to repackage
         org.objectweb.asm => org.springframework.asm as per usual and write
         repackaged classes directly into spring-core jar
      The choice to eliminate the spring-asm module altogether and instead
      inline the repackaged classes directly into spring-core is first to
      eliminate an otherwise unnecessary second jar. spring-core has a
      non-optional dependency on spring-asm meaning it is always on the
      application classpath. This change simplifies that situation by
      consoliding two jars into one. The second reason for this choice is in
      anticipation of upgrading CGLIB to version 3 and inlining it into
      spring-core as well. See subsequent commit for details.
      Issue: SPR-9669
    • C
      Upgrade JarJar to version 1.3 · 69a39298
      Chris Beams 提交于
      JarJar 1.3 now uses ASM 4 in order to be compatible with Java 7
      'invokedynamic' instructions. This is not an immediate concern for
      the classes that we use JarJar to repackage and transform, but is a
      timely upgrade in anticipation of the subsequent commits in which we
      upgrade Spring's own dependency on ASM from 2.2.3 to 4.0 and Spring's
      dependency on CGLIB from 2.2 to 3.0 (which in turn depends on ASM 4.0).
      See https://code.google.com/p/jarjar/wiki/ChangeLog
      Issue: SPR-9669
  8. 08 8月, 2012 1 次提交
  9. 04 8月, 2012 1 次提交
    • R
      Refactor Servlet 3 async support · 529e6292
      Rossen Stoyanchev 提交于
      As a result of the refactoring, the AsyncContext dispatch mechanism is
      used much more centrally. Effectively every asynchronously processed
      request involves one initial (container) thread, a second thread to
      produce the handler return value asynchronously, and a third thread
      as a result of a dispatch back to the container to resume processing
      of the asynchronous resuilt.
      Other updates include the addition of a MockAsyncContext and support
      of related request method in the test packages of spring-web and
      spring-webmvc. Also an upgrade of a Jetty test dependency required
      to make tests pass.
      Issue: SPR-9433
  10. 03 8月, 2012 1 次提交
  11. 10 7月, 2012 1 次提交
    • R
      Include **/*.aj files in *-sources.jar files · a681e574
      Rob Winch 提交于
      Previously only **/*.java sources files were included in the sources
      jars. This is not ideal for the spring-aspects jar nor does it match
      prior versions of the sources jars.
      Now **/*.aj files are included in addition to the **/*.java files.
      Issue: SPR-9576
  12. 23 6月, 2012 1 次提交
    • R
      Add support for HTTP PATCH method · a0747458
      Rossen Stoyanchev 提交于
      The HTTP PATCH method is now supported whereever HTTP methods are used.
      Annotated controllers can be mapped to RequestMethod.PATCH.
      On the client side the RestTemplate execute(..) and exchange(..)
      methods can be used with HttpMethod.PATCH. In terms of HTTP client
      libraries, Apache HttpComponents HttpClient version 4.2 or later is
      required (see HTTPCLIENT-1191). The JDK HttpURLConnection does not
      support the HTTP PATCH method.
      Issue: SPR-7985
  13. 22 6月, 2012 1 次提交
    • R
      Add abstractions for content negotiation · f05e2bc5
      Rossen Stoyanchev 提交于
      Introduced ContentNeogtiationStrategy for resolving the requested
      media types from an incoming request. The available implementations
      are based on path extension, request parameter, 'Accept' header,
      and a fixed default content type. The logic for these implementations
      is based on equivalent options, previously available only in the
      Also in this commit is ContentNegotiationManager, the central class to
      use when configuring content negotiation options. It accepts one or
      more ContentNeogtiationStrategy instances and delegates to them.
      The ContentNeogiationManager can now be used to configure the
      following classes:
      - RequestMappingHandlerMappingm
      - RequestMappingHandlerAdapter
      - ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver
      - ContentNegotiatingViewResolver
      Issue: SPR-8410, SPR-8417, SPR-8418,SPR-8416, SPR-8419,SPR-7722
  14. 19 6月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Add Gradle task for building zip with dependencies · e5bbec7e
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Some Spring Framework users and teams cannot use transitive dependency
      management tools like Maven, Gradle and Ivy. For them, a `distZip` task
      has been added to allow for creating a Spring Framework distribution
      from source that includes all optional and required runtime
      dependencies for all modules of the framework.
      This 'dist-with-deps' zip is not published to the SpringSource
      repository nor to the SpringSource community download page. It is
      strictly an optional task introduced as a convenience to the users
      mentioned above.
      Detailed instructions for building this zip locally have been added to
      the wiki and the README has been updated with a link to that new doc.
      Issue: SPR-6575
  15. 15 6月, 2012 1 次提交
  16. 13 6月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Require aopalliance dependency for spring-aop · 0e3a1d81
      Chris Beams 提交于
      A recent commit made aopalliance optional for spring-aop, while
      continuing to require it for spring-tx. On review, this is probably
      overly aggressive, and for convenience aopalliance should remain
      required for spring-aop. There are use cases for which aopalliance is
      indeed optional, but core functionality such as <aop:scoped-proxy>
      should never result in a ClassNotFoundException.
      This commit returns the aopalliance dependency for spring-aop to
      required status, and also explicitly notes the same dependency in other
      modules that compile directly against aopalliance types.
      Issue: SPR-9501
  17. 12 6月, 2012 1 次提交
  18. 10 6月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      spring-test module now depends on junit:junit-dep · 369d77bd
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      The junit:junit Maven artifact includes a bundled version of hamcrest
      core. For projects that depend on later versions of hamcrest this causes
      significant issues in terms of dependency management.
      The spring-test module now depends on junit:junit-dep, thus allowing
      developers to better manage their test dependencies on a more fine
      grained level.
      Also tidied up dependency issues regarding hamcrest-core and
      hamcrest-all across the build.
      Issue: SPR-6966
  19. 01 6月, 2012 2 次提交
    • C
      Update dependencies for spring-aspects · b8ff6c1f
      Chris Beams 提交于
       - Explicitly specify compile-time dependencies on other spring-*
         modules, primarily for accuracy in pom generation and ensuring
         minimal dependencies for users of spring-aspects.
       - Remove use of p: namespace from annotation-cache-aspectj.xml to
         avoid parser-related test failures under Eclipse (likely due to
         classpath differences between Gradle and Eclipse).
    • C
      Fix missing spring-instrument jar manifest entry · 706da4f7
      Chris Beams 提交于
      The spring-intstrument jar should have a 'Premain-Class:' manifest
      entry in order to enable use as a Java agent. This entry was present in
      versions 3.1.1 and earlier, but due to build infrastructure changes
      starting in 3.2.x this entry was missed. It is now back in place as
      Issue: SPR-9458
  20. 28 5月, 2012 3 次提交
    • C
      Test pom generation and update optional deps · da2aa3d3
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Gradle-generated poms thoroughly tested against 3.1.1 versions, with an
      eye toward making as many spring-* dependencies optional as possible.
      All spring-* modules now declare a Gradle dependency on any other
      spring-* module where there is a direct compile-time usage of the
      sources in that module. Previously, dependency declarations were
      minimal, letting transitive resolution do most of the work. However,
      this creates less than ideal poms and is generally not very
      So for example, spring-jdbc uses spring-core, spring-beans and
      spring-tx classes directly. Therefore it has the following declarations:
        compile project(":spring-core")
        compile project(":spring-beans")
        compile project(":spring-tx")
      spring-core depends on spring-asm, but spring-jdbc does not use
      spring-asm classes directly. Therefore spring-jdbc does not declare a
      dependency on spring-asm. Transitive resolution is fine in such a case.
      As for optional dependencies, it is a matter of degrees what
      constitutes optional. A rule of thumb is whether there are legitimate
      and likely use cases in which the module can be used without needing
      the dependency. spring-jdbc has only one compile-time dependency on
      spring-context classes, and that's in JndiDataSourceLookup. It is
      certainly reasonable to imagine using spring-jdbc without JNDI,
      therefore the spring-context dependency is declared optional as
        compile(project(":spring-context"), optional) // for JndiDataSourceLookup
    • S
      Improve dependency management for spring-test · 155b88ff
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      In Spring 3.1 the spring-test Maven artifact did not have a required
      dependency on spring-core, but there is practically no part of
      spring-test that can be used without spring-core. Most test utilities
      that are intended to be stand-alone utilities in fact use utility
      classes from spring-core (e.g., ReflectionTestUtils). Even some of the
      web mocks/stubs use spring-core (e.g., DelegatingServletInputStream).
      In addition, the current Gradle build configuration for the spring-test
      module is very simplistic -- in that it does not explicitly list any
      optional dependencies such as the Servlet and Portlet APIs -- and it
      defines a 'compile' dependency on spring-webmvc-portlet.
      The resulting Maven dependencies in the generated POM are therefore not
      what a typical consumer of the spring-test artifact would reasonably
      To address these issues, the Gradle build configuration for the
      spring-test module now explicitly defines the following 'compile'
       - spring-core
       - spring-webmvc, optional
       - spring-webmvc-portlet, optional
       - junit, optional
       - testng, optional
       - servlet-api, optional
       - jsp-api, optional
       - portlet-api, optional
       - activation, provided
      The only required dependency is now spring-core; all other dependencies
      are 'optional'.
      Issue: SPR-8861
    • J
      Add initial support for JCache-compliant providers · 83fa8e12
      Juergen Hoeller 提交于
      Issue: SPR-8774
  21. 17 5月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      Fix JibxMarshallerTests failing on Windows · 51ae6845
      Stevo Slavic 提交于
      Before this change JibxMarshallerTests would fail on Windows with an
      error message explaining that JiBX compiler generated classes are not
      found on the classpath for binding with name 'binding'. Tests would
      execute well on Linux and OS X.
      Actual root cause of this bug is found to be in JiBX 1.1.5 release that
      is used to build Spring. The binding name can be explicitly specified in
      JiBX binding file. If omitted, when generating classes the JiBX compiler
      as fall-back mechanism tries to derive the binding name from the binding
      file name. That logic had a bug which gets manifested when configured
      binding file path has mixed Windows and *nix style file separators, as
      in case of JibxMarshallerTests being executed on a Windows platform.
      This commit resolves this issue by upgrading Spring's build from JiBX
      1.1.5 to 1.2.3, as the bug mentioned was fixed in JiBX 1.2. See JIBX-441
      for more details.
      Issue: SPR-8360
  22. 16 5月, 2012 1 次提交
  23. 12 5月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      Upgrade to TestNG 6.5.2 · 75578d4e
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      The Spring TestContext Framework (TCF) currently builds against TestNG
      5.10. Thus in order to ensure that the TCF builds against the latest
      release of TestNG without issues and in order to investigate the
      possibility of integrating with newer TestNG features, we are upgrading to
      version 6.5.2.
      Note, however, that the Gradle build currently does not execute any TestNG
      tests; this will be addressed in SPR-9398.
      Issue: SPR-8221
  24. 11 5月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      Upgrade to JUnit 4.10 · e8392f83
      Sam Brannen 提交于
      Spring currently builds against JUnit 4.9; however, in order to ensure
      that the Spring TestContext Framework builds and runs against JUnit 4.10
      without issues and in order to investigate the possibility of integrating
      with newer JUnit features, we are upgrading to JUnit 4.10.
      Issue: SPR-9277
  25. 10 5月, 2012 1 次提交
    • R
      Add Jackson 2 HttpMessageConverter and View · e63ca04f
      Rossen Stoyanchev 提交于
      Jackson 2 uses completely new package names and new maven artifact ids.
      This change adds Jackson 2 as an optional dependency and also provides
      MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter and MappingJackson2JsonView for use
      with the new version.
      The MVC namespace and the MVC Java config detect and use
      MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter if Jackson 2 is present.
      Otherwise if Jackson 1.x is present,
      then MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter is used.
      Issue: SPR-9302
  26. 21 4月, 2012 1 次提交
  27. 17 4月, 2012 2 次提交
    • C
      Upgrade slf4j-api and -log4j12 dependencies to 1.6.1 · fdded076
      Chris Beams 提交于
      Previously depending on 1.5.10 in certain locations, which caused
      NoClassDefFoundErrors in EhCacheCacheTests and other tests due to
      mismatches between slf4j -api and -log4j12 versions.
      With the exception of one transitive dependency via Hibernate 3.3.1.GA,
      all slf4j dependencies are now pegged at 1.6.1 (and all tests pass).
    • R
      Fix transitive dependency issue with slf4j-api · 6d5a630c
      Rossen Stoyanchev 提交于
      Before this change, IDE settings generated via import-into-eclipse.sh
      created a classpath dependency on slf4j-api version 1.6.1 and
      slf4j-log4j12 version 1.5.10. As a result running tests inside the IDE
      resulted in a NoSuchMethodException.
      build.gradle sets the variable slf4jLog4jVersion to '1.5.10'. However,
      the hibernate-validator dependency in spring-context pulls in
      slf4j-api version 1.6.1. The change ensures the version specified in
      the build script variable is used consistently. Whether it should be
      1.5.10 or 1.6.1 is a separate concern.
  28. 15 4月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Upgrade AspectJ from 1.6.8 to 1.6.12 · 0ab9e9a0
      Chris Beams 提交于
       - Spring remains compatible against AJ version 1.6.8, but is now
         compiling and testing against 1.6.12
       - Encountered what appears to be an AJ bug introduced in 1.6.10: an
         assertion in org.aspectj.weaver.UnresolvedType causes a false
         negative failure when encountering org.springframework.io.Resource
         arrays, e.g. "[org.springframework.io.Resource@xxx". This problem
         has been reported to the AJ team and in the meantime, the recommended
         workaround is to disable assertions either completely, or at least
         selectively with
      Issue: SPR-7989, SPR-9272
  29. 14 4月, 2012 1 次提交
  30. 23 2月, 2012 2 次提交
  31. 09 2月, 2012 1 次提交
  32. 08 2月, 2012 1 次提交
    • C
      Resolve build script plugins via http vs https · 27b8c5d7
      Chris Beams 提交于
      The build script should work against http anyway; use of https here was
      an oversight. Changing it now is in response to the following build
      failure experienced by a user on his initial attempt to build from
      source (with --info output):
        09:02:09.437 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] Caused
        by: javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not authenticated
        Cause: Could not GET
      The actual cause is unknown at this time, but worth noting that upon
      switching the url to http, the following log message was issued:
        Forcing close on abandoned resource: Http GET Resource: