提交 f56000b8 编写于 作者: S Sebastien Deleuze

Replace http by https for spring.io links in the reference documentation

上级 29cb7808
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ This document is a reference guide to Spring Framework features. If you have any
requests, comments, or questions on this document, please post them on the
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/spring-framework-contrib[user mailing
list]. Questions on the Framework itself should be asked on StackOverflow
(see http://spring.io/questions[]).
(see https://spring.io/questions[]).
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ embraced.
If you are just getting started with Spring, you may want to begin with the lighter
https://spring.io/guides["Getting Started"] guides that are available from
http://spring.io. As well as being easier to digest, these guide are very
https://spring.io. As well as being easier to digest, these guide are very
__task focused__. They also cover other projects from the Spring portfolio that you might
want to consider when solving a particular problem.
......@@ -779,8 +779,8 @@ is available on the https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/wiki[Spr
=== Improved Getting Started Experience
The new http://spring.io[spring.io] website provides a whole series of
http://spring.io/guides["Getting Started"] guides to help you learn Spring. You
The new https://spring.io[spring.io] website provides a whole series of
https://spring.io/guides["Getting Started"] guides to help you learn Spring. You
can read more about the guides in the <<overview-getting-started-with-spring>> section
in this document. The new website also provides a comprehensive overview of the many
additional projects that are released under the Spring umbrella.
......@@ -7758,9 +7758,9 @@ datasource from JNDI when in QA or production
performance environment
* registering customized implementations of beans for customer A vs. customer B deployments
Find out more about http://spring.io/blog/2011/02/11/spring-framework-3-1-m1-released/[Environment,
Find out more about https://spring.io/blog/2011/02/11/spring-framework-3-1-m1-released/[Environment,
XML Profiles] and the
http://spring.io/blog/2011/02/14/spring-3-1-m1-introducing-profile/[@Profile annotation].
https://spring.io/blog/2011/02/14/spring-3-1-m1-introducing-profile/[@Profile annotation].
......@@ -7770,7 +7770,7 @@ Spring's <<beans-definition-profiles,Environment abstraction>> provides search o
over a configurable hierarchy of property sources.
You can find out more about
Property Management], the
{javadoc-baseurl}/org/springframework/core/env/PropertySource.html[`PropertySource` class]
and the {javadoc-baseurl}/org/springframework/context/annotation/PropertySource.html[`@PropertySource`
......@@ -25849,7 +25849,7 @@ For more comprehensive ORM support, including support for alternative database
technologies such as MongoDB, you might want to check out the
http://projects.spring.io/spring-data/[Spring Data] suite of projects. If you are
a JPA user, the https://spring.io/guides/gs/accessing-data-jpa/[Getting Started Accessing
Data with JPA] guide from http://spring.io provides a great introduction.
Data with JPA] guide from https://spring.io provides a great introduction.
......@@ -30194,7 +30194,7 @@ produced result.
Explaining the motivation for async request processing and when or why to use it are
beyond the scope of this document. For further information you may wish to read
blog post series].
......@@ -35303,7 +35303,7 @@ cookies or other HTTP headers. The feed will automatically be written to the res
object after the method returns.
For an example of creating an Atom view please refer to Alef Arendsen's Spring Team Blog
......@@ -37219,7 +37219,7 @@ few minutes to appear.
Even in cases where latency is crucial, if the volume of messages is
relatively low (e.g. monitoring network failures) the use of
http://spring.io/blog/2012/05/08/spring-mvc-3-2-preview-techniques-for-real-time-updates[long polling]
https://spring.io/blog/2012/05/08/spring-mvc-3-2-preview-techniques-for-real-time-updates[long polling]
should be considered as a relatively simple alternative that
works reliably and is comparable by efficiency (again assuming the volume of
messages is relatively low).
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