提交 e76973c5 编写于 作者: R Rossen Stoyanchev

[docs] Update view-related content

1. The View Technologies chapter in Spring MVC
2. The View Resolution and View Resolver config in WebFlux

Issue: SPR-16393
上级 8d428884
......@@ -691,34 +691,47 @@ the order.
View resolution enables rendering to a browser with an HTML template and a model without
tying you to a specific view technology. In Spring WebFlux, view resolution is
supported through the `ViewResolutionResultHandler` that relies on a list of
``ViewResolver``'s to map a String-based view name to a `View` to render the response
with. The <<webflux-config-view-resolvers,WebFlux Config>> can be used to configure the
view resolvers to use.
supported through a dedicated <<webflux-resulthandling,HandlerResultHandler>> that uses
``ViewResolver``'s to map a String, representing a logical view name, to a `View`
instance. The `View` is then used to render the response.
==== Handling
[.small]#<<web.adoc#mvc-handling,Same in Spring MVC>>#
The `HandlerResult` passed into `ViewResolutionResultHandler` contains the return value
along with a map of attributes (i.e. the model) from the handler. The return value is
then processed as one of the following:
from the handler, and also the model that contains attributes added during request
handling. The return value is processed as one of the following:
* `String`, `CharSequence` -- a logical view name to be resolved to a `View` through
the list of configured ``ViewResolver``'s.
* `void` or no value (e.g. model attribute returned) -- select default view name based on
the request path minus the leading and trailing slash, and the resolved to a `View`.
* `Model`, `Map` -- attributes to be added to the model.
* `void` -- select a default view name based on the request path minus the leading and
trailing slash, and resolve it to a `View`. The same also happens when a view name
was not provided, e.g. model attribute was returned, or an async return value, e.g.
`Mono` completed empty.
* {api-spring-framework}/web/reactive/result/view/Rendering.html[Rendering] -- API for
view resolution scenarios; easiest to explore the options with code completion.
* Other -- attribute to be added to the model; the name of the attribute is derived using
Class name conventions, or from a handler method `@ModelAttribute` annotation if present.
view resolution scenarios; explore the options in your IDE with code completion.
* `Model`, `Map` -- extra model attributes to be added to the model for the request.
* Any other -- any other return value (except for simple types, as determined by
is treated as a model attribute to be added to the model. The attribute name is derived
from the Class name, using {api-spring-framework}/core/Conventions.html[Conventions],
unless a handler method `@ModelAttribute` annotation is present.
The model can contain asynchronous, reactive types (e.g. from Reactor, RxJava). Prior
to rendering, `AbstractView` resolves such model attributes into their concrete values
to rendering, `AbstractView` resolves such model attributes into concrete values
and updates the model. Single-value reactive types are resolved to a single
value, or no value (if empty) while multi-value reactive types, e.g. `Flux<T>` are
collected and resolved to `List<T>`.
To configure view resolution is as simple as adding a `ViewResolutionResultHandler` bean
to your Spring configuration. <<webflux-config-view-resolvers,WebFlux Config>> provides a
dedicated configuration API for view resolution.
==== Redirect
==== Redirecting
[.small]#<<web.adoc#mvc-redirecting-redirect-prefix,Same in Spring MVC>>#
The special `redirect:` prefix in a view name allows you to perform a redirect. The
......@@ -2410,7 +2423,9 @@ To configure view resolution:
Note that FreeMarker also requires configuration of the underlying view technology:
The `ViewResolverRegistry` has shortcuts for view technologies that the Spring Framework
integrates with. Here is an example with FreeMarker which also requires configuring the
underlying FreeMarker view technology:
......@@ -2419,7 +2434,13 @@ Note that FreeMarker also requires configuration of the underlying view technolo
public class WebConfig implements WebFluxConfigurer {
// ...
public void configureViewResolvers(ViewResolverRegistry registry) {
// Configure Freemarker...
public FreeMarkerConfigurer freeMarkerConfigurer() {
......@@ -2427,12 +2448,55 @@ Note that FreeMarker also requires configuration of the underlying view technolo
return configurer;
You can also plug in any `ViewResolver` implementation:
public class WebConfig implements WebFluxConfigurer {
public void configureViewResolvers(ViewResolverRegistry registry) {
ViewResolver resolver = ... ;
To support <<webflux-multiple-representations>> and rendering other formats
through view resolution, besides HTML, you can configure one or more default views based
on the `HttpMessageWriterView` implementation which accepts any of the available
<<webflux-codecs>> from `spring-web`:
public class WebConfig implements WebFluxConfigurer {
public void configureViewResolvers(ViewResolverRegistry registry) {
Jackson2JsonEncoder encoder = new Jackson2JsonEncoder();
registry.defaultViews(new HttpMessageWriterView(encoder));
// ...
=== Static resources
[.small]#<<web.adoc#mvc-config-static-resources,Same in Spring MVC>>#
......@@ -7,13 +7,10 @@
== Introduction
One of the areas in which Spring excels is in the separation of view technologies from
the rest of the MVC framework. For example, deciding to use Groovy Markup Templates
or Thymeleaf in place of an existing JSP is primarily a matter of configuration.
This chapter covers the major view technologies that work with Spring and touches
briefly on how to add new ones. This chapter assumes you are already familiar with
<<mvc-viewresolver>> which covers the basics of how views in general are coupled
to the MVC framework.
The use of view technologies in Spring MVC is pluggable, whether you decide to
use Thymeleaf, Groovy Markup Templates, JSPs, or other, is primarily a matter of a
configuration change. This chapter covers view technologies integrated with Spring MVC.
We assume you are already familiar with <<mvc-viewresolver>>.
......@@ -21,14 +18,18 @@ to the MVC framework.
== Thymeleaf
http://www.thymeleaf.org/[Thymeleaf] is a good example of a view technology fitting
perfectly in the MVC framework. Support for this integration is not provided by
the Spring team but by the Thymeleaf team itself.
Thymeleaf is modern server-side Java template engine that emphasizes natural HTML
templates that can be previewed in a browser by double-clicking, which is very
helpful for independent work on UI templates, e.g. by designer, without the need for a
running server. If you're looking to replace JSPs, Thymeleaf offers one of the most
extensive set of features that will make such a transition easier. Thymeleaf is actively
developed and maintained. For a more complete introduction see the
http://www.thymeleaf.org/[Thymeleaf] project home page.
Configuring Thymeleaf for Spring usually requires a few beans defined, like a
`ServletContextTemplateResolver`, a `SpringTemplateEngine` and a `ThymeleafViewResolver`.
Please refer to the http://www.thymeleaf.org/documentation.html[Thymeleaf+Spring]
documentation section for more details.
The Thymeleaf integration with Spring MVC is managed by the Thymeleaf project. The
configuration involves a few bean declarations such as
`ServletContextTemplateResolver`, `SpringTemplateEngine`, and `ThymeleafViewResolver`.
See http://www.thymeleaf.org/documentation.html[Thymeleaf+Spring] for more details.
......@@ -36,19 +37,22 @@ documentation section for more details.
== Groovy Markup
The http://groovy-lang.org/templating.html#_the_markuptemplateengine[Groovy Markup Template Engine]
is another view technology, supported by Spring. This template engine is a template engine primarily
aimed at generating XML-like markup (XML, XHTML, HTML5, ...​), but that can be used to generate any
text based content.
http://groovy-lang.org/templating.html#_the_markuptemplateengine[Groovy Markup Template Engine]
is primarily aimed at generating XML-like markup (XML, XHTML, HTML5, etc) but that can
be used to generate any text based content. The Spring Framework has a built-in
integration for using Spring MVC with Groovy Markup.
This requires Groovy 2.3.1+ on the classpath.
The Groovy Markup Tempalte engine requires Groovy 2.3.1+.
=== Configuration
Configuring the Groovy Markup Template Engine is quite easy:
To configure the Groovy Markup Template Engine:
......@@ -62,6 +66,8 @@ Configuring the Groovy Markup Template Engine is quite easy:
// Configure the Groovy Markup Template Engine...
public GroovyMarkupConfigurer groovyMarkupConfigurer() {
GroovyMarkupConfigurer configurer = new GroovyMarkupConfigurer();
......@@ -71,7 +77,7 @@ Configuring the Groovy Markup Template Engine is quite easy:
The XML counterpart using the MVC namespace is:
To configure the same in XML:
......@@ -82,6 +88,7 @@ The XML counterpart using the MVC namespace is:
<!-- Configure the Groovy Markup Template Engine... -->
<mvc:groovy-configurer resource-loader-path="/WEB-INF/"/>
......@@ -90,8 +97,8 @@ The XML counterpart using the MVC namespace is:
=== Example
Unlike traditional template engines, this one relies on a DSL that uses the builder syntax.
Here is a sample template for an HTML page:
Unlike traditional template engines, Groovy Markup relies on a DSL that uses a builder
syntax. Here is a sample template for an HTML page:
......@@ -114,54 +121,68 @@ Here is a sample template for an HTML page:
== FreeMarker
http://www.freemarker.org[FreeMarker] is a templating language that can be used as a
view technology within Spring MVC applications. For details on the template language,
see the http://www.freemarker.org[FreeMarker] web site.
http://www.freemarker.org[Apache FreeMarker] is a template engine for generating any
kind of text output from HTML to email, and others. The Spring Framework has a built-in
integration for using Spring MVC with FreeMarker templates.
=== Dependencies
=== Context configuration
Your web application will need to include `freemarker-2.x.jar` in order to work with
FreeMarker. Typically this is included in the `WEB-INF/lib` folder where the jars are
guaranteed to be found by a Java EE server and added to the classpath for your
application. It is of course assumed that you already have the `spring-webmvc.jar` in
your `'WEB-INF/lib'` directory too!
To configure FreeMarker as a view technology:
public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public void configureViewResolvers(ViewResolverRegistry registry) {
=== Context configuration
// Configure FreeMarker...
public FreeMarkerConfigurer freeMarkerConfigurer() {
FreeMarkerConfigurer configurer = new FreeMarkerConfigurer();
return configurer;
To configure the same in XML:
A suitable configuration is initialized by adding the relevant configurer bean
definition to your `'{asterisk}-servlet.xml'` as shown below:
<!-- Configure FreeMarker... -->
<mvc:template-loader-path location="/WEB-INF/freemarker"/>
Or you can also declare the `FreeMarkerConfigurer` bean for full control over all
<!-- freemarker config -->
<bean id="freemarkerConfig" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerConfigurer">
<property name="templateLoaderPath" value="/WEB-INF/freemarker/"/>
View resolvers can also be configured with ResourceBundles or XML files. If you need
different view resolving based on Locale, you have to use the resource bundle resolver.
<bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerViewResolver">
<property name="cache" value="true"/>
<property name="prefix" value=""/>
<property name="suffix" value=".ftl"/>
For non web-apps add a `FreeMarkerConfigurationFactoryBean` to your application context
definition file.
......@@ -169,9 +190,8 @@ definition file.
Your templates need to be stored in the directory specified by the `FreeMarkerConfigurer`
shown above. If you use the view resolvers highlighted, then the logical view names
relate to the template file names in similar fashion to `InternalResourceViewResolver`
for JSP's. So if your controller returns a ModelAndView object containing a view name of
"welcome" then the resolver will look for the `/WEB-INF/freemarker/welcome.ftl` template.
relate to the template file names. So if your controller returns the view name "welcome"
then the resolver will look for the `/WEB-INF/freemarker/welcome.ftl` template.
......@@ -206,7 +226,7 @@ the `Configuration` object.
=== Form handling
Spring provides a tag library for use in JSP's that contains (amongst other things) a
Spring provides a tag library for use in JSP's that contains, amongst others, a
`<spring:bind/>` tag. This tag primarily enables forms to display values from form
backing objects and to show the results of failed validations from a `Validator` in the
web or business tier. Spring also has support for the same functionality in FreeMarker,
......@@ -525,31 +545,19 @@ In similar fashion, HTML escaping can be specified per field:
Spring provides a couple of out-of-the-box solutions for JSP and JSTL views. Using JSP
or JSTL is done using a normal view resolver defined in the `WebApplicationContext`.
Furthermore, of course you need to write some JSPs that will actually render the view.
Setting up your application to use JSTL is a common source of error, mainly caused by
confusion over the different servlet spec., JSP and JSTL version numbers, what they mean
and how to declare the taglibs correctly. The article
to Reference and Use JSTL in your Web Application] provides a useful guide to the common
pitfalls and how to avoid them. Note that as of Spring 3.0, the minimum supported
servlet version is 2.4 (JSP 2.0 and JSTL 1.1), which reduces the scope for confusion
The Spring Framework has a built-in integration for using Spring MVC with JSP and JSTL.
=== View resolvers
Just as with any other view technology you're integrating with Spring, for JSPs you'll
need a view resolver that will resolve your views. The most commonly used view resolvers
when developing with JSPs are the `InternalResourceViewResolver` and the
`ResourceBundleViewResolver`. Both are declared in the `WebApplicationContext`:
When developing with JSPs you can declare a `InternalResourceViewResolver` or a
`ResourceBundleViewResolver` bean.
`ResourceBundleViewResolver` relies on a properties file to define the view names
mapped to a class and a URL. With a `ResourceBundleViewResolver` you
can mix different types of views using only one resolver. Here is an example:
......@@ -567,9 +575,9 @@ when developing with JSPs are the `InternalResourceViewResolver` and the
As you can see, the `ResourceBundleViewResolver` needs a properties file defining the
view names mapped to 1) a class and 2) a URL. With a `ResourceBundleViewResolver` you
can mix different types of views using only one resolver.
`InternalResourceBundleViewResolver` can also be used for JSPs. As a best practice, we
strongly encourage placing your JSP files in a directory under the `'WEB-INF'`
directory so there can be no direct access by clients.
......@@ -581,10 +589,6 @@ can mix different types of views using only one resolver.
The `InternalResourceBundleViewResolver` can be configured for using JSPs as described
above. As a best practice, we strongly encourage placing your JSP files in a directory
under the `'WEB-INF'` directory, so there can be no direct access by clients.
......@@ -1375,12 +1379,10 @@ is the default type.
== Script views
It is possible to integrate any templating library running on top of a JSR-223
script engine in web applications using Spring. The following describes in a
broad way how to do this. The script engine must implement both `ScriptEngine`
and `Invocable` interfaces.
It has been tested with:
The Spring Framework has a built-in integration for using Spring MVC with any
templating library that can runs on top of the https://www.jcp
.org/en/jsr/detail?id=223[JSR-223] Java scripting engine. Below is a list of
templating libraries we've tested on different script engines:
* http://handlebarsjs.com/[Handlebars] running on http://openjdk.java.net/projects/nashorn/[Nashorn]
* https://mustache.github.io/[Mustache] running on http://openjdk.java.net/projects/nashorn/[Nashorn]
......@@ -1389,26 +1391,26 @@ It has been tested with:
* http://www.stuartellis.eu/articles/erb/[ERB] running on http://jruby.org[JRuby]
* https://docs.python.org/2/library/string.html#template-strings[String templates] running on http://www.jython.org/[Jython]
The basic rule for a script engine is that it must implement the `ScriptEngine` and
`Invocable` interfaces.
=== Requirements
To be able to use script templates integration, you need to have available in your classpath
the script engine:
You need to have the script engine on your classpath:
* http://openjdk.java.net/projects/nashorn/[Nashorn] Javascript engine is provided builtin with Java 8+.
Using the latest update release available is highly recommended.
* http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/scripting/programmer_guide/#jsengine[Rhino]
Javascript engine is provided builtin with Java 6 and Java 7.
Please notice that using Rhino is not recommended since it does not
support running most template engines.
* http://jruby.org[JRuby] dependency should be added in order to get Ruby support.
* http://www.jython.org[Jython] dependency should be added in order to get Python support.
* http://openjdk.java.net/projects/nashorn/[Nashorn] JavaScript engine is provided with
Java 8+. Using the latest update release available is highly recommended.
* http://jruby.org[JRuby] should be added as a dependency for Ruby support.
* http://www.jython.org[Jython] should be added as a dependency for Python support.
You should also need to add dependencies for your script based template engine. For example,
for Javascript you can use http://www.webjars.org/[WebJars] to add Maven/Gradle dependencies
in order to make your javascript libraries available in the classpath.
You need to have the script templating library. One way to do that for Javascript is
through http://www.webjars.org/[WebJars].
......@@ -1417,11 +1419,11 @@ in order to make your javascript libraries available in the classpath.
To be able to use script templates, you have to configure it in order to specify various parameters
like the script engine to use, the script files to load and what function should be called to
render the templates. This is done thanks to a `ScriptTemplateConfigurer` bean and optional script
render the templates. This is done thanks to a
For example, in order to render Mustache templates thanks to the Nashorn Javascript engine
provided with Java 8+, you should declare the following configuration:
Declare a `ScriptTemplateConfigurer` bean in order to specify the script engine to use,
the script files to load, what function to call to render templates, and so on.
Below is an exmaple with Mustache templates and the Nashorn JavaScript engine:
......@@ -1447,7 +1449,7 @@ provided with Java 8+, you should declare the following configuration:
The XML counterpart using MVC namespace is:
The same in XML:
......@@ -1463,7 +1465,7 @@ The XML counterpart using MVC namespace is:
The controller is exactly what you should expect:
The controller would look no different:
......@@ -1471,12 +1473,11 @@ The controller is exactly what you should expect:
public class SampleController {
public ModelAndView test() {
ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView();
mav.addObject("title", "Sample title").addObject("body", "Sample body");
return mav;
public String test(Model model) {
model.addObject("title", "Sample title");
model.addObject("body", "Sample body");
return "template";
......@@ -562,23 +562,30 @@ This table below provides more details on the `ViewResolver` hierarchy:
request file name or `Accept` header. See <<mvc-multiple-representations>>.
You chain view resolvers by configuring more than one resolver and, if necessary, by
==== Handling
[.small]#<<web-reactive.adoc#webflux-viewresolution-handling,Same in Spring WebFlux>>#
You chain view resolvers by declaring more than one resolver beans and, if necessary, by
setting the `order` property to specify ordering. Remember, the higher the order property,
the later the view resolver is positioned in the chain.
The contract of a view resolver specifies that a view resolver __can__ return null to
indicate the view could not be found. However in the case of JSPs, and
`InternalResourceViewResolver`, the only way to figure out if a JSP exists is to
perform a dispatch through `RequestDispatcher`. There an `InternalResourceViewResolver`
must always be configured last in the order.
The contract of a `ViewResolver` specifies that it __can__ return null to indicate the
view could not be found. However in the case of JSPs, and `InternalResourceViewResolver`,
the only way to figure out if a JSP exists is to perform a dispatch through
`RequestDispatcher`. Therefore an `InternalResourceViewResolver` must always be configured
to be last in the overal order of view resolvers.
See <<mvc-config-view-resolvers>> and <<mvc-config-view-controller,View Controllers>>
under <<mvc-config>> for details on how to configure view resolution. Also see
<<mvc-view>> for more details on supported view technologies.
To configure view resolution is as simple as adding a `ViewResolver` beans to your Spring
configuration. The <<mvc-config>> provides provides a dedicated configuration API for
<<mvc-config-view-resolvers>> and also for adding logic-less
<<mvc-config-view-controller,View Controllers>> which are useful for HTML template
rendering without controller logic.
==== Redirect
==== Redirecting
[.small]#<<web-reactive.adoc#webflux-redirecting-redirect-prefix,Same in Spring WebFlux>>#
The special `redirect:` prefix in a view name allows you to perform a redirect. The
......@@ -596,7 +603,7 @@ value takes precedence over the response status set by `RedirectView`.
==== Forward
==== Forwarding
It is also possible to use a special `forward:` prefix for view names that are
ultimately resolved by `UrlBasedViewResolver` and subclasses. This creates an
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