提交 d9f5a7a6 编写于 作者: K Keith Donald

custom converters

上级 0ef0ff60
* Copyright 2004-2009 the original author or authors.
* Copyright 2004-2008 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import org.springframework.util.Assert;
* Base implementation of a conversion service. Initially empty, e.g. no converters are registered by default.
* TODO custom converters TODO handle case where no Converter/SuperConverter generic param info is available
* TODO auto-conversion of generic collection elements
* @author Keith Donald
......@@ -54,11 +54,17 @@ public class GenericConversionService implements ConversionService {
private final Map sourceClassConverters = new HashMap();
* An indexed map of Converters. Each Map.Entry key is a source class (S) that can be converted from. Each Map.Entry
* value is a Map that defines the targetClass-to-Converter mappings for that source.
* An indexed map of SuperConverters. Each Map.Entry key is a source class (S) that can be converted from. Each
* Map.Entry value is a Map that defines the targetClass-to-SuperConverter mappings for that source.
private final Map sourceClassSuperConverters = new HashMap();
* A map of custom converters. Custom converters are assigned a unique identifier that can be used to lookup the
* converter. This allows multiple converters for the same source->target class to be registered.
private final Map customConverters = new HashMap();
* Indexes classes by well-known aliases.
......@@ -88,7 +94,7 @@ public class GenericConversionService implements ConversionService {
* @param converter the converter to register
public void addConverter(Converter converter) {
List typeInfo = getTypeInfo(converter);
List typeInfo = getRequiredTypeInfo(converter);
Class sourceClass = (Class) typeInfo.get(0);
Class targetClass = (Class) typeInfo.get(1);
// index forward
......@@ -104,7 +110,7 @@ public class GenericConversionService implements ConversionService {
* @param converter the super converter to register
public void addConverter(SuperConverter converter) {
List typeInfo = getTypeInfo(converter);
List typeInfo = getRequiredTypeInfo(converter);
Class sourceClass = (Class) typeInfo.get(0);
Class targetClass = (Class) typeInfo.get(1);
// index forward
......@@ -117,6 +123,31 @@ public class GenericConversionService implements ConversionService {
* Register the converter as a custom converter with this conversion service.
* @param id the id to assign the converter
* @param converter the converter to use a custom converter
public void addConverter(String id, Converter converter) {
customConverters.put(id, converter);
* Adapts a {@link SuperTwoWayConverter} that converts between BS and BT class hierarchies to a {@link Converter}
* that converts between the specific BS/BT sub types S and T.
* TODO - I think this is going to force indexing on a getSourceClass/getTargetclass prop instead generic args
* @param sourceClass the source class S to convert from, which must be equal or extend BS
* @param targetClass the target type T to convert to, which must equal or extend BT
* @param converter the super two way converter
* @return a converter that converts from S to T by delegating to the super converter
public static <S, T> Converter<S, T> converterFor(Class<S> sourceClass, Class<T> targetClass,
SuperTwoWayConverter converter) {
return new SuperTwoWayConverterConverter<S, T>(converter, sourceClass, targetClass);
* Add a convenient alias for the target type. {@link #getClassForAlias(String)} can then be used to lookup the type
* given the alias.
......@@ -126,16 +157,16 @@ public class GenericConversionService implements ConversionService {
aliasMap.put(alias, targetType);
// implementing ConversionService
public Object executeConversion(Object source, Class targetClass) throws ConversionExecutorNotFoundException,
ConversionException {
ConversionExecutor conversionExecutor = getConversionExecutor(source.getClass(), targetClass);
return conversionExecutor.execute(source);
return getConversionExecutor(source.getClass(), targetClass).execute(source);
public Object executeConversion(String converterId, Object source, Class targetClass)
throws ConversionExecutorNotFoundException, ConversionException {
ConversionExecutor conversionExecutor = getConversionExecutor(converterId, source.getClass(), targetClass);
return conversionExecutor.execute(source);
return getConversionExecutor(converterId, source.getClass(), targetClass).execute(source);
public ConversionExecutor getConversionExecutor(Class sourceClass, Class targetClass)
......@@ -188,9 +219,156 @@ public class GenericConversionService implements ConversionService {
public ConversionExecutor getConversionExecutor(String converterId, Class sourceClass, Class targetClass)
public ConversionExecutor getConversionExecutor(String id, Class sourceClass, Class targetClass)
throws ConversionExecutorNotFoundException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not yet implemented");
Assert.hasText(id, "The id of the custom converter is required");
Assert.notNull(sourceClass, "The source class to convert from is required");
Assert.notNull(targetClass, "The target class to convert to is required");
Converter converter = (Converter) customConverters.get(id);
if (converter == null) {
if (parent != null) {
return parent.getConversionExecutor(id, sourceClass, targetClass);
} else {
throw new ConversionExecutorNotFoundException(sourceClass, targetClass,
"No custom Converter found with id '" + id + "' for converting from sourceClass ["
+ sourceClass.getName() + "] to targetClass [" + targetClass.getName() + "]");
sourceClass = convertToWrapperClassIfNecessary(sourceClass);
targetClass = convertToWrapperClassIfNecessary(targetClass);
// TODO Not optimal getting this each time
List typeInfo = getRequiredTypeInfo(converter);
Class converterSourceClass = (Class) typeInfo.get(0);
Class converterTargetClass = (Class) typeInfo.get(1);
if (sourceClass.isArray()) {
Class sourceComponentType = sourceClass.getComponentType();
if (targetClass.isArray()) {
Class targetComponentType = targetClass.getComponentType();
if (converterSourceClass.isAssignableFrom(sourceComponentType)) {
if (!converterTargetClass.equals(targetComponentType)) {
throw new ConversionExecutorNotFoundException(sourceClass, targetClass,
"Custom Converter with id '" + id
+ "' cannot convert from an array storing elements of type ["
+ sourceComponentType.getName() + "] to an array of storing elements of type ["
+ targetComponentType.getName() + "]");
ConversionExecutor elementConverter = new StaticConversionExecutor(sourceComponentType,
targetComponentType, converter);
return new StaticSuperConversionExecutor(sourceClass, targetClass, new ArrayToArray(
} else if (converterTargetClass.isAssignableFrom(sourceComponentType)) {
if (!converterSourceClass.equals(targetComponentType)) {
throw new ConversionExecutorNotFoundException(sourceClass, targetClass,
"Custom Converter with id '" + id
+ "' cannot convert from an array storing elements of type ["
+ sourceComponentType.getName() + "] to an array of storing elements of type ["
+ targetComponentType.getName() + "]");
ConversionExecutor elementConverter = new StaticConversionExecutor(sourceComponentType,
targetComponentType, new ReverseConverter(converter));
return new StaticSuperConversionExecutor(sourceClass, targetClass, new ArrayToArray(
} else {
throw new ConversionExecutorNotFoundException(sourceClass, targetClass,
"Custom Converter with id '" + id
+ "' cannot convert from an array storing elements of type ["
+ sourceComponentType.getName() + "] to an array storing elements of type ["
+ targetComponentType.getName() + "]");
} else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(targetClass)) {
if (!targetClass.isInterface() && Modifier.isAbstract(targetClass.getModifiers())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Conversion target class [" + targetClass.getName()
+ "] is invalid; cannot convert to abstract collection types--"
+ "request an interface or concrete implementation instead");
if (converterSourceClass.isAssignableFrom(sourceComponentType)) {
// type erasure has prevented us from getting the concrete type, this is best we can do for now
ConversionExecutor elementConverter = new StaticConversionExecutor(sourceComponentType,
converterTargetClass, converter);
return new StaticSuperConversionExecutor(sourceClass, targetClass, new ArrayToCollection(
} else if (converterTargetClass.isAssignableFrom(sourceComponentType)) {
ConversionExecutor elementConverter = new StaticConversionExecutor(sourceComponentType,
converterSourceClass, new ReverseConverter(converter));
return new StaticSuperConversionExecutor(sourceClass, targetClass, new ArrayToCollection(
} else {
throw new ConversionExecutorNotFoundException(sourceClass, targetClass,
"Custom Converter with id '" + id
+ "' cannot convert from array an storing elements type ["
+ sourceComponentType.getName() + "] to a collection of type ["
+ targetClass.getName() + "]");
if (targetClass.isArray()) {
Class targetComponentType = targetClass.getComponentType();
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(sourceClass)) {
// type erasure limits us here as well
if (converterTargetClass.equals(targetComponentType)) {
ConversionExecutor elementConverter = new StaticConversionExecutor(converterSourceClass,
targetComponentType, converter);
SuperConverter collectionToArray = new ReverseSuperConverter(
new ArrayToCollection(elementConverter));
return new StaticSuperConversionExecutor(sourceClass, targetClass, collectionToArray);
} else if (converterSourceClass.equals(targetComponentType)) {
ConversionExecutor elementConverter = new StaticConversionExecutor(converterTargetClass,
targetComponentType, new ReverseConverter(converter));
SuperConverter collectionToArray = new ReverseSuperConverter(
new ArrayToCollection(elementConverter));
return new StaticSuperConversionExecutor(sourceClass, targetClass, collectionToArray);
} else {
throw new ConversionExecutorNotFoundException(sourceClass, targetClass,
"Custom Converter with id '" + id + "' cannot convert from collection of type ["
+ sourceClass.getName() + "] to an array storing elements of type ["
+ targetComponentType.getName() + "]");
} else {
if (converterSourceClass.isAssignableFrom(sourceClass)) {
if (!converterTargetClass.equals(targetComponentType)) {
throw new ConversionExecutorNotFoundException(sourceClass, targetClass,
"Custom Converter with id '" + id + "' cannot convert from sourceClass ["
+ sourceClass.getName() + "] to array holding elements of type ["
+ targetComponentType.getName() + "]");
ConversionExecutor elementConverter = new StaticConversionExecutor(sourceClass,
targetComponentType, converter);
return new StaticSuperConversionExecutor(sourceClass, targetClass, new ObjectToArray(
} else if (converterTargetClass.isAssignableFrom(sourceClass)) {
if (!converterSourceClass.equals(targetComponentType)) {
throw new ConversionExecutorNotFoundException(sourceClass, targetClass,
"Custom Converter with id '" + id + "' cannot convert from sourceClass ["
+ sourceClass.getName() + "] to array holding elements of type ["
+ targetComponentType.getName() + "]");
ConversionExecutor elementConverter = new StaticConversionExecutor(sourceClass,
targetComponentType, new ReverseConverter(converter));
return new StaticSuperConversionExecutor(sourceClass, targetClass, new ObjectToArray(
// TODO look to factor some of this duplicated code here and above out a bit
if (converterSourceClass.isAssignableFrom(sourceClass)) {
if (!converterTargetClass.equals(targetClass)) {
throw new ConversionExecutorNotFoundException(sourceClass, targetClass, "Custom Converter with id '"
+ id + "' cannot convert from sourceClass [" + sourceClass.getName() + "] to targetClass ["
+ targetClass.getName() + "]");
return new StaticConversionExecutor(sourceClass, targetClass, converter);
} else if (converterTargetClass.isAssignableFrom(sourceClass)) {
if (!converterSourceClass.equals(targetClass)) {
throw new ConversionExecutorNotFoundException(sourceClass, targetClass, "Custom Converter with id '"
+ id + "' cannot convert from sourceClass [" + sourceClass.getName() + "] to targetClass ["
+ targetClass.getName() + "]");
return new StaticConversionExecutor(sourceClass, targetClass, new ReverseConverter(converter));
} else {
throw new ConversionExecutorNotFoundException(sourceClass, targetClass, "Custom Converter with id '" + id
+ "' cannot convert from sourceClass [" + sourceClass.getName() + "] to targetClass ["
+ targetClass.getName() + "]");
public Class getClassForAlias(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException {
......@@ -208,25 +386,32 @@ public class GenericConversionService implements ConversionService {
// internal helpers
private List getTypeInfo(Object converter) {
private List getRequiredTypeInfo(Object converter) {
List typeInfo = new ArrayList(2);
Class classToIntrospect = converter.getClass();
while (classToIntrospect != null) {
Type[] genericInterfaces = converter.getClass().getGenericInterfaces();
Type[] genericInterfaces = classToIntrospect.getGenericInterfaces();
for (Type genericInterface : genericInterfaces) {
if (genericInterface instanceof ParameterizedType) {
ParameterizedType parameterizedInterface = (ParameterizedType) genericInterface;
if (Converter.class.equals(parameterizedInterface.getRawType())
|| SuperConverter.class.isAssignableFrom((Class) parameterizedInterface.getRawType())) {
Type s = parameterizedInterface.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
Type t = parameterizedInterface.getActualTypeArguments()[1];
Class s = getParameterClass(parameterizedInterface.getActualTypeArguments()[0], converter
Class t = getParameterClass(parameterizedInterface.getActualTypeArguments()[1], converter
typeInfo.add(getParameterClass(s, converter.getClass()));
typeInfo.add(getParameterClass(t, converter.getClass()));
classToIntrospect = classToIntrospect.getSuperclass();
if (typeInfo.size() != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to extract source and target class arguments from Converter ["
+ converter.getClass().getName() + "]; does the Converter specify the <S, T> generic types?");
return typeInfo;
......@@ -237,8 +422,8 @@ public class GenericConversionService implements ConversionService {
if (parameterType instanceof Class) {
return (Class) parameterType;
// when would this happen?
return null;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to obtain the java.lang.Class for parameterType [" + parameterType
+ "] on Converter [" + converterClass.getName() + "]");
private Map getSourceMap(Class sourceClass) {
package org.springframework.core.convert.converter;
package org.springframework.core.convert.service;
import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter;
import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.SuperConverter;
import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.SuperTwoWayConverter;
* Adapts a {@link SuperTwoWayConverter} to the {@link Converter} interface in a type safe way. This adapter is useful
* for applying more general {@link SuperConverter} logic to a specific source/target class pair.
public class SuperTwoWayConverterConverter<S, T> implements Converter<S, T> {
class SuperTwoWayConverterConverter<S, T> implements Converter<S, T> {
private SuperTwoWayConverter superConverter;
......@@ -13,8 +17,7 @@ public class SuperTwoWayConverterConverter<S, T> implements Converter<S, T> {
private Class targetClass;
public <SCS, SCT> SuperTwoWayConverterConverter(SuperTwoWayConverter<SCS, SCT> superConverter,
Class<? extends SCS> sourceClass, Class<? extends SCT> targetClass) {
public SuperTwoWayConverterConverter(SuperTwoWayConverter superConverter, Class sourceClass, Class targetClass) {
this.superConverter = superConverter;
this.sourceClass = sourceClass;
this.targetClass = targetClass;
* Copyright 2004-2008 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.core.convert.service;
import java.security.Principal;
import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
......@@ -8,6 +24,7 @@ import java.util.List;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionException;
import org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionExecutionException;
import org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionExecutor;
import org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionExecutorNotFoundException;
......@@ -15,7 +32,6 @@ import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter;
import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.NumberToNumber;
import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.StringToEnum;
import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.StringToInteger;
import org.springframework.core.convert.service.GenericConversionService;
public class GenericConversionServiceTests extends TestCase {
......@@ -250,4 +266,257 @@ public class GenericConversionServiceTests extends TestCase {
public void testAddConverterNoSourceTargetClassInfoAvailable() {
try {
service.addConverter(new Converter() {
public Object convert(Object source) throws Exception {
return source;
public Object convertBack(Object target) throws Exception {
return target;
fail("Should have failed");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
public void testCustomConverterConversionForwardIndex() {
service.addConverter("princy", new CustomTwoWayConverter());
ConversionExecutor executor = service.getConversionExecutor("princy", String.class, Principal.class);
assertEquals("keith", ((Principal) executor.execute("keith")).getName());
public void testCustomConverterConversionReverseIndex() {
service.addConverter("princy", new CustomTwoWayConverter());
ConversionExecutor executor = service.getConversionExecutor("princy", Principal.class, String.class);
assertEquals("keith", executor.execute(new Principal() {
public String getName() {
return "keith";
public void testCustomConverterConversionForSameType() {
service.addConverter("trimmer", new Trimmer());
ConversionExecutor executor = service.getConversionExecutor("trimmer", String.class, String.class);
assertEquals("a string", executor.execute("a string "));
public void testCustomConverterLookupNotCompatibleSource() {
service.addConverter("trimmer", new Trimmer());
try {
service.getConversionExecutor("trimmer", Object.class, String.class);
fail("Should have failed");
} catch (ConversionException e) {
public void testCustomConverterLookupNotCompatibleTarget() {
service.addConverter("trimmer", new Trimmer());
try {
service.getConversionExecutor("trimmer", String.class, Object.class);
} catch (ConversionException e) {
public void testCustomConverterLookupNotCompatibleTargetReverse() {
service.addConverter("princy", new CustomTwoWayConverter());
try {
service.getConversionExecutor("princy", Principal.class, Integer.class);
} catch (ConversionException e) {
public void testCustomConverterConversionArrayToArray() {
service.addConverter("princy", new CustomTwoWayConverter());
ConversionExecutor executor = service.getConversionExecutor("princy", String[].class, Principal[].class);
Principal[] p = (Principal[]) executor.execute(new String[] { "princy1", "princy2" });
assertEquals("princy1", p[0].getName());
assertEquals("princy2", p[1].getName());
public void testCustomConverterConversionArrayToArrayReverse() {
service.addConverter("princy", new CustomTwoWayConverter());
ConversionExecutor executor = service.getConversionExecutor("princy", Principal[].class, String[].class);
final Principal princy1 = new Principal() {
public String getName() {
return "princy1";
final Principal princy2 = new Principal() {
public String getName() {
return "princy2";
String[] p = (String[]) executor.execute(new Principal[] { princy1, princy2 });
assertEquals("princy1", p[0]);
assertEquals("princy2", p[1]);
public void testCustomConverterLookupArrayToArrayBogusSource() {
service.addConverter("princy", new CustomTwoWayConverter());
try {
service.getConversionExecutor("princy", Integer[].class, Principal[].class);
fail("Should have failed");
} catch (ConversionExecutorNotFoundException e) {
public void testCustomConverterLookupArrayToArrayBogusTarget() {
service.addConverter("princy", new CustomTwoWayConverter());
try {
service.getConversionExecutor("princy", Principal[].class, Integer[].class);
} catch (ConversionExecutorNotFoundException e) {
public void testCustomConverterConversionArrayToCollection() {
service.addConverter("princy", new CustomTwoWayConverter());
ConversionExecutor executor = service.getConversionExecutor("princy", String[].class, List.class);
List list = (List) executor.execute(new String[] { "princy1", "princy2" });
assertEquals("princy1", ((Principal) list.get(0)).getName());
assertEquals("princy2", ((Principal) list.get(1)).getName());
public void testCustomConverterConversionArrayToCollectionReverse() {
service.addConverter("princy", new CustomTwoWayConverter());
ConversionExecutor executor = service.getConversionExecutor("princy", Principal[].class, List.class);
final Principal princy1 = new Principal() {
public String getName() {
return "princy1";
final Principal princy2 = new Principal() {
public String getName() {
return "princy2";
List p = (List) executor.execute(new Principal[] { princy1, princy2 });
assertEquals("princy1", p.get(0));
assertEquals("princy2", p.get(1));
public void testCustomConverterLookupArrayToCollectionBogusSource() {
service.addConverter("princy", new CustomTwoWayConverter());
try {
service.getConversionExecutor("princy", Integer[].class, List.class);
fail("Should have failed");
} catch (ConversionExecutorNotFoundException e) {
public void testCustomConverterLookupCollectionToArray() {
service.addConverter("princy", new CustomTwoWayConverter());
ConversionExecutor executor = service.getConversionExecutor("princy", List.class, Principal[].class);
List princyList = new ArrayList();
Principal[] p = (Principal[]) executor.execute(princyList);
assertEquals("princy1", p[0].getName());
assertEquals("princy2", p[1].getName());
public void testCustomConverterLookupCollectionToArrayReverse() {
service.addConverter("princy", new CustomTwoWayConverter());
ConversionExecutor executor = service.getConversionExecutor("princy", List.class, String[].class);
final Principal princy1 = new Principal() {
public String getName() {
return "princy1";
final Principal princy2 = new Principal() {
public String getName() {
return "princy2";
List princyList = new ArrayList();
String[] p = (String[]) executor.execute(princyList);
assertEquals("princy1", p[0]);
assertEquals("princy2", p[1]);
public void testtestCustomConverterLookupCollectionToArrayBogusTarget() {
service.addConverter("princy", new CustomTwoWayConverter());
try {
service.getConversionExecutor("princy", List.class, Integer[].class);
fail("Should have failed");
} catch (ConversionExecutorNotFoundException e) {
public void testCustomConverterConversionObjectToArray() {
service.addConverter("princy", new CustomTwoWayConverter());
ConversionExecutor executor = service.getConversionExecutor("princy", String.class, Principal[].class);
Principal[] p = (Principal[]) executor.execute("princy1");
assertEquals("princy1", p[0].getName());
public void testCustomConverterConversionObjectToArrayReverse() {
service.addConverter("princy", new CustomTwoWayConverter());
ConversionExecutor executor = service.getConversionExecutor("princy", Principal.class, String[].class);
final Principal princy1 = new Principal() {
public String getName() {
return "princy1";
String[] p = (String[]) executor.execute(princy1);
assertEquals("princy1", p[0]);
public void testCustomConverterLookupObjectToArrayBogusSource() {
service.addConverter("princy", new CustomTwoWayConverter());
try {
service.getConversionExecutor("princy", Integer.class, Principal[].class);
fail("Should have failed");
} catch (ConversionExecutorNotFoundException e) {
private static class CustomTwoWayConverter implements Converter<String, Principal> {
public Principal convert(final String source) throws Exception {
return new Principal() {
public String getName() {
return (String) source;
public String convertBack(Principal target) throws Exception {
return ((Principal) target).getName();
private static class Trimmer implements Converter<String, String> {
public String convert(String source) throws Exception {
return ((String) source).trim();
public String convertBack(String target) throws Exception {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Will never run");
public void testSuperTwoWayConverterConverterAdaption() {
// this fails at the moment
//service.addConverter(GenericConversionService.converterFor(String.class, FooEnum.class, new StringToEnum()));
//assertEquals(FooEnum.BAR, service.executeConversion("BAR", FooEnum.class));
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