提交 b124066d 编写于 作者: P Phillip Webb

Add What's new in 4.0 to reference documentation

Update the reference documentation with "What's new in Spring 4.0".
上级 309fe9ce
......@@ -5,6 +5,16 @@
== Migrating to Spring Framework 4.0
Migration guides for upgrading from previous releases of the Spring Framework are now
provided as a Wiki page. For details please refer to
== Classic Spring Usage
This appendix discusses some classic Spring usage patterns as a reference for developers
......@@ -744,6 +744,185 @@ the exact version and feature set of the container.
= What's New in Spring Framework 4.x
== New Features and Enhancements in Spring Framework 4.0
The Spring Framework was first released in 2004, since then there have been only a
few major revisions: Spring 2.0 provided cleaner XML support and improved AOP; Spring 2.5
embraced annotation-driven configuration; Spring 3.0 added Java 5 features, such as
generics and java-based `@Configuration`.
Version 4.0 is the latest major release of the Spring Framework and the first to fully
support Java 8 features. You can still use Spring with older versions of Java, however,
the minimum requirement has now been raised to Java SE 6. We have also taken the
opportunity of a major release to remove many deprecated classes and methods from the
previous version.
A https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/wiki/Migrating-from-earlier-versions-of-the-spring-framework[migration guide for upgrading to Spring 4.0]
is available on the https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/wiki[Spring Framework GitHub Wiki].
=== Improved Getting Started Experience
The new http://spring.io[spring.io] website provides a whole series of
http://spring.io/guides["Getting Started"] guides to help you learn Spring. You
can read more about the guides in the <<overview-getting-started-with-spring>> section
in this document. The new website also provides a comprehensive overview of the many
additional projects that are released under the Spring umbrella.
If you are a Maven user you may also be interested in the helpful
<<overview-maven-bom,bill of materials>> POM file that is now published with each Spring
Framework release.
=== Removed Deprecated Packages and Methods
All deprecated packages, and many deprecated classes and methods have been removed with
version 4.0. If you are upgrading from a previous release of Spring, you should ensure
that you have fixed any deprecated calls that you were making.
For a complete set of changes, check out the
Differences Report].
=== Java 8
Spring Framework 4.0 provides support for several Java 8 features. You can make use of
__lambda expressions__ and __method references__ with Spring's callback interfaces. There
is first class support for `java.time` (http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=310[JSR-310]) and
several existing annotations have been retrofitted as `@Repeatable`. You can also use
Java 8's parameter name discovery as an alternative to compiling your code with debug
information enabled.
Spring remains compatible with older versions of Java, 6.0 and above are fully
=== Java EE 6
Java EE version 6 or above is now considered the baseline for Spring Framework 4.0. With
the JPA 2.0 and Servlet 3.0 specifications being of particular relevance. In order to
remain compatible with Google App Engine, it is possible to deploy a Spring application
into a Servlet 2.5 environment, however, Servlet 3.0+ is recommended when at all possible.
If you are a WebSphere 7 user, be sure install the JPA 2.0 feature pack.
=== WebSocket, SockJS, and STOMP Messaging
A new `spring-websocket` module provides comprehensive support for WebSocket-based,
two-way communication between client and server in web applications. It is compatible with
http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=356[JSR-356], the Java WebSocket API, and in addition
provides SockJS-based fallback options (i.e. WebSocket emulation) for use in browsers
that don't yet support the WebSocket protocol (e.g. IE < 10).
A new `spring-messaging` module adds support for STOMP as the WebSocket sub-protocol
to use in applications along with an annotation programming model for routing and
processing STOMP messages from WebSocket clients. As a result an `@Controller`
can now contain both `@RequestMapping` and `@MessageMapping` methods for handling
HTTP requests and messages from WebSocket-connected clients. The new `spring-messaging`
module also contains key abstractions from the
http://projects.spring.io/spring-integration/[Spring Integration] project such as
`Message`, `MessageChannel`, `MessageHandler` and others to serve as
a foundation for messaging applications.
For more details including a more thorough introduction see the <<websocket>> section.
=== Core Container Improvements
There have been several general improvements to the core IoC container:
* Spring now treats <<beans-generics-as-qualifiers,__generic types__ as a form of
__qualifier__>> when injecting Beans. For example, if you are using a Spring Data
`Repository` you can now easily inject a specific implementation:
`@Autowired Repository<Customer> customerRepository`.
* If you use Spring's meta-annotation support, you can now develop custom annotations that
<<beans-meta-annotations,expose specific attributes from the source annotation>>.
* Beans can now be `Ordered` when they are <<beans-autowired-annotation,autowired into
lists and arrays>>. Both the `@Ordered` annotation and `Ordered` interface are
* A generalized model for <<beans-java-conditional,conditionally filtering beans>> has
been added via the `@Conditional` annotation. This is similar to `@Profile` but allow
user-defined strategies to be developed.
* <<aop-pfb-proxy-types,CGLIB-based proxy classes>> no longer require a default
constructor. Support is provided via the http://code.google.com/p/objenesis/[objenesis]
library which is repackaged __inline__ and distributed as part of the Spring Framework.
* The `@Lazy` annotation can now be used on injection points, as well as `@Bean`
* The <<beans-java-bean-description,`@Description` annotation has been added>> for
developers using Java-based configuration.
* It is now possible to specify a time zone with the `@Scheduled` annotation.
=== Web Improvements
Deployment to Servlet 2.5 servers remains an option, but Spring Framework 4.0 is now
focused primarily on Servlet 3.0+ environments. If you are using the
<<spring-mvc-test-framework,Spring MVC Test Framework>> you
will need to ensure that a Servlet 3.0 compatible JAR is in your __test classpath__.
In addition to the WebSocket support mentioned earlier, the following general improvements
have been made to Spring's Web modules:
* You can use <<mvc-ann-restcontroller,the new `@RestController` annotation>> with Spring
MVC applications, removing the need to add `@ResponseBody` to each of your
`@RequestMapping` methods.
* The `AsyncRestTemplate` class has been added, <<rest-async-resttemplate,allowing
non-blocking asynchronous support>> when developing REST clients.
* Spring now offers <<mvc-timezone,comprehensive timezone support>> when developing
Spring MVC applications.
=== Groovy DSL Support
With Spring Framework 4.0 it is now possible to define external bean configuration using
a Groovy DSL. This is similar in concept to using XML bean definitions, but allows for
a much more concise syntax. Using Groovy also allows you to easily embed bean definitions
directly in your code. For example:
def reader = new GroovyBeanDefinitionReader(myApplicationContext)
reader.beans {
dataSource(BasicDataSource) {
driverClassName = "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"
url = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:grailsDB"
username = "sa"
password = ""
settings = [mynew:"setting"]
sessionFactory(SessionFactory) {
dataSource = dataSource
myService(MyService) {
nestedBean = { AnotherBean bean ->
dataSource = dataSource
For more information consult the `GroovyBeanDefinitionReader`
= Core Technologies
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