提交 a87b319a 编写于 作者: S Sam Brannen


上级 7e917335
......@@ -1749,7 +1749,7 @@ controller. The following code snippet shows the usage:
Unlike the Servlet API "request parameter" concept that conflate query parameters, form
Unlike the Servlet API "request parameter" concept that conflates query parameters, form
data, and multiparts into one, in WebFlux each is accessed individually through the
`ServerWebExchange`. While `@RequestParam` binds to query parameters only, you can
use data binding to apply query parameters, form data, and multiparts to a
......@@ -1758,17 +1758,17 @@ use data binding to apply query parameters, form data, and multiparts to a
Method parameters using using the `@RequestParam` annotation are required by default, but
you can specify that a method parameter is optional by setting ``@RequestParam``'s
`required` flag to `false` or by declaring the argument with an `java.util.Optional`
`required` flag to `false` or by declaring the argument with a `java.util.Optional`
Type conversion is applied automatically if the target method parameter type is not
`String`. See <<mvc-ann-typeconversion>>.
When an `@RequestParam` annotation is declared as `Map<String, String>` or
When an `@RequestParam` annotation is declared on a `Map<String, String>` or
`MultiValueMap<String, String>` argument, the map is populated with all query parameters.
Note that use of `@RequestParam` is optional, e.g. to set its attributes.
By default any argument that is a simple value type, as determined by
Note that use of `@RequestParam` is optional -- for example, to set its attributes. By
default any argument that is a simple value type, as determined by
and is not resolved by any other argument resolver, is treated as if it was annotated
with `@RequestParam`.
......@@ -2275,12 +2275,11 @@ on a container object that specifies request headers and body. Below is an examp
As many return values, `ResponseEntity` can be wrapped by a reactive type such as `Mono`.
In case of a `Mono<ResponseEntity>` return type, the empty `Mono` case will be
As is the case for many return values, `ResponseEntity` can be wrapped by a reactive type
such as `Mono`. In case of a `Mono<ResponseEntity>` return type, an empty `Mono` will be
automatically converted to a `ResponseEntity` with an empty body and an HTTP 404 status,
so you don't need to chain your `Mono` with an `switchIfEmpty` / `defaultIfEmpty` for simple
HTTP 404 responses.
Here's an example of this:
so you don't need to chain your `Mono` with a `switchIfEmpty` / `defaultIfEmpty` for
simple HTTP 404 responses. Here's an example of this:
......@@ -2661,10 +2661,9 @@ on a container object that specifies request headers and body. Below is an examp
In case of a `java.util.Optional<ResponseEntity>` return type, the `Optional.empty()`
case will be automatically converted to a `ResponseEntity` with an empty body
and an HTTP 404 status, so you don't need to chain your optional with
an `orElse` / `orElseGet` for simple HTTP 404 responses.
Here's an example of this:
case will be automatically converted to a `ResponseEntity` with an empty body and an HTTP
404 status, so you don't need to chain your optional with an `orElse` / `orElseGet` for
simple HTTP 404 responses. Here's an example of this:
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