提交 a7aecbb4 编写于 作者: S Sam Brannen

Ensure spring-test test tasks are UP-TO-DATE

See also: 69214429 and eec183ef
上级 d036b5a2
......@@ -139,7 +139,6 @@ configure(allprojects) { project ->
// classes with the "$" pattern; otherwise, using -Dtest.single=MyTests to
// run MyTests by itself will fail if MyTests contains any inner classes.
exclude(["**/Abstract*.class", '**/*$*'])
checkstyle {
......@@ -87,18 +87,16 @@ dependencies {
task testNG(type: Test) {
description = "Runs TestNG tests."
task junit4(type: Test) {
description = "Runs JUnit 4 tests."
systemProperty("testGroups", project.properties.get("testGroups"))
scanForTestClasses = false
include(["**/testng/**/*Tests.class", "**/testng/**/*Test.class"])
// Show STD_OUT & STD_ERR of the test JVM(s) on the console:
// testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
// forkEvery 1
reports.junitXml.destination = file("$buildDir/test-results")
include(["**/*Tests.class", "**/*Test.class"])
exclude(["**/Abstract*.class", "**/testng/**/*.*", "**/jupiter/**/*.*"])
task testJUnitJupiter(type: Test) {
task junitJupiter(type: Test) {
description = "Runs JUnit Jupiter tests."
useJUnitPlatform {
includeEngines "junit-jupiter"
......@@ -107,25 +105,32 @@ task testJUnitJupiter(type: Test) {
filter {
includeTestsMatching "org.springframework.test.context.junit.jupiter.*"
reports.junitXml.destination = file("$buildDir/test-results")
systemProperty("testGroups", project.properties.get("testGroups"))
// Java Util Logging for the JUnit Platform.
// systemProperty("java.util.logging.manager", "org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager")
test {
description = "Runs JUnit 4 tests."
dependsOn testJUnitJupiter, testNG
task testNG(type: Test) {
description = "Runs TestNG tests."
systemProperty("testGroups", project.properties.get("testGroups"))
scanForTestClasses = false
include(["**/*Tests.class", "**/*Test.class"])
exclude(["**/testng/**/*.*", "**/jupiter/**/*.*"])
reports.junitXml.destination = file("$buildDir/test-results")
include(["**/testng/**/*Tests.class", "**/testng/**/*Test.class"])
// Show STD_OUT & STD_ERR of the test JVM(s) on the console:
// testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
// forkEvery 1
test {
description = "Runs all tests."
dependsOn junit4, junitJupiter, testNG
task aggregateTestReports(type: TestReport) {
description = "Aggregates JUnit and TestNG test reports."
destinationDir = test.reports.html.destination
reportOn test, testJUnitJupiter, testNG
reportOn junit4, junitJupiter, testNG
check.dependsOn aggregateTestReports
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