提交 9c5cabf4 编写于 作者: J Juergen Hoeller

Refined ApplicationContextInitializer assignability exception

(cherry picked from commit ca19920d)
上级 97b01778
* Copyright 2002-2015 the original author or authors.
* Copyright 2002-2016 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
......@@ -373,8 +373,8 @@ public abstract class Assert {
public static void isAssignable(Class<?> superType, Class<?> subType, String message) {
notNull(superType, "Type to check against must not be null");
if (subType == null || !superType.isAssignableFrom(subType)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException((StringUtils.hasLength(message) ? message + " " : "")
+ subType + " is not assignable to " + superType);
throw new IllegalArgumentException((StringUtils.hasLength(message) ? message + " " : "") +
subType + " is not assignable to " + superType);
* Copyright 2002-2015 the original author or authors.
* Copyright 2002-2016 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextInitializer;
import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.core.GenericTypeResolver;
......@@ -86,8 +87,8 @@ public abstract class AbstractContextLoader implements SmartContextLoader {
public void processContextConfiguration(ContextConfigurationAttributes configAttributes) {
String[] processedLocations = processLocations(configAttributes.getDeclaringClass(),
String[] processedLocations =
processLocations(configAttributes.getDeclaringClass(), configAttributes.getLocations());
......@@ -135,7 +136,9 @@ public abstract class AbstractContextLoader implements SmartContextLoader {
private void invokeApplicationContextInitializers(ConfigurableApplicationContext context,
MergedContextConfiguration mergedConfig) {
Set<Class<? extends ApplicationContextInitializer<? extends ConfigurableApplicationContext>>> initializerClasses = mergedConfig.getContextInitializerClasses();
Set<Class<? extends ApplicationContextInitializer<? extends ConfigurableApplicationContext>>> initializerClasses =
if (initializerClasses.isEmpty()) {
// no ApplicationContextInitializers have been declared -> nothing to do
......@@ -145,13 +148,15 @@ public abstract class AbstractContextLoader implements SmartContextLoader {
Class<?> contextClass = context.getClass();
for (Class<? extends ApplicationContextInitializer<? extends ConfigurableApplicationContext>> initializerClass : initializerClasses) {
Class<?> initializerContextClass = GenericTypeResolver.resolveTypeArgument(initializerClass,
Assert.isAssignable(initializerContextClass, contextClass, String.format(
"Could not add context initializer [%s] since its generic parameter [%s] "
+ "is not assignable from the type of application context used by this "
+ "context loader [%s]: ", initializerClass.getName(), initializerContextClass.getName(),
Class<?> initializerContextClass =
GenericTypeResolver.resolveTypeArgument(initializerClass, ApplicationContextInitializer.class);
if (initializerContextClass != null && !initializerContextClass.isInstance(context)) {
throw new ApplicationContextException(String.format(
"Could not apply context initializer [%s] since its generic parameter [%s] " +
"is not assignable from the type of application context used by this " +
"context loader: [%s]", initializerClass.getName(), initializerContextClass.getName(),
initializerInstances.add((ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext>) BeanUtils.instantiateClass(initializerClass));
......@@ -161,6 +166,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractContextLoader implements SmartContextLoader {
// --- ContextLoader -------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -171,7 +177,6 @@ public abstract class AbstractContextLoader implements SmartContextLoader {
* and the configured {@linkplain #getResourceSuffixes() resource suffixes};
* otherwise, the supplied {@code locations} will be
* {@linkplain #modifyLocations modified} if necessary and returned.
* @param clazz the class with which the locations are associated: to be
* used when generating default locations
* @param locations the unmodified locations to use for loading the
......@@ -186,30 +191,26 @@ public abstract class AbstractContextLoader implements SmartContextLoader {
public final String[] processLocations(Class<?> clazz, String... locations) {
return (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(locations) && isGenerateDefaultLocations()) ? generateDefaultLocations(clazz)
: modifyLocations(clazz, locations);
return (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(locations) && isGenerateDefaultLocations()) ?
generateDefaultLocations(clazz) : modifyLocations(clazz, locations);
* Generate the default classpath resource locations array based on the
* supplied class.
* <p>For example, if the supplied class is {@code com.example.MyTest},
* the generated locations will contain a single string with a value of
* {@code "classpath:com/example/MyTest<suffix>"}, where {@code <suffix>}
* is the value of the first configured
* {@linkplain #getResourceSuffixes() resource suffix} for which the
* generated location actually exists in the classpath.
* <p>As of Spring 3.1, the implementation of this method adheres to the
* contract defined in the {@link SmartContextLoader} SPI. Specifically,
* this method will <em>preemptively</em> verify that the generated default
* location actually exists. If it does not exist, this method will log a
* warning and return an empty array.
* <p>Subclasses can override this method to implement a different
* <em>default location generation</em> strategy.
* @param clazz the class for which the default locations are to be generated
* @return an array of default application context resource locations
* @since 2.5
......@@ -224,23 +225,22 @@ public abstract class AbstractContextLoader implements SmartContextLoader {
String resourcePath = ClassUtils.convertClassNameToResourcePath(clazz.getName()) + suffix;
String prefixedResourcePath = ResourceUtils.CLASSPATH_URL_PREFIX + resourcePath;
ClassPathResource classPathResource = new ClassPathResource(resourcePath);
if (classPathResource.exists()) {
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info(String.format("Detected default resource location \"%s\" for test class [%s]",
prefixedResourcePath, clazz.getName()));
prefixedResourcePath, clazz.getName()));
return new String[] { prefixedResourcePath };
return new String[] {prefixedResourcePath};
else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug(String.format("Did not detect default resource location for test class [%s]: "
+ "%s does not exist", clazz.getName(), classPathResource));
logger.debug(String.format("Did not detect default resource location for test class [%s]: " +
"%s does not exist", clazz.getName(), classPathResource));
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info(String.format("Could not detect default resource locations for test class [%s]: "
+ "no resource found for suffixes %s.", clazz.getName(), ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString(suffixes)));
logger.info(String.format("Could not detect default resource locations for test class [%s]: " +
"no resource found for suffixes %s.", clazz.getName(), ObjectUtils.nullSafeToString(suffixes)));
......@@ -282,36 +282,31 @@ public abstract class AbstractContextLoader implements SmartContextLoader {
* Get the suffix to append to {@link ApplicationContext} resource
* locations when detecting default locations.
* <p>Subclasses must provide an implementation of this method that
* returns a single suffix. Alternatively subclasses may provide a
* <em>no-op</em> implementation of this method and override
* {@link #getResourceSuffixes()} in order to provide multiple custom
* suffixes.
* @return the resource suffix; never {@code null} or empty
* @since 2.5
* @see #generateDefaultLocations(Class)
* @see #getResourceSuffixes()
protected abstract String getResourceSuffix();
* Get the suffixes to append to {@link ApplicationContext} resource
* locations when detecting default locations.
* Get the suffixes to append to {@link ApplicationContext} resource locations
* when detecting default locations.
* <p>The default implementation simply wraps the value returned by
* {@link #getResourceSuffix()} in a single-element array, but this
* can be overridden by subclasses in order to support multiple suffixes.
* @return the resource suffixes; never {@code null} or empty
* @since 4.1
* @see #generateDefaultLocations(Class)
protected String[] getResourceSuffixes() {
return new String[] { getResourceSuffix() };
return new String[] {getResourceSuffix()};
* Get the suffix to append to {@link ApplicationContext} resource locations
* when detecting default locations.
* <p>Subclasses must provide an implementation of this method that returns
* a single suffix. Alternatively subclasses may provide a <em>no-op</em>
* implementation of this method and override {@link #getResourceSuffixes()}
* in order to provide multiple custom suffixes.
* @return the resource suffix; never {@code null} or empty
* @since 2.5
* @see #generateDefaultLocations(Class)
* @see #getResourceSuffixes()
protected abstract String getResourceSuffix();
* Copyright 2002-2015 the original author or authors.
* Copyright 2002-2016 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
......@@ -49,19 +49,18 @@ import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
* Performs the actual initialization work for the root application context.
* Called by {@link ContextLoaderListener}.
* <p>Looks for a {@link #CONTEXT_CLASS_PARAM "contextClass"} parameter
* at the {@code web.xml} context-param level to specify the context
* class type, falling back to the default of
* {@link org.springframework.web.context.support.XmlWebApplicationContext}
* <p>Looks for a {@link #CONTEXT_CLASS_PARAM "contextClass"} parameter at the
* {@code web.xml} context-param level to specify the context class type, falling
* back to {@link org.springframework.web.context.support.XmlWebApplicationContext}
* if not found. With the default ContextLoader implementation, any context class
* specified needs to implement the ConfigurableWebApplicationContext interface.
* specified needs to implement the {@link ConfigurableWebApplicationContext} interface.
* <p>Processes a {@link #CONFIG_LOCATION_PARAM "contextConfigLocation"}
* context-param and passes its value to the context instance, parsing it into
* potentially multiple file paths which can be separated by any number of
* commas and spaces, e.g. "WEB-INF/applicationContext1.xml,
* WEB-INF/applicationContext2.xml". Ant-style path patterns are supported as well,
* e.g. "WEB-INF/*Context.xml,WEB-INF/spring*.xml" or "WEB-INF/&#42;&#42;/*Context.xml".
* <p>Processes a {@link #CONFIG_LOCATION_PARAM "contextConfigLocation"} context-param
* and passes its value to the context instance, parsing it into potentially multiple
* file paths which can be separated by any number of commas and spaces, e.g.
* "WEB-INF/applicationContext1.xml, WEB-INF/applicationContext2.xml".
* Ant-style path patterns are supported as well, e.g.
* "WEB-INF/*Context.xml,WEB-INF/spring*.xml" or "WEB-INF/&#42;&#42;/*Context.xml".
* If not explicitly specified, the context implementation is supposed to use a
* default location (with XmlWebApplicationContext: "/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml").
......@@ -70,10 +69,9 @@ import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
* Spring's default ApplicationContext implementations. This can be leveraged
* to deliberately override certain bean definitions via an extra XML file.
* <p>Above and beyond loading the root application context, this class
* can optionally load or obtain and hook up a shared parent context to
* the root application context. See the
* {@link #loadParentContext(ServletContext)} method for more information.
* <p>Above and beyond loading the root application context, this class can optionally
* load or obtain and hook up a shared parent context to the root application context.
* See the {@link #loadParentContext(ServletContext)} method for more information.
* <p>As of Spring 3.1, {@code ContextLoader} supports injecting the root web
* application context via the {@link #ContextLoader(WebApplicationContext)}
......@@ -470,11 +468,11 @@ public class ContextLoader {
for (Class<ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext>> initializerClass : initializerClasses) {
Class<?> initializerContextClass =
GenericTypeResolver.resolveTypeArgument(initializerClass, ApplicationContextInitializer.class);
if (initializerContextClass != null) {
Assert.isAssignable(initializerContextClass, wac.getClass(), String.format(
"Could not add context initializer [%s] since its generic parameter [%s] " +
if (initializerContextClass != null && !initializerContextClass.isInstance(wac)) {
throw new ApplicationContextException(String.format(
"Could not apply context initializer [%s] since its generic parameter [%s] " +
"is not assignable from the type of application context used by this " +
"context loader [%s]: ", initializerClass.getName(), initializerContextClass.getName(),
"context loader: [%s]", initializerClass.getName(), initializerContextClass.getName(),
* Copyright 2002-2015 the original author or authors.
* Copyright 2002-2016 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
......@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ import org.springframework.core.GenericTypeResolver;
import org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationAwareOrderComparator;
import org.springframework.core.env.ConfigurableEnvironment;
import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;
import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
......@@ -738,17 +737,17 @@ public abstract class FrameworkServlet extends HttpServletBean implements Applic
Class<?> initializerClass = ClassUtils.forName(className, wac.getClassLoader());
Class<?> initializerContextClass =
GenericTypeResolver.resolveTypeArgument(initializerClass, ApplicationContextInitializer.class);
if (initializerContextClass != null) {
Assert.isAssignable(initializerContextClass, wac.getClass(), String.format(
"Could not add context initializer [%s] since its generic parameter [%s] " +
if (initializerContextClass != null && !initializerContextClass.isInstance(wac)) {
throw new ApplicationContextException(String.format(
"Could not apply context initializer [%s] since its generic parameter [%s] " +
"is not assignable from the type of application context used by this " +
"framework servlet [%s]: ", initializerClass.getName(), initializerContextClass.getName(),
"framework servlet: [%s]", initializerClass.getName(), initializerContextClass.getName(),
return BeanUtils.instantiateClass(initializerClass, ApplicationContextInitializer.class);
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Could not instantiate class [%s] specified " +
catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
throw new ApplicationContextException(String.format("Could not load class [%s] specified " +
"via 'contextInitializerClasses' init-param", className), ex);
* Copyright 2002-2015 the original author or authors.
* Copyright 2002-2016 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
......@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ public class ContextLoaderTests {
listener.contextInitialized(new ServletContextEvent(sc));
fail("expected exception");
catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
catch (ApplicationContextException ex) {
assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("not assignable"));
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