提交 9008cf90 编写于 作者: C Chris Beams

Overhaul custom ApplicationEvent documentation (SPR-7422, SPR-7395)

Documentation now:

- Reflects generic use of ApplicationListener interface

- Demonstrates use of ApplicationEventPublisher(Aware) instead of
  ApplicationContext(Aware) for publishing custom events

- Provides a more complete narrative as to how each of the publisher,
  listener, and event objects interact with one another
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<para>You can also implement custom events. Simply call the
<methodname>publishEvent()</methodname> method on the
<interfacename>ApplicationContext</interfacename>, specifying a
parameter that is an instance of your custom event class that implements
<classname>ApplicationEvent</classname>. Event listeners receive events
synchronously. This means the <methodname>publishEvent()</methodname>
method blocks until all listeners have finished processing the event.
(It is possible to supply an alternate event publishing strategy through
an <interfacename>ApplicationEventMulticaster</interfacename>
implementation). Furthermore, when a listener receives an event, it
operates inside the transaction context of the publisher, if a
transaction context is available.<!--Explain what is showing in the first and second examples?--></para>
<para>This example shows the bean definitions used to configure an
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;bean id="emailer" class="example.EmailBean"&gt;
&lt;property name="blackList"&gt;
<para>You can also create and publish your own custom events. This example
demonstrates a simple class that extends Spring's
<classname>ApplicationEvent</classname> base class:</para>
<programlisting language="java">public class BlackListEvent extends ApplicationEvent {
private final String address;
private final String test;
public BlackListEvent(Object source, String address, String test) {
this.address = address;
this.test = test;
&lt;bean id="blackListListener" class="example.BlackListNotifier"&gt;
&lt;property name="notificationAddress" value="spam@list.org"/&gt;
<lineannotation>// accessor and other methods...</lineannotation>
<para>This example shows the implementation of the classes refered to in
the previous bean definitions:</para>
<para>To publish a custom <classname>ApplicationEvent</classname>, call
the <methodname>publishEvent()</methodname> method on an
<interfacename>ApplicationEventPublisher</interfacename>. Typically this
is done by creating a class that implements
<interfacename>ApplicationEventPublisherAware</interfacename> and
registering it as a Spring bean. The following example demonstrates such a
<programlisting language="java">public class EmailBean implements ApplicationContextAware {
<programlisting language="java"><![CDATA[public class EmailService implements ApplicationEventPublisherAware {
private List blackList;
private ApplicationContext ctx;
private List<String> blackList;
private ApplicationEventPublisher publisher;
public void setBlackList(List blackList) {
public void setBlackList(List<String> blackList) {
this.blackList = blackList;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext ctx) {
this.ctx = ctx;
public void setApplicationEventPublisher(ApplicationEventPublisher publisher) {
this.publisher = publisher;
public void sendEmail(String address, String text) {
if (blackList.contains(address)) {
BlackListEvent event = new BlackListEvent(address, text);
BlackListEvent event = new BlackListEvent(this, address, text);
<lineannotation>// send email...</lineannotation>
]]><lineannotation>// send email...</lineannotation><![CDATA[
<programlisting language="java">public class BlackListNotifier implements ApplicationListener {
<para>At configuration time, the Spring container will detect that
<classname>EmailService</classname> implements
<interfacename>ApplicationEventPublisherAware</interfacename> and will
automatically call
<methodname>setApplicationEventPublisher()</methodname>. In reality, the
parameter passed in will be the Spring container itself; you're simply
interacting with the application context via its
<para>To receive the custom <classname>ApplicationEvent</classname>,
create a class that implements
<interfacename>ApplicationListener</interfacename> and register it as a
Spring bean. The following example demonstrates such a class:</para>
<programlisting language="java"><![CDATA[public class BlackListNotifier implements ApplicationListener<BlackListEvent> {
private String notificationAddress;
public void setNotificationAddress(String notificationAddress) {
this.notificationAddress = notificationAddress;
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
if (event instanceof BlackListEvent) {
<lineannotation>// notify appropriate person...</lineannotation>
public void onApplicationEvent(BlackListEvent event) {
]]><lineannotation> // notify appropriate parties via notificationAddress...</lineannotation><![CDATA[
<!-- MLP: Beverly to review paragraph -->
<para>When the sendEmail method is called, if there are any emails that
should be blacklisted, a custom event of the type BlackListEvent is
published to the application context. The BlackListNotifier class which
implements the interface ApplicationListener is registered as a
subscriber to the application context and will receive the
BlackListEvent. In order to access properties specific to
BlackListEvent, the listener must perform a downcast.</para>
<para>Notice that <interfacename>ApplicationListener</interfacename> is
generically parameterized with the type of your custom event,
<classname>BlackListEvent</classname>. This means that the
<methodname>onApplicationEvent()</methodname> method can remain
type-safe, avoiding any need for downcasting. You may register as many
event listeners as you wish, but note that by default event listeners
receive events synchronously. This means the
<methodname>publishEvent()</methodname> method blocks until all
listeners have finished processing the event. One advantage of this
synchronous and single-threaded approach is that when a listener
receives an event, it operates inside the transaction context of the
publisher if a transaction context is available. If another strategy for
event publication becomes necessary, refer to the JavaDoc for Spring's
<para>The following example demonstrates the bean definitions used to
register and configure each of the classes above:</para>
<programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[<bean id="emailService" class="example.EmailService">
<property name="blackList">
<bean id="blackListNotifier" class="example.BlackListNotifier">
<property name="notificationAddress" value="spam@list.org"/>
<para>Putting it all together, when the <methodname>sendEmail()</methodname>
method of the <literal>emailService</literal> bean is called, if there
are any emails that should be blacklisted, a custom event of type
<classname>BlackListEvent</classname> is published. The
<literal>blackListNotifier</literal> bean is registered as an
<interfacename>ApplicationListener</interfacename> and thus receives the
<classname>BlackListEvent</classname>, at which point it can notify
appropriate parties.</para>
<section id="context-functionality-resources">
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