提交 8c9d42f7 编写于 作者: S Sam Brannen

Document SpringExtension for JUnit Jupiter in reference manual

Issue: SPR-14524
上级 492c469d
......@@ -979,7 +979,8 @@ well as any __set up__ or __tear down__ of the test fixture.
==== Spring JUnit Jupiter Testing Annotations
The following annotations are __only__ supported when used in conjunction with the
`SpringExtension` and JUnit Jupiter (i.e., the programming model in JUnit 5).
<<testcontext-junit-jupiter-extension,`SpringExtension`>> and JUnit Jupiter (i.e., the
programming model in JUnit 5).
===== @SpringJUnitConfig
......@@ -3912,6 +3913,199 @@ JUnit rules>>.
===== SpringExtension for JUnit Jupiter
The __Spring TestContext Framework__ offers full integration with the _JUnit Jupiter_
testing framework introduced in JUnit 5. By annotating test classes with
`@ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class)`, developers can implement standard JUnit Jupiter
based unit and integration tests and simultaneously reap the benefits of the TestContext
framework such as support for loading application contexts, dependency injection of test
instances, transactional test method execution, and so on.
Furthermore, thanks to the rich extension API in JUnit Jupiter, Spring is able to provide
the following features above and beyond the feature set that Spring supports for JUnit 4
and TestNG.
* Dependency injection for test constructors, test methods, and test lifecycle callback
- See <<testcontext-junit-jupiter-di>> for further details.
* Powerful support for link:http://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#extensions-conditions[_conditional test execution_]
based on SpEL expressions, environment variables, system properties, etc.
- See the documentation for `@EnabledIf` and `@DisabledIf` in
<<integration-testing-annotations-junit-jupiter>> for further details and examples.
* Custom _composed annotations_ that combine annotations from Spring **and** JUnit
- See the `@TransactionalDevTestConfig` and `@TransactionalIntegrationTest` examples in
<<integration-testing-annotations-meta>> for further details.
The following code listing demonstrates how to configure a test class to use the
`SpringExtension` in conjunction with `@ContextConfiguration`.
// Instructs JUnit Jupiter to extend the test with Spring support.
// Instructs Spring to load an ApplicationContext from TestConfig.class
@ContextConfiguration(classes = TestConfig.class)
class SimpleTests {
void testMethod() {
// execute test logic...
Since annotations in JUnit 5 can also be used as meta-annotations, Spring is able to
provide `@SpringJUnitConfig` and `@SpringJUnitWebConfig` __composed annotations__ to
simplify the configuration of the test `ApplicationContext` and JUnit Jupiter.
For example, the following example uses `@SpringJUnitConfig` to reduce the amount of
configuration used in the previous example.
// Instructs Spring to register the SpringExtension with JUnit
// Jupiter and load an ApplicationContext from TestConfig.class
class SimpleTests {
void testMethod() {
// execute test logic...
Similarly, the following example uses `@SpringJUnitWebConfig` to create a
`WebApplicationContext` for use with JUnit Jupiter.
// Instructs Spring to register the SpringExtension with JUnit
// Jupiter and load a WebApplicationContext from TestWebConfig.class
class SimpleWebTests {
void testMethod() {
// execute test logic...
See the documentation for `@SpringJUnitConfig` and `@SpringJUnitWebConfig` in
<<integration-testing-annotations-junit-jupiter>> for further details.
===== Dependency Injection with the SpringExtension
The `SpringExtension` implements the
extension API from JUnit Jupiter which allows Spring to provide dependency injection for
test constructors, test methods, and test lifecycle callback methods.
Specifically, the `SpringExtension` is able to inject dependencies from the test's
`ApplicationContext` into test constructors and methods annotated with `@BeforeAll`,
`@AfterAll`, `@BeforeEach`, `@AfterEach`, `@Test`, `@RepeatedTest`, `@ParameterizedTest`,
====== Constructor Injection
If a parameter in a constructor for a JUnit Jupiter test class is of type
`ApplicationContext` (or a sub-type thereof) or is annotated or meta-annotated with
`@Autowired`, `@Qualifier`, or `@Value`, Spring will inject the value for that specific
parameter with the corresponding bean from the test's `ApplicationContext`. A test
constructor can also be directly annotated with `@Autowired` if all of the parameters
should be supplied by Spring.
If the constructor for a test class is itself annotated with `@Autowired`, Spring will
assume the responsibility for resolving **all** parameters in the constructor.
Consequently, no other `ParameterResolver` registered with JUnit Jupiter will be able to
resolve parameters for such a constructor.
In the following example, Spring will inject the `OrderService` bean from the
`ApplicationContext` loaded from `TestConfig.class` into the
`OrderServiceIntegrationTests` constructor. Note as well that this feature allows test
dependencies to be `final` and therefore _immutable_.
class OrderServiceIntegrationTests {
private final OrderService orderService;
OrderServiceIntegrationTests(OrderService orderService) {
this.orderService = orderService.
// tests that use the injected OrderService
====== Method Injection
If a parameter in a JUnit Jupiter test method or test lifecycle callback method is of
type `ApplicationContext` (or a sub-type thereof) or is annotated or meta-annotated with
`@Autowired`, `@Qualifier`, or `@Value`, Spring will inject the value for that specific
parameter with the corresponding bean from the test's `ApplicationContext`.
In the following example, Spring will inject the `OrderService` from the
`ApplicationContext` loaded from `TestConfig.class` into the `deleteOrder()` test method.
class OrderServiceIntegrationTests {
void deleteOrder(@Autowired OrderService orderService) {
// use orderService from the test's ApplicationContext
Due to the robustness of the `ParameterResolver` support in JUnit Jupiter, it is also
possible to have multiple dependencies injected into a single method not only from Spring
but also from JUnit Jupiter itself or other third-party extensions.
The following example demonstrates how to have both Spring and JUnit Jupiter inject
dependencies into the `placeOrderRepeatedly()` test method simultaneously. Note that the
use of `@RepeatedTest` from JUnit Jupiter allows the test method to gain access to the
class OrderServiceIntegrationTests {
void placeOrderRepeatedly(
@Autowired OrderService orderService,
RepetitionInfo repetitionInfo) {
// use orderService from the test's ApplicationContext
// and repetitionInfo from JUnit Jupiter
===== TestNG support classes
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