提交 7a6d8d94 编写于 作者: J Juergen Hoeller

multipart etc

上级 7d8aa05c
......@@ -3,13 +3,17 @@ SPRING FRAMEWORK CHANGELOG
Changes in version 3.1 RC1 (2011-07-xx)
Changes in version 3.1 RC1 (2011-08-xx)
* support for Hibernate 4.0 as a JPA provider (using Spring's HibernateJpaVendorAdapter)
* updated Quartz support package for full Quartz 2.0 support (compatibility with Quartz 1.5+)
* updated JBossLoadTimeWeaver to automatically detect and support JBoss AS 7 as well
* support for load-time weaving on WebSphere 7 and 8
* support for Hibernate 4.0 beta as a JPA provider
* prepared Spring's DataSource and RowSet adapters for forward compatibility with JDBC 4.1
* DefaultListableBeanFactory is only deserializable through a SerializedBeanFactoryReference
* DefaultListableBeanFactory's getBean(name, type) attempts type conversion if necessary
* ConfigurationClassPostProcessor supports use of same processor instance with several factories
* DataBinder uses a default limit of 256 for array/collection auto-growing
* added "autoGrowNestedPaths" property to ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer
* added headers support to MultipartFile abstraction (actually supported on Servlet 3.0)
......@@ -17,7 +21,18 @@ Changes in version 3.1 RC1 (2011-07-xx)
* AnnotationConfigContextLoader now supports default configuration classes with arbitrary names
* revised JMS CachedConnectionFactory to avoid unnecessary rollback calls on Session return
* fixed JMS CachedConnectionFactory to fully synchronize its Session list
* added "acceptProxyClasses" flag to RemoteInvocationSerializingExporter
* refined WebLogic RMI descriptor to only mark 'getTargetInterfaceName' method as idempotent
* JavaMailSenderImpl detects and respects "mail.transport.protocol" property in existing Session
* added "disabled" property to EhCacheFactoryBean
* fixed @ExceptionHandler exception type matching (ExceptionDepthComparator)
* added "getMultipartContentType(String)" method to MultipartRequest interface
* added RequestPartServletServerHttpRequest and corresponding @RequestPart support in Spring MVC
* revised Servlet 3.0 based StandardServletMultipartResolver for correct param/file distinction
* MultipartFilter uses a Servlet 3.0 based StandardServletMultipartResolver by default
* extended Servlet API mocks for Servlet 3.0 forward compatibility as far as possible
* made MockHttpServletResponse compatible with Servlet 3.0 getHeader(s) method returning Strings
* added getHeaderValue(s) method to MockHttpServletResponse for raw value access
Changes in version 3.1 M2 (2011-06-08)
......@@ -26,6 +41,7 @@ Changes in version 3.1 M2 (2011-06-08)
* revised TypeDescriptor signature and implementation for clearer handling of nested generics
* full support for arbitrary nesting of collections in fields
* proper type detection in nested collections within arrays
* collection/array conversion returns original collection if possible (instead of first element)
* AnnotatedBeanDefinitionReader now inherits Environment of supplied BeanDefinitionRegistry
* eliminated @Feature support in favor of @Enable* and framework-provided @Configuration classes
* introduced @EnableTransactionManagement, @EnableScheduling, etc
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