提交 680bfbe7 编写于 作者: O Oliver Gierke

SPR-7186 Added section on generic advice parameters

上级 d600e351
......@@ -1275,6 +1275,44 @@ public void audit(Auditable auditable) {
<section id="aop-ataspectj-advice-params-generics">
<title>Advice parameters and generics</title>
<para>Spring AOP can handle generics used in class declarations and
method parameters. Suppose you have a generic type like this:</para>
<programlisting language="java">public interface Sample&lt;T&gt; {
void sampleGenericMethod(T param);
void sampleGenericCollectionMethod(Collection&gt;T&gt; param);
<para>You can restrict interception of method types to certain
parameter types by simply typing the advice parameter to the
parameter type you want to intercept the method for:</para>
<programlisting language="java">@Before("execution(* ..Sample+.sampleGenericMethod(*)) &amp;&amp; args(param)")
public void beforeSampleMethod(MyType param) {
// Advice implementation
<para>That this works is pretty obvious as we already discussed
above. However, it's worth pointing out that this won't work for
generic collections. So you cannot define a pointcut like
<programlisting language="java">@Before("execution(* ..Sample+.sampleGenericCollectionMethod(*)) &amp;&amp; args(param)")
public void beforeSampleMethod(Collection&lt;MyType&gt; param) {
// Advice implementation
<para>To make this work we would have to inspect every element of
the collection, which is not reasonable as we also cannot decide how
to treat <literal>null</literal> values in general. To achieve
something similar to this you have to type the parameter to
<interfacename>Collection&lt;?&gt;</interfacename> and manually
check the type of the elements.</para>
<section id="aop-ataspectj-advice-params-names">
<title>Determining argument names</title>
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