提交 2b4316cf 编写于 作者: A Andy Wilkinson 提交者: Sam Brannen

Upgrade to com.gradle.build-scan 2.4.2

Closes gh-23619
上级 d759ae77
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ plugins {
id 'org.asciidoctor.convert' version '1.5.8'
id 'io.spring.nohttp' version '0.0.3.RELEASE'
id 'de.undercouch.download' version '4.0.0'
id 'com.gradle.build-scan' version '2.4.1'
id 'com.gradle.build-scan' version '2.4.2'
id "com.jfrog.artifactory" version '4.9.8' apply false
id "io.freefair.aspectj" version "4.0.0" apply false
id "com.github.ben-manes.versions" version "0.24.0"
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