提交 15188a8e 编写于 作者: R Rossen Stoyanchev

Document IE 8 and 9 related SockJS transport details

Issue: SPR-11496, SPR-11525
上级 d30cb17c
......@@ -78,8 +78,9 @@ public class SockJsServiceRegistration {
* "foreign" domain) from an invisible iframe. Code run from this iframe
* doesn't need to worry about cross-domain issues since it is running from
* a domain local to the SockJS server. The iframe does need to load the
* SockJS javascript client library and this option allows configuring its
* url.
* SockJS javascript client library and this option allows configuring its url.
* See the reference documentation for more details on this.
* <p>By default this is set to point to
* "https://d1fxtkz8shb9d2.cloudfront.net/sockjs-0.3.4.min.js".
......@@ -108,10 +109,12 @@ public class SockJsServiceRegistration {
* from clients with a "cookie_needed" boolean property that indicates whether the use
* of a JSESSIONID cookie is required for the application to function correctly, e.g.
* for load balancing or in Java Servlet containers for the use of an HTTP session.
* <p>This is especially important for IE 8,9 that support XDomainRequest -- a modified
* AJAX/XHR -- that can do requests across domains but does not send any cookies. In
* those cases, the SockJS client prefers the "iframe-htmlfile" transport over
* "xdr-streaming" in order to be able to send cookies.
* <p>The default value is "true" to maximize the chance for applications to work
* correctly in IE 8,9 with support for cookies (and the JSESSIONID cookie in
* particular). However, an application can choose to set this to "false" if the use
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.web.socket.WebSocketHandler;
import org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.SockJsException;
import org.springframework.web.socket.sockjs.SockJsService;
import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder;
* An abstract base class for {@link SockJsService} implementations that provides SockJS
......@@ -106,8 +107,9 @@ public abstract class AbstractSockJsService implements SockJsService {
* "foreign" domain) from an invisible iframe. Code run from this iframe
* doesn't need to worry about cross-domain issues since it is running from
* a domain local to the SockJS server. The iframe does need to load the
* SockJS javascript client library and this option allows configuring its
* url.
* SockJS javascript client library and this option allows configuring that url.
* For more details see the reference documentation.
* <p>By default this is set to point to
* "https://d1fxtkz8shb9d2.cloudfront.net/sockjs-0.3.4.min.js".
......@@ -146,13 +148,16 @@ public abstract class AbstractSockJsService implements SockJsService {
* clients with a "cookie_needed" boolean property that indicates whether the use of a
* JSESSIONID cookie is required for the application to function correctly, e.g. for
* load balancing or in Java Servlet containers for the use of an HTTP session.
* <p>This is especially important for IE 8,9 that support XDomainRequest -- a modified
* AJAX/XHR -- that can do requests across domains but does not send any cookies. In
* those cases, the SockJS client prefers the "iframe-htmlfile" transport over
* "xdr-streaming" in order to be able to send cookies.
* <p>The SockJS protocol also expects a SockJS service to echo back the JSESSIONID
* cookie when this property is set to true. However, when running in a Servlet
* container this is not necessary since the container takes care of it.
* <p>The default value is "true" to maximize the chance for applications to work
* correctly in IE 8,9 with support for cookies (and the JSESSIONID cookie in
* particular). However, an application can choose to set this to "false" if
......@@ -37188,7 +37188,7 @@ or WebSocket XML namespace:
=== Fallback Options
=== SockJS Fallback Options
As explained in the <<websocket-into-fallback-options,introduction>>, WebSocket is not
supported in all browsers yet and may be precluded by restrictive network proxies.
This is why Spring provides fallback options that emulate the WebSocket API as close
......@@ -37258,6 +37258,102 @@ https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-client[sockjs-client] page and the list of
transport types supported by browser. The client also provides several
configuration options, for example, to specify which transports to include.
==== SockJS Transports
The SockJS client simulates the WebSocket API in a wide range of browsers.
For the full list of transports by browser see the
https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-client[SockJS client] page. The transport types
fall in 3 categories: WebSocket, HTTP Streaming, and HTTP Long Polling. For more
background on those techniques see
https://spring.io/blog/2012/05/08/spring-mvc-3-2-preview-techniques-for-real-time-updates/[this blog post].
An important goal of SockJS is to support at least one streaming transport
per browser, for efficiency reasons, but when necessary fall back on
long polling.
The next few sections cover various aspects of confugring and using SockJS
in Spring applications.
==== HTTP Streaming in IE 8, 9: Ajax/XHR vs IFrame
Internet Explorer 8 and 9 are and will remain common for some time. They are
a key reason for having SockJS. This section covers important
considerations about running in those browsers.
SockJS client supports Ajax/XHR streaming in IE 8, 9 via Microsoft's
That works across domains but does not support sending cookies.
Cookies are very often essential for Java applications.
However since the SockJS client can be used with many server
types (not just Java ones), it needs to know whether cookies do matter.
If so the SockJS client prefers Ajax/XHR for streaming or otherwise it
relies on a iframe-based technique.
The very first `"/info"` request from the SockJS client is a request for
information that can influence the client's choice of transports.
One of those details is whether the server application relies on cookies,
e.g. for authentication purposes or clustering with sticky sessions.
Spring's SockJS support includes a property called `sessionCookieNeeded`.
It is enabled by default since most Java applications rely on the `JSESSIONID`
cookie. If your application does not need it, you can turn off this option
and the SockJS client should choose the `xhr-streaming` transport in IE 8 and 9.
If you do use an iframe-based transport, and in any case, it is good to know
that browsers can be instructed to block the use of iframes on a given page by
setting the HTTP response header `X-Frame-Options` to `DENY`,
`SAMEORIGIN`, or `ALLOW-FROM <origin>`. This is used to prevent
Spring Security 3.2+ provides support for setting `X-Frame-Options` on every
response. By default the Spring Security Java config sets it to `DENY`.
In 3.2 the Spring Security XML namespace does not set that header by default
but may be configured to do so, and in the future it may set it by default.
See http://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/3.2.2.RELEASE/reference/htmlsingle/#headers[Section 7.1. "Default Security Headers"]
of the Spring Security documentation for details no how to configure the
setting of the `X-Frame-Options` header. You may also check or watch
https://jira.spring.io/browse/SEC-2501[SEC-2501] for additional background.
If your application adds the `X-Frame-Options` response header (as it should!)
and relies on an iframe-based transport, you will need to set the header value to
`SAMEORIGIN` or `ALLOW-FROM <origin>`. Along with that the Spring SockJS
support also needs to know the location of the SockJS client because it is loaded
from the iframe. By default the iframe is set to download the SockJS client
from a CDN location. It is a good idea to configure this option to
a URL from the same origin as the application.
In Java config this can be done as shown below. The XML namespace provides a
similar option on the `<websocket:sockjs>` element:
public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketConfigurer {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
// ...
During initial development, do enable the SockJS client `devel` mode that prevents
the browser from caching SockJS requests (like the iframe) that would otherwise
be cached. For details on how to enable it see the
https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-client[SockJS client] page.
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