• S
    Support single, unqualified tx manager in the TCF · f21fe33e
    Sam Brannen 提交于
    TransactionalTestExecutionListener currently requires that the
    PlatformTransactionManager bean be named "transactionManager" by
    default. Otherwise, the bean name can only be overridden via the
    transactionManager attribute of @TransactionConfiguration or the value
    attribute of @Transactional.
    However, if there is only a single PlatformTransactionManager in the
    test's ApplicationContext, then the requirement to specify the exact
    name of that bean (or to name it exactly "transactionManager") is often
    This commit addresses this issue by refactoring the
    TransactionalTestExecutionListener so that it is comparable to the
    algorithm for determining the transaction manager used in
    TransactionAspectSupport for "production" code. Specifically, the TTEL
    now uses the following algorithm to retrieve the transaction manager.
     - look up by type and qualifier from @Transactional
     - else, look up by type and explicit name from
     - else, look up single bean by type
     - else, look up by type and default name from @TransactionConfiguration
    Issue: SPR-9645
LookUpTxMgrByTypeTests.java 2.3 KB