• A
    Modify SpEL Tokenizer to support methods on numbers · e4a926ea
    Andy Clement 提交于
    When attempting to parse an Integer literal expression such as
    42.toString(), SpEL currently throws a SpelParseException with a message
    similar to: "EL1041E:(pos 3): After parsing a valid expression, there is
    still more data in the expression: 'toString'". The problem here is that
    '3.' is currently considered a valid number (including the dot).
    However, SpEL succeeds at parsing an equivalent expression for a Double
    literal such as 3.14.isInfinite().
    To address this issue, the SpEL Tokenizer no longer consumes the
    trailing '.' on an integer as part of the integer. So '3.foo()' will now
    be parsed as '3' '.' 'foo()' and not '3.' 'foo()' -- which was what
    prevented parsing of method invocations on integers. To keep the change
    simple, the parser will no longer handle real numbers of the form
    '3.e4'. From now on they must include the extra 0 (i.e., '3.0e4').
    Issue: SPR-9612
SpelExpression.java 9.2 KB