• A
    Add StompCodec · a489c2cf
    Andy Wilkinson 提交于
    Previously, the broker relay's TCP client used Reactor's built in
    delimited codec as part of its parsing of STOMP frames. \0 was used as
    the delimiter. This worked for most STOMP frames but, crucially,
    not for frames with a body that contained \0: when such a frame was
    received it would be truncated.
    This commit adds a custom codec that parses STOMP frames more
    intelligently. It honours the content-length header allowing it to
    correctly parse frames with a body that contains \0. The codec largely
    delegates to two new classes: StompEncoder and StompDecoder. For
    consistency, code that previously used StompMessageConverter has been
    reworked to use these new encoder and decoder classes.
    Issue: SPR-10818
StompEncoder.java 3.4 KB