• B
    Remove dependency management noise from POMs · 417354da
    Brian Clozel 提交于
    Prior to this commit, the generated POMs for Spring Framework modules
    would contain unneeded/harmful information from the Spring Framework
    1. The BOM imports applied to each module by the dependency
    management plugin, for example for Netty or Reactor Netty.
    Spring should not export that opinion to its POMs.
    2. The exclusion of "org.slf4:jcl-over-slf4j" from *all* dependencies,
    which made the POMs much larger than necessary and suggested to
    developers that they should exclude it as well when using all those
    listed dependencies. In fact, only Apache Tiles currently brings that
    This commit removes that information from the POMs.
    The dependencyManagement Gradle plugin is disabled for POM generation
    and we manually resolve the dependency versions during the generation
    The Gradle build is streamlined to exclude "org.slf4:jcl-over-slf4j"
    only when necessary.
    Issue: SPR-16893
spring-webmvc.gradle 3.8 KB