• C
    Introduce FeatureSpecification support · b4fea47d
    Chris Beams 提交于
    Introduce FeatureSpecification interface and implementations
        FeatureSpecification objects decouple the configuration of
        spring container features from the concern of parsing XML
        namespaces, allowing for reuse in code-based configuration
        (see @Feature* annotations below).
        * ComponentScanSpec
        * TxAnnotationDriven
        * MvcAnnotationDriven
        * MvcDefaultServletHandler
        * MvcResources
        * MvcViewControllers
    Refactor associated BeanDefinitionParsers to delegate to new impls above
        The following BeanDefinitionParser implementations now deal only
        with the concern of XML parsing.  Validation is handled by their
        corresponding FeatureSpecification object.  Bean definition creation
        and registration is handled by their corresponding
        FeatureSpecificationExecutor type.
        * ComponentScanBeanDefinitionParser
        * AnnotationDrivenBeanDefinitionParser (tx)
        * AnnotationDrivenBeanDefinitionParser (mvc)
        * DefaultServletHandlerBeanDefinitionParser
        * ResourcesBeanDefinitionParser
        * ViewControllerBeanDefinitionParser
    Update AopNamespaceUtils to decouple from XML (DOM API)
        Methods necessary for executing TxAnnotationDriven specification
        (and eventually, the AspectJAutoProxy specification) have been
        added that accept boolean arguments for whether to proxy
        target classes and whether to expose the proxy via threadlocal.
        Methods that accepted and introspected DOM Element objects still
        exist but have been deprecated.
    Introduce @FeatureConfiguration classes and @Feature methods
        Allow for creation and configuration of FeatureSpecification objects
        at the user level.  A companion for @Configuration classes allowing
        for completely code-driven configuration of the Spring container.
        See changes in ConfigurationClassPostProcessor for implementation
        See Feature*Tests for usage examples.
        FeatureTestSuite in .integration-tests is a JUnit test suite designed
        to aggregate all BDP and Feature* related tests for a convenient way
        to confirm that Feature-related changes don't break anything.
        Uncomment this test and execute from Eclipse / IDEA. Due to classpath
        issues, this cannot be compiled by Ant/Ivy at the command line.
    Introduce @FeatureAnnotation meta-annotation and @ComponentScan impl
        @FeatureAnnotation provides an alternate mechanism for creating
        and executing FeatureSpecification objects.  See @ComponentScan
        and its corresponding ComponentScanAnnotationParser implementation
        for details.  See ComponentScanAnnotationIntegrationTests for usage
    Introduce Default[Formatting]ConversionService implementations
        Allows for convenient instantiation of ConversionService objects
        containing defaults appropriate for most environments.  Replaces
        similar support originally in ConversionServiceFactory (which is now
        deprecated). This change was justified by the need to avoid use
        of FactoryBeans in @Configuration classes (such as
        FormattingConversionServiceFactoryBean). It is strongly preferred
        that users simply instantiate and configure the objects that underlie
        our FactoryBeans. In the case of the ConversionService types, the
        easiest way to do this is to create Default* subtypes. This also
        follows convention with the rest of the framework.
    Minor updates to util classes
        All in service of changes above. See diffs for self-explanatory
        * BeanUtils
        * ObjectUtils
        * ReflectionUtils
FeatureMethodBeanReferenceTests.java 2.2 KB