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> A jQuery plugin to provide simple yet fully customisable pagination.
A jQuery plugin to provide simple yet fully customisable pagination.
See demos and full documentation at:
[Docs](docs/en.md) | [中文文档](docs/cn.md)
## [paginationjs.com](http://paginationjs.com)
# Usage
Use like this:
dataSource: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ... , 195],
callback: function(data, pagination){
// template method of yourself
var html = template(data);
callback: function(data, pagination) {
More examples, see [paginationjs.com](http://paginationjs.com)
See demos and full documentation at [paginationjs.com](http://paginationjs.com)
# License
Released under the MIT license.
MIT: [http://rem.mit-license.org](http://rem.mit-license.org/), See [LICENSE](/LICENSE)
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"ignore": [
# Constructor
## Commonly used
### dataSource <em>array | string | object | function</em>
数据源支持 4 种格式
1. **Array**
['1', '2', '3', '4']
2. **Object**
提供一个对象,里面要包含数组,可以通过 `locator: 'data'` 指定这个数组
data: ['1', '2', '3', '4']
3. **Function**
提供一个自定义函数,根据自己的业务逻辑返回数组,自定义程度很高,可以实现上面 2 种方式
可以动态组装数据,使用 `done` 返回数据,如:
dataSource: function(done){
var result = [];
for(var i = 1; i < 196; i++){
也可以发送请求获取数据,使用 `done` 异步返回数据
dataSource: function(done){
type: 'GET',
url: '/test.json',
success: function(response){
4. **URL**
提供一个URL,通过 Ajax 返回数据,适用于异步分页,每次请求返回一页的数据,返回的数据也可以通过 `locator` 查找
如果URL为 file, http 或 https 协议,会用 `jsonp` 发送请求,否则为 Ajax
每次分页发起请求时,会附加两个参数 `pageNumber` 和 `pageSize` ,也可使用 `alias` 来指定参数名
### locator <em>string | function</em>
这个参数与 `dataSource` 相关,一般情况下,`dataSource` 是一个数组,可以直接传给分页组件处理。但如果返回的是 Object,那么就需要指定那个数组,默认为 `data`
指定 `locator` 可定位到数据源的位置,支持 2 种方式
1. **String**
data: ['1', '2', '3', '4']
指定 `locator: 'data'` 之后,最终传给分页组件的就是 `['1', '2', '3', '4']`
此外,还支持多层定位,如果 `dataSource` 是如下,则可用 `locator: 'a.b'`
a: {b: ['1', '2', '3', '4']}
2. **Function**
locator: function(){
// find data and return
return 'a.b';
通过 Ajax 获取的数据同样会应用此规则
### totalNumber <em>number (default `1`)</em>
### pageNumber <em>number (default `1`)</em>
### pageSize <em>number (default `10`)</em>
### pageRange <em>number (default `2`)</em>
可见的页码范围,即当前页码两边的页码数量。比如当前是第 6 页,设置 pageRange 为 2,则页码条显示为 '1... 4 5 `6` 7 8'
### callback <em>function(data, pagination)</em>
每次翻页时的回调,`callback` 会传入两个参数
callback: function(data, pagination){ ... }
参数 | 类型 | 描述
------------ | ------------- | ------------
data | array | 当页数据
pagination | object | 包含当页配置信息的对象
pagination 对象包含以下属性值:
属性 | 类型 | 描述
------------ | ------------- | ------------
pageNumber | number | 当前页码
pageRange | number | 页码范围
pageSize | number | 每页条目数
totalPage | number | 总页数
totalNumber | number | 总条目数
el | jQueryObject | 分页实例的容器
direction | number | 分页方向,往前翻页时值为 -1,往后翻为 1,初始化时为 0
### alias <em>object</em>
alias: {
pageNumber: 'pageNum',
pageSize: 'limit'
那么通过 Ajax 发起请求时,会替换默认的 `pageNumber``pageSize`
## Display control
### showPrevious <em>boolean (default `true`)</em>
是否显示 '上一页'
### showNext <em>boolean (default `true`)</em>
是否显示 '下一页'
### showPageNumbers <em>boolean (default `true`)</em>
是否显示 '页码'
### showNavigator <em>boolean (default `false`)</em>
### showGoInput <em>boolean (default `false`)</em>
### showGoButton <em>boolean (default `false`)</em>
### showFirstOnEllipsisShow <em>boolean (default `true`)</em>
showBeginingOnOmit: false,
pageRange: 1,
totalNumber: 100,
pageSize: 10
如上设置,分页条会显示成这样 '... 4 `5` 6 ... 10'
### showLastOnEllipsisShow <em>boolean (default `true`)</em>
showEndingOnOmit: false,
pageRange: 1,
totalNumber: 100,
pageSize: 10
如上设置,分页条会显示成这样 '1 ... 4 `5` 6 ...'
### autoHidePrevious <em>boolean (default `false`)</em>
是否在当前显示为第一页时隐藏 '上一页' 按钮
See [demo](/index.html#auto_hide)
### autoHideNext <em>boolean (default `false`)</em>
是否在当前显示为最后一页时隐藏 '下一页' 按钮
See [demo](/index.html#auto_hide)
## Style
### classPrefix <em>string</em>
样式前缀,默认为 `pagination`
### className <em>string</em>
### activeClassName <em>string</em>
选中页码的样式类,默认为 `active`
### disableClassName <em>string</em>
不可用页码的样式类,默认为 `disabled`
### ulClassName <em>string</em>
附加给分页容器下的 'ul' 元素的样式类,默认为空
## Customize
### prevText <em>string</em>
'上一页' 的文本,默认为 `&laquo;`,即符号 &laquo;
### nextText <em>string</em>
'下一页' 的文本,默认为 `&raquo;`,即符号 &raquo;
### ellipsisText <em>string</em>
省略号文本,默认为 `...`
### goButtonText <em>string</em>
跳转按钮文本,默认为 `Go`
### formatNavigator <em>string | function</em>
导航器格式化模板,默认为 `<%= currentPage %> / <%= totalPage %>`,也可提供一个自定义函数,返回一个这样的字符串
提供 3 个模板变量
- `currentPage` 当前页码
- `totalPage` 总页数
- `totalNumber` 总条目数
See [demo](/index.html#format_navigator)
### formatGoInput <em>string | function</em>
跳转输入框格式化模板,默认为 `<%= input %>`,也可提供一个自定义函数,返回一个这样的字符串
`<%= input %>` 相当于 `<input type="text" class="J-paginationjs-go-pagenumber">` 的一个包装,所以,也可自定义一个输入框标签元素,只需要确保带有 `J-paginationjs-go-pagenumber` 这个class即可
提供 4 个模板变量
- `input` 输入框
- `currentPage` 当前页码
- `totalPage` 总页数
- `totalNumber` 总条目数
See [demo](/index.html#format_go_input)
### formatGoButton <em>string | function</em>
跳转按钮格式化模板,默认为 `<%= button %>`,也可提供一个自定义函数,返回一个这样的字符串
`<%= button %>` 相当于 `<input type="button" class="J-paginationjs-go-button">`,所以,也可自定义一个跳转按钮的标签元素,只需要确保带有 `J-paginationjs-go-button` 这个class即可
提供 4 个模板变量
- `button` 按钮
- `currentPage` 当前页码
- `totalPage` 总页数
- `totalNumber` 总条目数
### header <em>string | function</em>
提供 3 个模板变量
- `currentPage` 当前页码
- `totalPage` 总页数
- `totalNumber` 总条目数
### footer <em>string | function</em>
提供 3 个模板变量
- `currentPage` 当前页码
- `totalPage` 总页数
- `totalNumber` 总条目数
### pageLink <em>string</em>
## Utilities
### formatResult <em>function(data)</em>
提供一个自定义函数,处理每次分页的数组数据,在分页 `callback` 触发之前调用
可以返回一个处理后的数组,或者直接在传过来的 `data` 数组里处理
See [demo](/index.html#formatResult)
### formatAjaxError <em>function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)</em>
formatAjaxError: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ ... }
### ajax <em>object</em>
针对内置 Ajax 请求方法的参数作更加自定义的配置,参数必须与 `$.ajax` 兼容,适用于异步分页
参数 | 类型 | 描述
------------ | ------------- | ------------
type | string | 请求的方法类型,默认为 `GET`
dataType | string | 数据格式,比如:`xml``json``jsonp`,或者其他 jQuery 支持的格式,默认为 `json`
data | object | 默认情况下,分页请求都会被附加 `pageNumber``pageSize` 两个参数,某些情况下,可能还需要其他的参数,那么就可使用此参数解决,例如:`{ ajax: { data: {dbType: 'oracle'} } }`
cache | boolean | 如果设置为 `false`,将会强制请求不被浏览器缓存,默认为 `true`
async | boolean | 默认所有请求都以异步方式发送,默认为 `true`。如果需要同步方式,设置为 `false` 即可,跨域请求或 `dataType: 'jsonp'` 不支持同步操作。
beforeSend | function | 发起请求之前的回调函数,可用于发送前修改 jqXHR 对象。beforeSend 函数返回 `false` 将取消该请求。
参数的更多信息,请参阅 [JQuery API Documentation](http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/)
### triggerPagingOnInit <em>boolean (default `true`)</em>
triggerPagingOnInit: true,
pageNum: 2
### hideWhenLessThanOnePage <em>boolean (default `false`)</em>
### inlineStyle <em>boolean (default `true`)</em>
分页组件自带了样式内容,默认情况下,会在 head 里插入一个 `style` 标签元素,并放入分页自带的样式内容
如果你觉得使用 `link` 外链样式文件更好,那么可以将此项设置为 `false`来阻止插入行为,并将你的样式文件以 `link` 方式引用
默认的样式在这下载 [pagination.css](../dist/2.0.6/pagination.css) [pagination.less](../dist/2.0.6/pagination.less),但你完全可以自己编写这些样式
<s>注意,只有使用带样式版本的分页组件,此项设置才会生效,即 `pagination-with-styles.js`</s>
注意,从 2.0.6 起,不再支持 inlineStyle 配置,样式需要单独用 Link 标签引入
# Methods
var container = $('#example1');
container.pagination({ ... });
### previous
### next
### go
跳转到指定页,有以下 2 种使用方式
container.pagination('go', 8)
container.pagination('go', 8, function(data, pagination){
// template method of yourself
注意,设置自定义函数后,就不会再调用分页的回调函数 `callback`
### disable
禁用分页,执行后分页不可用,要重新恢复可用需要调用解锁事件 `container.pagination('enable')`
每次异步翻页发出请求前,会自动调用此方法,请求成功之后会自动调用 `enable` 解锁
### enable
### show
### hide
### destroy
### getSelectedPageNum <em>number</em>
### getTotalPage <em>number</em>
### getSelectedPageData <em>array</em>
### isDisabled <em>function</em>
# [Events](id:events)
分页事件的功能接口有 2 种使用方式,分别是 `回调函数``插件钩子`
var container = $('#example1');
afterRender: function(){
// function body
var container = $('#example2');
dataSource: [1, 2, 3],
pageSize: 1
container.addHook('afterRender', function(){
// function body
### beforeInit <em>function</em>
分页实例初始化之前调用,返回 `false` 将阻止初始化
### beforeRender <em>function</em>
### beforePaging <em>function</em>
### beforeDestroy <em>function</em>
### beforeDisable <em>function</em>
### beforeEnable <em>function</em>
### beforePreviousOnClick <em>function</em>
### beforePageOnClick <em>function</em>
### beforeNextOnClick <em>function</em>
### beforeGoInputOnEnter <em>function</em>
### beforeGoButtonOnClick <em>function</em>
### afterInit <em>function</em>
### afterRender <em>function</em>
### afterPaging <em>function</em>
### afterDestroy <em>function</em>
### afterDisable <em>function</em>
### afterEnable <em>function</em>
### afterPreviousOnClick <em>function</em>
### afterPageOnClick <em>function</em>
### afterNextOnClick <em>function</em>
### afterGoInputOnEnter <em>function</em>
### afterGoButtonOnClick <em>function</em>
### afterIsFirstPage <em>function</em>
### afterIsLastPage <em>function</em>
# Skin
分页组件自带了 5 套默认皮肤,但你完全可以定制你自己的皮肤
className: 'paginationjs-theme-blue'
className: 'paginationjs-theme-blue paginationjs-small'
className: 'paginationjs-theme-blue paginationjs-big'
如果需要自定义样式,则可以增加 css 类 `custom-paginationjs`
# Configuring Defaults
分页可通过 `$.fn.pagination.defaults` 对象来修改默认配置,修改后,将影响所有之后创建的实例
$.extend($.fn.pagination.defaults, {
pageSize: 20
之后所有新建的分页实例,每页条数都是 20
[帮助改进这些文档,新建一个 issue 或 pull request](https://github.com/superRaytin/paginationjs-site/issues)
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# Constructor
## Commonly used
### dataSource <em>array | string | object | function</em>
Data source, ultimately an array will be provided for Pagination.
Data source supports 4 formats.
1. **Array**
Directly provide an array, such as:
['1', '2', '3', '4']
2. **Object**
Provide an object, which will contain an array, and the array can be specified via `locator: 'data'`.
data: ['1', '2', '3', '4']
3. **Function**
Provide a custom function, use `done` to return an array, can achieve above 2 ways.
dataSource: function(done){
var result = [];
for(var i = 1; i < 196; i++){
You can also send a request to get data, use `done` return asynchronous data.
dataSource: function(done){
type: 'GET',
url: '/test.json',
success: function(response){
4. **URL**
Provide a URL, returns data via Ajax, each request returns one page of data, the data returned can also be located by `locator`.
If URL is file, HTTP or HTTPS protocol, will using `jsonp` to send requests, otherwise Ajax.
For each pagination request, two parameters `pageNumber` and `pageSize` will be added, you can also use `alias` to specify the parameter's name.
### locator <em>string | function (default `data`)</em>
In general, data source is an array, and it can be processed directly by Pagination. But if the return is an Object, then you need to specify that array.
This option is used to manually modify the location of that array in data source.
Used as a string:
`locator: 'data'`:
data: ['1', '2', '3', '4']
locator uses [to-function](https://github.com/component/to-function), so you may use dot notation to traverse the result array, such as `locator: 'a.b'`:
a: {b: ['1', '2', '3', '4']}
Using as a function:
Provide a custom function, find the array position, and return.
locator: function(){
// find data and return
return 'a.b';
Please note that the data via Ajax will apply the same rules.
### totalNumber <em>number (default `1`)</em>
Total entries, This option must be specified when pagination is asynchronous.
Note: This option only has effect in Pagination constructor and only if dataSource option is a URL.
### pageNumber <em>number (default `1`)</em>
Specify the page number at initialization.
### pageSize <em>number (default `10`)</em>
Entries of per page.
### pageRange <em>number (default `2`)</em>
Range of visible page number, this means that the amount on both sides of the selected page. For example, if the selected page number is `6`, and pageRange set to 2, then the pagination bar will be displayed as like this '1 ... 4 5`6`7 8'.
### callback <em>function(data, pagination)</em>
Callback of each paging. Useful for process the result data before rendered.
The `callback` function will get two parameters
callback: function(data, pagination){ ... }
Parameter | Type | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------
data | array | data of selected page
pagination | object | pagination data
`pagination` object contains the following custom properties:
Property | Type | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------
pageNumber | number | The selected page number
pageRange | number | Visible page number range
pageSize | number | Entries of per page
totalPage | number | Total page
totalNumber | number | Total entries
el | jQuery object | Pagination element
direction | number | Pagination direction, `-1` means forward, `1` means backward, `0` means current is at initialization.
### alias <em>object</em>
Used to manually modify the parameters of the Ajax request. Useful for asynchronous pagination.
Here's the example:
alias: {
pageNumber: 'pageNum',
pageSize: 'limit'
When the Ajax request sent, will replace the defaults `pageaNumber` and `pageSize`.
## Display control
### showPrevious <em>boolean (default `true`)</em>
Determines whether to display the `previous` button.
### showNext <em>boolean (default `true`)</em>
Determines whether to display the `next` button.
### showPageNumbers <em>boolean (default `true`)</em>
Determines whether to display the page number buttons.
### showNavigator <em>boolean (default `false`)</em>
Determines whether to display the navigator.
### showGoInput <em>boolean (default `false`)</em>
Determines whether to display the 'Go' input box.
### showGoButton <em>boolean (default `false`)</em>
Determines whether to display the 'Go' button.
### showFirstOnEllipsisShow <em>boolean (default `true`)</em>
Determines whether to display the first page number buttons when the ellipsis was displayed.
showBeginingOnOmit: false,
pageRange: 1,
totalNumber: 100,
pageSize: 10
The above settings, pagination bar will be displayed as like this "... 4 `5` 6 ... 10".
### showLastOnEllipsisShow <em>boolean (default `true`)</em>
Determines whether to display the last page number when the ellipsis was displayed.
showEndingOnOmit: false,
pageRange: 1,
totalNumber: 100,
pageSize: 10
The above settings, for example, pagination bar will be displayed as like this "1 ... 4 `5` 6 ...".
### autoHidePrevious <em>boolean (default `false`)</em>
Determines whether to display the `previous` button when the selected page number was the first page.
See [demo](/index.html#auto_hide)
### autoHideNext <em>boolean (default `false`)</em>
Determines whether to display the `next` button when the selected page number was the last page.
See [demo](/index.html#auto_hide)
## Style
### classPrefix <em>string</em>
Style prefix. Default is `pagination`.
### className <em>string</em>
Additional style class(es) for the Pagination element.
### activeClassName <em>string</em>
ClassName of the selected page number button. Default is `active`.
### disableClassName <em>string</em>
ClassName of the disabled page number button. Default is `disabled`.
### ulClassName <em>string</em>
ClassName of the 'ul' element that contained by the Pagination element.
## Customizable text
### prevText <em>string</em>
The text to display for the `previous` button. Default is `&laquo;`. That is the symbol '&laquo;'.
### nextText <em>string</em>
The text to display for the `next` button. Default is `&raquo;`. That is the symbol '&raquo;'.
### ellipsisText <em>string</em>
The text to display for the ellipsis button. Default is `...`.
### goButtonText <em>string</em>
The text to display for the `Go` button. Default is `Go`.
### formatNavigator <em>string | function</em>
Format template for the navigator. Default is `<%= currentPage %> / <%= totalPage %>`.
String containing the template variables or a function that returns such a string.
Provide 3 template variables.
- `currentPage`
- `totalPage`
- `totalNumber` Total entries.
See [demo](/index.html#format_navigator)
### formatGoInput <em>string | function</em>
Format template for the 'Go' input box. Default is `<%= input %>`.
String containing the template variables or a function that returns such a string.
`<%= input %>` is equivalent to a package of `<input type= "text" class= "J-paginationjs-go-pagenumber" >`, therefore, you can also customize an input box element, ensure that the element has the `J-paginationjs-go-pagenumber` class.
Provide 4 template variables.
- `input`
- `currentPage`
- `totalPage`
- `totalNumber` Total entries.
See [demo](/index.html#format_go_input)
### formatGoButton <em>string | function</em>
Format template for the 'Go' button. Default is `<%= button %>`.
String containing the template variables or a function that returns such a string.
`<%= button %>` is equivalent to a package of `<input type="button" class="J-paginationjs-go-button">`, therefore, you can also customize an button element, ensure that the element has the `J-paginationjs-go-button` class.
Provide 4 template variables.
- `button`
- `currentPage`
- `totalPage`
- `totalNumber` Total entries.
### header <em>string | function</em>
Custom header content. `header` may be a string or a function.
Provide 3 template variables.
- `currentPage`
- `totalPage`
- `totalNumber`
### footer <em>string | function</em>
Custom footer content. `footer` may be a string or a function.
Provide 3 template variables.
- `currentPage`
- `totalPage`
- `totalNumber`
### pageLink <em>string</em>
Page link.
## Utilities
### formatResult <em>function(data)</em>
Provide a custom function, processing result data before the `callback` function called.
Return an processed array, or process the passed `data` array directly.
See [demo](/index.html#formatResult)
### formatAjaxError <em>function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)</em>
Provide a custom function, for rendering the error message.
formatAjaxError: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ ... }
### ajax <em>object</em>
Customized configuration for the built-in Ajax function. Must be parameter-compatible with `$.ajax`. Usuful for the asynchronous pagination.
Parameter | Type | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------
type | string | The type of request to make (e.g. "POST", "GET", "PUT"); Default is `GET`.
dataType | string | Data type for the request. `xml`, `json`, `jsonp`, other formats supported by jQuery. Default is `json`.
data | object | By default, `pageNumber` and `pageSize` will be sent. If you need additional data to be sent to the server. set this option. For example: `{ ajax: { data: {dbType: 'oracle'} } }`.
cache | boolean | If set to `false`, it will force requested pages not to be cached by the browser. Default is `true`.
async | boolean | By default, all requests are sent asynchronously. If you need synchronous requests, set this option to `false`. Default is `true`.
beforeSend | function | A pre-request callback function that can be used to modify the jqXHR object before it is sent. Returning false in the beforeSend function will cancel the request.
For more info on the parameters, refer to the [JQuery API Documentation](http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/).
### triggerPagingOnInit <em>boolean (default `true`)</em>
Determines whether to trigger default pagination at initialization.
in some cases, you may load the content of the first page with AJAX and the content already showed before you initialize the pagination, you should set this option to `false`.
There are anthor usage, load the content of the second page by default, for example:
triggerPagingOnInit: true,
pageNum: 2
### hideWhenLessThanOnePage <em>boolean (default `false`)</em>
Determines whether to hide pagination when less than one page.
### inlineStyle <em>boolean (default `true`)</em>
Determines whether to use inline styles.
Pagination comes with style content, by default, the style content will be inserted in an `style` element to the `head` element.
If you think the use of the `link` would be better, you can set this option to `false` to prevent insertion behavior, and references your css file to the `link` element.
The default styles: [pagination.css](../dist/2.0.6/pagination.css) [pagination.less](../dist/2.0.6/pagination.less), but you can easily write these styles to apply your own.
<s>Note, make sure that use `pagination-with-styles.js` before set this option.</s>
Note, this will not be supported from v2.0.6, please use Link to import css.
# Methods
After Pagination is constructed, you can modify the behavior using the available public methods.
var container = $('#example1');
container.pagination({ ... });
### previous
Go to the previous page.
### next
Go to the next page.
### go
Go to the custom page. There is 2 ways:
container.pagination('go', 8)
A custom callback function is also supported, for example:
container.pagination('go', 8, function(data, pagination){
// template method of yourself
Note, after set a custom function, will no longer call the default `callback` function.
### disable
Disables the pagination.
Note: before the asynchronous pagination request sent, pagination will automatically call this method, and automatically call `enable` method to enables the pagination after the request was completed successfully.
### enable
Enables the pagination.
### show
Show the pagination.
### hide
Hide the pagination.
### destroy
Destroy the pagination instance.
### getSelectedPageNum <em>number</em>
Get selected page number.
### getTotalPage <em>number</em>
Get total page.
### getSelectedPageData <em>array</em>
Get selected page data.
### isDisabled <em>function</em>
Whether pagination was be disabled.
# [Events](id:events)
Pagination events are the common interface that function in 2 ways: as callbacks and as plugin hooks.
Using events as callbacks:
var container = $('#example1');
afterRender: function(){
// function body
Using events as plugin hooks:
var container = $('#example2');
dataSource: [1, 2, 3],
pageSize: 1
container.addHook('afterRender', function(){
// function body
Note, the hook can be added before Pagination initialized, can also be added after Pagination initialized.
### beforeInit <em>function</em>
Callback fired before Pagination instance initialized. Return `false` will stop the initialization.
### beforeRender <em>function</em>
Callback fired before Pagination bar is rendered. Parameters:
`isForced` is `true` if rendering was triggered by a paging; or `false` if rendering was triggered by Pagination initialization.
### beforePaging <em>function</em>
Callback fired before a paging was triggered.
### beforeDestroy <em>function</em>
Callback fired before pagination instance was destroyed.
### beforeDisable <em>function</em>
Callback fired before pagination was disabled.
### beforeEnable <em>function</em>
Callback fired before pagination was enabled.
### beforePreviousOnClick <em>function</em>
Callback fired before 'previous' clicked.
### beforePageOnClick <em>function</em>
Callback fired before page number clicked.
### beforeNextOnClick <em>function</em>
Callback fired before 'next' clicked.
### beforeGoInputOnEnter <em>function</em>
Callback fired before 'Go' input Enter pressed.
### beforeGoButtonOnClick <em>function</em>
Callback fired before 'Go' button clicked.
### afterInit <em>function</em>
Callback fired after Pagination instance is initialized.
### afterRender <em>function</em>
Callback fired after Pagination bar is rendered. Parameters:
`isForced` is `true` if rendering was triggered by a paging; or `false` if rendering was triggered by Pagination initialization.
### afterPaging <em>function</em>
Callback fired after a paging was triggered.
### afterDestroy <em>function</em>
Callback fired after pagination instance was destroyed.
### afterDisable <em>function</em>
Callback fired after pagination was disabled.
### afterEnable <em>function</em>
Callback fired after pagination was enabled.
### afterPreviousOnClick <em>function</em>
Callback fired after 'previous' clicked.
### afterPageOnClick <em>function</em>
Callback fired after page number clicked.
### afterNextOnClick <em>function</em>
Callback fired after 'next' clicked.
### afterGoInputOnEnter <em>function</em>
Callback fired after 'Go' input Enter pressed.
### afterGoButtonOnClick <em>function</em>
Callback fired after 'Go' button clicked.
### afterIsFirstPage <em>function</em>
Callback fired after the selected page number was the first.
### afterIsLastPage <em>function</em>
Callback fired after the selected page number was the last.
# Skin
Pagination comes with 5 sets of default skins, but you can fully customize your own skin.
The blue skin, for example, it can be used:
className: 'paginationjs-theme-blue'
The small blue skin:
className: 'paginationjs-theme-blue paginationjs-small'
The big blue skin:
className: 'paginationjs-theme-blue paginationjs-big'
If you need a custom style, you can add CSS class `custom-paginationjs`.
# Configuring Defaults
Pagination exposes its default options via the `$.fn.pagination.defaults` object. Properties changed in this object (same properties configurable through the constructor) will take effect for every instance created after the change.
For example:
$.extend($.fn.pagination.defaults, {
pageSize: 20
After the change, all the new pagination instances's `pageSize` will be set to 20.
[Help improve these docs. Open an issue or pull request.](https://github.com/superRaytin/paginationjs-site/issues)
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