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Translate README to en & add TG group link (#1)

Translate README to en & add TG group link
# 介绍
# LeetCode-en
🚧 WIP. This repository is an English version translated from [azl397985856/leetcode](https://github.com/azl397985856/leetcode). Contribution is welcome!
leetcode 题解,记录自己的 leetcode 解题之路。
## Introduction
- 第一个部分是 leetcode 经典题目的解析,包括思路,关键点和具体的代码实现。
- 第二部分是对于数据结构与算法的总结
LeetCode Solutions: A Record of My Problem Solving Journey.
- 第三部分是 anki 卡片, 将 leetcode 题目按照一定的方式记录在 anki 中,方便大家记忆。
This repository will be divided into four parts for now:
- 第四部分是计划, 这里会记录将来要加入到以上三个部分内容
- The first part is the solutions to some classic problems on LeetCode, including the idea thinkings, key points and code implementations.
> 只有熟练掌握基础的数据结构与算法,才能对复杂问题迎刃有余。
- The second part is the summary of data structures and algorithms.
## 食用指南
- The third part is [Anki flashcards](https://apps.ankiweb.net) that record the LeetCode problems in a certain way so as to make it easier to remember.
- 对于最近添加的部分, 后面会有 🆕 标注
- 对于最近更新的部分, 后面会有 🖊 标注
- 将来会在这里更新anki卡片
- 这里有一份leetcode官方账号在知乎上给出的一个《互联网公司最常见的面试算法题有哪些?》的答案,我这里尽量去覆盖回答中的题目和知识点
原文地址: https://www.zhihu.com/question/24964987/answer/586425979
- The fourth part is future plans on content that would be introduced into the above parts.
- 这里有一张互联网公司面试中经常考察的问题类型总结的思维导图,我们可以结合图片中的信息分析一下。
> Only when having mastered the basic data structures and algorithms can you solve complex problems easily.
## Usage Instructions
- For the parts that were added recently, there will be a 🆕 behind.
- For the parts that were updated recently, there will be a 🖊 behind.
- Here will be the place to update Anki Flashcards in the future as well.
- Here is a mind mapping graph showing the summary of categorizations of problems that are questioned frequently in interviews. We could analyze according to the information in the graph.
- 基础技巧:分治、二分、贪心
- 排序算法:快速排序、归并排序、计数排序
- 搜索算法:回溯、递归、深度优先遍历,广度优先遍历,二叉搜索树等
- 图论:最短路径、最小生成树
- 动态规划:背包问题、最长子序列
(Picture credited by [LeetCode-cn](https://www.zhihu.com/question/24964987/answer/586425979).)
The algorithms mainly includes:
- 数组与链表:单 / 双向链表
- 栈与队列
- 哈希表
- 堆:最大堆 / 最小堆
- 树与图:最近公共祖先、并查集
- 字符串:前缀树(字典树) / 后缀树
- Basic skills: Divide-and-Conquer; Binary; Greedy
- Sorting algorithms: Quicksort; Merge Sort; Counting Sort
- Searching algorithms: Backtracking; Recursion; Depth-First-Search (DFS); Breath-First-Search (BFS); Binary Search Tree; etc.
- Graph theory: Shortest Path Problem; Minimal Spanning Tree
- Dynamic Programming: Knapsack Problem; Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) Problem
The data structures mainly includes:
- Array and linked list: Singly/Doubly-Linked List
- Stack and queue
- Hash table
- Heap: Min-Max Heap
- Tree and Graph: Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA); Disjoint-Set
- String: Prefix Tree (Trie); Suffix Tree
## 精彩预告
## Previews
[Stack in Browser](./thinkings/basic-data-structure.md)
......@@ -73,18 +76,23 @@ leetcode 题解,记录自己的 leetcode 解题之路。
## Top题目进度
## Top Problems Progress
- [Top 100 Linked Questions](https://leetcode.com/problemset/top-100-liked-questions/) (44 / 100)
- [Top Interview Questions](https://leetcode.com/problemset/top-interview-questions/) (64 / 145)
## 传送门
### leetcode 经典题目的解析
> 这里仅列举具有代表性题目,并不是全部题目
#### 简单难度
## Portals
### Solutions to LeetCode Classic Problems
> Here only lists some representative problems but not all.
#### Easy
- [0020.Valid Parentheses](./problems/20.validParentheses.md)
- [0026.remove-duplicates-from-sorted-array](./problems/26.remove-duplicates-from-sorted-array.md)
......@@ -105,7 +113,7 @@ leetcode 题解,记录自己的 leetcode 解题之路。
- [0349.intersection-of-two-arrays](./problems/349.intersection-of-two-arrays.md)
#### 中等难度
#### Medium
- [0002. Add Two Numbers](./problems/2.addTwoNumbers.md)
- [0003. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](./problems/3.longestSubstringWithoutRepeatingCharacters.md)
......@@ -154,7 +162,7 @@ leetcode 题解,记录自己的 leetcode 解题之路。
- [0887.super-egg-drop](./problems/887.super-egg-drop.md)
- [0900.rle-iterator](./problems/900.rle-iterator.md)
#### 困难难度
#### Hard
- [0023.merge-k-sorted-lists](./problems/23.merge-k-sorted-lists.md)
- [0042.trapping-rain-water](./problems/42.trapping-rain-water.md)
- [0128.longest-consecutive-sequence](./problems/128.longest-consecutive-sequence.md) 🆕
......@@ -164,35 +172,37 @@ leetcode 题解,记录自己的 leetcode 解题之路。
- [0295.find-median-from-data-stream](./problems/295.find-median-from-data-stream.md) 🆕
- [0301.remove-invalid-parentheses](./problems/301.remove-invalid-parentheses.md)
### 数据结构与算法的总结
- 🖊 [数据结构](./thinkings/basic-data-structure.md)(草稿)
- 🖊 [二叉树的遍历](./thinkings/binary-tree-traversal.md)
- [动态规划](./thinkings/dynamic-programming.md)
- [哈夫曼编码和游程编码](./thinkings/run-length-encode-and-huffman-encode.md)
- [布隆过滤器](./thinkings/bloom-filter.md)
### anki 卡片
### Summary of Data Structures and Algorithms
- 🖊 [Data Structure](./thinkings/basic-data-structure.md) (Drafts)
- 🖊 [Binary Tree Traversal](./thinkings/binary-tree-traversal.md)
- [Dynamic Programming](./thinkings/dynamic-programming.md)
- [Huffman Encode and Run Length Encode](./thinkings/run-length-encode-and-huffman-encode.md)
- [Bloom Filter](./thinkings/bloom-filter.md)
anki - 文件 - 导入 - 下拉格式选择“打包的 anki集合”,然后选中你下载好的文件,确定即可。
### Anki Flashcards
Anki falshcards would be mainly two parts: the mappings from key points to problems; the mappings from problems to idea thinks, key points and code implementations.
All flashcards are put in [anki-card](./assets/anki/leetcode.apkg).
- 二分法解决问题的关键点是什么,相关问题有哪些
- 如何用栈的特点来简化操作, 涉及到的题目有哪些?
- 双指针问题的思路以及相关题目有哪些?
- 滑动窗口问题的思路以及相关题目有哪些?
- 回溯法解题的思路以及相关题目有哪些?
> Please check [here](https://apps.ankiweb.net/) for more about the usage of Anki.
### 计划
Latest updated flashcards (only lists the front page):
- What is the key point of the binary search algorithm? Related problems?
- How to simplify the operations using the features of stacks? Related problems?
- The thinkings and related problems of double-pointers problems?
- The thinkings and related problems of sliding window problems?
- The thinkings and related problems of backtracking?
### Future Plans
- [0494.target-sum](./todo/494.target-sum.js)
......@@ -204,24 +214,34 @@ anki - 文件 - 导入 - 下拉格式选择“打包的 anki集合”,然后
- [0365.water-and-jug-problem](./todo/365.water-and-jug-problem.js)
- [anki 卡片 完善](./assets/anki/)
- [Complete Anki Flashcards](./assets/anki/)
- [Collection of String Problem](./todo/str/)
- [字符串类问题汇总](./todo/str/)
## 交流群
## Community Chat Groups
We're still on the early stage, so feedback from community is very welcome. For sake of reducing the costs of communication, I created some chat groups.
### Telegram
### QQ (For China Region)
(qq 群)
### WeChat (For China Region)
(由于微信的限制,100个人以上只能邀请加入, 你可以添加我的机器人回复“leetcode”拉你进群)
(Add this bot and reply "leetcode" to join the group.)
## 贡献
## Contribution
- 如果有想法和创意,请提[issue](https://github.com/azl397985856/leetcode/issues)或者进群提
- 如果想贡献代码,请提[PR](https://github.com/azl397985856/leetcode/pulls)
- 如果需要修改项目中图片,[这里](./assets/drawio/)存放了项目中绘制图的源代码, 大家可以用[draw.io](https://www.draw.io/)打开进行编辑。
- If you have any ideas, [Issues](https://github.com/azl397985856/leetcode/issues) or chat in groups.
- If you want to commit to the repository, Pull Request is welcome.
- If you want to edit images resources in this project, [here](./assets/drawio/) lists the files that can be edited on [draw.io](https://www.draw.io/).
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