提交 aa080536 编写于 作者: 爱吃血肠's avatar 爱吃血肠


上级 b451444c
......@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {
throw new RuntimeException("原密码错误");
String password = Md5Util.md5Password(newPwd);
if(1 != userDao.updatePasswordByName(email,newPwd)){
if(1 != userDao.updatePasswordByName(email,password)){
throw new RuntimeException("更新密码通过用户名称即email,更新影响行数不唯一");
......@@ -39,4 +39,7 @@ public class Md5Util {
public static void main(String[]args){
......@@ -180,9 +180,9 @@
where name = #{name}
<select id="queryUserByUserName" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
<select id="selectPasswordByName" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
<include refid="t_user_Column" />
from t_user
t_user.name = #{name}
......@@ -54,15 +54,15 @@
<li class="margin-b-19">
<label class="infoName1 inputDes" for="oldPwd">原登录密码:</label>
<input class="info write-n" type="text" name="oldPwd" id="oldPwd" value="" placeholder=""/>
<input class="info write-n" type="password" name="oldPwd" id="oldPwd" value="" placeholder=""/>
<li class="margin-b-19">
<label class="infoName1 inputDes" for="newPwd">新登录密码:</label>
<input class="info write-n" type="text" name="newPwd" id="newPwd" value="" placeholder=""/>
<input class="info write-n" type="password" name="newPwd" id="newPwd" value="" placeholder=""/>
<li class="margin-b-19">
<label class="infoName1 inputDes" for="pwdA">再次输入新密码:</label>
<input class="info write-n" type="text" name="pwdA" id="pwdA" value="" placeholder=""/>
<input class="info write-n" type="password" name="pwdA" id="pwdA" value="" placeholder=""/>
<div class="btn-bounce">
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