提交 f7a979d2 编写于 作者: B Bart Wyatt

tests all working now, had to refactor the ModuleInstance to ::call because it...

tests all working now, had to refactor the ModuleInstance to ::call because it is implicitly calling the start method when present
上级 458017c3
......@@ -30,32 +30,17 @@ struct intrinsic_registrator {
struct interpreter_interface : ModuleInstance::ExternalInterface {
interpreter_interface(linear_memory_type& memory, call_indirect_table_type& table, const uint32_t& sbrk_bytes)
:memory(memory),table(table), sbrk_bytes(sbrk_bytes)
void importGlobals(std::map<Name, Literal>& globals, Module& wasm) override
void init(Module& wasm, ModuleInstance& instance) override {
FC_ASSERT(wasm.memory.initial * wasm::Memory::kPageSize <= wasm_constraints::maximum_linear_memory);
// initialize the linear memory
memset(memory.data, 0, wasm.memory.initial * Memory::kPageSize);
for(size_t i = 0; i < wasm.memory.segments.size(); i++ ) {
const auto& segment = wasm.memory.segments.at(i);
Address offset = ConstantExpressionRunner<TrivialGlobalManager>(instance.globals).visit(segment.offset).value.geti32();
char *base = memory.data + offset;
FC_ASSERT(offset + segment.data.size() <= wasm_constraints::maximum_linear_memory);
memcpy(base, segment.data.data(), segment.data.size());
for (auto& segment : wasm.table.segments) {
Address offset = ConstantExpressionRunner<TrivialGlobalManager>(instance.globals).visit(segment.offset).value.geti32();
assert(offset + segment.data.size() <= wasm.table.initial);
for (size_t i = 0; i != segment.data.size(); ++i) {
table[offset + i] = segment.data[i];
void init(Module& wasm, ModuleInstance& instance) override {
sbrk_bytes = wasm.memory.initial * Memory::kPageSize;
Literal callImport(Import *import, LiteralList &args) override
......@@ -141,18 +126,19 @@ struct interpreter_interface : ModuleInstance::ExternalInterface {
void store32(Address addr, int32_t value) override { store_memory(addr, value); }
void store64(Address addr, int64_t value) override { store_memory(addr, value); }
linear_memory_type memory;
call_indirect_table_type table;
uint32_t sbrk_bytes;
linear_memory_type& memory;
call_indirect_table_type& table;
const uint32_t& sbrk_bytes;
struct info;
class entry {
unique_ptr<Module> module;
unique_ptr<interpreter_interface> interface;
unique_ptr<ModuleInstance> instance;
linear_memory_type memory;
call_indirect_table_type table;
interpreter_interface* interface;
uint32_t sbrk_bytes;
void reset(const info& );
......@@ -167,16 +153,15 @@ public:
static entry build(const char* wasm_binary, size_t wasm_binary_size);
entry(unique_ptr<Module>&& module, unique_ptr<interpreter_interface>&& interface, unique_ptr<ModuleInstance>&& instance);
entry(unique_ptr<Module>&& module, linear_memory_type&& memory, call_indirect_table_type&& table, uint32_t sbrk_bytes);
struct info {
info( const entry& binaryen )
int num_segments = binaryen.module->memory.segments.size();
default_sbrk_bytes = binaryen.interface->sbrk_bytes;
const char* start = binaryen.interface->memory.data;
default_sbrk_bytes = binaryen.sbrk_bytes;
const char* start = binaryen.memory.data;
const char* high_watermark = start + (binaryen.module->memory.initial * Memory::kPageSize);
while (high_watermark > start) {
if (*high_watermark) {
......@@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ namespace eosio { namespace chain { namespace webassembly { namespace binaryen {
void entry::call(const string &entry_point, LiteralList& args, apply_context &context)
instance->callExport(Name(entry_point), args);
interpreter_interface local_interface(memory, table, sbrk_bytes);
interface = &local_interface;
ModuleInstance instance(*module.get(), interface);
instance.callExport(Name(entry_point), args);
void entry::call_apply(apply_context& context)
......@@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ int entry::sbrk(int num_bytes) {
constexpr uint32_t NBPPL2 = 16;
const uint32_t num_pages = module->memory.initial;
const uint32_t min_bytes = (num_pages << NBPPL2) > UINT32_MAX ? UINT32_MAX : num_pages << NBPPL2;
const uint32_t prev_num_bytes = interface->sbrk_bytes; //_num_bytes;
const uint32_t prev_num_bytes = sbrk_bytes; //_num_bytes;
// round the absolute value of num_bytes to an alignment boundary
num_bytes = (num_bytes + 7) & ~7;
......@@ -41,18 +44,19 @@ int entry::sbrk(int num_bytes) {
throw eosio::chain::page_memory_error();
// update the number of bytes allocated, and compute the number of pages needed
interface->sbrk_bytes += num_bytes;
sbrk_bytes += num_bytes;
return prev_num_bytes;
void entry::reset(const info& base_info) {
const auto& image = base_info.mem_image;
char *base = interface->memory.data;
char *base = memory.data;
memcpy(base, image.data(), image.size());
if (interface->sbrk_bytes > image.size()) {
memset(interface->memory.data + image.size(), 0, interface->sbrk_bytes - image.size());
if (sbrk_bytes > image.size()) {
memset(memory.data + image.size(), 0, sbrk_bytes - image.size());
interface->sbrk_bytes = base_info.default_sbrk_bytes;
sbrk_bytes = base_info.default_sbrk_bytes;
interface = nullptr;
......@@ -63,21 +67,52 @@ entry entry::build(const char* wasm_binary, size_t wasm_binary_size) {
WasmBinaryBuilder builder(*module, code, false);
unique_ptr<interpreter_interface> interface(new interpreter_interface());
unique_ptr<ModuleInstance> instance(new ModuleInstance(*module.get(), interface.get()));
linear_memory_type memory;
call_indirect_table_type table;
FC_ASSERT(module->memory.initial * Memory::kPageSize <= wasm_constraints::maximum_linear_memory);
// create a temporary globals to use
TrivialGlobalManager globals;
for (auto& global : module->globals) {
globals[global->name] = ConstantExpressionRunner<TrivialGlobalManager>(globals).visit(global->init).value;
// initialize the linear memory
memset(memory.data, 0, module->memory.initial * Memory::kPageSize);
for(size_t i = 0; i < module->memory.segments.size(); i++ ) {
const auto& segment = module->memory.segments.at(i);
Address offset = ConstantExpressionRunner<TrivialGlobalManager>(globals).visit(segment.offset).value.geti32();
char *base = memory.data + offset;
FC_ASSERT(offset + segment.data.size() <= wasm_constraints::maximum_linear_memory);
memcpy(base, segment.data.data(), segment.data.size());
for (auto& segment : module->table.segments) {
Address offset = ConstantExpressionRunner<TrivialGlobalManager>(globals).visit(segment.offset).value.geti32();
assert(offset + segment.data.size() <= module->table.initial);
for (size_t i = 0; i != segment.data.size(); ++i) {
table[offset + i] = segment.data[i];
uint32_t sbrk_bytes = module->memory.initial * Memory::kPageSize;
//TODO: validate
return entry(move(module), move(interface), move(instance));
return entry(move(module), std::move(memory), std::move(table), sbrk_bytes);
} catch (const ParseException &e) {
FC_THROW_EXCEPTION(wasm_execution_error, "Error building interpreter: ${s}", ("s", e.text));
entry::entry(unique_ptr<Module>&& module, unique_ptr<interpreter_interface>&& interface, unique_ptr<ModuleInstance>&& instance)
entry::entry(unique_ptr<Module>&& module, linear_memory_type&& memory, call_indirect_table_type&& table, uint32_t sbrk_bytes)
,instance (forward<decltype(instance)>(instance))
,table (forward<decltype(table)>(table))
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