提交 de54f98b 编写于 作者: A arhag

better error messages from `variant_to_binary`

Most of the plumbing to support better messages for `binary_to_variant` 
is there, it just has not been used yet.

Also added option to shorten error message output such that it is 
bounded by a fixed upper limit (protects against malicious user input 
via ABI and the JSON provided to convert to binary).

The default behavior of `variant_to_binary` is to provide verbose error 
However, when the function is called from `abi_json_to_bin` within 
chain_plugin, it overrides the default behavior to shorten the error 
In the future, this behavior should be modified based on a configuration 
parameter to at the very least enable very useful error messages on 
local nodes for debugging purposes.
上级 b7fe029f
......@@ -346,12 +346,12 @@ namespace eosio { namespace chain {
fc::variant abi_serializer::binary_to_variant(const type_name& type, const bytes& binary, const fc::microseconds& max_serialization_time)const {
impl::binary_to_variant_context ctx(max_serialization_time);
impl::binary_to_variant_context ctx(*this, max_serialization_time, type);
return _binary_to_variant(type, binary, ctx);
fc::variant abi_serializer::binary_to_variant(const type_name& type, fc::datastream<const char*>& binary, const fc::microseconds& max_serialization_time)const {
impl::binary_to_variant_context ctx(max_serialization_time);
impl::binary_to_variant_context ctx(*this, max_serialization_time, type);
return _binary_to_variant(type, binary, ctx);
......@@ -360,23 +360,29 @@ namespace eosio { namespace chain {
auto h = ctx.enter_scope();
auto rtype = resolve_type(type);
auto v_itr = variants.end();
auto s_itr = structs.end();
auto btype = built_in_types.find(fundamental_type(rtype));
if( btype != built_in_types.end() ) {
btype->second.second(var, ds, is_array(rtype), is_optional(rtype));
} else if ( is_array(rtype) ) {
vector<fc::variant> vars = var.get_array();
fc::raw::pack(ds, (fc::unsigned_int)vars.size());
auto h1 = ctx.push_to_path( fundamental_type(rtype), ctx.is_path_empty() );
auto h1 = ctx.push_to_path( impl::array_index_path_item{} );
auto h2 = ctx.disallow_extensions_unless(false);
int64_t i = 0;
for (const auto& var : vars) {
auto h2 = ctx.disallow_extensions_unless(false);
_variant_to_binary(fundamental_type(rtype), var, ds, ctx);
} else if ( variants.find(rtype) != variants.end() ) {
auto& v = variants.find(rtype)->second;
auto h1 = ctx.push_to_path( v.name, ctx.is_path_empty() );
} else if( (v_itr = variants.find(rtype)) != variants.end() ) {
ctx.hint_variant_type_if_in_array( v_itr );
auto& v = v_itr->second;
EOS_ASSERT( var.is_array() && var.size() == 2, pack_exception,
"Expected input to be an array of two items while processing variant '${p}'", ("p", ctx.get_path_string()) );
EOS_ASSERT( var[size_t(0)].is_string(), pack_exception,
......@@ -385,16 +391,13 @@ namespace eosio { namespace chain {
auto it = find(v.types.begin(), v.types.end(), variant_type_str);
EOS_ASSERT( it != v.types.end(), pack_exception,
"Specified type '${t}' in input array is not valid within the variant '${p}'",
("t", variant_type_str)("p", ctx.get_path_string()) );
("t", ctx.maybe_shorten(variant_type_str))("p", ctx.get_path_string()) );
fc::raw::pack(ds, fc::unsigned_int(it - v.types.begin()));
std::stringstream s;
s << "<variant(" << (it - v.types.begin()) << ")=" << *it << ">";
auto h3 = ctx.push_to_path(s.str());
auto h1 = ctx.push_to_path( impl::variant_path_item{ .variant_itr = v_itr, .variant_ordinal = static_cast<uint32_t>(it - v.types.begin()) } );
_variant_to_binary( *it, var[size_t(1)], ds, ctx );
} else {
const auto& st = get_struct(rtype);
auto h1 = ctx.push_to_path( st.name, ctx.is_path_empty() );
} else if( (s_itr = structs.find(rtype)) != structs.end() ) {
ctx.hint_struct_type_if_in_array( s_itr );
const auto& st = s_itr->second;
if( var.is_object() ) {
const auto& vo = var.get_object();
......@@ -404,22 +407,27 @@ namespace eosio { namespace chain {
_variant_to_binary(resolve_type(st.base), var, ds, ctx);
bool extension_encountered = false;
uint32_t i = 0;
for( const auto& field : st.fields ) {
if( vo.contains( string(field.name).c_str() ) ) {
if( extension_encountered )
EOS_THROW( pack_exception, "Unexpected field '${f}' found in input object while processing struct '${p}'", ("f",field.name)("p",ctx.get_path_string()) );
EOS_THROW( pack_exception, "Unexpected field '${f}' found in input object while processing struct '${p}'",
("f", ctx.maybe_shorten(field.name))("p", ctx.get_path_string()) );
auto h1 = ctx.push_to_path( impl::field_path_item{ .parent_struct_itr = s_itr, .field_ordinal = i } );
auto h2 = ctx.disallow_extensions_unless( &field == &st.fields.back() );
auto h3 = ctx.push_to_path( field.name );
_variant_to_binary(_remove_bin_extension(field.type), vo[field.name], ds, ctx);
} else if( ends_with(field.type, "$") && ctx.extensions_allowed() ) {
extension_encountered = true;
} else if( extension_encountered ) {
EOS_THROW( pack_exception, "Encountered field '${f}' without binary extension designation while processing struct '${p}'", ("f",field.name)("p",ctx.get_path_string()) );
EOS_THROW( pack_exception, "Encountered field '${f}' without binary extension designation while processing struct '${p}'",
("f", ctx.maybe_shorten(field.name))("p", ctx.get_path_string()) );
} else {
EOS_THROW( pack_exception, "Missing field '${f}' in input object while processing struct '${p}'", ("f",field.name)("p",ctx.get_path_string()) );
EOS_THROW( pack_exception, "Missing field '${f}' in input object while processing struct '${p}'",
("f", ctx.maybe_shorten(field.name))("p", ctx.get_path_string()) );
} else if( var.is_array() ) {
const auto& va = var.get_array();
......@@ -429,20 +437,22 @@ namespace eosio { namespace chain {
uint32_t i = 0;
for( const auto& field : st.fields ) {
if( va.size() > i ) {
auto h1 = ctx.push_to_path( impl::field_path_item{ .parent_struct_itr = s_itr, .field_ordinal = i } );
auto h2 = ctx.disallow_extensions_unless( &field == &st.fields.back() );
auto h3 = ctx.push_to_path( field.name );
_variant_to_binary(_remove_bin_extension(field.type), va[i], ds, ctx);
} else if( ends_with(field.type, "$") && ctx.extensions_allowed() ) {
} else {
EOS_THROW( pack_exception, "Early end to input array specifying the fields of struct '${p}'; require input for field '${f}'",
("p", ctx.get_path_string())("f", field.name) );
("p", ctx.get_path_string())("f", ctx.maybe_shorten(field.name)) );
} else {
EOS_THROW( pack_exception, "Unexpected input encountered while processing struct '${p}'", ("p",ctx.get_path_string()) );
} else {
EOS_THROW( invalid_type_inside_abi, "Unknown type ${type}", ("type",type) );
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (type)(var) ) }
......@@ -460,13 +470,15 @@ namespace eosio { namespace chain {
return temp;
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (type)(var) ) }
bytes abi_serializer::variant_to_binary(const type_name& type, const fc::variant& var, const fc::microseconds& max_serialization_time)const {
impl::variant_to_binary_context ctx(max_serialization_time);
bytes abi_serializer::variant_to_binary(const type_name& type, const fc::variant& var, const fc::microseconds& max_serialization_time, bool short_path)const {
impl::variant_to_binary_context ctx(*this, max_serialization_time, type);
ctx.short_path = short_path;
return _variant_to_binary(type, var, ctx);
void abi_serializer::variant_to_binary(const type_name& type, const fc::variant& var, fc::datastream<char*>& ds, const fc::microseconds& max_serialization_time)const {
impl::variant_to_binary_context ctx(max_serialization_time);
void abi_serializer::variant_to_binary(const type_name& type, const fc::variant& var, fc::datastream<char*>& ds, const fc::microseconds& max_serialization_time, bool short_path)const {
impl::variant_to_binary_context ctx(*this, max_serialization_time, type);
ctx.short_path = short_path;
_variant_to_binary(type, var, ds, ctx);
......@@ -489,4 +501,276 @@ namespace eosio { namespace chain {
return itr->second;
namespace impl {
void abi_traverse_context::check_deadline()const {
EOS_ASSERT( fc::time_point::now() < deadline, abi_serialization_deadline_exception, "serialization time limit ${t}us exceeded", ("t", max_serialization_time) );
fc::scoped_exit<std::function<void()>> abi_traverse_context::enter_scope() {
std::function<void()> callback = [old_recursion_depth=recursion_depth, this](){
recursion_depth = old_recursion_depth;
EOS_ASSERT( recursion_depth < abi_serializer::max_recursion_depth, abi_recursion_depth_exception,
"recursive definition, max_recursion_depth ${r} ", ("r", abi_serializer::max_recursion_depth) );
EOS_ASSERT( fc::time_point::now() < deadline, abi_serialization_deadline_exception,
"serialization time limit ${t}us exceeded", ("t", max_serialization_time) );
return {std::move(callback)};
void abi_traverse_context_with_path::set_path_root( const type_name& type ) {
auto rtype = abis.resolve_type(type);
if( abis.is_array(rtype) ) {
root_of_path = array_type_path_root{};
} else {
auto itr1 = abis.structs.find(rtype);
if( itr1 != abis.structs.end() ) {
root_of_path = struct_type_path_root{ .struct_itr = itr1 };
} else {
auto itr2 = abis.variants.find(rtype);
if( itr2 != abis.variants.end() ) {
root_of_path = variant_type_path_root{ .variant_itr = itr2 };
fc::scoped_exit<std::function<void()>> abi_traverse_context_with_path::push_to_path( const path_item& item ) {
std::function<void()> callback = [this](){
EOS_ASSERT( path.size() > 0, abi_exception,
"invariant failure in variant_to_binary_context: path is empty on scope exit" );
path.push_back( item );
return {std::move(callback)};
void abi_traverse_context_with_path::set_array_index_of_path_back( uint32_t i ) {
EOS_ASSERT( path.size() > 0, abi_exception, "path is empty" );
auto& b = path.back();
EOS_ASSERT( b.contains<array_index_path_item>(), abi_exception, "trying to set array index without first pushing new array index item" );
b.get<array_index_path_item>().array_index = i;
void abi_traverse_context_with_path::hint_array_type_if_in_array() {
if( path.size() == 0 || !path.back().contains<array_index_path_item>() )
path.back().get<array_index_path_item>().type_hint = array_type_path_root{};
void abi_traverse_context_with_path::hint_struct_type_if_in_array( const map<type_name, struct_def>::const_iterator& itr ) {
if( path.size() == 0 || !path.back().contains<array_index_path_item>() )
path.back().get<array_index_path_item>().type_hint = struct_type_path_root{ .struct_itr = itr };
void abi_traverse_context_with_path::hint_variant_type_if_in_array( const map<type_name, variant_def>::const_iterator& itr ) {
if( path.size() == 0 || !path.back().contains<array_index_path_item>() )
path.back().get<array_index_path_item>().type_hint = variant_type_path_root{ .variant_itr = itr };
constexpr size_t const_strlen( const char* str )
return (*str == 0) ? 0 : const_strlen(str + 1) + 1;
void output_name( std::ostream& s, const string& str, bool shorten, size_t max_length = 64 ) {
constexpr size_t min_num_characters_at_ends = 4;
constexpr size_t preferred_num_tail_end_characters = 6;
constexpr const char* fill_in = "...";
static_assert( min_num_characters_at_ends <= preferred_num_tail_end_characters,
"preferred number of tail end characters cannot be less than the imposed absolute minimum" );
constexpr size_t fill_in_length = const_strlen( fill_in );
constexpr size_t min_length = fill_in_length + 2*min_num_characters_at_ends;
constexpr size_t preferred_min_length = fill_in_length + 2*preferred_num_tail_end_characters;
max_length = std::max( max_length, min_length );
if( !shorten || str.size() <= max_length ) {
s << str;
size_t actual_num_tail_end_characters = preferred_num_tail_end_characters;
if( max_length < preferred_min_length ) {
actual_num_tail_end_characters = min_num_characters_at_ends + (max_length - min_length)/2;
s.write( str.data(), max_length - fill_in_length - actual_num_tail_end_characters );
s.write( fill_in, fill_in_length );
s.write( str.data() + (str.size() - actual_num_tail_end_characters), actual_num_tail_end_characters );
struct generate_path_string_visitor {
using result_type = void;
generate_path_string_visitor( bool shorten_names, bool track_only )
: shorten_names(shorten_names), track_only( track_only )
std::stringstream s;
bool shorten_names = false;
bool track_only = false;
path_item last_non_array_path_item;
void add_dot() {
s << ".";
void operator()( const empty_path_item& item ) {
void operator()( const array_index_path_item& item ) {
if( track_only ) {
last_non_array_path_item = item; // ?????
s << "[" << item.array_index << "]";
void operator()( const field_path_item& item ) {
if( track_only ) {
last_non_array_path_item = item;
const auto& str = item.parent_struct_itr->second.fields.at(item.field_ordinal).name;
output_name( s, str, shorten_names );
void operator()( const variant_path_item& item ) {
if( track_only ) {
last_non_array_path_item = item;
s << "<variant(" << item.variant_ordinal << ")=";
const auto& str = item.variant_itr->second.types.at(item.variant_ordinal);
output_name( s, str, shorten_names );
s << ">";
void operator()( const empty_path_root& item ) {
void operator()( const array_type_path_root& item ) {
s << "ARRAY";
void operator()( const struct_type_path_root& item ) {
const auto& str = item.struct_itr->first;
output_name( s, str, shorten_names );
void operator()( const variant_type_path_root& item ) {
const auto& str = item.variant_itr->first;
output_name( s, str, shorten_names );
struct path_item_type_visitor {
using result_type = void;
path_item_type_visitor( std::stringstream& s, bool shorten_names )
: s(s), shorten_names(shorten_names)
std::stringstream& s;
bool shorten_names = false;
void operator()( const empty_path_item& item ) {
void operator()( const array_index_path_item& item ) {
const auto& th = item.type_hint;
if( th.contains<struct_type_path_root>() ) {
const auto& str = th.get<struct_type_path_root>().struct_itr->first;
output_name( s, str, shorten_names );
} else if( th.contains<variant_type_path_root>() ) {
const auto& str = th.get<variant_type_path_root>().variant_itr->first;
output_name( s, str, shorten_names );
} else if( th.contains<array_type_path_root>() ) {
s << "ARRAY";
} else {
s << "UNKNOWN";
void operator()( const field_path_item& item ) {
const auto& str = item.parent_struct_itr->second.fields.at(item.field_ordinal).type;
output_name( s, str, shorten_names );
void operator()( const variant_path_item& item ) {
const auto& str = item.variant_itr->second.types.at(item.variant_ordinal);
output_name( s, str, shorten_names );
string abi_traverse_context_with_path::get_path_string()const {
bool full_path = !short_path;
bool shorten_names = short_path;
generate_path_string_visitor visitor(shorten_names, !full_path);
if( full_path )
root_of_path.visit( visitor );
for( size_t i = 0, n = path.size(); i < n; ++i ) {
if( full_path && !path[i].contains<array_index_path_item>() )
path[i].visit( visitor );
if( !full_path ) {
if( visitor.last_non_array_path_item.contains<empty_path_item>() ) {
root_of_path.visit( visitor );
} else {
path_item_type_visitor vis2(visitor.s, shorten_names);
return visitor.s.str();
string abi_traverse_context_with_path::maybe_shorten( const string& str ) {
if( !short_path )
return str;
std::stringstream s;
output_name( s, str, true );
return s.str();
fc::scoped_exit<std::function<void()>> variant_to_binary_context::disallow_extensions_unless( bool condition ) {
std::function<void()> callback = [old_recursion_depth=recursion_depth, old_allow_extensions=allow_extensions, this](){
allow_extensions = old_allow_extensions;
if( !condition ) {
allow_extensions = false;
return {std::move(callback)};
} }
......@@ -18,12 +18,13 @@ using std::pair;
using namespace fc;
namespace impl {
struct abi_from_variant;
struct abi_to_variant;
struct abi_from_variant;
struct abi_to_variant;
struct abi_traverse_context;
struct binary_to_variant_context;
struct variant_to_binary_context;
struct abi_traverse_context;
struct abi_traverse_context_with_path;
struct binary_to_variant_context;
struct variant_to_binary_context;
......@@ -52,11 +53,11 @@ struct abi_serializer {
optional<string> get_error_message( uint64_t error_code )const;
fc::variant binary_to_variant(const type_name& type, const bytes& binary, const fc::microseconds& max_serialization_time)const;
fc::variant binary_to_variant(const type_name& type, fc::datastream<const char*>& binary, const fc::microseconds& max_serialization_time)const;
fc::variant binary_to_variant( const type_name& type, const bytes& binary, const fc::microseconds& max_serialization_time )const;
fc::variant binary_to_variant( const type_name& type, fc::datastream<const char*>& binary, const fc::microseconds& max_serialization_time )const;
bytes variant_to_binary(const type_name& type, const fc::variant& var, const fc::microseconds& max_serialization_time)const;
void variant_to_binary(const type_name& type, const fc::variant& var, fc::datastream<char*>& ds, const fc::microseconds& max_serialization_time)const;
bytes variant_to_binary( const type_name& type, const fc::variant& var, const fc::microseconds& max_serialization_time, bool short_path = false )const;
void variant_to_binary( const type_name& type, const fc::variant& var, fc::datastream<char*>& ds, const fc::microseconds& max_serialization_time, bool short_path = false )const;
template<typename T, typename Resolver>
static void to_variant( const T& o, fc::variant& vo, Resolver resolver, const fc::microseconds& max_serialization_time );
......@@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ private:
friend struct impl::abi_from_variant;
friend struct impl::abi_to_variant;
friend struct impl::abi_traverse_context_with_path;
namespace impl {
......@@ -129,24 +131,9 @@ namespace impl {
: max_serialization_time( max_serialization_time ), deadline( deadline ), recursion_depth(0)
void check_deadline()const {
EOS_ASSERT( fc::time_point::now() < deadline, abi_serialization_deadline_exception, "serialization time limit ${t}us exceeded", ("t", max_serialization_time) );
fc::scoped_exit<std::function<void()>> enter_scope() {
std::function<void()> callback = [old_recursion_depth=recursion_depth, this](){
recursion_depth = old_recursion_depth;
EOS_ASSERT( recursion_depth < abi_serializer::max_recursion_depth, abi_recursion_depth_exception,
"recursive definition, max_recursion_depth ${r} ", ("r", abi_serializer::max_recursion_depth) );
void check_deadline()const;
EOS_ASSERT( fc::time_point::now() < deadline, abi_serialization_deadline_exception,
"serialization time limit ${t}us exceeded", ("t", max_serialization_time) );
return {std::move(callback)};
fc::scoped_exit<std::function<void()>> enter_scope();
fc::microseconds max_serialization_time;
......@@ -154,85 +141,93 @@ namespace impl {
size_t recursion_depth;
struct binary_to_variant_context : public abi_traverse_context {
using abi_traverse_context::abi_traverse_context;
struct empty_path_root {};
binary_to_variant_context( const abi_traverse_context& ctx )
: abi_traverse_context(ctx)
struct array_type_path_root {
struct variant_to_binary_context : public abi_traverse_context {
using abi_traverse_context::abi_traverse_context;
struct struct_type_path_root {
map<type_name, struct_def>::const_iterator struct_itr;
variant_to_binary_context( const abi_traverse_context& ctx )
: abi_traverse_context(ctx)
struct variant_type_path_root {
map<type_name, variant_def>::const_iterator variant_itr;
fc::scoped_exit<std::function<void()>> disallow_extensions_unless( bool condition ) {
std::function<void()> callback = [old_recursion_depth=recursion_depth, old_allow_extensions=allow_extensions, this](){
allow_extensions = old_allow_extensions;
using path_root = static_variant<empty_path_root, array_type_path_root, struct_type_path_root, variant_type_path_root>;
if( !condition ) {
allow_extensions = false;
struct empty_path_item {};
return {std::move(callback)};
struct array_index_path_item {
path_root type_hint;
uint32_t array_index = 0;
fc::scoped_exit<std::function<void()>> push_to_path( const string& n, bool condition = true ) {
struct field_path_item {
map<type_name, struct_def>::const_iterator parent_struct_itr;
uint32_t field_ordinal = 0;
if( !condition ) {
fc::scoped_exit<std::function<void()>> h([](){});
return h;
struct variant_path_item {
map<type_name, variant_def>::const_iterator variant_itr;
uint32_t variant_ordinal = 0;
std::function<void()> callback = [this](){
EOS_ASSERT( path.size() > 0 && path_array_index.size() > 0, abi_exception,
"invariant failure in variant_to_binary_context: path is empty on scope exit" );
using path_item = static_variant<empty_path_item, array_index_path_item, field_path_item, variant_path_item>;
path.push_back( n );
path_array_index.push_back( -1 );
struct abi_traverse_context_with_path : public abi_traverse_context {
abi_traverse_context_with_path( const abi_serializer& abis, fc::microseconds max_serialization_time, const type_name& type )
: abi_traverse_context( max_serialization_time ), abis(abis)
return {std::move(callback)};
abi_traverse_context_with_path( const abi_serializer& abis, fc::microseconds max_serialization_time, fc::time_point deadline, const type_name& type )
: abi_traverse_context( max_serialization_time, deadline ), abis(abis)
void set_array_index_of_path_back( int64_t i ) {
EOS_ASSERT( path_array_index.size() > 0, abi_exception, "path is empty" );
path_array_index.back() = i;
abi_traverse_context_with_path( const abi_serializer& abis, const abi_traverse_context& ctx, const type_name& type )
: abi_traverse_context(ctx), abis(abis)
bool extensions_allowed()const { return allow_extensions; }
void set_path_root( const type_name& type );
bool is_path_empty()const { return path.size() == 0; }
fc::scoped_exit<std::function<void()>> push_to_path( const path_item& item );
string get_path_string()const {
EOS_ASSERT( path.size() == path_array_index.size(), abi_exception,
"invariant failure in variant_to_binary_context: mismatch in path vector sizes" );
void set_array_index_of_path_back( uint32_t i );
void hint_array_type_if_in_array();
void hint_struct_type_if_in_array( const map<type_name, struct_def>::const_iterator& itr );
void hint_variant_type_if_in_array( const map<type_name, variant_def>::const_iterator& itr );
std::stringstream s;
for( size_t i = 0, n = path.size(); i < n; ++i ) {
s << path[i];
if( path_array_index[i] >= 0 ) {
s << "[" << path_array_index[i] << "]";
if( (i + 1) != n ) { // if not the last element in the path
s << ".";
string get_path_string()const;
return s.str();
string maybe_shorten( const string& str );
const abi_serializer& abis;
path_root root_of_path;
vector<path_item> path;
bool short_path = false;
struct binary_to_variant_context : public abi_traverse_context_with_path {
using abi_traverse_context_with_path::abi_traverse_context_with_path;
struct variant_to_binary_context : public abi_traverse_context_with_path {
using abi_traverse_context_with_path::abi_traverse_context_with_path;
fc::scoped_exit<std::function<void()>> disallow_extensions_unless( bool condition );
bool extensions_allowed()const { return allow_extensions; }
bool allow_extensions = true;
vector<string> path;
vector<int64_t> path_array_index;
bool allow_extensions = true;
......@@ -389,7 +384,7 @@ namespace impl {
auto type = abi->get_action_type(act.name);
if (!type.empty()) {
try {
binary_to_variant_context _ctx(ctx);
binary_to_variant_context _ctx(*abi, ctx, type);
mvo( "data", abi->_binary_to_variant( type, act.data, _ctx ));
mvo("hex_data", act.data);
} catch(...) {
......@@ -552,7 +547,7 @@ namespace impl {
if (abi.valid()) {
auto type = abi->get_action_type(act.name);
if (!type.empty()) {
variant_to_binary_context _ctx(ctx);
variant_to_binary_context _ctx(*abi, ctx, type);
act.data = std::move( abi->_variant_to_binary( type, data, _ctx ));
valid_empty_data = act.data.empty();
......@@ -1727,7 +1727,7 @@ read_only::abi_json_to_bin_result read_only::abi_json_to_bin( const read_only::a
auto action_type = abis.get_action_type(params.action);
EOS_ASSERT(!action_type.empty(), action_validate_exception, "Unknown action ${action} in contract ${contract}", ("action", params.action)("contract", params.code));
try {
result.binargs = abis.variant_to_binary(action_type, params.args, abi_serializer_max_time);
result.binargs = abis.variant_to_binary(action_type, params.args, abi_serializer_max_time, true); // TODO: Allow configuration to output verbose error messages
} EOS_RETHROW_EXCEPTIONS(chain::invalid_action_args_exception,
"'${args}' is invalid args for action '${action}' code '${code}'. expected '${proto}'",
("args", params.args)("action", params.action)("code", params.code)("proto", action_abi_to_variant(abi, action_type)))
......@@ -3761,6 +3761,8 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(abi_serialize_detailed_error_messages)
"types": [
{"new_type_name": "foo", "type": "s2"},
{"new_type_name": "bar", "type": "foo"},
{"new_type_name": "s1array", "type": "s1[]"},
{"new_type_name": "s1arrayarray", "type": "s1array[]"}
"structs": [
{"name": "s1", "base": "", "fields": [
......@@ -3781,6 +3783,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(abi_serialize_detailed_error_messages)
{"name": "f0", "type": "int8[]"},
{"name": "f1", "type": "s1[]"}
{"name": "s5", "base": "", "fields": [
{"name": "f0", "type": "v2[]"},
"variants": [
{"name": "v1", "types": ["s3", "int8", "s4"]},
......@@ -3812,7 +3817,95 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(abi_serialize_detailed_error_messages)
pack_exception, fc_exception_message_is("Missing field 'i0' in input object while processing struct 'v1.<variant(2)=s4>.f1[1]'") );
BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION( abis.variant_to_binary("s2[]", fc::json::from_string(R"([{"f0":{"i0":1,"i1":2},"i2":3},{"f0":{"i0":4},"i2":6}])"), max_serialization_time),
pack_exception, fc_exception_message_is("Missing field 'i1' in input object while processing struct 's2[1].f0'") );
pack_exception, fc_exception_message_is("Missing field 'i1' in input object while processing struct 'ARRAY[1].f0'") );
BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION( abis.variant_to_binary("s5", fc::json::from_string(R"({"f0":[["bar",{"f0":{"i0":1,"i1":2},"i2":3}],["foo",{"f0":{"i0":4},"i2":6}]]})"), max_serialization_time),
pack_exception, fc_exception_message_is("Missing field 'i1' in input object while processing struct 's5.f0[1].<variant(0)=foo>.f0'") );
verify_round_trip_conversion( abis, "s1arrayarray", R"([[{"i0":1,"i1":2},{"i0":3,"i1":4}],[{"i0":5,"i1":6},{"i0":7,"i1":8},{"i0":9,"i1":10}]])", "0202010203040305060708090a");
BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION( abis.variant_to_binary("s1arrayarray", fc::json::from_string(R"([[{"i0":1,"i1":2},{"i0":3,"i1":4}],[{"i0":6,"i1":6},{"i0":7,"i1":8},{"i1":10}]])"), max_serialization_time),
pack_exception, fc_exception_message_is("Missing field 'i0' in input object while processing struct 'ARRAY[1][2]'") );
using eosio::testing::fc_exception_message_is;
auto abi = R"({
"version": "eosio::abi/1.1",
"types": [
{"new_type_name": "foo", "type": "s2"},
{"new_type_name": "bar", "type": "foo"},
{"new_type_name": "s1array", "type": "s1[]"},
{"new_type_name": "s1arrayarray", "type": "s1array[]"}
"structs": [
{"name": "s1", "base": "", "fields": [
{"name": "i0", "type": "int8"},
{"name": "i1", "type": "int8"}
{"name": "s2", "base": "", "fields": [
{"name": "f0", "type": "s1"},
{"name": "i2", "type": "int8"}
{"name": "very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_long_struct_name_s3", "base": "s1", "fields": [
{"name": "i2", "type": "int8"},
{"name": "f3", "type": "v2"},
{"name": "f4", "type": "foo$"},
{"name": "very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_long_field_name_f5", "type": "s1$"}
{"name": "s4", "base": "", "fields": [
{"name": "f0", "type": "int8[]"},
{"name": "f1", "type": "s1[]"}
{"name": "s5", "base": "", "fields": [
{"name": "f0", "type": "v2[]"},
"variants": [
{"name": "v1", "types": ["very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_long_struct_name_s3", "int8", "s4"]},
{"name": "v2", "types": ["foo", "bar"]},
try {
abi_serializer abis( fc::json::from_string(abi).as<abi_def>(), max_serialization_time );
BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION( abis.variant_to_binary("bar", fc::json::from_string(R"({"f0":{"i0":1},"i2":3})"), max_serialization_time, true),
pack_exception, fc_exception_message_is("Missing field 'i1' in input object while processing struct 's1'") );
BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION( abis.variant_to_binary( "very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_long_struct_name_s3",
fc::json::from_string(R"({"i0":1,"i2":3})"), max_serialization_time, true ),
fc_exception_message_is("Missing field 'i1' in input object while processing struct 'very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_long_...ame_s3'") );
BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION( abis.variant_to_binary( "very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_long_struct_name_s3",
fc::json::from_string(R"({"i0":1,"i1":2,"i2":3,"f3":["s2",{}]})"), max_serialization_time, true ),
pack_exception, fc_exception_message_is("Specified type 's2' in input array is not valid within the variant 'v2'") );
BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION( abis.variant_to_binary( "very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_long_struct_name_s3",
fc::json::from_string(R"({"i0":1,"i1":2,"i2":3,"f3":["bar",{"f0":{"i0":11},"i2":13}]})"), max_serialization_time, true ),
pack_exception, fc_exception_message_is("Missing field 'i1' in input object while processing struct 's1'") );
BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION( abis.variant_to_binary( "v1",
max_serialization_time, true ),
fc_exception_message_is("Unexpected field 'very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_long_...ame_f5' found in input object while processing struct 'very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_long_...ame_s3'") );
BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION( abis.variant_to_binary("v1", fc::json::from_string(R"(["s4",{"f0":[0,1],"f1":[{"i0":2,"i1":3},{"i1":5}]}])"), max_serialization_time, true),
pack_exception, fc_exception_message_is("Missing field 'i0' in input object while processing struct 's1'") );
BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION( abis.variant_to_binary("s2[]", fc::json::from_string(R"([{"f0":{"i0":1,"i1":2},"i2":3},{"f0":{"i0":4},"i2":6}])"), max_serialization_time, true),
pack_exception, fc_exception_message_is("Missing field 'i1' in input object while processing struct 's1'") );
BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION( abis.variant_to_binary("s5", fc::json::from_string(R"({"f0":[["bar",{"f0":{"i0":1,"i1":2},"i2":3}],["foo",{"f0":{"i0":4},"i2":6}]]})"), max_serialization_time, true),
pack_exception, fc_exception_message_is("Missing field 'i1' in input object while processing struct 's1'") );
BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION( abis.variant_to_binary("s1arrayarray", fc::json::from_string(R"([[{"i0":1,"i1":2},{"i0":3,"i1":4}],[{"i0":6,"i1":6},{"i0":7,"i1":8},{"i1":10}]])"), max_serialization_time, true),
pack_exception, fc_exception_message_is("Missing field 'i0' in input object while processing struct 's1'") );
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