未验证 提交 d448964c 编写于 作者: W wangxxzhiyy 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #14 from yottachain/feature/ytaseo

"____comment": "This file was generated with eosio-abigen. DO NOT EDIT Mon Apr 15 03:30:22 2019",
"____comment": "This file was generated with eosio-abigen. DO NOT EDIT Wed Apr 17 02:07:54 2019",
"version": "eosio::abi/1.1",
"structs": [
......@@ -129,6 +129,16 @@
"name": "init",
"base": "",
"fields": [
"name": "owner",
"type": "name"
"name": "maccount",
"base": "",
......@@ -259,6 +269,11 @@
"type": "gethsum",
"ricardian_contract": ""
"name": "init",
"type": "init",
"ricardian_contract": ""
"name": "newmaccount",
"type": "newmaccount",
......@@ -21,44 +21,45 @@ typedef double real_type;
* side effects associated with using this API.
struct [[eosio::table, eosio::contract("hdddata")]] exchange_state {
asset supply;
asset supply;
struct connector {
asset balance;
double weight = .5;
struct connector {
asset balance;
double weight = .5;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( connector, (balance)(weight) )
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( connector, (balance)(weight) )
connector base;
connector quote;
connector base;
connector quote;
uint64_t primary_key()const { return supply.symbol.raw(); }
uint64_t primary_key()const { return supply.symbol.raw(); }
asset convert_to_exchange( connector& c, asset in );
asset convert_from_exchange( connector& c, asset in );
asset convert( asset from, const symbol& to );
asset convert_to_exchange( connector& c, asset in );
asset convert_from_exchange( connector& c, asset in );
asset convert( asset from, const symbol& to );
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( exchange_state, (supply)(base)(quote) )
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( exchange_state, (supply)(base)(quote) )
//comment old style declaration
typedef multi_index<"hmarket"_n, exchange_state> hmarket_table;
CONTRACT hdddata : public contract
using contract::contract;
hdddata( name s, name code, datastream<const char*> ds);
CONTRACT hdddata : public contract {
using contract::contract;
hdddata( name s, name code, datastream<const char*> ds);
ACTION gethbalance(name owner);
ACTION gethsum();
ACTION init(name owner);
ACTION gethbalance(name owner);
ACTION gethsum();
ACTION sethfee(name owner, uint64_t fee);
ACTION newmaccount(name mname, name owner);
......@@ -68,83 +69,86 @@ CONTRACT hdddata : public contract
ACTION subhbalance(name owner, uint64_t balance);
ACTION buyhdd(name buyer, name receiver, asset quant);
ACTION sellhdd(name account, uint64_t quant);
ACTION addhspace(name owner, name hddaccount, uint64_t space);
ACTION subhspace(name owner, name hddaccount, uint64_t space);
static constexpr symbol hddcore_symbol = symbol(symbol_code("HDDCORE"), 4);
static constexpr symbol hdd_symbol = symbol(symbol_code("HDD"), 0);
static constexpr symbol yta_symbol = symbol(symbol_code("YTA"), 4);
static constexpr symbol hddcore_symbol = symbol(symbol_code("HDDCORE"), 4);
static constexpr symbol hdd_symbol = symbol(symbol_code("HDD"), 0);
static constexpr symbol yta_symbol = symbol(symbol_code("YTA"), 4);
static constexpr eosio::name token_account{"eosio.token"_n};
static constexpr eosio::name hdd_account{"eosio.hdd"_n};
static constexpr eosio::name hddfee_account{"eosio.hddfee"_n};
static constexpr eosio::name active_permission{"active"_n};
static symbol get_core_symbol( name system_account = "hddofficial"_n ) {
hmarket_table rm(system_account, system_account.value);
const static auto sym = get_core_symbol( rm );
return sym;
static constexpr eosio::name hdd_account{"eosio.hdd"_n};
static constexpr eosio::name hddfee_account{"eosio.hddfee"_n};
static constexpr eosio::name active_permission{"active"_n};
static symbol get_core_symbol( name system_account = "hddofficial"_n ) {
hmarket_table rm(system_account, system_account.value);
const static auto sym = get_core_symbol( rm );
return sym;
// Implementation details:
static symbol get_core_symbol( const hmarket_table& hdd ) {
auto itr = hdd.find(hddcore_symbol.raw());
check(itr != hdd.end(), "system contract must first be initialized");
return itr->quote.balance.symbol;
symbol core_symbol()const;
TABLE hbalance {
name owner;
uint64_t last_hdd_balance=0;
uint64_t hdd_per_cycle_fee=0;
uint64_t hdd_per_cycle_profit=0;
uint64_t hdd_space=0;
uint64_t last_hdd_time;
uint64_t primary_key() const { return owner.value; }
uint64_t get_last_hdd_balance() const { return last_hdd_balance; }
uint64_t get_hdd_per_cycle_fee() const { return hdd_per_cycle_fee; }
// Implementation details:
static symbol get_core_symbol( const hmarket_table& hdd ) {
auto itr = hdd.find(hddcore_symbol.raw());
check(itr != hdd.end(), "system contract must first be initialized");
return itr->quote.balance.symbol;
symbol core_symbol() const;
TABLE hbalance {
name owner = "hddofficial"_n;
uint64_t last_hdd_balance=0;
uint64_t hdd_per_cycle_fee=0;
uint64_t hdd_per_cycle_profit=0;
uint64_t hdd_space=0;
uint64_t last_hdd_time = current_time(); //microseconds from 1970
uint64_t primary_key() const { return owner.value; }
uint64_t get_last_hdd_balance() const { return last_hdd_balance; }
uint64_t get_hdd_per_cycle_fee() const { return hdd_per_cycle_fee; }
uint64_t get_hdd_per_cycle_profit() const { return hdd_per_cycle_profit; }
uint64_t get_hdd_space() const { return hdd_space; }
typedef multi_index<"hbalance"_n, hbalance,
indexed_by<"bybalance"_n, const_mem_fun<hbalance, uint64_t, &hbalance::get_last_hdd_balance>>,
indexed_by<"byfee"_n, const_mem_fun<hbalance, uint64_t, &hbalance::get_hdd_per_cycle_fee>>,
indexed_by<"byprofit"_n, const_mem_fun<hbalance, uint64_t, &hbalance::get_hdd_per_cycle_profit>>,
indexed_by<"byspace"_n, const_mem_fun<hbalance, uint64_t, &hbalance::get_hdd_space>>>
// ming account
TABLE maccount {
uint64_t get_hdd_space() const { return hdd_space; }
typedef multi_index<"hbalance"_n, hbalance,
indexed_by<"bybalance"_n, const_mem_fun<hbalance, uint64_t, &hbalance::get_last_hdd_balance>>,
indexed_by<"byfee"_n, const_mem_fun<hbalance, uint64_t, &hbalance::get_hdd_per_cycle_fee>>,
indexed_by<"byprofit"_n, const_mem_fun<hbalance, uint64_t, &hbalance::get_hdd_per_cycle_profit>>,
indexed_by<"byspace"_n, const_mem_fun<hbalance, uint64_t, &hbalance::get_hdd_space>>>
// ming account
TABLE maccount {
uint64_t ming_id;
name owner;
uint64_t primary_key() const { return ming_id; }
uint64_t get_owner() const { return owner.value; }
typedef multi_index<"maccount"_n, maccount,
indexed_by<"byowner"_n, const_mem_fun<maccount, uint64_t, &maccount::get_owner>>>
TABLE producer {
name owner;
eosio::public_key producer_key;
uint64_t primary_key() const { return owner.value; }
indexed_by<"byowner"_n, const_mem_fun<maccount, uint64_t, &maccount::get_owner>>>
TABLE producer {
name owner;
eosio::public_key producer_key;
uint64_t primary_key() const { return owner.value; }
typedef multi_index<"producer"_n, producer> producer_table;
hbalance_table _hbalance;
maccount_table _maccount;
producer_table _producer;
void update_hddofficial(hbalance_table& _hblance, const uint64_t _hb, const uint64_t time);
//hbalance_table _hbalance;
maccount_table _maccount;
producer_table _producer;
hmarket_table _hmarket;
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\ No newline at end of file
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