提交 d3bd4248 编写于 作者: P Phil Mesnier

another round of incremental improvments for the p2p node networks.

上级 a6a9ead2
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ namespace eos {
int16_t network_version = 0;
chain_id_type chain_id; ///< used to identify chain
fc::sha256 node_id; ///< used to identify peers and prevent self-connect
string p2p_address;
uint32_t last_irreversible_block_num = 0;
block_id_type last_irreversible_block_id;
uint32_t head_num = 0;
......@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ namespace eos {
FC_REFLECT( eos::handshake_message,
(os)(agent) )
......@@ -11,12 +11,16 @@
#include <fc/container/flat.hpp>
#include <fc/reflect/variant.hpp>
#include <fc/crypto/rand.hpp>
#include <fc/exception/exception.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/ip/host_name.hpp>
namespace eos {
using std::vector;
using boost::asio::ip::tcp;
using boost::asio::ip::address_v4;
using boost::asio::ip::host_name;
using fc::time_point;
using fc::time_point_sec;
using eos::chain::transaction_id_type;
......@@ -209,7 +213,7 @@ namespace eos {
unique_ptr<tcp::acceptor> acceptor;
tcp::endpoint listen_endpoint;
tcp::endpoint public_endpoint;
string p2p_address;
vector<string> seed_nodes;
std::set<tcp::endpoint> resolved_seed_nodes;
......@@ -355,7 +359,7 @@ namespace eos {
tcp::endpoint fc_to_asio (const fc::ip::endpoint &fcep) {
boost::asio::ip::address_v4 addr((uint32_t)fcep.get_address());
address_v4 addr((uint32_t)fcep.get_address());
return tcp::endpoint(addr, fcep.port());
......@@ -415,8 +419,7 @@ namespace eos {
void handle_message (connection_ptr c, const handshake_message &msg) {
dlog ("got a handshake message");
dlog ("got a handshake message from ${p}", ("p", msg.p2p_address));
if (msg.node_id == node_id) {
elog ("Self connection detected. Closing connection");
......@@ -442,11 +445,11 @@ namespace eos {
void handle_message (connection_ptr c, const peer_message &msg) {
dlog ("got a peer message");
dlog ("got a peer message with ${pc}", ("pc", msg.peers.size()));
for (auto fcep : msg.peers) {
c->shared_peers.insert (fcep);
tcp::endpoint ep = fc_to_asio (fcep);
if (ep == listen_endpoint || ep == public_endpoint) {
if (ep == listen_endpoint) {
......@@ -608,6 +611,7 @@ namespace eos {
hello.network_version = 0;
hello.chain_id = info->chain_id;
hello.node_id = info->node_id;
hello.p2p_address = info->p2p_address;
#if defined( __APPLE__ )
hello.os = "osx";
#elif defined( __linux__ )
......@@ -652,21 +656,21 @@ namespace eos {
void net_plugin::set_program_options( options_description& cli, options_description& cfg )
("listen-endpoint", bpo::value<string>()->default_value( "" ), "The local IP address and port to listen for incoming connections.")
("listen-endpoint", bpo::value<string>()->default_value( "" ), "The local IP address and port to listen for incoming connections.")
("remote-endpoint", bpo::value< vector<string> >()->composing(), "The IP address and port of a remote peer to sync with.")
("public-endpoint", bpo::value<string>()->default_value( "" ), "The public IP address and port that should be advertized to peers.")
("public-endpoint", bpo::value<string>(), "Overrides the advertised listen endpointlisten ip address.")
("agent-name", bpo::value<string>()->default_value("EOS Test Agent"), "The name supplied to identify this node amongst the peers.")
void net_plugin::plugin_initialize( const variables_map& options ) {
ilog("Initialize net plugin");
auto resolver = std::make_shared<tcp::resolver>( std::ref( app().get_io_service() ) );
if( options.count( "listen-endpoint" ) ) {
auto lipstr = options.at("listen-endpoint").as< string >();
auto host = lipstr.substr( 0, lipstr.find(':') );
auto port = lipstr.substr( host.size()+1, host.size() );
my->p2p_address = options.at("listen-endpoint").as< string >();
auto host = my->p2p_address.substr( 0, my->p2p_address.find(':') );
auto port = my->p2p_address.substr( host.size()+1, my->p2p_address.size() );
auto resolver = std::make_shared<tcp::resolver>( std::ref( app().get_io_service() ) );
tcp::resolver::query query( tcp::v4(), host.c_str(), port.c_str() );
// Note: need to add support for IPv6 too?
......@@ -674,6 +678,24 @@ namespace eos {
my->acceptor.reset( new tcp::acceptor( app().get_io_service() ) );
if (options.count ("public-endpoint") ) {
my->p2p_address = options.at("public-endpoint").as< string >();
else {
if (my->listen_endpoint.address().to_v4() == address_v4::any()) {
boost::system::error_code ec;
auto host = host_name(ec);
if (ec.value() != boost::system::errc::success) {
FC_THROW_EXCEPTION (fc::invalid_arg_exception,
"Unable to retrieve host_name. ${msg}", ("msg",ec.message()));
auto port = my->p2p_address.substr (my->p2p_address.find(':'), my->p2p_address.size());
my->p2p_address = host + port;
if( options.count( "remote-endpoint" ) ) {
my->seed_nodes = options.at( "remote-endpoint" ).as< vector<string> >();
......@@ -21,10 +21,12 @@ my $http_port_base = 8888;
my $p2p_port_base = 9876;
my $data_dir_base = './test-dir-node';
my $http_port_base = 8888;
my $hostname = "localhost";
my $first_pause = 45;
my $launch_pause = 5;
my $run_duration = 60;
my $topo = "ring";
my $override_gts = "now";
if (!GetOptions("nodes=i" => \$nodes,
"first-pause=i" => \$first_pause,
......@@ -45,36 +47,39 @@ if (!GetOptions("nodes=i" => \$nodes,
my $per_node = int ($prods / ($only_one ? 1 : $nodes));
my $extra = $prods - ($per_node * $nodes);
my @pid;
my @data_dir;
my $prod_ndx = ord('a');
my @p2p_port;
my @http_port;
my @peers;
my $rhost = $hostname; # from a list for multihost tests
for (my $i = 0; $i < $nodes; $i++) {
my $p2p_port = $p2p_port_base + $i;
my $forward = $p2p_port + 1;
my $backward = $p2p_port - 1;
my $http_port = $http_port_base + $i;
my $data_dir = "$data_dir_base-$i";
if ($nodes > 1) {
if ($i == 0) {
$backward = $p2p_port_base + $nodes -1;
elsif ($i == $nodes - 1) {
$forward = $p2p_port_base;
print "purging directory $data_dir\n";
rmtree ($data_dir);
mkdir ($data_dir);
$p2p_port[$i] = $p2p_port_base + $i;
$http_port[$i] = $http_port_base + $i;
$data_dir[$i] = "$data_dir_base-$i";
open (my $cfg, '>', "$data_dir/config.ini") ;
sub write_config {
my $i = shift;
print "purging directory $data_dir[$i]\n";
rmtree ($data_dir[$i]);
mkdir ($data_dir[$i]);
open (my $cfg, '>', "$data_dir[$i]/config.ini") ;
print $cfg "genesis-json = \"$genesis\"\n";
print $cfg "block-log-dir = \"blocks\"\n";
print $cfg "readonly = 0\n";
print $cfg "shared-file-dir = \"blockchain\"\n";
print $cfg "shared-file-size = 64\n";
print $cfg "http-server-endpoint =$http_port\n";
print $cfg "listen-endpoint =$p2p_port\n";
print $cfg "remote-endpoint =$forward\n" if ($nodes > 1);
print $cfg "remote-endpoint =$backward\n" if ($nodes > 2);
print $cfg "public-endpoint =$p2p_port\n";
print $cfg "http-server-endpoint = $hostname:$http_port[$i]\n";
print $cfg "listen-endpoint =$p2p_port[$i]\n";
print $cfg "public-endpoint = $hostname:$p2p_port[$i]\n";
foreach my $peer (@peers) {
print $cfg "remote-endpoint = $peer\n";
print $cfg "enable-stale-production = true\n";
print $cfg "required-participation = true\n";
print $cfg "private-key = [\"EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV\",\"5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3\"]\n";
......@@ -88,44 +93,105 @@ for (my $i = 0; $i < $nodes; $i++) {
close $cfg;
my @cmdline = ($eosd,
# "--genesis-timestamp=now",
$pid[$i] = fork;
if ($pid[$i] > 0) {
my $pause = $i == 0 ? $first_pause : $launch_pause;
print "parent process looping, child pid = $pid[$i]";
if ($i < $nodes - 1) {
print ", pausing $pause seconds\n";
sleep ($pause);
else {
print "\n";
sub make_ring_topology () {
for (my $i = 0; $i < $nodes; $i++) {
my $rport = ($i == $nodes - 1) ? $p2p_port_base : $p2p_port[$i] + 1;
$peers[0] = "$rhost:$rport";
if ($nodes > 2) {
$rport = $p2p_port[$i] - 1;
$rport += $nodes if ($i == 0);
$peers[1] = "$rhost:$rport";
write_config ($i);
return 1;
sub make_grid_topology () {
print "Sorry, the grid topology is not yet implemented\n";
return 0;
sub make_star_topology () {
print "Sorry, the star topology is not yet implemented\n";
return 0;
sub launch_nodes () {
my $GTS = $override_gts;
if ($override_gts =~ "now" ) {
chomp ($GTS = `date -u "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"`);
my @s = split (':',$GTS);
$s[2] = substr ((100 + (int ($s[2]/3) * 3)),1);
$GTS = join (':', @s);
print "using genesis time stamp $GTS\n";
elsif (defined ($pid[$i])) {
print "child execing now, pid = $$\n";
open OUTPUT, '>', "$data_dir/stdout.txt" or die $!;
open ERROR, '>', "$data_dir/stderr.txt" or die $!;
STDOUT->fdopen ( \*OUTPUT, 'w') or die $!;
STDERR->fdopen ( \*ERROR, 'w') or die $!;
exec @cmdline;
print "child terminating now\n";
my $gtsarg;
$gtsarg = "--genesis-timestamp=$GTS" if ($override_gts);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $nodes; $i++) {
my @cmdline = ($eosd,
$pid[$i] = fork;
if ($pid[$i] > 0) {
my $pause = $i == 0 ? $first_pause : $launch_pause;
print "parent process looping, child pid = $pid[$i]";
if ($i < $nodes - 1) {
print ", pausing $pause seconds\n";
sleep ($pause);
else {
print "\n";
elsif (defined ($pid[$i])) {
print "child execing now, pid = $$\n";
open OUTPUT, '>', "$data_dir[$i]/stdout.txt" or die $!;
open ERROR, '>', "$data_dir[$i]/stderr.txt" or die $!;
STDOUT->fdopen ( \*OUTPUT, 'w') or die $!;
STDERR->fdopen ( \*ERROR, 'w') or die $!;
exec @cmdline;
print "child terminating now\n";
else {
print "fork failed\n";
else {
print "fork failed\n";
sub kill_nodes () {
print "all nodes launched, network running for $run_duration seconds\n";
sleep ($run_duration);
foreach my $pp (@pid) {
print "killing $pp\n";
kill 2, $pp;
print "all nodes launched, network running for $run_duration seconds\n";
sleep ($run_duration);
foreach my $pp (@pid) {
print "killing $pp\n";
kill 2, $pp;
# main
if ($nodes == 1) {
write_config (0);
else {
if ( $topo =~ "ring" ) { make_ring_topology () or die; }
elsif ( $topo =~ "grid" ) { make_grid_topology () or die; }
elsif ( $topo =~ "star" ) { make_star_topology () or die; }
else { print "$topo is not a known topology" and die; }
launch_nodes ();
kill_nodes () if ($run_duration > 0);
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