未验证 提交 92e1e46f 编写于 作者: D Daniel Larimer 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #1942 from EOSIO/native-actions

GH#1938 - Add handlers for native actions in system contract
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "delegate_bandwidth.hpp"
#include "native.hpp"
#include <eosiolib/optional.hpp>
#include <eosiolib/generic_currency.hpp>
......@@ -26,10 +27,11 @@ namespace eosiosystem {
template<account_name SystemAccount>
class contract : public delegate_bandwidth<SystemAccount> {
class contract : public delegate_bandwidth<SystemAccount>, public native<SystemAccount> {
using voting<SystemAccount>::on;
using delegate_bandwidth<SystemAccount>::on;
using native<SystemAccount>::on;
using pe = voting<SystemAccount>;
using db = delegate_bandwidth<SystemAccount>;
using currency = typename common<SystemAccount>::currency;
......@@ -170,14 +172,23 @@ namespace eosiosystem {
typename voting<SystemAccount>::voteproducer,
typename native<SystemAccount>::newaccount,
typename native<SystemAccount>::updateauth,
typename native<SystemAccount>::deleteauth,
typename native<SystemAccount>::linkauth,
typename native<SystemAccount>::unlinkauth,
typename native<SystemAccount>::postrecovery,
typename native<SystemAccount>::passrecovery,
typename native<SystemAccount>::vetorecovery,
typename native<SystemAccount>::setabi,
typename native<SystemAccount>::onerror,
typename native<SystemAccount>::canceldelay,
typename native<SystemAccount>::mindelay,
nonce>( code, act) ) {
//TODO: Small hack until we refactor eosio.system like eosio.token
using undelegatebw = typename delegate_bandwidth<SystemAccount>::undelegatebw;
if(code == undelegatebw::get_account() && act == undelegatebw::get_name() ){
contract().on( receiver, eosio::unpack_action_data<undelegatebw>() );
} else {
eosio::print("Unexpected action: ", eosio::name{act}, "\n");
eosio_assert( false, "received unexpected action");
* @file
* @copyright defined in eos/LICENSE.txt
#pragma once
#include <eosiolib/types.hpp>
namespace eosiosystem {
typedef std::vector<char> bytes;
typedef std::string type_name;
typedef std::string field_name;
struct permission_level_weight {
permission_level permission;
weight_type weight;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( permission_level_weight, (permission)(weight) )
struct key_weight {
public_key key;
weight_type weight;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( key_weight, (key)(weight) )
struct authority {
uint32_t threshold;
std::vector<key_weight> keys;
std::vector<permission_level_weight> accounts;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( authority, (threshold)(keys)(accounts) )
struct type_def {
type_name new_type_name;
type_name type;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( type_def, (new_type_name)(type) )
struct field_def {
field_name name;
type_name type;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( field_def, (name)(type) )
struct struct_def {
type_name name;
type_name base;
std::vector<field_def> fields;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( struct_def, (name)(base)(fields) )
struct action_def {
action_name name;
type_name type;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(action_def, (name)(type) )
struct table_def {
table_name name;
type_name index_type;
std::vector<field_name> key_names;
std::vector<type_name> key_types;
type_name type;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(table_def, (name)(index_type)(key_names)(key_types)(type) )
struct abi_def {
std::vector<type_def> types;
std::vector<struct_def> structs;
std::vector<action_def> actions;
std::vector<table_def> tables;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( abi_def, (types)(structs)(actions)(tables) )
template <account_name SystemAccount>
class native {
ACTION( SystemAccount, newaccount ) {
account_name creator;
account_name name;
authority owner;
authority active;
authority recovery;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( newaccount, (creator)(name)(owner)(active)(recovery) )
static void on( const newaccount& ) {
ACTION( SystemAccount, updateauth ) {
account_name account;
permission_name permission;
permission_name parent;
authority data;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( updateauth, (account)(permission)(parent)(data) )
static void on( const updateauth& ) {
ACTION( SystemAccount, deleteauth ) {
account_name account;
permission_name permission;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( deleteauth, (account)(permission) )
static void on( const deleteauth& ) {
ACTION( SystemAccount, linkauth ) {
account_name account;
account_name code;
action_name type;
permission_name requirement;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( linkauth, (account)(code)(type)(requirement) )
static void on( const linkauth& ) {
ACTION( SystemAccount, unlinkauth ) {
account_name account;
account_name code;
action_name type;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( unlinkauth, (account)(code)(type) )
static void on( const unlinkauth& ) {
ACTION( SystemAccount, postrecovery ) {
account_name account;
authority data;
std::string memo;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( postrecovery, (account)(data)(memo) )
static void on( const postrecovery& ) {
ACTION( SystemAccount, passrecovery ) {
account_name account;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( passrecovery, (account) )
static void on( const passrecovery& ) {
ACTION( SystemAccount, vetorecovery ) {
account_name account;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( vetorecovery, (account) )
static void on( const vetorecovery& ) {
ACTION( SystemAccount, setabi ) {
account_name account;
abi_def abi;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( setabi, (account)(abi) )
static void on( const setabi& ) {
struct onerror: eosio::action_meta<SystemAccount, N(onerror)>, bytes {
static void on( const onerror& ) {
ACTION( SystemAccount, canceldelay ) {
uint32_t sender_id;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( canceldelay, (sender_id) )
static void on( const canceldelay& ) {
ACTION ( SystemAccount, mindelay ) {
uint32_t delay;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( mindelay, (delay) )
static void on( const mindelay& ) {
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ typedef uint16_t region_id;
typedef uint64_t asset_symbol;
typedef int64_t share_type;
typedef uint16_t weight_type;
#define PACKED(X) __attribute((packed)) X
......@@ -19,11 +19,13 @@ void apply_context::exec_one()
if (native) {
else if (a.code.size() > 0) {
if (a.code.size() > 0 && !(act.name == N(setcode) && act.account == config::system_account_name)) {
try {
mutable_controller.get_wasm_interface().apply(a.code_version, a.code, *this);
} catch ( const wasm_exit& ){}
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW((_pending_console_output.str()));
if (!_write_scopes.empty()) {
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