未验证 提交 79fd74cc 编写于 作者: K Kevin Heifner 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #4901 from EOSIO/gh#4836-signals

Gh#4836 signals
......@@ -222,6 +222,8 @@ struct controller_impl {
std::cerr << std::setw(10) << next->block_num() << " of " << end->block_num() <<"\r";
std::cerr<< "\n";
ilog( "${n} blocks replayed", ("n", head->block_num) );
int rev = 0;
while( auto obj = reversible_blocks.find<reversible_block_object,by_num>(head->block_num+1) ) {
......@@ -229,13 +231,11 @@ struct controller_impl {
self.push_block( obj->get_block(), controller::block_status::validated );
std::cerr<< "\n";
ilog( "${n} reversible blocks replayed", ("n",rev) );
auto end = fc::time_point::now();
ilog( "replayed ${n} blocks in ${duration} seconds, ${mspb} ms/block",
("n", head->block_num)("duration", (end-start).count()/1000000)
("mspb", ((end-start).count()/1000.0)/head->block_num) );
std::cerr<< "\n";
replaying = false;
} else if( !end ) {
......@@ -495,8 +495,6 @@ struct controller_impl {
trx_context.billed_cpu_time_us, trace->net_usage );
fc::move_append( pending->_actions, move(trx_context.executed) );
emit( self.applied_transaction, trace );
return trace;
......@@ -565,19 +563,24 @@ struct controller_impl {
EOS_ASSERT( gtrx.delay_until <= self.pending_block_time(), transaction_exception, "this transaction isn't ready",
("gtrx.delay_until",gtrx.delay_until)("pbt",self.pending_block_time()) );
signed_transaction dtrx;
fc::raw::unpack(ds,static_cast<transaction&>(dtrx) );
transaction_metadata_ptr trx = std::make_shared<transaction_metadata>( dtrx );
trx->accepted = true;
trx->scheduled = true;
transaction_trace_ptr trace;
if( gtrx.expiration < self.pending_block_time() ) {
auto trace = std::make_shared<transaction_trace>();
trace = std::make_shared<transaction_trace>();
trace->id = gtrx.trx_id;
trace->scheduled = false;
trace->scheduled = true;
trace->receipt = push_receipt( gtrx.trx_id, transaction_receipt::expired, billed_cpu_time_us, 0 ); // expire the transaction
emit( self.accepted_transaction, trx );
emit( self.applied_transaction, trace );
return trace;
signed_transaction dtrx;
fc::raw::unpack(ds,static_cast<transaction&>(dtrx) );
auto reset_in_trx_requiring_checks = fc::make_scoped_exit([old_value=in_trx_requiring_checks,this](){
in_trx_requiring_checks = old_value;
......@@ -590,7 +593,7 @@ struct controller_impl {
trx_context.deadline = deadline;
trx_context.explicit_billed_cpu_time = explicit_billed_cpu_time;
trx_context.billed_cpu_time_us = billed_cpu_time_us;
transaction_trace_ptr trace = trx_context.trace;
trace = trx_context.trace;
try {
trx_context.init_for_deferred_trx( gtrx.published );
......@@ -605,11 +608,14 @@ struct controller_impl {
fc::move_append( pending->_actions, move(trx_context.executed) );
emit( self.accepted_transaction, trx );
emit( self.applied_transaction, trace );
return trace;
} catch( const fc::exception& e ) {
cpu_time_to_bill_us = trx_context.update_billed_cpu_time( fc::time_point::now() );
......@@ -628,6 +634,8 @@ struct controller_impl {
error_trace->failed_dtrx_trace = trace;
trace = error_trace;
if( !trace->except_ptr ) {
emit( self.accepted_transaction, trx );
emit( self.applied_transaction, trace );
return trace;
......@@ -662,8 +670,16 @@ struct controller_impl {
block_timestamp_type(self.pending_block_time()).slot ); // Should never fail
trace->receipt = push_receipt(gtrx.trx_id, transaction_receipt::hard_fail, cpu_time_to_bill_us, 0);
emit( self.accepted_transaction, trx );
emit( self.applied_transaction, trace );
} else {
emit( self.accepted_transaction, trx );
emit( self.applied_transaction, trace );
return trace;
......@@ -693,7 +709,6 @@ struct controller_impl {
transaction_trace_ptr push_transaction( const transaction_metadata_ptr& trx,
fc::time_point deadline,
bool implicit,
uint32_t billed_cpu_time_us,
bool explicit_billed_cpu_time = false )
......@@ -710,7 +725,7 @@ struct controller_impl {
trx_context.billed_cpu_time_us = billed_cpu_time_us;
trace = trx_context.trace;
try {
if( implicit ) {
if( trx->implicit ) {
trx_context.can_subjectively_fail = false;
} else {
......@@ -726,7 +741,7 @@ struct controller_impl {
trx_context.delay = fc::seconds(trx->trx.delay_sec);
if( !self.skip_auth_check() && !implicit ) {
if( !self.skip_auth_check() && !trx->implicit ) {
trx->recover_keys( chain_id ),
......@@ -743,7 +758,7 @@ struct controller_impl {
auto restore = make_block_restore_point();
if (!implicit) {
if (!trx->implicit) {
transaction_receipt::status_enum s = (trx_context.delay == fc::seconds(0))
? transaction_receipt::executed
: transaction_receipt::delayed;
......@@ -761,8 +776,8 @@ struct controller_impl {
// call the accept signal but only once for this transaction
if (!trx->accepted) {
emit( self.accepted_transaction, trx);
trx->accepted = true;
emit( self.accepted_transaction, trx);
emit(self.applied_transaction, trace);
......@@ -776,7 +791,7 @@ struct controller_impl {
if (!implicit) {
if (!trx->implicit) {
unapplied_transactions.erase( trx->signed_id );
return trace;
......@@ -789,6 +804,9 @@ struct controller_impl {
unapplied_transactions.erase( trx->signed_id );
emit( self.accepted_transaction, trx );
emit( self.applied_transaction, trace );
return trace;
} /// push_transaction
......@@ -841,11 +859,12 @@ struct controller_impl {
try {
auto onbtrx = std::make_shared<transaction_metadata>( get_on_block_transaction() );
onbtrx->implicit = true;
auto reset_in_trx_requiring_checks = fc::make_scoped_exit([old_value=in_trx_requiring_checks,this](){
in_trx_requiring_checks = old_value;
in_trx_requiring_checks = true;
push_transaction( onbtrx, fc::time_point::maximum(), true, self.get_global_properties().configuration.min_transaction_cpu_usage, true );
push_transaction( onbtrx, fc::time_point::maximum(), self.get_global_properties().configuration.min_transaction_cpu_usage, true );
} catch( const boost::interprocess::bad_alloc& e ) {
elog( "on block transaction failed due to a bad allocation" );
......@@ -884,7 +903,7 @@ struct controller_impl {
if( receipt.trx.contains<packed_transaction>() ) {
auto& pt = receipt.trx.get<packed_transaction>();
auto mtrx = std::make_shared<transaction_metadata>(pt);
trace = push_transaction( mtrx, fc::time_point::maximum(), false, receipt.cpu_usage_us, true );
trace = push_transaction( mtrx, fc::time_point::maximum(), receipt.cpu_usage_us, true );
} else if( receipt.trx.contains<transaction_id_type>() ) {
trace = push_scheduled_transaction( receipt.trx.get<transaction_id_type>(), fc::time_point::maximum(), receipt.cpu_usage_us, true );
} else {
......@@ -1346,7 +1365,8 @@ void controller::push_confirmation( const header_confirmation& c ) {
transaction_trace_ptr controller::push_transaction( const transaction_metadata_ptr& trx, fc::time_point deadline, uint32_t billed_cpu_time_us ) {
return my->push_transaction(trx, deadline, false, billed_cpu_time_us, billed_cpu_time_us > 0 );
EOS_ASSERT( trx && !trx->implicit && !trx->scheduled, transaction_type_exception, "Implicit/Scheduled transaction not allowed" );
return my->push_transaction(trx, deadline, billed_cpu_time_us, billed_cpu_time_us > 0 );
transaction_trace_ptr controller::push_scheduled_transaction( const transaction_id_type& trxid, fc::time_point deadline, uint32_t billed_cpu_time_us )
......@@ -21,15 +21,17 @@ class transaction_metadata {
packed_transaction packed_trx;
optional<pair<chain_id_type, flat_set<public_key_type>>> signing_keys;
bool accepted = false;
bool implicit = false;
bool scheduled = false;
transaction_metadata( const signed_transaction& t, packed_transaction::compression_type c = packed_transaction::none )
explicit transaction_metadata( const signed_transaction& t, packed_transaction::compression_type c = packed_transaction::none )
:trx(t),packed_trx(t, c) {
id = trx.id();
//raw_packed = fc::raw::pack( static_cast<const transaction&>(trx) );
signed_id = digest_type::hash(packed_trx);
transaction_metadata( const packed_transaction& ptrx )
explicit transaction_metadata( const packed_transaction& ptrx )
:trx( ptrx.get_signed_transaction() ), packed_trx(ptrx) {
id = trx.id();
//raw_packed = fc::raw::pack( static_cast<const transaction&>(trx) );
......@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ namespace eosio {
void on_accepted_transaction( transaction_metadata_ptr trx ) {
if( trx->trx.signatures.size() == 0 ) return;
if( trx->implicit || trx->scheduled ) return;
for_each_session( [trx]( auto ses ){ ses->on_accepted_transaction( trx ); } );
......@@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(deferred_transaction_tests, TESTER) { try {
produce_block( fc::seconds(2) );
//check that it gets executed afterwards
//confirm printed message
......@@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(deferred_transaction_tests, TESTER) { try {
control->push_scheduled_transaction(trx, fc::time_point::maximum());
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( 1, trace->action_traces.size() );
......@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(deferred_transaction_tests, TESTER) { try {
// Trigger a tx which in turn sends a deferred tx with payer != receiver
// Payer is alice in this case, this tx should fail since we don't have the authorization of alice
dtt_action dtt_act1;
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