提交 5bff35cc 编写于 作者: D Daniel Larimer 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #420 from EOSIO/p2p-launcher-updates-396

P2p launcher updates 396
......@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ struct launcher_def {
bf::path genesis;
bf::path output;
bool skip_transaction_signatures = false;
string eosd_extra_args;
testnet_def network;
string data_dir_base;
string alias_base;
......@@ -236,7 +237,9 @@ launcher_def::set_options (bpo::options_description &cli) {
("shape,s",bpo::value<string>()->default_value("ring"),"network topology, use \"ring\" \"star\" \"mesh\" or give a filename for custom")
("genesis,g",bpo::value<bf::path>()->default_value("./genesis.json"),"set the path to genesis.json")
("output,o",bpo::value<bf::path>(),"save a copy of the generated topology in this file")
("skip-signature", bpo::bool_switch()->default_value(false), "EOSD does not require transaction signatures.");
("skip-signature", bpo::bool_switch()->default_value(false), "EOSD does not require transaction signatures.")
("eosd", bpo::value<string>(), "forward eosd command line argument(s) to each instance of eosd, enclose arg in quotes")
......@@ -253,6 +256,8 @@ launcher_def::initialize (const variables_map &vmap) {
output = vmap["output"].as<bf::path>();
if (vmap.count("skip-signature"))
skip_transaction_signatures = vmap["skip-signature"].as<bool>();
if (vmap.count("eosd"))
eosd_extra_args = vmap["eosd"].as<string>();
producers = 21;
data_dir_base = "tn_data_";
......@@ -380,6 +385,7 @@ launcher_def::write_config_file (eosd_def &node) {
cfg << "plugin = eos::producer_plugin\n"
<< "plugin = eos::chain_api_plugin\n"
<< "plugin = eos::wallet_api_plugin\n"
<< "plugin = eos::account_history_plugin\n"
<< "plugin = eos::account_history_api_plugin\n";
for (auto &p : node.producers) {
......@@ -445,8 +451,12 @@ launcher_def::make_star () {
size_t gap = total_nodes > 6 ? 4 : total_nodes - links;
// use to prevent duplicates since all connections are bidirectional
std::map <string, std::set<string>> peers_to_from;
for (size_t i = 0; i < total_nodes; i++) {
auto &current = network.nodes.find(aliases[i])->second;
const auto& iter = network.nodes.find(aliases[i]);
auto &current = iter->second;
const auto& current_name = iter->first;
for (size_t l = 1; l <= links; l++) {
size_t ndx = (i + l * gap) % total_nodes;
if (i == ndx) {
......@@ -463,7 +473,12 @@ launcher_def::make_star () {
current.peers.push_back (peer);
// if already established, don't add to list
if (peers_to_from[peer].count(current_name) == 0) {
current.peers.push_back(peer); // current_name -> peer
// keep track of bidirectional relationships to prevent duplicates
......@@ -471,11 +486,21 @@ launcher_def::make_star () {
launcher_def::make_mesh () {
define_nodes ();
// use to prevent duplicates since all connections are bidirectional
std::map <string, std::set<string>> peers_to_from;
for (size_t i = 0; i < total_nodes; i++) {
auto &current = network.nodes.find(aliases[i])->second;
const auto& iter = network.nodes.find(aliases[i]);
auto &current = iter->second;
const auto& current_name = iter->first;
for (size_t j = 1; j < total_nodes; j++) {
size_t ndx = (i + j) % total_nodes;
current.peers.push_back (aliases[ndx]);
const auto& peer = aliases[ndx];
// if already established, don't add to list
if (peers_to_from[peer].count(current_name) == 0) {
current.peers.push_back (peer);
// keep track of bidirectional relationships to prevent duplicates
......@@ -554,6 +579,7 @@ launcher_def::launch (eosd_def &node, string &gts) {
if (skip_transaction_signatures) {
eosdcmd += "--skip-transaction-signatures ";
eosdcmd += eosd_extra_args + " ";
eosdcmd += "--data-dir " + node.data_dir;
if (gts.length()) {
eosdcmd += " --genesis-timestamp " + gts;
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