提交 4e6a6450 编写于 作者: N Nathan Hourt

Ref #203: Updates to eosc

Add Contract command to replace old setcode
Rename Exec command to Push
Fix some API naming compatibility with current eosd
上级 6b83fc47
......@@ -2009,7 +2009,7 @@ class App {
for(const App_p &com : subcommands_)
return true;
if(parent_ != nullptr)
if(parent_ != nullptr && fallthrough_)
return parent_->_valid_subcommand(current);
return false;
......@@ -243,9 +243,9 @@ int send_command (const vector<string> &cmd_line)
Name account(cmd_line[1]);
const auto& wast_file = cmd_line[2];
std::string wast;
FC_ASSERT( fc::exists(wast_file) );
std::string wast;
fc::read_file_contents( wast_file, wast );
auto wasm = assemble_wast( wast );
......@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
string blockArg;
auto getBlock = get->add_subcommand("block", "Retrieve a full block from the blockchain", false);
getBlock->add_option("<block>", blockArg, "The number or ID of the block to retrieve")->required();
getBlock->add_option("block", blockArg, "The number or ID of the block to retrieve")->required();
getBlock->set_callback([&blockArg] {
auto arg = fc::mutable_variant_object("block_num_or_id", blockArg);
std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(call(get_block_func, arg)) << std::endl;
......@@ -397,6 +397,40 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
// Contract subcommand
string account;
string wastPath;
string abiPath;
auto contract = app.add_subcommand("contract", "Create or update the contract on an account");
contract->add_option("account", account, "The account to publish a contract for")->required();
contract->add_option("wast-file", wastPath, "The file containing the contract WAST")->required()
auto abi = contract->add_option("abi-file,-a,--abi", abiPath, "The ABI for the contract")
contract->set_callback([&] {
std::string wast;
std::cout << "Reading WAST..." << std::endl;
fc::read_file_contents(wastPath, wast);
std::cout << "Assembling WASM..." << std::endl;
auto wasm = assemble_wast(wast);
types::setcode handler;
handler.account = account;
handler.code.assign(wasm.begin(), wasm.end());
if (abi->count())
handler.abi = fc::json::from_file(abiPath).as<types::Abi>();
SignedTransaction trx;
trx.scope = sort_names({config::EosContractName, account});
transaction_helpers::emplace_message(trx, config::EosContractName, vector<types::AccountPermission>{{account,"active"}},
"setcode", handler);
std::cout << "Publishing contract..." << std::endl;
std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(push_transaction(trx)) << std::endl;
// Transfer subcommand
string sender;
......@@ -421,34 +455,40 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
// Exec subcommand
// Push subcommand
auto exec = app.add_subcommand("exec", "Execute arbitrary transactions on the blockchain", false);
auto push = app.add_subcommand("push", "Push arbitrary data to the blockchain", false);
// exec message
// push message
vector<string> permissions = {"joe@active"};
string contract = "exchange";
string action = "deposit";
string data;
vector<string> scopes = {"joe", "exchange"};
auto messageSubcommand = exec->add_subcommand("message", "Execute a transaction with a single message");
messageSubcommand->add_option("contract", contract,
"The account providing the contract to execute", true)->required();
messageSubcommand->add_option("action", action, "The action to execute on the contract", true)->required();
messageSubcommand->add_option("data", data, "The arguments to the contract")->required();
messageSubcommand->add_option("-p,--permission", permissions, "An account and permission level to authorize", true);
messageSubcommand->add_option("-s,--scope", scopes, "An account in scope for this operation", true);
messageSubcommand->set_callback([&] {
struct {
vector<string> permissions;
string contract;
string action;
string data;
vector<string> scopes;
} opts;
auto options = std::make_shared<decltype(opts)>(std::move(opts));
auto messageSubcommand = push->add_subcommand("message", "Push a transaction with a single message");
messageSubcommand->add_option("contract", options->contract,
"The account providing the contract to execute", true)->required();
messageSubcommand->add_option("action", options->action, "The action to execute on the contract", true)
messageSubcommand->add_option("data", options->data, "The arguments to the contract")->required();
messageSubcommand->add_option("-p,--permission", options->permissions,
"An account and permission level to authorize, as in 'account@permission'");
messageSubcommand->add_option("-s,--scope", options->scopes, "An account in scope for this operation", true);
messageSubcommand->set_callback([options = std::move(options)] {
ilog("Converting argument to binary...");
auto arg= fc::mutable_variant_object
("code", contract)
("cmd_line", fc::json::from_string(data));
("code", options->contract)
("args", fc::json::from_string(options->data));
auto result = call(json_to_bin_func, arg);
auto fixedPermissions = permissions | boost::adaptors::transformed([](const string& p) {
auto fixedPermissions = options->permissions | boost::adaptors::transformed([](const string& p) {
vector<string> pieces;
boost::split(pieces, p, boost::is_any_of("@"));
FC_ASSERT(pieces.size() == 2, "Invalid permission: ${p}", ("p", p));
......@@ -456,19 +496,19 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
SignedTransaction trx;
transaction_helpers::emplace_message(trx, contract, vector<types::AccountPermission>{fixedPermissions.front(),
action, result.get_object()["bincmd_line"].as<Bytes>());
trx.scope.assign(scopes.begin(), scopes.end());
transaction_helpers::emplace_message(trx, options->contract, vector<types::AccountPermission>{fixedPermissions.front(),
options->action, result.get_object()["bincmd_line"].as<Bytes>());
trx.scope.assign(options->scopes.begin(), options->scopes.end());
ilog("Transaction result: ${r}", ("r", push_transaction(trx)));
// exec transaction
// push transaction
string trxJson;
auto trxSubcommand = exec->add_subcommand("transaction", "Execute an arbitrary JSON transaction");
trxSubcommand->add_option("transaction", trxJson, "The JSON of the transaction to execute")->required();
auto trxSubcommand = push->add_subcommand("transaction", "Push an arbitrary JSON transaction");
trxSubcommand->add_option("transaction", trxJson, "The JSON of the transaction to push")->required();
trxSubcommand->set_callback([&] {
auto trx_result = call(push_txn_func, fc::json::from_string(trxJson));
std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(trx_result) << std::endl;
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