提交 498bdc13 编写于 作者: A Anton Perkov

more tests and bugfix in variant comparison

上级 4a79aead
......@@ -119,6 +119,12 @@
{"name":"producer_key", "type":"bytes"},
{"name":"prefs", "type":"eosio_parameters"}
"name": "unregprod",
"base": "",
"fields": [
{"name":"producer", "type":"account_name"}
"name": "stakevote",
"base": "",
......@@ -166,6 +172,9 @@
"name": "regproducer",
"type": "regproducer"
"name": "unregprod",
"type": "unregprod"
"name": "stakevote",
"type": "stakevote"
......@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ namespace eosiosystem {
typename voting<SystemAccount>::register_proxy,
typename voting<SystemAccount>::unregister_proxy,
typename voting<SystemAccount>::regproducer,
typename voting<SystemAccount>::vote_producer,
typename voting<SystemAccount>::unregprod,
typename voting<SystemAccount>::voteproducer,
typename voting<SystemAccount>::stakevote,
typename voting<SystemAccount>::unstakevote,
typename voting<SystemAccount>::unstake_vote_deferred,
......@@ -118,13 +118,13 @@ namespace eosiosystem {
ACTION( SystemAccount, unregproducer ) {
ACTION( SystemAccount, unregprod ) {
account_name producer;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( unregproducer, (producer) )
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( unregprod, (producer) )
static void on( const unregproducer& unreg ) {
static void on( const unregprod& unreg ) {
require_auth( unreg.producer );
producers_table producers_tbl( SystemAccount, SystemAccount );
......@@ -388,12 +388,12 @@ namespace eosiosystem {
ACTION( SystemAccount, vote_producer ) {
ACTION( SystemAccount, voteproducer ) {
account_name voter;
account_name proxy;
std::vector<account_name> producers;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( vote_producer, (voter)(proxy)(producers) )
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( voteproducer, (voter)(proxy)(producers) )
......@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ namespace eosiosystem {
* @pre vp.voter must authorize this action
* @pre voter must have previously staked some EOS for voting
static void on( const vote_producer& vp ) {
static void on( const voteproducer& vp ) {
require_auth( vp.voter );
//validate input
......@@ -754,16 +754,13 @@ string format_string( const string& format, const variant_object& args )
if( a.is_double() || b.is_double() ) return a.as_double() == b.as_double();
if( a.is_int64() || b.is_int64() ) return a.as_int64() == b.as_int64();
if( a.is_uint64() || b.is_uint64() ) return a.as_uint64() == b.as_uint64();
if( a.is_array() || b.is_array() ) return a.get_array() == b.get_array();
return false;
bool operator != ( const variant& a, const variant& b )
if( a.is_string() || b.is_string() ) return a.as_string() != b.as_string();
if( a.is_double() || b.is_double() ) return a.as_double() != b.as_double();
if( a.is_int64() || b.is_int64() ) return a.as_int64() != b.as_int64();
if( a.is_uint64() || b.is_uint64() ) return a.as_uint64() != b.as_uint64();
return false;
return !( a == b );
bool operator ! ( const variant& a )
......@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
#include <iosfwd>
#define REQUIRE_EQUAL_OBJECTS(a, b) BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( true, a.is_object() ); \
#define REQUIRE_EQUAL_OBJECTS(left, right) { auto a = left; auto b = right; BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( true, a.is_object() ); \
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( true, b.is_object() ); \
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( a.get_object().begin(), a.get_object().end(), b.get_object().begin(), b.get_object().end() );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( a.get_object().begin(), a.get_object().end(), b.get_object().begin(), b.get_object().end() ); }
std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& osm, const fc::variant& v );
......@@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ public:
return base_tester::push_action( std::move(act), auth ? uint64_t(signer) : 0 );
uint32_t last_block_time() const {
return time_point_sec( control->head_block_time() ).sec_since_epoch();
asset get_balance( const account_name& act ) {
return get_currency_balance( config::system_account_name, symbol(SY(4,EOS)), act );
......@@ -457,6 +461,25 @@ void require_simple_voter(const fc::variant& vi) {
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( 0, vi["last_unstake"].as_uint64() );
fc::variant simple_voter( account_name acct, uint64_t vote_stake, uint64_t ts ) {
return mutable_variant_object()
("owner", acct)
("proxy", name(0).to_string())
("last_update", ts)
("is_proxy", 0)
("staked", vote_stake)
("unstaking", 0)
("unstake_per_week", 0)
("proxied_votes", 0)
("producers", variants() )
("deferred_trx_id", 0)
("last_unstake", 0);
fc::variant simple_voter( account_name acct, const string& vote_stake, uint64_t ts ) {
return simple_voter( acct, asset::from_string( vote_stake ).amount, ts);
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( stake_add_more_partial_unstake, eosio_system_tester ) try {
issue( "alice", "1000.0000 EOS", config::system_account_name );
......@@ -519,32 +542,37 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( stake_add_more_partial_unstake, eosio_system_tester ) t
vi = get_voter_info( "alice" );
require_simple_voter( vi );
REQUIRE_EQUAL_OBJECTS( simple_voter( "alice", "1000.0000 EOS", last_block_time()), get_voter_info( "alice" ) );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( asset::from_string("0.0000 EOS").amount, vi["staked"].as_uint64() );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( asset::from_string("1000.0000 EOS"), get_balance( "alice" ) );
static fc::variant producer_parameters_example(int n) {
return mutable_variant_object()
("target_block_size", 1024 * 1024 + n)
("max_block_size", 10 * 1024 + n)
("target_block_acts_per_scope", 1000 + n)
("max_block_acts_per_scope", 10000 + n)
("target_block_acts", 1100 + n)
("max_block_acts", 11000 + n)
("max_storage_size", 2000 + n)
("max_transaction_lifetime", 3600 + n)
("max_transaction_exec_time", 9900 + n)
("max_authority_depth", 6 + n)
("max_inline_depth", 4 + n)
("max_inline_action_size", 4096 + n)
("max_generated_transaction_size", 64*1024 + n)
("inflation_rate", 1050 + n)
("storage_reserve_ratio", 100 + n);
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( producer_register_unregister, eosio_system_tester ) try {
issue( "alice", "1000.0000 EOS", config::system_account_name );
fc::variant params = mutable_variant_object()
("target_block_size", 1024 * 1024)
("max_block_size", 10 * 1024)
("target_block_acts_per_scope", 1001)
("max_block_acts_per_scope", 10001)
("target_block_acts", 1101)
("max_block_acts", 11001)
("max_storage_size", 2001)
("max_transaction_lifetime", 3601)
("max_transaction_exec_time", 9999)
("max_authority_depth", 6)
("max_inline_depth", 4)
("max_inline_action_size", 4096)
("max_generated_transaction_size", 64*1024)
("inflation_rate", 1051)
("storage_reserve_ratio", 1005);
fc::variant params = producer_parameters_example(1);
vector<char> key = fc::raw::pack( fc::crypto::public_key( std::string("EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV") ) );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( success(), push_action(N(alice), N(regproducer), mvo()
("producer", "alice")
......@@ -560,23 +588,8 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( producer_register_unregister, eosio_system_tester ) try
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( string(key.begin(), key.end()), to_string(info["packed_key"]) );
//do regproducer again to change parameters
fc::variant params2 = mutable_variant_object()
("target_block_size", 1024 * 1024 + 1)
("max_block_size", 10 * 1024 + 1)
("target_block_acts_per_scope", 1002)
("max_block_acts_per_scope", 10002)
("target_block_acts", 1102)
("max_block_acts", 11002)
("max_storage_size", 2002)
("max_transaction_lifetime", 3602)
("max_transaction_exec_time", 9997)
("max_authority_depth", 7)
("max_inline_depth", 5)
("max_inline_action_size", 4095)
("max_generated_transaction_size", 64*1025)
("inflation_rate", 1052)
("storage_reserve_ratio", 1006);
//call regproducer again to change parameters
fc::variant params2 = producer_parameters_example(2);
vector<char> key2 = fc::raw::pack( fc::crypto::public_key( std::string("EOSR16EPHFSKVYHBjQgxVGQPrwCxTg7BbZ69H9i4gztN9deKTEXYne4") ) );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( success(), push_action(N(alice), N(regproducer), mvo()
......@@ -592,6 +605,19 @@ BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE( producer_register_unregister, eosio_system_tester ) try
REQUIRE_EQUAL_OBJECTS( params2, info["prefs"] );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( string(key2.begin(), key2.end()), to_string(info["packed_key"]) );
//unregister producer
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( success(), push_action(N(alice), N(unregprod), mvo()
("producer", "alice")
info = get_producer_info( "alice" );
//key should be empty
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( true, to_string(info["packed_key"]).empty() );
//everything else should stay the same
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( N(alice), info["owner"].as_uint64() );
BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL( 0, info["total_votes"].as_uint64() );
REQUIRE_EQUAL_OBJECTS( params2, info["prefs"] );
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