提交 30d4170a 编写于 作者: P Phil Mesnier

#1024 Fix to allow at least block 936299 to be successfully added to a new...

#1024 Fix to allow at least block 936299 to be successfully added to a new node's chain, Also addresses a secondary issue involving blocks with messages that take very close to the max txn processing time, sometimes the deadline is exceeded which then causes a fork and there is no recovering
上级 4150739a
......@@ -901,9 +901,10 @@ void chain_controller::process_message(const transaction& trx, account_name code
apply_context* parent_context, int depth,
const fc::time_point& start_time ) {
const blockchain_configuration& chain_configuration = get_global_properties().configuration;
auto us_duration = (fc::time_point::now() - start_time).count();
if( is_producing() ) {
EOS_ASSERT((fc::time_point::now() - start_time).count() < chain_configuration.max_trx_runtime, checktime_exceeded,
"Transaction message exceeded maximum total transaction time of ${limit}ms", ("limit", chain_configuration.max_trx_runtime));
EOS_ASSERT(us_duration < chain_configuration.max_trx_runtime, checktime_exceeded,
"Transaction message exceeded maximum total transaction time of ${limit}ms, took ${duration}ms", ("limit", chain_configuration.max_trx_runtime/1000)("dur",us_duration/1000));
EOS_ASSERT(depth < chain_configuration.in_depth_limit, msg_resource_exhausted,
"Message processing exceeded maximum inline recursion depth of ${limit}", ("limit", chain_configuration.in_depth_limit));
......@@ -977,7 +978,15 @@ void chain_controller::apply_message(apply_context& context)
: _skip_flags & created_block
? _create_block_txn_execution_time
: _txn_execution_time;
wasm_interface::get().apply(context, execution_time, is_producing() );
try {
wasm_interface::get().apply(context, execution_time, is_producing() );
} catch (const fc::exception &ex) {
if (!is_producing()) { // && ex.cause == Runtime::Exception::Cause::integerDivideByZeroOrIntegerOverflow) {
wlog ("apply_message ignoring exception while not producing");
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW((context.msg)) }
......@@ -999,7 +1008,7 @@ typename T::processed chain_controller::process_transaction( const T& trx, int d
{ try {
const blockchain_configuration& chain_configuration = get_global_properties().configuration;
EOS_ASSERT((fc::time_point::now() - start_time).count() < chain_configuration.max_trx_runtime, checktime_exceeded,
"Transaction exceeded maximum total transaction time of ${limit}ms", ("limit", chain_configuration.max_trx_runtime));
"Transaction exceeded maximum total transaction time of ${limit}ms", ("limit", chain_configuration.max_trx_runtime/1000));
EOS_ASSERT(depth < chain_configuration.in_depth_limit, tx_resource_exhausted,
"Transaction exceeded maximum inline recursion depth of ${limit}", ("limit", chain_configuration.in_depth_limit));
......@@ -1030,7 +1039,7 @@ const producer_object& chain_controller::validate_block_header(uint32_t skip, co
EOS_ASSERT(head_block_time() < next_block.timestamp, block_validate_exception, "",
if (next_block.timestamp > head_block_time() + block_interval()) {
if (is_producing() && next_block.timestamp > head_block_time() + block_interval()) {
elog("head_block_time ${h}, next_block ${t}, block_interval ${bi}",
("h", head_block_time())("t", next_block.timestamp)("bi", block_interval()));
elog("Did not produce block within block_interval ${bi}, took ${t}ms)",
......@@ -109,7 +109,8 @@ namespace eosio { namespace chain {
skip_output_check = 1 << 13, ///< used to skip checks for outputs in block exactly matching those created from apply
pushed_transaction = 1 << 14, ///< used to indicate that the origination of the call was from a push_transaction, to determine time allotment
created_block = 1 << 15, ///< used to indicate that the origination of the call was for creating a block, to determine time allotment
received_block = 1 << 16 ///< used to indicate that the origination of the call was for a received block, to determine time allotment
received_block = 1 << 16, ///< used to indicate that the origination of the call was for a received block, to determine time allotment
irreversible = 1 << 17 ///< indicates the blcok was received while catching up and is already considered irreversible.
......@@ -269,8 +270,7 @@ namespace eosio { namespace chain {
chainbase::database& get_mutable_database() { return _db; }
bool should_check_scope()const { return !(_skip_flags&skip_scope_check); }
bool is_producing()const { return _skip_flags & (received_block | pushed_transaction); }
bool is_producing()const { return (_skip_flags & (received_block | pushed_transaction)) && !(_skip_flags & irreversible); }
const deque<signed_transaction>& pending()const { return _pending_transactions; }
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ DEFINE_INTRINSIC_FUNCTION0(env,checktime,checktime,none) {
char* value = memoryArrayPtr<char>( wasm.current_memory, valueptr, valuelen );
KeyType* keys = reinterpret_cast<KeyType*>(value);
valuelen -= keylen;
value += keylen;
......@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ DEFINE_INTRINSIC_FUNCTION0(env,checktime,checktime,none) {
DEFINE_RECORD_UPDATE_FUNCTIONS(i64, key_value_index, 8);
DEFINE_RECORD_READ_FUNCTIONS(i64,,key_value_index, by_scope_primary);
DEFINE_RECORD_UPDATE_FUNCTIONS(i128i128, key128x128_value_index, 32);
DEFINE_RECORD_READ_FUNCTIONS(i128i128, primary_, key128x128_value_index, by_scope_primary);
DEFINE_RECORD_READ_FUNCTIONS(i128i128, secondary_, key128x128_value_index, by_scope_secondary);
......@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ DEFINE_INTRINSIC_FUNCTION1(env,sbrk,sbrk,i32,i32,num_bytes) {
* transaction C API implementation
* @{
DEFINE_INTRINSIC_FUNCTION0(env,transaction_create,transaction_create,i32) {
auto& ptrx = wasm_interface::get().current_apply_context->create_pending_transaction();
......@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ DEFINE_INTRINSIC_FUNCTION1(env,transaction_drop,transaction_drop,none,i32,handle
DEFINE_INTRINSIC_FUNCTION4(env,message_create,message_create,i32,i64,code,i64,type,i32,data,i32,length) {
auto& wasm = wasm_interface::get();
auto mem = wasm.current_memory;
EOS_ASSERT( length >= 0, tx_unknown_argument,
"Pushing a message with a negative length" );
......@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ DEFINE_INTRINSIC_FUNCTION1(env,message_drop,message_drop,none,i32,handle) {
* @} transaction C API implementation
......@@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ DEFINE_INTRINSIC_FUNCTION2(env,account_balance_get,account_balance_get,i32,i32,c
const auto llvm_time = fc::time_point::now();
current_memory = Runtime::getDefaultMemory(state.instance);
char* memstart = &memoryRef<char>( current_memory, 0 );
// state.init_memory.resize(1<<16); /// TODO: actually get memory size
const auto allocated_memory = Runtime::getDefaultMemorySize(state.instance);
......@@ -1019,8 +1019,8 @@ DEFINE_INTRINSIC_FUNCTION2(env,account_balance_get,account_balance_get,i32,i32,c
state.table_key_types.emplace(std::make_pair(table.table_name, key_type));
ilog("wasm_interface::load times llvm:${llvm} ms, init:${init} ms, abi:${abi} ms",
ilog("wasm_interface::load name = ${n} times llvm:${llvm} ms, init:${init} ms, abi:${abi} ms",
catch(Serialization::FatalSerializationException exception)
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ void chain_plugin::plugin_initialize(const variables_map& options) {
chain::wasm_interface::get().row_overhead_db_limit_bytes = options.at("row-overhead-db-limit-bytes").as<uint32_t>();
void chain_plugin::plugin_startup()
void chain_plugin::plugin_startup()
{ try {
auto& db = app().get_plugin<database_plugin>().db();
eosio::chain::applied_irreverisable_block_func applied_func;
......@@ -223,8 +223,8 @@ void chain_plugin::plugin_startup()
FC_ASSERT( fc::exists( my->genesis_file ),
"unable to find genesis file '${f}', check --genesis-json argument",
FC_ASSERT( fc::exists( my->genesis_file ),
"unable to find genesis file '${f}', check --genesis-json argument",
("f",my->genesis_file.generic_string()) );
auto genesis = fc::json::from_file(my->genesis_file).as<native_contract::genesis_state_type>();
......@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ bool chain_plugin::accept_block(const chain::signed_block& block, bool currently
("p", block.producer));
return chain().push_block(block, my->skip_flags);
return chain().push_block(block, my->skip_flags | (currently_syncing ? chain_controller::irreversible : 0) );
void chain_plugin::accept_transaction(const chain::signed_transaction& trx) {
......@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ read_only::get_table_rows_result read_only::get_table_rows( const read_only::get
return get_table_rows_ex<chain::key_value_index, chain::by_scope_primary>(p,abi);
} else if( table_type == KEYstr ) {
return get_table_rows_ex<chain::keystr_value_index, chain::by_scope_primary>(p,abi);
} else if( table_type == KEYi128i128 ) {
} else if( table_type == KEYi128i128 ) {
if( table_key == PRIMARY )
return get_table_rows_ex<chain::key128x128_value_index, chain::by_scope_primary>(p,abi);
if( table_key == SECONDARY )
......@@ -404,9 +404,9 @@ read_write::push_transactions_results read_write::push_transactions(const read_w
for( const auto& item : params ) {
try {
result.emplace_back( push_transaction( item ) );
result.emplace_back( push_transaction( item ) );
} catch ( const fc::exception& e ) {
result.emplace_back( read_write::push_transaction_results{ chain::transaction_id_type(),
result.emplace_back( read_write::push_transaction_results{ chain::transaction_id_type(),
fc::mutable_variant_object( "error", e.to_detail_string() ) } );
......@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ read_only::get_account_results read_only::get_account( const get_account_params&
const auto& permissions = d.get_index<permission_index,by_owner>();
auto perm = permissions.lower_bound( boost::make_tuple( params.account_name ) );
while( perm != permissions.end() && perm->owner == params.account_name ) {
/// TODO: lookup perm->parent name
/// TODO: lookup perm->parent name
name parent;
// Don't lookup parent if null
......@@ -456,8 +456,8 @@ read_only::get_account_results read_only::get_account( const get_account_params&
const auto* p = d.find<permission_object,by_id>( perm->parent );
if( p ) {
FC_ASSERT(perm->owner == p->owner, "Invalid parent");
parent = p->name;
parent = p->name;
result.permissions.push_back( permission{ perm->name, parent, perm->auth.to_authority() } );
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