未验证 提交 1cfd8a69 编写于 作者: W wanderingbort 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #1188 from EOSIO/DAWN-512

DAWN-512 - Improve eosioc error message
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ namespace eosio { namespace chain {
FC_DECLARE_DERIVED_EXCEPTION( unlinkable_block_exception, eosio::chain::chain_exception, 3090000, "unlinkable block" )
FC_DECLARE_DERIVED_EXCEPTION( black_swan_exception, eosio::chain::chain_exception, 3100000, "black swan" )
FC_DECLARE_DERIVED_EXCEPTION( unknown_block_exception, eosio::chain::chain_exception, 3110000, "unknown block" )
FC_DECLARE_DERIVED_EXCEPTION( chain_type_exception, eosio::chain::chain_exception, 3120000, "chain type exception" )
FC_DECLARE_DERIVED_EXCEPTION( block_tx_output_exception, eosio::chain::block_validate_exception, 3020001, "transaction outputs in block do not match transaction outputs from applying block" )
FC_DECLARE_DERIVED_EXCEPTION( block_concurrency_exception, eosio::chain::block_validate_exception, 3020002, "block does not guarantee concurrent exection without conflicts" )
......@@ -52,6 +53,13 @@ namespace eosio { namespace chain {
FC_DECLARE_DERIVED_EXCEPTION( pop_empty_chain, eosio::chain::undo_database_exception, 3070001, "there are no blocks to pop" )
FC_DECLARE_DERIVED_EXCEPTION( name_type_exception, eosio::chain::chain_type_exception, 3120001, "Invalid name" )
FC_DECLARE_DERIVED_EXCEPTION( public_key_type_exception, eosio::chain::chain_type_exception, 3120002, "Invalid public key" )
FC_DECLARE_DERIVED_EXCEPTION( authority_type_exception, eosio::chain::chain_type_exception, 3120003, "Invalid authority" )
FC_DECLARE_DERIVED_EXCEPTION( action_type_exception, eosio::chain::chain_type_exception, 3120004, "Invalid action" )
FC_DECLARE_DERIVED_EXCEPTION( transaction_type_exception, eosio::chain::chain_type_exception, 3120005, "Invalid transaction" )
FC_DECLARE_DERIVED_EXCEPTION( abi_type_exception, eosio::chain::chain_type_exception, 3120006, "Invalid ABI" )
#define EOS_RECODE_EXC( cause_type, effect_type ) \
catch( const cause_type& e ) \
......@@ -2,15 +2,16 @@
#include <fc/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <fc/exception/exception.hpp>
#include <eosio/chain/exceptions.hpp>
namespace eosio { namespace chain {
void name::set( const char* str ) {
try {
const auto len = strnlen(str,14);
FC_ASSERT( len <= 13 );
EOS_ASSERT( len <= 13, name_type_exception, "Name is longer than 13 characters (${name}) ", ("name",string(str)) );
value = string_to_name(str);
FC_ASSERT( to_string() == string(str), "name not properly normalized", ("name",string(str))("normalized",to_string()) );
EOS_ASSERT( to_string() == string(str), name_type_exception, "Name not properly normalized (name: ${name}, normalized: ${normalized}) ", ("name",string(str))("normalized",to_string()) );
name::operator string()const {
......@@ -8,6 +8,15 @@
#define EOS_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW(exc_type, FORMAT, ... ) \
catch (fc::exception& e) { \
exc_type new_exception(FC_LOG_MESSAGE( error, FORMAT, __VA_ARGS__ )); \
for (const auto& log: e.get_log()) { \
new_exception.append_log(log); \
} \
throw new_exception; \
......@@ -96,9 +96,134 @@ auto smatch_to_variant(const std::smatch& smatch) {
return result;
const char* error_advice_3120001 = R"=====(Name should be less than 13 characters and only contains the following symbol .12345abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)=====";
const char* error_advice_3120002 = R"=====(Public key should be encoded in base58 and starts with EOS prefix)=====";
const char* error_advice_3120003 = R"=====(Ensure that your authority JSON follows the following format!
"keys":[{ "key":"public_key", "weight":"uint16_t" }],
"permission":{ "actor":"account_name", "permission":"permission_name" },
"keys":[{ "key":"EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV", "weight":"1" }],
"permission":{ "actor":"initb", "permission":"social" },
const char* error_advice_3120004 = R"=====(Ensure that your action JSON follows the contract's abi!)=====";
const char* error_advice_3120005 = R"=====(Ensure that your transaction JSON follows the following format!\n"
"region": "uint16_t",
"read_scope":[ "account_name" ],
"write_scope":[ "account_name" ],
"authorization":[{ "actor":"account_name","permission":"permission_name" }],
"region": "0",
"read_scope":[ "initb", "initc" ],
"write_scope":[ "initb", "initc" ],
"authorization":[{ "actor":"initb","permission":"active" }],
const char* error_advice_3120006 = R"=====(Ensure that your abi JSON follows the following format!
"types" : [{ "new_type_name":"type_name", "type":"type_name" }],
"structs" : [{ "name":"type_name", "base":"type_name", "fields": [{ "name":"field_name", "type": "type_name" }] }],
"actions" : [{ "name":"action_name","type":"type_name"}],
"tables" : [{
"key_names":[ "field_name" ],
"key_types":[ "type_name" ],
"type":"type_name" "
"types" : [{ "new_type_name":"account_name", "type":"name" }],
"structs" : [
{ "name":"foo", "base":"", "fields": [{ "name":"by", "type": "account_name" }] },\n "
{ "name":"foobar", "base":"", "fields": [{ "name":"by", "type": "account_name" }] }
"actions" : [{ "name":"foo","type":"foo"}],
"tables" : [{
"key_names":[ "by" ],
"key_types":[ "account_name" ],
"type":"foobar" "
const std::map<int64_t, std::string> error_advice = {
{ 3120001, error_advice_3120001 },
{ 3120002, error_advice_3120002 },
{ 3120003, error_advice_3120003 },
{ 3120004, error_advice_3120004 },
{ 3120005, error_advice_3120005 },
{ 3120006, error_advice_3120006 }
namespace eosio { namespace client { namespace help {
bool print_recognized_error_code(const fc::exception& e) {
// eos recognized error code is from 3000000 to 3999999
// refer to libraries/chain/include/eosio/chain/exceptions.hpp
if (e.code() >= 3000000 && e.code() <= 3999999) {
std::string advice, explanation;
// Get advice, if any
const auto advice_itr = error_advice.find(e.code());
if (advice_itr != error_advice.end()) advice = advice_itr->second;
// Get explanation from log, if any
for (auto &log : e.get_log()) {
// Check if there's a log to display
if (!log.get_format().empty()) {
// Localize the message as needed
explanation += "\n " + localized_with_variant(log.get_format().data(), log.get_data());
if (!explanation.empty()) explanation = std::string("Error Details:") + explanation;
std::cerr << "\033[31m" << "Error " << e.code() << ": " << e.what() << "\033[0m";
if (!advice.empty()) std::cerr << "\n" << "\033[32m" << advice << "\033[0m";
if (!explanation.empty()) std::cerr << "\n" << "\033[33m" << explanation << "\033[0m" << std::endl;
return true;
return false;
bool print_help_text(const fc::exception& e) {
// Check if the exception has recognized error code
if (print_recognized_error_code(e)) return true;
bool result = false;
// Large input strings to std::regex can cause SIGSEGV, this is a known bug in libstdc++.
// See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36304204/%D0%A1-regex-segfault-on-long-sequences
......@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ Subcommands:
set Set or update blockchain state
transfer Transfer EOS from account to account
wallet Interact with local wallet
benchmark Configure and execute benchmarks
push Push arbitrary transactions to the blockchain
......@@ -361,16 +360,20 @@ struct set_account_permission_subcommand {
} else {
authority auth;
if (boost::istarts_with(authorityJsonOrFile, "EOS")) {
auth = authority(public_key_type(authorityJsonOrFile));
try {
auth = authority(public_key_type(authorityJsonOrFile));
} EOS_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW(public_key_type_exception, "")
} else {
fc::variant parsedAuthority;
if (boost::istarts_with(authorityJsonOrFile, "{")) {
parsedAuthority = fc::json::from_string(authorityJsonOrFile);
} else {
parsedAuthority = fc::json::from_file(authorityJsonOrFile);
auth = parsedAuthority.as<authority>();
try {
if (boost::istarts_with(authorityJsonOrFile, "{")) {
parsedAuthority = fc::json::from_string(authorityJsonOrFile);
} else {
parsedAuthority = fc::json::from_file(authorityJsonOrFile);
auth = parsedAuthority.as<authority>();
} EOS_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW(authority_type_exception, "Fail to parse Authority JSON")
name parent;
......@@ -478,18 +481,23 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
// create account
string creator;
string account_name;
string ownerKey;
string activeKey;
string owner_key_str;
string active_key_str;
bool skip_sign = false;
auto createAccount = create->add_subcommand("account", localized("Create a new account on the blockchain"), false);
createAccount->add_option("creator", creator, localized("The name of the account creating the new account"))->required();
createAccount->add_option("name", account_name, localized("The name of the new account"))->required();
createAccount->add_option("OwnerKey", ownerKey, localized("The owner public key for the account"))->required();
createAccount->add_option("ActiveKey", activeKey, localized("The active public key for the account"))->required();
createAccount->add_option("OwnerKey", owner_key_str, localized("The owner public key for the account"))->required();
createAccount->add_option("ActiveKey", active_key_str, localized("The active public key for the account"))->required();
createAccount->add_flag("-s,--skip-signature", skip_sign, localized("Specify that unlocked wallet keys should not be used to sign transaction"));
createAccount->set_callback([&] {
create_account(creator, account_name, public_key_type(ownerKey), public_key_type(activeKey), skip_sign);
public_key_type owner_key, active_key;
try {
owner_key = public_key_type(owner_key_str);
active_key = public_key_type(active_key_str);
} EOS_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW(public_key_type_exception, "Invalid Public Key")
create_account(creator, account_name, owner_key, active_key, skip_sign);
// Get subcommand
......@@ -720,7 +728,9 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
if (abi->count()) {
contracts::setabi handler;
handler.account = account;
handler.abi = fc::json::from_file(abiPath).as<contracts::abi_def>();
try {
handler.abi = fc::json::from_file(abiPath).as<contracts::abi_def>();
} EOS_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW(abi_type_exception, "Fail to parse ABI JSON")
actions.emplace_back( vector<chain::permission_level>{{account,"active"}}, handler);
......@@ -923,10 +933,15 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
actionsSubcommand->set_callback([&] {
ilog("Converting argument to binary...");
fc::variant action_args_var;
try {
action_args_var = fc::json::from_string(data);
} EOS_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW(action_type_exception, "Fail to parse action JSON")
auto arg= fc::mutable_variant_object
("code", contract)
("action", action)
("args", fc::json::from_string(data));
("args", action_args_var);
auto result = call(json_to_bin_func, arg);
auto accountPermissions = get_account_permissions(permissions);
......@@ -946,7 +961,11 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
auto trxSubcommand = push->add_subcommand("transaction", localized("Push an arbitrary JSON transaction"));
trxSubcommand->add_option("transaction", trxJson, localized("The JSON of the transaction to push"))->required();
trxSubcommand->set_callback([&] {
auto trx_result = call(push_txn_func, fc::json::from_string(trxJson));
fc::variant trx_var;
try {
trx_var = fc::json::from_string(trxJson);
} EOS_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW(transaction_type_exception, "Fail to parse transaction JSON")
auto trx_result = call(push_txn_func, trx_var);
std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(trx_result) << std::endl;
......@@ -955,7 +974,11 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
auto trxsSubcommand = push->add_subcommand("transactions", localized("Push an array of arbitrary JSON transactions"));
trxsSubcommand->add_option("transactions", trxsJson, localized("The JSON array of the transactions to push"))->required();
trxsSubcommand->set_callback([&] {
auto trxs_result = call(push_txn_func, fc::json::from_string(trxsJson));
fc::variant trx_var;
try {
trx_var = fc::json::from_string(trxJson);
} EOS_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW(transaction_type_exception, "Fail to parse transaction JSON")
auto trxs_result = call(push_txn_func, trx_var);
std::cout << fc::json::to_pretty_string(trxs_result) << std::endl;
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