提交 1678cbeb 编写于 作者: A arhag

bug fixes for permissions and reserved names

Permissions in updated authority should exist.

Non-privileged account creators should be restricted from using account
names that _start_ with "eosio.".

Reserve "eosio.any" as permission name.

Disallow empty parent for any permission other than owner.

Reserve id = 0 in permission_index so that a parent id of 0 always means
"no parent" rather than referring to a legitimate permission_object
(e.g. the owner permission of the system account).
上级 42820ef0
......@@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ optional<permission_name> chain_controller::lookup_minimum_permission(account_na
if (!linked_permission )
return config::active_name;
if( *linked_permission == N(eosio.any) )
if( *linked_permission == config::eosio_any_name )
return optional<permission_name>();
return linked_permission;
......@@ -1414,8 +1414,9 @@ const producer_object& chain_controller::get_producer(const account_name& owner_
const permission_object& chain_controller::get_permission( const permission_level& level )const
{ try {
FC_ASSERT( !level.actor.empty() && !level.permission.empty(), "Invalid permission" );
return _db.get<permission_object, by_owner>( boost::make_tuple(level.actor,level.permission) );
} EOS_RETHROW_EXCEPTIONS( chain::permission_query_exception, "Fail to retrieve permission: ${level}", ("level", level) ) }
} EOS_RETHROW_EXCEPTIONS( chain::permission_query_exception, "Failed to retrieve permission: ${level}", ("level", level) ) }
uint32_t chain_controller::last_irreversible_block_num() const {
return get_dynamic_global_properties().last_irreversible_block_num;
......@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ abi_def chain_initializer::eos_contract_abi(const abi_def& eosio_system_abi)
{"block_mroot", "checksum256"},
{"producer", "account_name"},
{"schedule_version", "uint32"},
{"new_producers", "producer_schedule?"}
{"new_producers", "producer_schedule?"}
......@@ -331,6 +331,10 @@ abi_def chain_initializer::eos_contract_abi(const abi_def& eosio_system_abi)
void chain_initializer::prepare_database( chain_controller& chain,
chainbase::database& db) {
/// Reserve id of 0 in permission_index by creating dummy permission_object as the very first object in the index:
db.create<permission_object>([&](permission_object& p) {
/// Create the native contract accounts manually; sadly, we can't run their contracts to make them create themselves
auto create_native_account = [this, &chain, &db](account_name name) {
db.create<account_object>([this, &name](account_object& a) {
......@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ namespace eosio { namespace chain { namespace contracts {
void validate_authority_precondition( const apply_context& context, const authority& auth ) {
for(const auto& a : auth.accounts) {
context.db.get<account_object, by_name>(a.permission.actor);
context.db.find<permission_object, by_owner>(boost::make_tuple(a.permission.actor, a.permission.permission));
context.db.get<permission_object, by_owner>(boost::make_tuple(a.permission.actor, a.permission.permission));
* This method is called assuming precondition_system_newaccount succeeds a
void apply_eosio_newaccount(apply_context& context) {
void apply_eosio_newaccount(apply_context& context) {
auto create = context.act.data_as<newaccount>();
try {
......@@ -49,12 +49,16 @@ void apply_eosio_newaccount(apply_context& context) {
auto& db = context.mutable_db;
EOS_ASSERT( create.name.to_string().size() <= 12, action_validate_exception, "account names can only be 12 chars long" );
auto name_str = name(create.name).to_string();
EOS_ASSERT( !create.name.empty(), action_validate_exception, "account name cannot be empty" );
EOS_ASSERT( name_str.size() <= 12, action_validate_exception, "account names can only be 12 chars long" );
// Check if the creator is privileged
const auto &creator = db.get<account_object, by_name>(create.creator);
if( !creator.privileged ) {
EOS_ASSERT( name(create.name).to_string().find( "eosio." ) == std::string::npos, action_validate_exception, "only privileged accounts can have names that contain 'eosio.'" );
EOS_ASSERT( name_str.find( "eosio." ) != 0, action_validate_exception,
"only privileged accounts can have names that start with 'eosio.'" );
auto existing_account = db.find<account_object, by_name>(create.name);
......@@ -94,8 +98,10 @@ void apply_eosio_newaccount(apply_context& context) {
return result;
const auto& owner_permission = create_permission("owner", 0, std::move(create.owner));
create_permission("active", owner_permission.id, std::move(create.active));
// If a parent_id of 0 is going to be used to indicate the absence of a parent, then we need to make sure that the chain
// initializes permission_index with a dummy object that reserves the id of 0.
const auto& owner_permission = create_permission(config::owner_name, 0, std::move(create.owner));
create_permission(config::active_name, owner_permission.id, std::move(create.active));
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (create) ) }
......@@ -126,7 +132,7 @@ void apply_eosio_setcode(apply_context& context) {
// wlog( "set code: ${size}", ("size",act.code.size()));
db.modify( account, [&]( auto& a ) {
/** TODO: consider whether a microsecond level local timestamp is sufficient to detect code version changes*/
#warning TODO: update setcode message to include the hash, then validate it in validate
#warning TODO: update setcode message to include the hash, then validate it in validate
a.code_version = code_id;
// Added resize(0) here to avoid bug in boost vector container
a.code.resize( 0 );
......@@ -184,18 +190,22 @@ void apply_eosio_updateauth(apply_context& context) {
auto& resources = context.mutable_controller.get_mutable_resource_limits_manager();
context.require_write_lock( config::eosio_auth_scope );
auto& db = context.mutable_db;
auto update = context.act.data_as<updateauth>();
EOS_ASSERT(!update.permission.empty(), action_validate_exception, "Cannot create authority with empty name");
EOS_ASSERT(update.permission != update.parent, action_validate_exception,
"Cannot set an authority as its own parent");
EOS_ASSERT(update.permission != config::eosio_any_name, action_validate_exception,
"Cannot create authority for reserved 'eosio.any' permission name" );
EOS_ASSERT(update.permission != update.parent, action_validate_exception, "Cannot set an authority as its own parent");
db.get<account_object, by_name>(update.account);
EOS_ASSERT(validate(update.data), action_validate_exception,
"Invalid authority: ${auth}", ("auth", update.data));
if (update.permission == "active")
EOS_ASSERT(update.parent == "owner", action_validate_exception, "Cannot change active authority's parent from owner", ("update.parent", update.parent) );
if (update.permission == "owner")
if( update.permission == config::active_name )
EOS_ASSERT(update.parent == config::owner_name, action_validate_exception, "Cannot change active authority's parent from owner", ("update.parent", update.parent) );
if (update.permission == config::owner_name)
EOS_ASSERT(update.parent.empty(), action_validate_exception, "Cannot change owner authority's parent");
auto& db = context.mutable_db;
EOS_ASSERT(!update.parent.empty(), action_validate_exception, "Only owner permission can have empty parent" );
FC_ASSERT(context.act.authorization.size(), "updateauth can only have one action authorization");
const auto& act_auth = context.act.authorization.front();
......@@ -209,7 +219,7 @@ void apply_eosio_updateauth(apply_context& context) {
if (current == nullptr) current = db.find<permission_object, by_owner>(boost::make_tuple(update.account, update.parent));
// Ensure either the permission or parent's permission exists
EOS_ASSERT(current != nullptr, permission_query_exception,
"Fail to retrieve permission for: {\"actor\": \"${actor}\", \"permission\": \"${permission}\" }",
"Failed to retrieve permission for: {\"actor\": \"${actor}\", \"permission\": \"${permission}\" }",
("actor", update.account)("permission", update.parent));
while(current->name != config::owner_name) {
......@@ -224,13 +234,14 @@ void apply_eosio_updateauth(apply_context& context) {
FC_ASSERT(act_auth.actor == update.account && permission_is_valid_for_update(), "updateauth must carry a permission equal to or in the ancestery of permission it updates");
db.get<account_object, by_name>(update.account);
validate_authority_precondition(context, update.data);
auto permission = db.find<permission_object, by_owner>(boost::make_tuple(update.account, update.permission));
// If a parent_id of 0 is going to be used to indicate the absence of a parent, then we need to make sure that the chain
// initializes permission_index with a dummy object that reserves the id of 0.
permission_object::id_type parent_id = 0;
if(update.permission != "owner") {
if(update.permission != config::owner_name) {
auto& parent = db.get<permission_object, by_owner>(boost::make_tuple(update.account, update.parent));
parent_id = parent.id;
......@@ -240,6 +251,9 @@ void apply_eosio_updateauth(apply_context& context) {
"Changing parent authority is not currently supported");
// TODO: Depending on an implementation detail like sizeof(permission_object) for consensus-affecting side effects like
// RAM usage seems like a bad idea. For example, an upgrade of the implementation of boost::interprocess::vector
// could cause a hardfork unless the old size calculation behavior was also carefully replicated in the same upgrade.
int64_t old_size = (int64_t)(sizeof(permission_object) + permission->auth.get_billable_size());
// TODO/QUESTION: If we are updating an existing permission, should we check if the message declared
......@@ -282,11 +296,15 @@ void apply_eosio_updateauth(apply_context& context) {
void apply_eosio_deleteauth(apply_context& context) {
auto& resources = context.mutable_controller.get_mutable_resource_limits_manager();
auto remove = context.act.data_as<deleteauth>();
EOS_ASSERT(remove.permission != "active", action_validate_exception, "Cannot delete active authority");
EOS_ASSERT(remove.permission != "owner", action_validate_exception, "Cannot delete owner authority");
EOS_ASSERT(remove.permission != config::active_name, action_validate_exception, "Cannot delete active authority");
EOS_ASSERT(remove.permission != config::owner_name, action_validate_exception, "Cannot delete owner authority");
auto& db = context.mutable_db;
// Inconsistency between permissions that can be satisfied to create/modify (via updateauth) a permission and the
// stricter requirements for deleting the permission using deleteauth.
// If a permission can be updated, shouldn't it also be allowed to delete it without higher permissions required?
const auto& permission = db.get<permission_object, by_owner>(boost::make_tuple(remove.account, remove.permission));
{ // Check for children
......@@ -317,24 +335,24 @@ void apply_eosio_linkauth(apply_context& context) {
EOS_ASSERT(!requirement.requirement.empty(), action_validate_exception, "Required permission cannot be empty");
auto& db = context.mutable_db;
const auto *account = db.find<account_object, by_name>(requirement.account);
EOS_ASSERT(account != nullptr, account_query_exception,
"Fail to retrieve account: ${account}", ("account", requirement.account));
"Failed to retrieve account: ${account}", ("account", requirement.account)); // Redundant?
const auto *code = db.find<account_object, by_name>(requirement.code);
EOS_ASSERT(code != nullptr, account_query_exception,
"Fail to retrieve code for account: ${account}", ("account", requirement.code));
if( requirement.requirement != N(eosio.any) ) {
"Failed to retrieve code for account: ${account}", ("account", requirement.code));
if( requirement.requirement != config::eosio_any_name ) {
const auto *permission = db.find<permission_object, by_name>(requirement.requirement);
EOS_ASSERT(permission != nullptr, permission_query_exception,
"Fail to retrieve permission: ${permission}", ("permission", requirement.requirement));
"Failed to retrieve permission: ${permission}", ("permission", requirement.requirement));
auto link_key = boost::make_tuple(requirement.account, requirement.code, requirement.type);
auto link = db.find<permission_link_object, by_action_name>(link_key);
if (link) {
if( link ) {
EOS_ASSERT(link->required_permission != requirement.requirement, action_validate_exception,
"Attempting to update required authority, but new requirement is same as old");
db.modify(*link, [requirement = requirement.requirement](permission_link_object& link) {
......@@ -354,7 +372,7 @@ void apply_eosio_linkauth(apply_context& context) {
"New Permission Link ${code}::${act} -> ${a}@${p}", _V("code", l.code)("act",l.message_type)("a", l.account)("p",l.required_permission)
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW((requirement))
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW((requirement))
void apply_eosio_unlinkauth(apply_context& context) {
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ const static uint64_t eosio_all_scope = N(eosio.all);
const static uint64_t active_name = N(active);
const static uint64_t owner_name = N(owner);
const static uint64_t eosio_any_name = N(eosio.any);
const static int block_interval_ms = 500;
const static int block_interval_us = block_interval_ms*1000;
......@@ -266,12 +266,12 @@ try {
BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION(chain.create_account("aaaaaaaaaaaaa"), action_validate_exception,
assert_message_is("account names can only be 12 chars long"));
// Creating account with eosio. prefix with priveleged account
// Creating account with eosio. prefix with privileged account
// Creating account with eosio. prefix with non-privileged account, should fail
BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION(chain.create_account("eosio.test2", "joe"), action_validate_exception,
assert_message_is("only privileged accounts can have names that contain 'eosio.'"));
assert_message_is("only privileged accounts can have names that start with 'eosio.'"));
......@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( any_auth ) { try {
chain.set_authority("bob", "spending", bob_spending_pub_key, "active");
/// this should fail because spending is not active which is default for reqauth
BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW( chain.push_reqauth("alice", { permission_level{N(alice), "spending"} }, { spending_priv_key }),
BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW( chain.push_reqauth("alice", { permission_level{N(alice), "spending"} }, { spending_priv_key }),
tx_irrelevant_auth );
......@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( any_auth ) { try {
/// this should succeed because eosio::reqauth is linked to any permission
chain.push_reqauth("alice", { permission_level{N(alice), "spending"} }, { spending_priv_key });
/// this should fail because bob cannot authorize for alice, the permission given must be one-of alices
BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW( chain.push_reqauth("alice", { permission_level{N(bob), "spending"} }, { spending_priv_key }),
tx_missing_auth );
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