Tue Jul 4 03:47:00 UTC 2023 inscode

上级 0e99d0c7
......@@ -97,8 +97,16 @@
d="M6 12L3.269 3.126A59.768 59.768 0 0121.485 12 59.77 59.77 0 013.27 20.876L5.999 12zm0 0h7.5" />
<div class="w-full h-10 flex mt-2 pr-12">
<div class="w-full h-10 mt-2 pr-12 flex gap-2">
<input v-model="prompt" class="flex-auto ring-0 outline-0 pl-2 bg-slate-200 h-10" v-on:keyup.enter="query" placeholder="逆向提示词" />
<div class="flex-none w-40 ring-0 outline-0 pl-2 h-10 flex justify-between">
<input v-model="width" class="ring-0 outline-0 pl-2 bg-slate-200 h-10 w-16" placeholder="width"/>
<span class="h-10 leading-10">*</span>
<input v-model="height" class="ring-0 outline-0 pl-2 bg-slate-200 h-10 w-16" placeholder="height"/>
<input v-model="steps" class="flex-none w-30 ring-0 outline-0 pl-2 bg-slate-200 h-10 w-16" placeholder="steps"/>
<input v-model="sampler" class="flex-none w-40 ring-0 outline-0 pl-2 bg-slate-200 h-10 w-16 text-small" placeholder="sampler"/>
......@@ -163,6 +171,10 @@ export default {
autoSpeech: false, // 是否自动开始语音
speech: null, // 语音object
showProfileSetting: false, //是否显示角色设置模块
width: 512,
height: 512,
steps: 20,
sampler: 'DPM++ SDE Karras',
methods: {
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module.exports = {
content: [
theme: {
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