30.2 KB
Newer Older
Fabio Spampinato 已提交
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
## Version 1.8.4

##### Improvements
- Bundling OS-specific dependencies only when needed
  - This removes a file from Windows bundles that tripped Windows Defender into finding a false positive
- Importing: ensuring arbitrarily large notes collections containing arbitrarily many files with the same name are still imported correctly, assuming the underlying importing library can parse the collection in the first place

##### Bug Fixes
- Editor: disabled automatic clipboard copying when selecting in favor of being able to create multiple cursors while dragging with the middle click (Linux)
- Ensuring both creation date and modification date are updated when duplicating a note
- Ensuring paste actions when dragging with the middle click are only prevented inside the editor (Linux)
- Fixed misalignment in loose task lists
- Fixed some regexes that were wrongly expecting to match at least one character in certain places
- Multi-cursors: using “Ctrl+MouseEvent” rather than “Alt+MouseEvent” as the latter switches the focus to the menu bar (Windows)

Fabio Spampinato 已提交
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
## Version 1.8.3

##### Improvements
- Cheatsheet: added a section about escaping
- Cheatsheet: mentioning double- and triple-backticks inline code
- Cheatsheet: mentioning emails wrapped in angle brackets
- Cheatsheet: mentioning links with custom title attributes
- Cheatsheet: opening `<details>` tags by default
- Export: opening `<details>` elements by default when exporting to PDF
- Export: using a slightly clearer folder export name
- Improved default styling of `<details>` and `<summary>` elements
- Importing from Evernote: preserving links to attachments, especially if they are web-clipped attachments
- Importing from Evernote: preserving a link to the source of the web-clipped page
- Importing from Boostnote: rewriting links to attachments
- KaTeX: rendering “math” codeblock with it too
- Menu: added “Alt+InitialCharacter” shortcuts for all main submenus
- Light theme: improved active item contrast in the sidebar
- Themes: updated scrollbar colors

##### Bug Fixes
- About window: ensuring it is rendered without extra/missing spacing across platforms
- Context menu: ensuring extra separators are removed correctly
- Context menu: ensuring menu items for pinning/unpinning a note are provided
- Editor: more reliably showing scrollbars if necessary
- Ensuring “Tags” gets uncollapsed too if necessary
- Ensuring a paste action is not triggered when dragging with the mouse’s middle button (Linux)
- Ensuring all ICANN TLDs are supported when auto-linking urls
- Ensuring all special-use ICANN TLDs are supported when auto-linking urls
- Ensuring each separate window remembers its own data directory after being reloaded
- Ensuring file watching is always performed efficiently, even in signed production builds (macOS)
- Ensuring links with a custom title attribute are parsed correctly
- Ensuring links with no protocol are handled conrrectly inside `<img>` and `<source>` elements
- Ensuring no other modal window can be opened while asking to select a data directory
- Ensuring relative paths that don’t start with a dot are resolved too
- Ensuring the app is reset properly when the current data directory becomes unavailable
- Ensuring the preview of the current note gets refreshed when necessary
- Exporting: more reliable detection of useful CSS
- Fixed a bug that could have prevented the UI from updating after a particular series of filesystem events
- Fixed an issue that caused multiple identical actions to occur instead of one
- Fixed an issue regarding resolving absolute UNC-style paths
- Fixed misalignment when dealing with multi-line code blocks nested in lists
- Importing: improved conversion of text-align-ed tags
- Importing: improved reliability when importing notes with non-string titles
- Importing: more reliably importing large collections of notes
- Importing from Evernote: more reliably importing web-clipped attachments
- Markdown: improved double-backticks inline code detection
- More reliable “rename” filesystem event detection
- More reliable “change” filesystem event detection where the file gets unlinked and recreated quickly
- More reliable `<markdown>` tag parsing
- Multi-cursors: using “Ctrl+MouseEvent” rather than “Alt+MouseEvent” as the latter conflicts with OS-level shortcuts (Linux)
- PHP: optimized syntax highlighting for snippets, making the starting `<?`/`<?php` token optional
- Syntax highlighting: fixed support for strikethrough text under the dark theme
- Syntax highlighting: improved double-backticks inline code detection
- Syntax highlighting: improved handling of code blocks nested in lists
- Syntax highlighting: improved support for triple-backticks (or more) inline code
- Updater: avoiding showing the same toast multiple times at once whenever possible
- Updater: ensuring a fresh online status is retrieved before attempting to check for updates

Fabio Spampinato 已提交
74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
## Version 1.8.2

##### Improvements
- Cheatsheet: mentioning urls and emails wrapped in angle brackets
- Link sharing: asking for confirmation before generating the shareable link
- Link sharing: added support for querying `[ID]` for immediately deleting a shared note
- Editor: always showing the scrollbar, for consistency (Windows) (Linux)
- Navigator: retrieving public IPv4 by querying `` rather than ``
- Navigator: retrieving online status by querying `` rather than ``
- Syntax highlighting: added support for links and emails wrapped in angle brackets
- Zen mode: showing a draggable titlebar on hover (macOS)
- Showing a toast when copying a code block to the clipboard

##### Bug Fixes
- AsciiMath and KaTeX: improved expression detection when the expression starts with the `<` character
- AsciiMath and KaTeX: ensuring the outputted HTML doesn’t get messed up by the Markdown compiler
- KaTeX: improved multi-line block syntax highlighting
- Editor: ensuring it receives the focus when creating or duplicating a note
- Editor: improved state restoration logic
- Export: ensuring base64-encoded font files are exported properly
- Export: ensuring code blocks can wrap when exporting to PDF
- Multi-editor: ensuring Shift-selecting works even when CtrlOrCmd is pressed
- Multi-editor: ensuring the currently active note can be displayed as deselected
- Tutorial: ensuring the online link works
- Asking to select a data directory if the current one is unavailable
- Improved support for HTML attributes that are wrapped in single quotes or unwrapped
- Improved unfenced codeblocks detection
- Showing an alert when switching to a data directory that doesn't contain any notes
- Showing an error if the app can’t be moved into the `/Applications` folder (macOS)
- Ensuring context menus account for the current zoom factor
- Ensuring deeply nested mixed lists and tasks are properly aligned regardless of their order
- Ensuring double quotes don’t get transformed to single quotes in code blocks
- Ensuring filesystem events detected outside of the current data directory are ignored
- Ensuring regexes that should only match horizontal whitespace characters don’t also match vertical ones
- Ensuring relative paths are resolved relative to the actual file path of the current note
- Ensuring that if the current data directory is removed or renamed the app detects it and reacts to it
- Expading the necessary parent tags when selecting an hidden tag

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112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128
## Version 1.8.1

##### Improvements
- Updated Electron to v7.1.1
- Syntax highlighting: added many language aliases supported by GitHub
- Syntax highlighting: improved JSON language support

##### Bug Fixes
- More reliably detecting the front matter
- Ensuring checkboxes ids are incremented properly
- Ensuring heading ids are incremented properly
- Ensuring heading ids are generated properly even when containing HTML elements
- Ensuring Windows-style absolute paths and UNC paths are supported
- Importing: more reliably importing `.enex` files
- Importing: throwing an error for huge files (> 1GB)
  - If you're hitting this error just import your notes in smaller chunks

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129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191
## Version 1.8.0

##### New Features
- Upgraded Electron to v7
- Added a button for generating a share link (_Experimental_)
  - Notes will be stored in the server only for 24h at maximum
  - Features that require JavaScript to work won't work and only linked image attachments can be shared this way
- Rewritten build toolchain
  - Mac: disabled `pkg` bundle
  - Mac: enabled notarization
  - Windows: disabled `portable` bundle
  - Windows: added support for 32-bit systems
  - Linux: enabled `pacman` bundle
- Implemented some telemetry data
  - You can turn them off by setting `"telemetry": false` in `~/.notable.json`
  - You can check what data is being transmitted via the "Network" section of the devtools
  - IP addresses are anonymized by default (the last portion of your IPv4 gets zeroed)
- Non-overlay scrollbars are now themed
  - This improves the look of the dark theme under Windows significantly
- Syntax highlighting: added support for ABAP, MIPS, pascaligo, Sophia ML and Twig
- Mermaid: opening diagrams in the browser rather than in their own windows
- Added an “Help -> Sponsor” menu item
- Setted minimum allowed height to 250px
- Setting minimum allowed width dynamically depending on the active view mode
- Rewritten “Select Data Directory...” window as a modal window

##### Improvements
- Markdown: improved syntax highlighting for headers containing HTML entities
- Setting dark appearance also when using dark themes
- Updating window background color when changing themes
- Updated `dmg` bundle's background image
- Updated homepage url
- Updated contact urls
- Updated manual download URL
- Updated some dependencies
- Removed a few dependencies
- Ensuring all dependencies are bundled via WebPack
  - The size of the shipped minified codebase (minus Electron) is now about 5.5MB
- Lazy loading some rarely used dependencies

##### Bug Fixes
- Syntax highlighting: ensuring “c++” is a supported language name
- Ensuring single notes changes are detected properly
- Fixed a race condition that could have lead to data loss when using third-party synchronization services
- Fixed support for legacy CR line endings
- More reliably retrieving and writing to unused paths
- Retrying failed actions more reliably
- Writing files atomically, ensuring files can’t get corruped while getting written to disk

## Version 1.7.3

##### Improvements
- Markdown: improved syntax highlighting for lists starting with multiple list markers
- Improved HTML entities detection
- Using a more precise timestamp in pasted image attachments

##### Bug Fixes
- ASCIIMath: ensuring ampersands used inside KaTeX code aren’t considered as part of an ASCIIMath expression
- Highlighter: ensuring it doesn’t break the “copy code to clipboard” feature
- Editor: disabling default paste behavior more reliably
- Ensuring only relative links to supported Markdown extensions will be recognized as links to notes
- Retrieving “data-*” attributes more reliably, ensuring strings remain strings

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192 193 194 195 196
## Version 1.7.2

##### Bug Fixes
- Ensuring HTML and Enex files can be imported

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197 198 199 200 201
## Version 1.7.1

##### Bug Fixes
- Ensuring exporting to HTML and PDF works even if Monaco has not been initialized yet

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202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263
## Version 1.7.0

##### New Features
- Added support for adding image attachments via copy and paste
- Added support for closing the window with `CtrlOrCmd+Shift+W`
- Added a dialog asking for confirmation before closing a window
- Added a shortcut for toggling pinning
- Added support for writing subscripts
- Added support for writing superscripts
- Added support for writing footnotes
- Added a menu entry for displaying a Markdown cheatsheet
- Added a menu entry for displaying all the provided shortcuts
  - Showing OS-specific shortcuts
- Added a menu entry for displaying all the provided emojis
- Added support for a custom `<markdown>` HTML tag, everything written inside it will be rendered as Markdown
- Added support for linking to other notes using the `@note` token without explicitly providing the file extension
- Added `.mkdn` to the list of supported Markdown extensions
- Added support for importing HTML notes
- Added support for importing Boostnote notes

##### Improvements
- Editor: improved formatting detection
- Changelog: opening it inside the app
- Comparison table: updated some cells
- Tutorial: linking to the online version relevant to the currently installed version
- Updater: detecting offline status
- Ensured syntax highlighting when previewing and editing is always exactly the same
- Ensured all pngs are losslessly compressed
- Improved supports for manually encoded urls
- Improved detection of code blocks
- Changed shortcut for reloading the app to `F5`

##### Bug Fixes
- AsciiMath: ensured regular anchors are detected
- AsciiMath: ensured autolinked anchors are detected
- Editor: ensured pressing “esc” while having multiple cursors doesn’t close the editor
- Export: ensured Monaco tokens styles are exported
- Export: ensured mermaid diagrams are exported properly
- KaTeX: ensured all borders/dividers/lines are clearly visible
- Markdown: more reliable stripping
- Preview: rendering tasks more reliably
- Ensured links pointing to a local file are supported too
- Improved detection of currently opened windows

## Version 1.6.2

##### New Features
- Added a shortcut for reloading the window

##### Improvements
- Improved CommonMark v0.29 compatibility

##### Bug Fixes
- Metadata: fixed support for Windows-style line breaks
- Tasks: ensuring the bullet point is not displayed

## Version 1.6.1

##### Bug Fixes
- Metadata: ensuring empty strings are parsed correctly too

## Version 1.6.0
Fabio Spampinato 已提交
264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346

##### New Features
- Added support for linking to search queries
- Added support for the "Diff" language
- Added a menu entry for toggling the menu bar (Windows) (Linux)
- Added a menu entry for making the app translucent (macOS) (Windows)
- Added a shortcut for opening the current data directory
- Added a shortcut for changing the current data directory
- Editor: added a shortcut for toggling line numbers
- Editor: added a shortcut for toggling scrolling beyond the last line
- Editor: added support for quickly wrapping selections with the following characters: (, ], {, ‘, “, `, _, *, ~
- Editor: added autocompletion support of the following characters sequences: ~~~, ```
- Maximizing/unmaximazing the window when double-clicking the toolbars (macOS)
- Released a custom folder icon (macOS)
- Using natural sorting
- Uploader: using custom notifications, ensuring they are always displayed even when “do not disturb” is enabled
- KaTeX: added support for multi-line block expressions

##### Improvements
- Major portions of the codebase have been refactored or rewritten
- Significantly improved performance
  - Showing the main window ~30% faster on startup
  - Targeting ES2019 rather than ES2015
  - Replaced previous state-management library with [Overstated v2](
  - Replaced previous shortcuts library with [shortcuts](
  - Reloading the window instead of reopening it when changing data directory
  - Minimized re-renderings when only part of the state changes
  - Avoiding loading the “Stats” object for each note when modified/created metadata are available
  - Filesystem watcher: exiting earlier on initial “add” events
  - Rewritten front-matter library
  - Markdown: rendering using [markdown-it]( rather than [showdown](
    - Small (~3KB) notes are now rendered up to 30x faster
    - Large (~1MB) notes are now rendered up to 150x faster
  - Markdown plugins: lazy loading expensive syntax plugins
  - Lazy loading expensive modules and components
  - Context-menus are registered and opened much faster
  - Improved performance when adding attachments
- Significantly reduced bloat
  - Reduced dependencies from ~530 to ~150
  - Reduced size of the shipped uncompressed codebase from 59MB to 16MB
- Significantly improved TypeScript types strictness
  - Reduced "implicit any"s from ~450 to 28
- Significantly smaller app bundles
  - Reduced most bundles size by ~10%
  - Reduced `snap` bundle size by ~60%
- Editor: greatly improved syntax highlighting
- Editor: added margins to the top and left matching those found in preview
- Preview: ensuring it’s easily scrollable with either arrow keys or the spacebar
- Improved styling of inline code and code blocks
- Markdown: removed 25k characters limit
- MhChem: improved support for older expressions using the “\cf” macro
- Tutorial: added a note about KaTeX expressions containing a “$”
- Tutorial: updated link to MhChem docs
- Comparison table: ensuring the CSS is entirely self-contained
- Updater: checking for updates every 8h rather than every 24h

##### Bug Fixes
- Ensuring all emojis supported by GitHub are supported
- Ensuring all external links are opened outside of the app
- Ensuring only one window gets opened when opening a mermaid diagram in a separate window
- Ensuring the app doesn’t quit when initially selecting the data directory (Windows) (Linux)
- Implemented a partial workaround for an Electron bug that makes part of the window unresponsive (macOS)
- Editor: auto-selecting a note’s title only if it’s untitled
- Editor: ensuring the background color of the selection is consistent with the preview
- Editor: ensuring it’s focused when mounted
- Editor: saving its state more reliably
- Editor: ensuring ordered lists starting like “1) ” are syntax-highlighted too
- Split Editor: ensuring its focus is preserved while switching notes
- Preview: removed flickering when re-rendering
- Preview: ensuring scrolling position is preserved under the most common scenarios
- Quick Open: ensuring notes are always sorted ascending by title, and the pinned status is ignored
- Quick Open: ensuring notes not currently visible in the middlebar are still selectable
- KaTeX: ensuring fraction lines are clearly visible
- KaTeX/AsciiMath: improved support for lines containing more than 2 delimiters
- KaTeX/AsciiMath: much more reliable rendering
- Note: ensuring a note’s modified date is updated when necessary
- Note: saving more reliably
- Highlighter: fixed an issue regarding aliased languages
- Fixed middlebar scrolling behavior when updating a note so that its position changes
- Updater: avoiding checking for updates every time the data directory changes
- Updater: showing a notification if the current app format is not supported
- Tutorial: ensuring the “Welcome” note and the “Notebooks/Tutorial” tag are selected when importing the tutorial

Fabio Spampinato 已提交
## Version 1.5.1
Fabio Spampinato 已提交
348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357

##### Improvements
- Auto-hiding the menu in the “Select Data Directory” window
- MacOS: asking the user to move the app to `/Applications`

##### Bug Fixes
- Ensuring the Linux releases work
- Updater: fixed link to latest linux release
- Updater: fixed link to latest windows release

Fabio Spampinato 已提交
## Version 1.5.0
Fabio Spampinato 已提交
359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389

##### New Features
- Added a dark theme
- Editor: added cut/copy/paste support via the context menu
- Mermaid: added a button for opening diagrams in a separate window
- Prompting the user if he/she wants a new note to be created after clicking a link to a non-existent note
- Added context menu actions for copying attachments/tags/notes names

##### Improvements
- Upgraded to Electron v5
- Moved import/export menu entries under “File”
- Markdown: improved stripping of headers, emojis, images, links, wikilinks and todos
- Updater: prompting the user to update manually if necessary
- Export: greatly reduced exported HTML size
- Export: added a favicon to exported HTML notes
- Export: ensuring codeblocks in exported PDFs don't need to be scrolled

##### Bug Fixes
- Saving notes more reliably
- Monaco: fixed blurriness issue
- Ensuring the highlighter outputs valid HTML
- Decoding entities from inferred titles
- Worked around a subtle Cash/React incompatibility
- Avoiding using ids, as they may conflict with the rendered note
- Fixed trash context menu
- Context menus: improved reliability
- Markdown: disabled characters capping on export
- Quick Open: ensuring the context menu is provided for notes and attachments
- Quick Open: ensuring it’s always scrolled all the way to the top when opening it
- Quick Open: ensuring it always searches all notes

Fabio Spampinato 已提交
## Version 1.4.0
Fabio Spampinato 已提交
391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434

##### New Features
- Switched to the AGPL license
- Added a “Toggle Sidebar” menu entry
- Added a Zen mode
- Added a “Quick Open” panel
- Added a button for copying codeblocks to the clipboard
- Search: added a button for clearing the input
- KaTeX: added support for mhchem
- Replaced CodeMirror with Monaco
  - Added a shortcut for toggling the minimap
  - Check all the updated shortcuts [here](

##### Improvements
- Wiki-style links: always treat them as inline links
- Syntax highlighting: improved support for some shell languages
- Prompting the user before overwriting unsaved changes
- Error boundary: creating a pre-filled bug report when reporting an error
- Search: ensuring the notes list is navigable with arrow keys
- Minor UI update — Major UI-related code refactoring
- Export: ensuring all test notes are exported perfectly under all supported formats
- Automatically selecting the title when editing empty notes

##### Bug Fixes
- AsciiMath/KaTeX: ensuring the special characters can be escaped with a backslash
- Ensuring 1-character KaTex and AsciiMath expressions are supported
- Ensuring HTML entities don’t cause unnecessary AsciiMath renders
- Ensuring the editor gets updated when the content changes
- Updating the app menu when there are no windows open
- Wiki-style links: more reliable extension detection
- Filesystem watcher: more reliable
- Editor: force focusing only on mount
- Markdown: improved emoji detection
- Attachments: ensuring some special system files are not considered
- Ensuring the about window is not fullscreenable
- Ensuring multiple attachments with the same name can be used
- Ensuring the app quits properly under Windows/Linux when closing the window
- Ensuring new notes aren’t created inside the trash
- Ensuring tags (except for the default one) without notes are not selected
- Markdown: ensuring links without a protocol are supported
- Renaming + overwriting notes instead of deleting + creating notes
- Writing/renaming notes less asynchronously
- Waiting for any pending API or IO operations before closing the app

Fabio Spampinato 已提交
## Version 1.3.0
Fabio Spampinato 已提交
436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487

##### New Features
- Updater: added a menu entry for checking for updates
- Added a menu entry for opening the subreddit
- Added Wiki-style links supports
- Added support for linking to attachments from `source` elements

##### Improvements
- Notes: avoiding unnecessary updates because of filesystem changes
- Much more reliable autosaving and more accurate modification date
- Dependencies: removed `remark` and `strip-markdown`
- Dependencies: removed `showdown-target-blank`
- Dependencies: removed `electron-localshortcut`
- Dependencies: replaced `decompress` with `extract-zip`
- Dependencies: replaced `globby` to `tiny-glob`
- Dependencies: replaced `shallowequal` with `is-shallow-equal`
- Dependencies: replaced `highlight.js` with `prism`
- Dependencies: replaced `showdown-katex-studdown` with `asciimath2tex`
- Dependencies: updated `enex-dump` (shaved ~10mb from bundle)
- Updater: checking for updates after the app is loaded and every 24h
- Markdown: avoiding storing previous renders
- Tutorial: mentioning the subreddit and the Patreon page
- Tutorial: mentioning Wiki-style links
- Tutorial: updated sections about KaTeX and AsciiMath

##### Bug Fixes
- Fixed support for URLs fragments
- Fixed support for relative links inside `a` and `img` tags
- Markdown: made extensions much more reliable
- Markdown: more advanced stripping logic
- Markdown: un-wrapping the output when stripping
- Markdown: improved support for emails
- Markdown: ensuring anonymous code blocks are rendered properly
- Autosave: properly handling app quits, window closes and reloads events
- Ensuring the app quits when asked to do so
- Ensuring the app doesn’t crash when changing data directory
- Search: ensuring existing tags are still selectable even when they have no results
- Avoiding refocusing windows twice
- KaTeX: requiring a stricter syntax
  - Wrap formulas in `$$..$$` and `$..$`
  - There mustn't be spaces at the beginning and end of a formula
  - The ending `$` character musn't be followed by a digit
- AsciiMath: ensuring it doesn’t conflict with KaTeX
  - Wrap formulas in `&&..&&` and `&..&`
  - There mustn't be spaces at the beginning and end of a formula
  - The ending `&` character musn't be followed by a digit
- Ensuring the columns are not themselves scrollable
- Improved toggleable checkboxes implementation
- Removed shortcut for `Toggle Developer Tools`
- Updater: ensuring secondary notifications are shown only when manually checking for updates
- Updater: ensuring the menu gets properly restored after checking

Fabio Spampinato 已提交
## Version 1.2.0
Fabio Spampinato 已提交
489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539

##### New Features
- Added a cross-platform “About” window
- Export: added support for HTML
- Export: added support for Markdown
- Export: added support for PDF
- Added “Undo” and “Redo” to the menu
- Added an `Help -> View Changelog` menu entry
- Added a menu entry for opening the devtools
- Added a “Float on top” menu entry
- Added a “New from Template” menu entry
- Added a shortcut for “Permanently Delete”
- Added some delete-key based shortcuts for trashing/restoring/deleting a note
- Added basic support for range selection when holding shift key
- Added support for toggling checkboxes in preview mode
- Added a Split-View mode
- Added autosaving capabilities
- Preserving metadata about creation and modification dates

##### Improvements
- Tutorial: improved KaTeX syntax examples
- Opening the parent of the current data directory when changing it
- Opening the current attachments directory when adding some new attachments
- Checking if the chosen data directory is the current one
- Improved support for selecting all text
- Markdown: added support for relative file paths as urls
- Editor: preserving/restoring cursors on blur/focus
- Readme: updated screenshots
- Added Trilium to the comparison table
- Added Joplin to the comparison table
- Icon: slightly larger
- Improved startup time: lazy loading heavy modules
- Improved startup time: showing the window with a skeleton UI much quicker
- Improved startup time: rendering the skeleton quicker
- Optimized Markdown rendering when no Markdown features are used
- Optimized Markdown stripping when no Markdown features are used
- Upgraded electron to v4

##### Bug Fixes
- Avoiding copying the file to attach if it’s already an attachment
- Linux: fixed icon generation
- Much more resilient metadata sanitization and parsing
- CodeMirror: avoiding restoring the cursors if the document height changed
- Codemirror: properly focusing/resetting the editor
- CodeMirror: resetting undo history when the note changes
- Ensuring debugging tools are not used in production builds
- Properly detecting “rename” events on Windows
- Ensuring KaTeX doesn’t mess with generated paths
- Markdown: properly encoding generated urls
- Ensuring the currently active note remains active after editing its tags

Fabio Spampinato 已提交
## Version 1.1.0
Fabio Spampinato 已提交
541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577

##### New Features
- Added support for `.txt` files
- Added KaTeX support
- Added support for Mermaid charts
- Added support for double-click to collapse/expand tags
- Search: searching notes contents (non fuzzly) too
- Rendering normal tags as root tags if there are no notebooks and templates
- Using the current query as the newly created note’s title if the query returned no matches

##### Improvements
- Improved perceived startup time
- Automatically tag/favorite/trash a new note in order to keep it in the currently active section
- Added some more shortcuts for navigating tags/notes
- Search: Improved performance — searching for each word individually
- Search: skipping filtering when simply reordering
- Readme: added a link to the raw version of the tutorial notes
- Readme: added TiddlyWiki to the comparison table
- Readme: added Typora to the comparison table
- Readme: added Google Keep to the comparison table
- Readme: replaced ASCII table with a fancy table
- Using more ergonomic shortcuts for toggling editing

##### Bug Fixes
- Avoiding using a form for the search box
- Search: ensuring the list gets refreshed when changing the sorting order
- Improved support for titles containing non-English characters
- Avoiding auto-hiding the menu bar, it caused too much confusion
- Tag collapsing/expanding: ensuring notebooks and templates don’t get duplicated
- Avoiding loading the tutorial notes if there’s already a `notes` directory in the data directory
- Tags: always displaying the notes counter, even if 0
- Improved support for CRLF
- Ensuring the layout proportions are preserved when toggling Focus mode
- Tag: improved current tag detection
- Tags/Attachments popovers: ensuring they get refreshed when the note changes
- Ensuring Svelto works on Windows
- Ensuring there’s always a separator before the `Notable -> Quit` menu entry
- Ensuring checkboxes are always displayed
Fabio Spampinato 已提交

Fabio Spampinato 已提交
## Version 1.0.1
Fabio Spampinato 已提交
581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602
- Simplified import tag
- Multi-Editor: improved confirmation messages for adding/removing tags
- Tagbox: ensuring their never share the same name
- Multi-Editor: ensuring tags are automatically added on blur
- Multi-Editor: ensuring placeholders are completely visible
- Note: avoiding replacing tags if they didn’t actually change
- Improved performance when using optimistic rendering
- Ensuring the active tag is updated when we refresh the tags
- Readme: fixed download link
- Tags Popover: ensuring the tagbox doesn’t mutate the note’s tags
- Tags: more resilient sort logic
- Note: avoiding replacing the note twice when saving if the title didn’t change
- Tags: updating the tree instead of completely rebuilding it, O(n) -> O(1)
- Ensuring the special “Tags” tag is collapsible too
- Search: ensuring the optimized version is actually used
- Note: avoiding auto-suspending commonly called safe methods
- Skipping unnecessary updates on multiple note additions
- Skipping unnecessary updates on multiple note deletions
- Skipping unnecessary updates on multiple note updates
- Multi-Editor: skipping some work when possible
- Ensuring the `Tags` special tag is never deleted

Fabio Spampinato 已提交
## Version 1.0.0
Fabio Spampinato 已提交
- Initial release.