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Update op_list.md

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# X2Paddle支持OP列表
> 目前X2Paddle支持50+的TensorFlow OP,30+的Caffe Layer,覆盖了大部分CV分类模型常用的操作。我们在如下列表中给出了目前X2Paddle支持的全部OP。
> 目前X2Paddle支持70+的TensorFlow OP,30+的Caffe Layer,覆盖了大部分CV分类模型常用的操作。我们在如下列表中给出了目前X2Paddle支持的全部OP。
**注:** 目前,部分OP暂未支持,如您在转换过程中出现OP不支持的情况,可自行添加或反馈给我们。欢迎通过[ISSUE反馈](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/X2Paddle/issues/new)的方式告知我们(模型名,代码实现或模型获取方式),我们会及时跟进:)
......@@ -7,20 +7,24 @@
| 序号 | OP | 序号 | OP | 序号 | OP | 序号 | OP |
| 1 | Relu | 2 | Relu6 | 3 | Shape | 4 | Abs |
| 5 | Sigmoid | 6 | Exp | 7 | Rsqrt | 8 | swish_f32 |
| 9 | Tanh | 10 | LeakyRelu | 11 | Add | 12 | RealDiv |
| 13 | Sub | 14 | Maximum | 15 | Mul | 16 | FloorDiv |
| 17 | Placeholder | 18 | Const | 19 | Transpose | 20 | FusedBatchNorm |
| 21 | Conv2D | 22 | BiasAdd | 23 | MaxPool | 24 | DepthwiseConv2dNative |
| 25 | Reshape | 26 | AvgPool | 27 | SplitV | 28 | SquaredDifference |
| 29 | Tile | 30 | Pack | 31 | Pad | 32 | ResizeBilinear |
| 33 | Mean | 34 | MatMul | 35 | ArgMax | 36 | StridedSlice |
| 37 | Slice | 38 | Sum | 39 | Max | 40 | Conv2DBackpropInput |
| 41 | Cast | 42 | Split | 43 | Squeeze | 44 | ResizeNearestNeighbor |
| 45 | Softmax | 46 | Range | 47 | ConcatV2 | 48 | MirrorPad |
| 49 | Identity | 50 | GreaterEqual | 51 | StopGradient | 52 | Minimum |
| 53 | RadnomUniform | 54 | Fill | 55 | Floor | 56 | DepthToSpace |
| 1 | Relu | 2 | Relu6 | 3 | Shape | 4 | Abs |
| 5 | Sigmoid | 6 | Exp | 7 | Rsqrt | 8 | swish_f32 |
| 9 | Tanh | 10 | LeakyRelu | 11 | Add | 12 | RealDiv |
| 13 | Sub | 14 | Maximum | 15 | Mul | 16 | FloorDiv |
| 17 | Placeholder | 18 | Const | 19 | Transpose | 20 | FusedBatchNorm |
| 21 | Conv2D | 22 | BiasAdd | 23 | MaxPool | 24 | DepthwiseConv2dNative |
| 25 | Reshape | 26 | AvgPool | 27 | SplitV | 28 | SquaredDifference |
| 29 | Tile | 30 | Pack | 31 | Pad | 32 | ResizeBilinear |
| 33 | Mean | 34 | MatMul | 35 | ArgMax | 36 | StridedSlice |
| 37 | Slice | 38 | Sum | 39 | Max | 40 | Conv2DBackpropInput |
| 41 | Cast | 42 | Split | 43 | Squeeze | 44 | ResizeNearestNeighbor |
| 45 | Softmax | 46 | Range | 47 | ConcatV2 | 48 | MirrorPad |
| 49 | Identity | 50 | GreaterEqual | 51 | StopGradient | 52 | Minimum |
| 53 | RadnomUniform | 54 | Fill | 55 | Floor | 56 | DepthToSpace |
| 57 | Sqrt | 58 | Softplus | 59 | Erf | 60 | AddV2 |
| 61 | LessEqual | 62 | BatchMatMul | 63 | BatchMatMul | 64 | ExpandDims |
| 65 | BatchToSpaceND | 66 | BatchToSpaceND | 67 | OneHot | 68 | Pow |
| 69 | All | 70 | GatherV2 | 71 | IteratorV2 | | |
## Caffe
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