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Waleed Abdulla 已提交
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# Color Spash Example

This is an example showing the use of Mask RCNN in a real application.
We train the model to detect balloons only, and then we use the generated 
masks to keep balloons in color while changing the rest of the image to

## Installation
From the [Releases page]( page:
1. Download `mask_rcnn_balloon.h5`. Save it in the root directory of the repo (the `mask_rcnn` directory).
2. Download `balloon_dataset.p3`. Expand it such that it's in the path `mask_rcnn/datasets/balloon/`.

## Apply color splash using the provided weights
Apply splash effect on an image:

python3 splash --weights=/path/to/mask_rcnn/mask_rcnn_balloon.h5 --image=<file name or URL>

Apply splash effect on a video. Requires OpenCV 3.2+:

python3 splash --weights=/path/to/mask_rcnn/mask_rcnn_balloon.h5 --video=<file name or URL>

## Run Jupyter notebooks
Open the `inspect_balloon_data.ipynb` or `inspect_balloon_model.ipynb` Jupter notebooks. You can use these notebooks to explore the dataset and run through the detection pipelie step by step.

## Train the Balloon model

Train a new model starting from pre-trained COCO weights
python3 train --dataset=/path/to/balloon/dataset --weights=coco

Resume training a model that you had trained earlier
python3 train --dataset=/path/to/balloon/dataset --weights=last

Train a new model starting from ImageNet weights
python3 train --dataset=/path/to/balloon/dataset --weights=imagenet

The code in `` is set to train for 3K steps (30 epochs of 100 steps each), and using a batch size of 2. 
Update the schedule to fit your needs.