提交 16b244e2 编写于 作者: fxy060608's avatar fxy060608

feat(app-plus-nvue): add legacy.old

上级 a1506caa
const path = require('path')
const alias = require('rollup-plugin-alias')
const replace = require('rollup-plugin-replace')
module.exports = {
input: 'src/platforms/app-plus-nvue/services/index.legacy.old.js',
output: {
file: `packages/uni-app-plus-nvue/dist/service.legacy.js`,
format: 'es'
plugins: [
'uni-core': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/core'),
'uni-shared': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/shared/util.js')
__GLOBAL__: 'getGlobalUni()',
__PLATFORM_TITLE__: 'app-plus-nvue'
{ {
"name": "uniapp-js-framework", "name": "uniapp-js-framework",
"version": "0.0.1", "version": "0.0.1",
"scripts": { "scripts": {
"build:service:legacy": "npm run lint && rollup -c build/rollup.config.service.js",
"lint": "eslint --fix --config package.json --ext .js --ext .vue --ignore-path .eslintignore build src", "lint": "eslint --fix --config package.json --ext .js --ext .vue --ignore-path .eslintignore build src",
"lint:cli": "eslint --fix --config package.json --ignore-path .eslintignore packages/uni-cli-shared packages/uni-template-compiler \"packages/vue-cli-*/**/*.js\" \"packages/webpack-uni-*/**/*.js\"", "lint:cli": "eslint --fix --config package.json --ignore-path .eslintignore packages/uni-cli-shared packages/uni-template-compiler \"packages/vue-cli-*/**/*.js\" \"packages/webpack-uni-*/**/*.js\"",
"dev:h5": "npm run lint && cross-env NODE_ENV=production UNI_WATCH=true UNI_PLATFORM=h5 node build/build.js", "dev:h5": "npm run lint && cross-env NODE_ENV=production UNI_WATCH=true UNI_PLATFORM=h5 node build/build.js",
const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function isFn (fn) {
return typeof fn === 'function'
function hasOwn (obj, key) {
return hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)
const globalInterceptors = {};
const scopedInterceptors = {};
function wrapperHook (hook) {
return function (data) {
return hook(data) || data
function isPromise (obj) {
return !!obj && (typeof obj === 'object' || typeof obj === 'function') && typeof obj.then === 'function'
function queue (hooks, data) {
let promise = false;
for (let i = 0; i < hooks.length; i++) {
const hook = hooks[i];
if (promise) {
promise = Promise.then(wrapperHook(hook));
} else {
const res = hook(data);
if (isPromise(res)) {
promise = Promise.resolve(res);
if (res === false) {
return {
then () {}
return promise || {
then (callback) {
return callback(data)
function wrapperOptions (interceptor, options = {}) {
['success', 'fail', 'complete'].forEach(name => {
if (Array.isArray(interceptor[name])) {
const oldCallback = options[name];
options[name] = function callbackInterceptor (res) {
queue(interceptor[name], res).then((res) => {
/* eslint-disable no-mixed-operators */
return isFn(oldCallback) && oldCallback(res) || res
return options
function wrapperReturnValue (method, returnValue) {
const returnValueHooks = [];
if (Array.isArray(globalInterceptors.returnValue)) {
const interceptor = scopedInterceptors[method];
if (interceptor && Array.isArray(interceptor.returnValue)) {
returnValueHooks.forEach(hook => {
returnValue = hook(returnValue) || returnValue;
return returnValue
function getApiInterceptorHooks (method) {
const interceptor = Object.create(null);
Object.keys(globalInterceptors).forEach(hook => {
if (hook !== 'returnValue') {
interceptor[hook] = globalInterceptors[hook].slice();
const scopedInterceptor = scopedInterceptors[method];
if (scopedInterceptor) {
Object.keys(scopedInterceptor).forEach(hook => {
if (hook !== 'returnValue') {
interceptor[hook] = (interceptor[hook] || []).concat(scopedInterceptor[hook]);
return interceptor
function invokeApi (method, api, options, ...params) {
const interceptor = getApiInterceptorHooks(method);
if (interceptor && Object.keys(interceptor).length) {
if (Array.isArray(interceptor.invoke)) {
const res = queue(interceptor.invoke, options);
return res.then((options) => {
return api(wrapperOptions(interceptor, options), ...params)
} else {
return api(wrapperOptions(interceptor, options), ...params)
return api(options, ...params)
const SYNC_API_RE =
const CONTEXT_API_RE = /^create|Manager$/;
const CALLBACK_API_RE = /^on/;
function isContextApi (name) {
return CONTEXT_API_RE.test(name)
function isSyncApi (name) {
return SYNC_API_RE.test(name)
function isCallbackApi (name) {
return CALLBACK_API_RE.test(name)
function handlePromise (promise) {
return promise.then(data => {
return [null, data]
.catch(err => [err])
function shouldPromise (name) {
if (
isContextApi(name) ||
isSyncApi(name) ||
) {
return false
return true
function promisify (name, api) {
if (!shouldPromise(name)) {
return api
return function promiseApi (options = {}, ...params) {
if (isFn(options.success) || isFn(options.fail) || isFn(options.complete)) {
return wrapperReturnValue(name, invokeApi(name, api, options, ...params))
return wrapperReturnValue(name, handlePromise(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
invokeApi(name, api, Object.assign({}, options, {
success: resolve,
fail: reject
}), ...params);
/* eslint-disable no-extend-native */
if (!Promise.prototype.finally) {
Promise.prototype.finally = function (callback) {
const promise = this.constructor;
return this.then(
value => promise.resolve(callback()).then(() => value),
reason => promise.resolve(callback()).then(() => {
throw reason
const UNIAPP_SERVICE_NVUE_ID = '__uniapp__service';
function initPostMessage (nvue) {
const plus = nvue.requireModule('plus');
return {
postMessage (data) {
plus.postMessage(data, UNIAPP_SERVICE_NVUE_ID);
function initSubNVue (nvue, plus, BroadcastChannel) {
let origin;
const onMessageCallbacks = [];
const postMessage = nvue.requireModule('plus').postMessage;
const onSubNVueMessage = function onSubNVueMessage (data) {
onMessageCallbacks.forEach(callback => callback({
nvue.requireModule('globalEvent').addEventListener('plusMessage', e => {
if (e.data.type === 'UniAppSubNVue') {
onSubNVueMessage(e.data.data, e.data.options);
const webviewId = plus.webview.currentWebview().id;
const channel = new BroadcastChannel('UNI-APP-SUBNVUE');
channel.onmessage = function (event) {
if (event.data.to === webviewId) {
const wrapper = function wrapper (webview) {
webview.$processed = true;
const currentWebviewId = plus.webview.currentWebview().id;
const isPopupNVue = currentWebviewId === webview.id;
const hostNVueId = webview.__uniapp_origin_type === 'uniNView' && webview.__uniapp_origin_id;
const popupNVueId = webview.id;
webview.postMessage = function (data) {
if (hostNVueId) {
to: isPopupNVue ? hostNVueId : popupNVueId
} else {
type: 'UniAppSubNVue',
data: data
webview.onMessage = function (callback) {
if (!webview.__uniapp_mask_id) {
origin = webview.__uniapp_host;
const maskColor = webview.__uniapp_mask;
let maskWebview = plus.webview.getWebviewById(webview.__uniapp_mask_id);
maskWebview = maskWebview.parent() || maskWebview; // 再次检测父
const oldShow = webview.show;
const oldHide = webview.hide;
const oldClose = webview.close;
const showMask = function () {
mask: maskColor
const closeMask = function () {
mask: 'none'
webview.show = function (...args) {
return oldShow.apply(webview, args)
webview.hide = function (...args) {
return oldHide.apply(webview, args)
webview.close = function (...args) {
return oldClose.apply(webview, args)
const getSubNVueById = function getSubNVueById (id) {
const webview = plus.webview.getWebviewById(id);
if (webview && !webview.$processed) {
return webview
return {
getCurrentSubNVue () {
return getSubNVueById(plus.webview.currentWebview().id)
function noop () {}
function initTitleNView (nvue) {
const eventMaps = {
onNavigationBarButtonTap: noop,
onNavigationBarSearchInputChanged: noop,
onNavigationBarSearchInputConfirmed: noop,
onNavigationBarSearchInputClicked: noop
nvue.requireModule('globalEvent').addEventListener('plusMessage', e => {
if (eventMaps[e.data.type]) {
const ret = Object.create(null);
Object.keys(eventMaps).forEach(eventType => {
ret[eventType] = function (callback) {
eventMaps[eventType] = callback;
return ret
const EPS = 1e-4;
const BASE_DEVICE_WIDTH = 750;
let isIOS = false;
let deviceWidth = 0;
let deviceDPR = 0;
function upx2px (number, newDeviceWidth) {
number = Number(number);
if (number === 0) {
return 0
let result = (number / BASE_DEVICE_WIDTH) * (newDeviceWidth || deviceWidth);
if (result < 0) {
result = -result;
result = Math.floor(result + EPS);
if (result === 0) {
if (deviceDPR === 1 || !isIOS) {
return 1
} else {
return 0.5
return number < 0 ? -result : result
function initUpx2px (nvue) {
const env = nvue.config.env;
deviceDPR = env.scale;
deviceWidth = Math.ceil(env.deviceWidth / deviceDPR);
isIOS = env.platform === 'iOS';
let getEmitter;
function apply (ctx, method, args) {
return ctx[method].apply(ctx, args)
function $on () {
return apply(getEmitter(), '$on', [...arguments])
function $off () {
return apply(getEmitter(), '$off', [...arguments])
function $once () {
return apply(getEmitter(), '$once', [...arguments])
function $emit () {
return apply(getEmitter(), '$emit', [...arguments])
function initEventBus (getGlobalEmitter) {
getEmitter = getGlobalEmitter;
const SUCCESS = 'success';
const FAIL = 'fail';
const COMPLETE = 'complete';
* 调用无参数,或仅一个参数且为 callback 的 API
* @param {Object} vm
* @param {Object} method
* @param {Object} args
* @param {Object} extras
function invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs (vm, method, args, extras) {
if (!vm) {
if (typeof args === 'undefined') {
return vm[method]()
const [, callbacks] = normalizeArgs(args, extras);
if (!Object.keys(callbacks).length) {
return vm[method]()
return vm[method](normalizeCallback(method, callbacks))
* 调用两个参数(第一个入参为普通参数,第二个入参为 callback) API
* @param {Object} vm
* @param {Object} method
* @param {Object} args
* @param {Object} extras
function invokeVmMethod (vm, method, args, extras) {
if (!vm) {
const [pureArgs, callbacks] = normalizeArgs(args, extras);
if (!Object.keys(callbacks).length) {
return vm[method](pureArgs)
return vm[method](pureArgs, normalizeCallback(method, callbacks))
function findElmById (id, vm) {
return findRefByElm(id, vm.$el)
function findRefByElm (id, elm) {
if (!id || !elm) {
if (elm.attr.id === id) {
return elm
const children = elm.children;
if (!children) {
for (let i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++) {
const elm = findRefByElm(id, children[i]);
if (elm) {
return elm
function normalizeArgs (args = {}, extras) {
const callbacks = Object.create(null);
const iterator = function iterator (name) {
const callback = args[name];
if (isFn(callback)) {
callbacks[name] = callback;
delete args[name];
extras && extras.forEach(iterator);
return [args, callbacks]
function normalizeCallback (method, callbacks) {
return function weexCallback (ret) {
const type = ret.type;
delete ret.type;
const callback = callbacks[type];
if (type === SUCCESS) {
ret.errMsg = `${method}:ok`;
} else if (type === FAIL) {
ret.errMsg = method + ':fail' + (ret.msg ? (' ' + ret.msg) : '');
delete ret.code;
delete ret.msg;
isFn(callback) && callback(ret);
if (type === SUCCESS || type === FAIL) {
const complete = callbacks['complete'];
isFn(complete) && complete(ret);
class MapContext {
constructor (id, ctx) {
this.id = id;
this.ctx = ctx;
getCenterLocation (cbs) {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'getCenterLocation', cbs)
moveToLocation () {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'moveToLocation')
translateMarker (args) {
return invokeVmMethod(this.ctx, 'translateMarker', args, ['animationEnd'])
includePoints (args) {
return invokeVmMethod(this.ctx, 'includePoints', args)
getRegion (cbs) {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'getRegion', cbs)
getScale (cbs) {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'getScale', cbs)
function createMapContext (id, vm) {
if (!vm) {
return console.warn('uni.createMapContext 必须传入第二个参数,即当前 vm 对象(this)')
const elm = findElmById(id, vm);
if (!elm) {
return console.warn('Can not find `' + id + '`')
return new MapContext(id, elm)
class VideoContext {
constructor (id, ctx) {
this.id = id;
this.ctx = ctx;
play () {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'play')
pause () {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'pause')
seek (args) {
return invokeVmMethod(this.ctx, 'seek', args)
stop () {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'stop')
sendDanmu (args) {
return invokeVmMethod(this.ctx, 'sendDanmu', args)
playbackRate (args) {
return invokeVmMethod(this.ctx, 'playbackRate', args)
requestFullScreen (args) {
return invokeVmMethod(this.ctx, 'requestFullScreen', args)
exitFullScreen () {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'exitFullScreen')
showStatusBar () {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'showStatusBar')
hideStatusBar () {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'hideStatusBar')
function createVideoContext (id, vm) {
if (!vm) {
return console.warn('uni.createVideoContext 必须传入第二个参数,即当前 vm 对象(this)')
const elm = findElmById(id, vm);
if (!elm) {
return console.warn('Can not find `' + id + '`')
return new VideoContext(id, elm)
class LivePusherContext {
constructor (id, ctx) {
this.id = id;
this.ctx = ctx;
start (cbs) {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'start', cbs)
stop (cbs) {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'stop', cbs)
pause (cbs) {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'pause', cbs)
resume (cbs) {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'resume', cbs)
switchCamera (cbs) {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'switchCamera', cbs)
snapshot (cbs) {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'snapshot', cbs)
toggleTorch (cbs) {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'toggleTorch', cbs)
playBGM (args) {
return invokeVmMethod(this.ctx, 'playBGM', args)
stopBGM (cbs) {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'stopBGM', cbs)
pauseBGM (cbs) {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'pauseBGM', cbs)
resumeBGM (cbs) {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'resumeBGM', cbs)
setBGMVolume (cbs) {
return invokeVmMethod(this.ctx, 'setBGMVolume', cbs)
startPreview (cbs) {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'startPreview', cbs)
stopPreview (args) {
return invokeVmMethodWithoutArgs(this.ctx, 'stopPreview', args)
function createLivePusherContext (id, vm) {
if (!vm) {
return console.warn('uni.createLivePusherContext 必须传入第二个参数,即当前 vm 对象(this)')
const elm = findElmById(id, vm);
if (!elm) {
return console.warn('Can not find `' + id + '`')
return new LivePusherContext(id, elm)
var apis = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
upx2px: upx2px,
$on: $on,
$once: $once,
$off: $off,
$emit: $emit,
createMapContext: createMapContext,
createVideoContext: createVideoContext,
createLivePusherContext: createLivePusherContext
function initUni (uni, nvue, plus, BroadcastChannel) {
const {
} = initSubNVue(nvue, plus, BroadcastChannel);
const scopedApis = Object.assign({
requireNativePlugin: nvue.requireModule
}, initTitleNView(nvue), initPostMessage(nvue));
if (typeof Proxy !== 'undefined') {
return new Proxy({}, {
get (target, name) {
if (target[name]) {
return target[name]
if (apis[name]) {
return apis[name]
if (scopedApis[name]) {
return scopedApis[name]
if (!hasOwn(uni, name)) {
return promisify(name, uni[name])
set (target, name, value) {
target[name] = value;
return true
const ret = {
requireNativePlugin: nvue.requireModule
Object.keys(apis).forEach(name => {
ret[name] = apis[name];
Object.keys(scopedApis).forEach(name => {
ret[name] = scopedApis[name];
Object.keys(uni).forEach(name => {
ret[name] = promisify(name, uni[name]);
return ret
let getGlobalUni;
let getGlobalApp;
let getGlobalUniEmitter;
let getGlobalCurrentPages;
var index_legacy_old = {
create (id, env, config) {
return {
initUniApp ({
}) {
getGlobalUni = getUni;
getGlobalApp = getApp;
getGlobalUniEmitter = getUniEmitter;
getGlobalCurrentPages = getCurrentPages;
instance: {
getUni (nvue, plus, BroadcastChannel) {
return initUni(getGlobalUni(), nvue, plus, BroadcastChannel)
getApp () {
return getGlobalApp()
getUniEmitter () {
return getGlobalUniEmitter()
getCurrentPages () {
return getGlobalCurrentPages()
refresh: function (id, env, config) {
destroy: function (id, env) {
export default index_legacy_old;
...@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ export default function initUni (uni, nvue, plus, BroadcastChannel) { ...@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ export default function initUni (uni, nvue, plus, BroadcastChannel) {
return promisify(name, uni[name]) return promisify(name, uni[name])
}, },
set (target, name, value) { set (target, name, value) {
target[name] = value target[name] = value
return true
} }
}) })
} }
import initUni from './api/legacy/index'
import initUpx2px from './api/upx2px'
import initEventBus from './api/event-bus'
let getGlobalUni
let getGlobalApp
let getGlobalUniEmitter
let getGlobalCurrentPages
export default {
create (id, env, config) {
return {
initUniApp ({
}) {
getGlobalUni = getUni
getGlobalApp = getApp
getGlobalUniEmitter = getUniEmitter
getGlobalCurrentPages = getCurrentPages
instance: {
getUni (nvue, plus, BroadcastChannel) {
return initUni(getGlobalUni(), nvue, plus, BroadcastChannel)
getApp () {
return getGlobalApp()
getUniEmitter () {
return getGlobalUniEmitter()
getCurrentPages () {
return getGlobalCurrentPages()
refresh: function (id, env, config) {
destroy: function (id, env) {
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