未验证 提交 7744f3ca 编写于 作者: 然后七年 提交者: GitHub

添加读取 PVE 宿主机温度选项

上级 20595cb0
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ function read_config(){
"client_usage" "client_usage_max" "client_usage_disturb" "client_usage_whitelist" \
"web_logged" "ssh_logged" "web_login_failed" "ssh_login_failed" "login_max_num" "web_login_black" "ip_white_list" "ip_black_timeout" \
"pushbot_sheep" "starttime" "endtime" "pushbot_whitelist" "pushbot_blacklist" "pushbot_interface" "MAC_online_list" "MAC_offline_list" \
"up_timeout" "down_timeout" "timeout_retry_count" "thread_num" "soc_code" \
"up_timeout" "down_timeout" "timeout_retry_count" "thread_num" "soc_code" "pve_host"\
"err_enable" "err_sheep_enable" "err_device_aliases" "network_err_event" "system_time_event" "autoreboot_time" "network_restart_time" "public_ip_event" "public_ip_retry_count" \
"jsonpath" "dd_webhook" "we_webhook" "pp_token" "pp_channel" "pp_webhook" "pp_topic_enable" "pp_topic" "fs_webhook" "bark_srv_enable" "bark_srv" "bark_token"
......@@ -264,8 +264,9 @@ function getcpu(){
function soc_temp(){
[ -z "$soc_code" ] && local soctemp=`sensors 2>/dev/null|grep °C|sed -nr 's#^.*:.*\+(.*)°C .*#\1#gp'|sort -nr|head -n1`
[ -z "$soc_code" ] && [ -z "$soctemp" ] && local soctemp=`cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp 2>/dev/null|sort -nr|head -n1|cut -c-2`
[ "$soc_code" == "pve" ] && [ ! -z "$pve_host" ] && local soctemp=`ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa root@${pve_host} sensors 2>/dev/null|grep °C|sed -nr 's#^.*:.*\+(.*)°C .*#\1#gp'|sort -nr|head -n1`
[ ! -z "$soctemp" ] && echo "$soctemp" && return
[ ! -z "$soc_code" ] && echo "$soc_code"|awk '{run=$0;system(run)}' 2>/dev/null
[ ! -z "$soc_code" ] && eval `echo "$soc_code"` 2>/dev/null
# 流量数据
......@@ -898,7 +899,7 @@ function cpu_load(){
local cpu_wendu=`soc_temp`;
[ -z "$cpu_wendu" ] && echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` 【!!!】无法读取设备温度,请检查命令" >> ${logfile}
if [ "$cpu_wendu" -gt "$temperature" ]; then
if [ `expr $cpu_wendu \> $temperature` -eq "1" ]; then
echo "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` 【!!警报!!】 CPU 温度过高: ${cpu_wendu}" >> ${logfile}
temperature_time=`date +%s`
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