提交 f6397266 编写于 作者: M Matt Bierner

Use namespaces for converts

Most converters are already using namespaces. Switch a few using const object to use namespaces instead
上级 e377ec6e
......@@ -252,21 +252,22 @@ export function fromRangeOrRangeWithMessage(ranges: vscode.Range[] | vscode.Deco
export const TextEdit = {
export namespace TextEdit {
from(edit: vscode.TextEdit): modes.TextEdit {
export function from(edit: vscode.TextEdit): modes.TextEdit {
return <modes.TextEdit>{
text: edit.newText,
eol: EndOfLine.from(edit.newEol),
range: Range.from(edit.range)
to(edit: modes.TextEdit): types.TextEdit {
export function to(edit: modes.TextEdit): types.TextEdit {
let result = new types.TextEdit(Range.to(edit.range), edit.text);
result.newEol = EndOfLine.to(edit.eol);
return result;
export namespace WorkspaceEdit {
export function from(value: vscode.WorkspaceEdit, documents?: ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors): WorkspaceEditDto {
......@@ -400,17 +401,18 @@ export namespace DocumentSymbol {
export const location = {
from(value: vscode.Location): modes.Location {
export namespace location {
export function from(value: vscode.Location): modes.Location {
return {
range: value.range && Range.from(value.range),
uri: value.uri
to(value: modes.Location): types.Location {
export function to(value: modes.Location): types.Location {
return new types.Location(value.uri, Range.to(value.range));
export namespace DefinitionLink {
export function from(value: vscode.Location | vscode.DefinitionLink): modes.DefinitionLink {
......@@ -476,9 +478,9 @@ export namespace CompletionContext {
export const CompletionItemKind = {
export namespace CompletionItemKind {
from(kind: types.CompletionItemKind): modes.CompletionItemKind {
export function from(kind: types.CompletionItemKind): modes.CompletionItemKind {
switch (kind) {
case types.CompletionItemKind.Method: return modes.CompletionItemKind.Method;
case types.CompletionItemKind.Function: return modes.CompletionItemKind.Function;
......@@ -507,9 +509,9 @@ export const CompletionItemKind = {
case types.CompletionItemKind.TypeParameter: return modes.CompletionItemKind.TypeParameter;
return modes.CompletionItemKind.Property;
to(kind: modes.CompletionItemKind): types.CompletionItemKind {
export function to(kind: modes.CompletionItemKind): types.CompletionItemKind {
switch (kind) {
case modes.CompletionItemKind.Method: return types.CompletionItemKind.Method;
case modes.CompletionItemKind.Function: return types.CompletionItemKind.Function;
......@@ -539,7 +541,7 @@ export const CompletionItemKind = {
return types.CompletionItemKind.Property;
export namespace CompletionItemInsertTextRule {
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