提交 f4055d95 编写于 作者: R Ramya Achutha Rao


上级 7be031a6
......@@ -12,6 +12,12 @@ import { getSyntax, getNode, getInnerRange } from './util';
import { getExpandOptions, extractAbbreviation, isStyleSheet } from 'vscode-emmet-helper';
import { DocumentStreamReader } from './bufferStream';
interface ExpandAbbreviationInput {
abbreviation: string;
rangeToReplace: vscode.Range;
textToWrap?: string;
export function wrapWithAbbreviation() {
let editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
if (!editor) {
......@@ -21,10 +27,10 @@ export function wrapWithAbbreviation() {
const newLine = editor.document.eol === vscode.EndOfLine.LF ? '\n' : '\r\n';
let syntax = getSyntax(editor.document);
vscode.window.showInputBox({ prompt: 'Enter Abbreviation' }).then(abbr => {
if (!abbr || !abbr.trim()) { return; }
vscode.window.showInputBox({ prompt: 'Enter Abbreviation' }).then(abbreviation => {
if (!abbreviation || !abbreviation.trim()) { return; }
let textToReplaceList: [string, vscode.Range][] = [];
let expandAbbrList: ExpandAbbreviationInput[] = [];
let firstTextToReplace: string;
let allTextToReplaceSame: boolean = true;
......@@ -33,45 +39,18 @@ export function wrapWithAbbreviation() {
if (rangeToReplace.isEmpty) {
rangeToReplace = new vscode.Range(rangeToReplace.start.line, 0, rangeToReplace.start.line, editor.document.lineAt(rangeToReplace.start.line).text.length);
let textToReplace = editor.document.getText(rangeToReplace);
let textToWrap = newLine + editor.document.getText(rangeToReplace) + newLine;
if (!firstTextToReplace) {
firstTextToReplace = textToReplace;
} else if (allTextToReplaceSame && firstTextToReplace !== textToReplace) {
firstTextToReplace = textToWrap;
} else if (allTextToReplaceSame && firstTextToReplace !== textToWrap) {
allTextToReplaceSame = false;
textToReplaceList.push([textToReplace, rangeToReplace]);
if (textToReplaceList.length === 0) {
// Text to replace at multiple cursors are not the same
// `editor.insertSnippet` will have to be called for each instance separately
// We will not be able to maintain multiple cursors after snippet insertion
if (!allTextToReplaceSame) {
textToReplaceList.forEach(([textToReplace, rangeToReplace]) => {
let expandedText = expand(abbr, getExpandOptions(syntax, newLine + textToReplace + newLine));
if (expandedText) {
editor.insertSnippet(new vscode.SnippetString(expandedText), rangeToReplace);
// Text to replace at all cursors are the same
// We can pass all ranges to `editor.insertSnippet` in a single call so that
// all cursors are maintained after snippet insertion
let expandedText = expand(abbr, getExpandOptions(syntax, newLine + textToReplaceList[0][0] + newLine));
let allRanges = textToReplaceList.map(value => {
return value[1];
expandAbbrList.push({ abbreviation, rangeToReplace, textToWrap });
if (expandedText) {
editor.insertSnippet(new vscode.SnippetString(expandedText), allRanges);
expandAbbr(editor, expandAbbrList, syntax, allTextToReplaceSame);
......@@ -89,16 +68,16 @@ export function expandAbbreviation(args) {
let parseContent = isStyleSheet(syntax) ? parseStylesheet : parse;
let rootNode: Node = parseContent(new DocumentStreamReader(editor.document));
let abbreviationList: [string, vscode.Range][] = [];
let abbreviationList: ExpandAbbreviationInput[] = [];
let firstAbbreviation: string;
let allAbbreviationsSame: boolean = true;
editor.selections.forEach(selection => {
let abbreviationRange: vscode.Range = selection;
let rangeToReplace: vscode.Range = selection;
let position = selection.isReversed ? selection.anchor : selection.active;
let abbreviation = editor.document.getText(abbreviationRange);
if (abbreviationRange.isEmpty) {
[abbreviationRange, abbreviation] = extractAbbreviation(editor.document, position);
let abbreviation = editor.document.getText(rangeToReplace);
if (rangeToReplace.isEmpty) {
[rangeToReplace, abbreviation] = extractAbbreviation(editor.document, position);
let currentNode = getNode(rootNode, position);
......@@ -112,38 +91,10 @@ export function expandAbbreviation(args) {
allAbbreviationsSame = false;
abbreviationList.push([abbreviation, abbreviationRange]);
abbreviationList.push({ abbreviation, rangeToReplace });
if (abbreviationList.length === 0) {
// Abbreviations at multiple cursors are not the same
// `editor.insertSnippet` will have to be called for each abbreviation separately
// We will not be able to maintain multiple cursors after snippet insertion
if (!allAbbreviationsSame) {
abbreviationList.forEach(([abbreviation, abbreviationRange]) => {
let expandedText = expand(abbreviation, getExpandOptions(syntax));
if (expandedText) {
editor.insertSnippet(new vscode.SnippetString(expandedText), abbreviationRange);
// Abbreviations at all cursors are the same
// We can pass all ranges to `editor.insertSnippet` in a single call so that
// all cursors are maintained after snippet insertion
let expandedText = expand(abbreviationList[0][0], getExpandOptions(syntax));
let allRanges = abbreviationList.map(value => {
return value[1];
if (expandedText) {
editor.insertSnippet(new vscode.SnippetString(expandedText), allRanges);
expandAbbr(editor, abbreviationList, syntax, allAbbreviationsSame);
......@@ -169,4 +120,35 @@ export function isValidLocationForEmmetAbbreviation(currentNode: Node, syntax: s
return false;
function expandAbbr(editor: vscode.TextEditor, expandAbbrList: ExpandAbbreviationInput[], syntax: string, insertSameSnippet: boolean) {
if (!expandAbbrList || expandAbbrList.length === 0) {
// Snippet to replace at multiple cursors are not the same
// `editor.insertSnippet` will have to be called for each instance separately
// We will not be able to maintain multiple cursors after snippet insertion
if (!insertSameSnippet) {
expandAbbrList.forEach((expandAbbrInput: ExpandAbbreviationInput) => {
let expandedText = expand(expandAbbrInput.abbreviation, getExpandOptions(syntax, expandAbbrInput.textToWrap));
if (expandedText) {
editor.insertSnippet(new vscode.SnippetString(expandedText), expandAbbrInput.rangeToReplace);
// Snippet to replace at all cursors are the same
// We can pass all ranges to `editor.insertSnippet` in a single call so that
// all cursors are maintained after snippet insertion
const anyExpandAbbrInput = expandAbbrList[0];
let expandedText = expand(anyExpandAbbrInput.abbreviation, getExpandOptions(syntax, anyExpandAbbrInput.textToWrap));
let allRanges = expandAbbrList.map(value => {
return value.rangeToReplace;
if (expandedText) {
editor.insertSnippet(new vscode.SnippetString(expandedText), allRanges);
\ No newline at end of file
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