提交 eac87dab 编写于 作者: M Matt Bierner

Extract largeImageView

Extract genericBinaryFileView

Extract inlineImageView

Add explicit return nulls for largeImageView and binaryFile View

Extract getMime

Use or return type in getMime

Extract size logic to own class

Move IMAGE_SCALE_CACHE into class

Extract LargeImageView to own class

Extract GenericBinaryFileView to class

Move InlineImageView to own class

Extract image view to own class

Format param list

Move imgSource into InlineImageView

Make metadataClb non-optional since it is always pasesd in

Extract isImageResource

Give inlineImage a more descriptive name
上级 1b21617a
......@@ -83,35 +83,33 @@ enum ScaleDirection {
// Chrome is caching images very aggressively and so we use the ETag information to find out if
// we need to bypass the cache or not. We could always bypass the cache everytime we show the image
// however that has very bad impact on memory consumption because each time the image gets shown,
// memory grows (see also https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/6275)
const IMAGE_RESOURCE_ETAG_CACHE = new LRUCache<string, { etag: string, src: string }>(100);
function imageSrc(descriptor: IResourceDescriptor): string {
if (descriptor.resource.scheme === Schemas.data) {
return descriptor.resource.toString(true /* skip encoding */);
class BinarySize {
public static readonly KB = 1024;
public static readonly MB = BinarySize.KB * BinarySize.KB;
public static readonly GB = BinarySize.MB * BinarySize.KB;
public static readonly TB = BinarySize.GB * BinarySize.KB;
public static formatSize(size: number): string {
if (size < BinarySize.KB) {
return nls.localize('sizeB', "{0}B", size);
const src = descriptor.resource.toString();
if (size < BinarySize.MB) {
return nls.localize('sizeKB', "{0}KB", (size / BinarySize.KB).toFixed(2));
let cached = IMAGE_RESOURCE_ETAG_CACHE.get(src);
if (!cached) {
cached = { etag: descriptor.etag, src };
if (size < BinarySize.GB) {
return nls.localize('sizeMB', "{0}MB", (size / BinarySize.MB).toFixed(2));
if (cached.etag !== descriptor.etag) {
cached.etag = descriptor.etag;
cached.src = `${src}?${Date.now()}`; // bypass cache with this trick
if (size < BinarySize.TB) {
return nls.localize('sizeGB', "{0}GB", (size / BinarySize.GB).toFixed(2));
return cached.src;
return nls.localize('sizeTB', "{0}TB", (size / BinarySize.TB).toFixed(2));
// store the scale of an image so it can be restored when changing editor tabs
const IMAGE_SCALE_CACHE = new LRUCache<string, number>(100);
export interface ResourceViewerContext {
layout(dimension: Dimension);
......@@ -121,32 +119,30 @@ export interface ResourceViewerContext {
* progress of the binary resource.
export class ResourceViewer {
private static readonly KB = 1024;
private static readonly MB = ResourceViewer.KB * ResourceViewer.KB;
private static readonly GB = ResourceViewer.MB * ResourceViewer.KB;
private static readonly TB = ResourceViewer.GB * ResourceViewer.KB;
private static readonly MAX_IMAGE_SIZE = ResourceViewer.MB; // showing images inline is memory intense, so we have a limit
private static readonly SCALE_PINCH_FACTOR = 0.1;
private static readonly SCALE_FACTOR = 1.5;
private static readonly MAX_SCALE = 20;
private static readonly MIN_SCALE = 0.1;
private static readonly PIXELATION_THRESHOLD = 64; // enable image-rendering: pixelated for images less than this
public static show(
descriptor: IResourceDescriptor,
container: Builder,
scrollbar: DomScrollableElement,
openExternal: (uri: URI) => void,
metadataClb?: (meta: string) => void
metadataClb: (meta: string) => void
): ResourceViewerContext {
// Ensure CSS class
// Lookup media mime if any
if (ResourceViewer.isImageResource(descriptor)) {
return ImageView.create(container, descriptor, scrollbar, openExternal, metadataClb);
GenericBinaryFileView.create(container, metadataClb, descriptor, scrollbar);
return null;
private static isImageResource(descriptor: IResourceDescriptor) {
const mime = ResourceViewer.getMime(descriptor);
return mime.indexOf('image/') >= 0;
private static getMime(descriptor: IResourceDescriptor): string {
let mime = descriptor.mime;
if (!mime && descriptor.resource.scheme === Schemas.file) {
const ext = paths.extname(descriptor.resource.toString());
......@@ -154,163 +150,29 @@ export class ResourceViewer {
mime = mapExtToMediaMimes[ext.toLowerCase()];
return mime || mimes.MIME_BINARY;
if (!mime) {
mime = mimes.MIME_BINARY;
// Show Image inline unless they are large
if (mime.indexOf('image/') >= 0) {
if (ResourceViewer.inlineImage(descriptor)) {
const context = {
layout(dimension: Dimension) { }
.addClass('image', 'zoom-in')
.img({ src: imageSrc(descriptor) })
.on(DOM.EventType.LOAD, (e, img) => {
const imgElement = <HTMLImageElement>img.getHTMLElement();
const cacheKey = descriptor.resource.toString();
let scaleDirection = ScaleDirection.IN;
let scale = IMAGE_SCALE_CACHE.get(cacheKey) || null;
if (scale) {
if (imgElement.naturalWidth < ResourceViewer.PIXELATION_THRESHOLD
|| imgElement.naturalHeight < ResourceViewer.PIXELATION_THRESHOLD
) {
function setImageWidth(width) {
img.style('width', `${width}px`);
img.style('height', 'auto');
function updateScale(newScale) {
scale = clamp(newScale, ResourceViewer.MIN_SCALE, ResourceViewer.MAX_SCALE);
setImageWidth(Math.floor(imgElement.naturalWidth * scale));
IMAGE_SCALE_CACHE.set(cacheKey, scale);
function updateMetadata() {
if (metadataClb) {
const scale = Math.round((imgElement.width / imgElement.naturalWidth) * 10000) / 100;
metadataClb(nls.localize('imgMeta', '{0}% {1}x{2} {3}',
context.layout = updateMetadata;
function firstZoom() {
const { clientWidth, naturalWidth } = imgElement;
scale = clientWidth / naturalWidth;
.on(DOM.EventType.KEY_DOWN, (e: KeyboardEvent, c) => {
if (e.altKey) {
scaleDirection = ScaleDirection.OUT;
.on(DOM.EventType.KEY_UP, (e: KeyboardEvent, c) => {
if (!e.altKey) {
scaleDirection = ScaleDirection.IN;
$(container).on(DOM.EventType.MOUSE_DOWN, (e: MouseEvent) => {
if (scale === null) {
// right click
if (e.button === 2) {
} else {
const scaleFactor = scaleDirection === ScaleDirection.IN
? ResourceViewer.SCALE_FACTOR
: 1 / ResourceViewer.SCALE_FACTOR;
updateScale(scale * scaleFactor);
$(container).on(DOM.EventType.WHEEL, (e: WheelEvent) => {
// pinching is reported as scroll wheel + ctrl
if (!e.ctrlKey) {
if (scale === null) {
// scrolling up, pinching out should increase the scale
const delta = -e.deltaY;
updateScale(scale + delta * ResourceViewer.SCALE_PINCH_FACTOR);
return context;
} else {
const imageContainer = $(container)
text: nls.localize('largeImageError', "The image is too large to display in the editor. ")
if (descriptor.resource.scheme !== Schemas.data) {
imageContainer.append($('a', {
role: 'button',
class: 'open-external',
text: nls.localize('resourceOpenExternalButton', "Open image using external program?")
}).on(DOM.EventType.CLICK, (e) => {
// Handle generic Binary Files
else {
text: nls.localize('nativeBinaryError', "The file will not be displayed in the editor because it is either binary, very large or uses an unsupported text encoding.")
class ImageView {
private static readonly MAX_IMAGE_SIZE = BinarySize.MB; // showing images inline is memory intense, so we have a limit
if (metadataClb) {
public static create(
container: Builder,
descriptor: IResourceDescriptor,
scrollbar: DomScrollableElement,
openExternal: (uri: URI) => void,
metadataClb: (meta: string) => void
): ResourceViewerContext | null {
if (ImageView.shouldShowImageInline(descriptor)) {
return InlineImageView.create(container, descriptor, scrollbar, metadataClb);
LargeImageView.create(container, descriptor, openExternal);
return null;
private static inlineImage(descriptor: IResourceDescriptor): boolean {
private static shouldShowImageInline(descriptor: IResourceDescriptor): boolean {
let skipInlineImage: boolean;
// Data URI
......@@ -319,34 +181,196 @@ export class ResourceViewer {
const base64MarkerIndex = descriptor.resource.path.indexOf(BASE64_MARKER);
const hasData = base64MarkerIndex >= 0 && descriptor.resource.path.substring(base64MarkerIndex + BASE64_MARKER.length).length > 0;
skipInlineImage = !hasData || descriptor.size > ResourceViewer.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE || descriptor.resource.path.length > ResourceViewer.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE;
skipInlineImage = !hasData || descriptor.size > ImageView.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE || descriptor.resource.path.length > ImageView.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE;
// File URI
else {
skipInlineImage = typeof descriptor.size !== 'number' || descriptor.size > ResourceViewer.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE;
skipInlineImage = typeof descriptor.size !== 'number' || descriptor.size > ImageView.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE;
return !skipInlineImage;
private static formatSize(size: number): string {
if (size < ResourceViewer.KB) {
return nls.localize('sizeB', "{0}B", size);
class LargeImageView {
public static create(
container: Builder,
descriptor: IResourceDescriptor,
openExternal: (uri: URI) => void
) {
const imageContainer = $(container)
text: nls.localize('largeImageError', "The image is too large to display in the editor. ")
if (descriptor.resource.scheme !== Schemas.data) {
imageContainer.append($('a', {
role: 'button',
class: 'open-external',
text: nls.localize('resourceOpenExternalButton', "Open image using external program?")
}).on(DOM.EventType.CLICK, (e) => {
if (size < ResourceViewer.MB) {
return nls.localize('sizeKB', "{0}KB", (size / ResourceViewer.KB).toFixed(2));
class GenericBinaryFileView {
public static create(
container: Builder,
metadataClb: (meta: string) => void,
descriptor: IResourceDescriptor,
scrollbar: DomScrollableElement
) {
text: nls.localize('nativeBinaryError', "The file will not be displayed in the editor because it is either binary, very large or uses an unsupported text encoding.")
if (metadataClb) {
class InlineImageView {
private static readonly SCALE_PINCH_FACTOR = 0.1;
private static readonly SCALE_FACTOR = 1.5;
private static readonly MAX_SCALE = 20;
private static readonly MIN_SCALE = 0.1;
private static readonly PIXELATION_THRESHOLD = 64; // enable image-rendering: pixelated for images less than this
* Chrome is caching images very aggressively and so we use the ETag information to find out if
* we need to bypass the cache or not. We could always bypass the cache everytime we show the image
* however that has very bad impact on memory consumption because each time the image gets shown,
* memory grows (see also https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/6275)
private static IMAGE_RESOURCE_ETAG_CACHE = new LRUCache<string, { etag: string, src: string }>(100);
* Store the scale of an image so it can be restored when changing editor tabs
private static readonly IMAGE_SCALE_CACHE = new LRUCache<string, number>(100);
public static create(
container: Builder,
descriptor: IResourceDescriptor,
scrollbar: DomScrollableElement,
metadataClb: (meta: string) => void
) {
const context = {
layout(dimension: Dimension) { }
.addClass('image', 'zoom-in')
.img({ src: InlineImageView.imageSrc(descriptor) })
.on(DOM.EventType.LOAD, (e, img) => {
const imgElement = <HTMLImageElement>img.getHTMLElement();
const cacheKey = descriptor.resource.toString();
let scaleDirection = ScaleDirection.IN;
let scale = InlineImageView.IMAGE_SCALE_CACHE.get(cacheKey) || null;
if (scale) {
if (imgElement.naturalWidth < InlineImageView.PIXELATION_THRESHOLD
|| imgElement.naturalHeight < InlineImageView.PIXELATION_THRESHOLD) {
function setImageWidth(width) {
img.style('width', `${width}px`);
img.style('height', 'auto');
function updateScale(newScale) {
scale = clamp(newScale, InlineImageView.MIN_SCALE, InlineImageView.MAX_SCALE);
setImageWidth(Math.floor(imgElement.naturalWidth * scale));
InlineImageView.IMAGE_SCALE_CACHE.set(cacheKey, scale);
function updateMetadata() {
if (metadataClb) {
const scale = Math.round((imgElement.width / imgElement.naturalWidth) * 10000) / 100;
metadataClb(nls.localize('imgMeta', '{0}% {1}x{2} {3}', scale, imgElement.naturalWidth, imgElement.naturalHeight, BinarySize.formatSize(descriptor.size)));
context.layout = updateMetadata;
function firstZoom() {
const { clientWidth, naturalWidth } = imgElement;
scale = clientWidth / naturalWidth;
.on(DOM.EventType.KEY_DOWN, (e: KeyboardEvent, c) => {
if (e.altKey) {
scaleDirection = ScaleDirection.OUT;
.on(DOM.EventType.KEY_UP, (e: KeyboardEvent, c) => {
if (!e.altKey) {
scaleDirection = ScaleDirection.IN;
$(container).on(DOM.EventType.MOUSE_DOWN, (e: MouseEvent) => {
if (scale === null) {
// right click
if (e.button === 2) {
else {
const scaleFactor = scaleDirection === ScaleDirection.IN
? InlineImageView.SCALE_FACTOR
: 1 / InlineImageView.SCALE_FACTOR;
updateScale(scale * scaleFactor);
$(container).on(DOM.EventType.WHEEL, (e: WheelEvent) => {
// pinching is reported as scroll wheel + ctrl
if (!e.ctrlKey) {
if (scale === null) {
// scrolling up, pinching out should increase the scale
const delta = -e.deltaY;
updateScale(scale + delta * InlineImageView.SCALE_PINCH_FACTOR);
return context;
private static imageSrc(descriptor: IResourceDescriptor): string {
if (descriptor.resource.scheme === Schemas.data) {
return descriptor.resource.toString(true /* skip encoding */);
const src = descriptor.resource.toString();
if (size < ResourceViewer.GB) {
return nls.localize('sizeMB', "{0}MB", (size / ResourceViewer.MB).toFixed(2));
let cached = InlineImageView.IMAGE_RESOURCE_ETAG_CACHE.get(src);
if (!cached) {
cached = { etag: descriptor.etag, src };
InlineImageView.IMAGE_RESOURCE_ETAG_CACHE.set(src, cached);
if (size < ResourceViewer.TB) {
return nls.localize('sizeGB', "{0}GB", (size / ResourceViewer.GB).toFixed(2));
if (cached.etag !== descriptor.etag) {
cached.etag = descriptor.etag;
cached.src = `${src}?${Date.now()}`; // bypass cache with this trick
return nls.localize('sizeTB', "{0}TB", (size / ResourceViewer.TB).toFixed(2));
return cached.src;
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