提交 e1df010e 编写于 作者: D Dirk Baeumer

Translation import.

上级 7d7338cd
......@@ -4,11 +4,10 @@
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"externalTerminal.linuxExec": "自定义要在 Linux 上运行的终端。",
"externalTerminal.windowsExec": "自定义要在 Windows 上运行的终端。",
"globalConsoleActionMacLinux": "打开新终端",
"globalConsoleActionWin": "打开新命令提示符",
"scopedConsoleActionMacLinux": "在终端中打开",
"scopedConsoleActionWin": "在命令提示符中打开",
"terminal.external.windowsExec": "自定义要在 Windows 上运行的终端。",
"terminalConfigurationTitle": "外部终端配置"
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// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"galleryExtensionsCommands": "安装库扩展",
"localExtensionsCommands": "显示本地扩展",
"outdatedExtensionsCommands": "更新过时扩展",
"extensions": "扩展",
"reloadNow": "立即重启",
"success": "已成功安装扩展,请重启以启用它们。",
"successSingle": "已成功安装 {0} 。请重启以启用它。",
"suggestedExtensionsCommands": "显示扩展建议"
"successSingle": "已成功安装 {0} 。请重启以启用它。"
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// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"externalTerminal.linuxExec": "自訂要在 Linux 上執行的終端機。",
"externalTerminal.windowsExec": "自訂要在 Windows 執行的終端機。",
"globalConsoleActionMacLinux": "開啟新的終端機",
"globalConsoleActionWin": "開啟新的命令提示字元",
"scopedConsoleActionMacLinux": "在終端機中開啟",
"scopedConsoleActionWin": "在命令提示字元中開啟",
"terminal.external.windowsExec": "自訂要在 Windows 上執行的終端機。",
"terminalConfigurationTitle": "外部終端機組態"
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// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"galleryExtensionsCommands": "安裝資源庫擴充功能",
"localExtensionsCommands": "顯示本機擴充功能",
"outdatedExtensionsCommands": "更新過期的擴充功能",
"extensions": "延伸模組",
"reloadNow": "立即重新啟動",
"success": "已成功安裝擴充功能。請重新啟動加以啟用。",
"successSingle": "已成功安裝 {0}。請重新啟動加以啟用。",
"suggestedExtensionsCommands": "顯示擴充功能建議"
"successSingle": "已成功安裝 {0}。請重新啟動加以啟用。"
\ No newline at end of file
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// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"externalTerminal.linuxExec": "Passt an, welches Terminal für Linux ausgeführt werden soll.",
"externalTerminal.windowsExec": "Passt an, welches Terminal für Windows ausgeführt werden soll.",
"globalConsoleActionMacLinux": "Neues Terminal öffnen",
"globalConsoleActionWin": "Neue Eingabeaufforderung öffnen",
"scopedConsoleActionMacLinux": "In Terminal öffnen",
"scopedConsoleActionWin": "In Eingabeaufforderung öffnen",
"terminal.external.windowsExec": "Passt an, welches Terminal für Windows ausgeführt werden soll.",
"terminalConfigurationTitle": "Externe Terminalkonfiguration"
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// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"galleryExtensionsCommands": "Katalogextensions installieren",
"localExtensionsCommands": "Lokale Extensions anzeigen",
"outdatedExtensionsCommands": "Veraltete Extensions aktualisieren",
"extensions": "Extensions",
"reloadNow": "Jetzt neu starten",
"success": "Extensions wurden erfolgreich installiert. Führen Sie einen Neustart aus, um sie zu aktivieren.",
"successSingle": "{0} wurde erfolgreich installiert. Führen Sie zur Aktivierung einen Neustart aus.",
"suggestedExtensionsCommands": "Extensionempfehlungen anzeigen"
"successSingle": "{0} wurde erfolgreich installiert. Führen Sie zur Aktivierung einen Neustart aus."
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,5 +8,6 @@
"globalConsoleActionWin": "Abrir nuevo símbolo del sistema",
"scopedConsoleActionMacLinux": "Abrir en terminal",
"scopedConsoleActionWin": "Abrir en símbolo del sistema",
"terminal.external.windowsExec": "Personaliza qué terminal debe ejecutarse en Windows.",
"terminalConfigurationTitle": "Configuración de terminal"
\ No newline at end of file
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// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"galleryExtensionsCommands": "Instalar extensiones de la galería",
"localExtensionsCommands": "Mostrar extensiones locales",
"outdatedExtensionsCommands": "Actualizar extensiones obsoletas",
"extensions": "Extensiones",
"reloadNow": "Reiniciar ahora",
"success": "Las extensiones se instalaron correctamente. Reinicie para habilitarlas.",
"successSingle": "{0} se instaló correctamente. Reinicie para habilitarla.",
"suggestedExtensionsCommands": "Mostrar recomendaciones de extensión"
"successSingle": "{0} se instaló correctamente. Reinicie para habilitarla."
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"externalTerminal.windowsExec": "Personnalise le terminal à exécuter sur Windows.",
"globalConsoleActionMacLinux": "Ouvrir un nouveau Terminal",
"globalConsoleActionWin": "Ouvrir une nouvelle invite de commandes",
"scopedConsoleActionMacLinux": "Ouvrir dans Terminal",
"scopedConsoleActionWin": "Ouvrir dans l'invite de commandes",
"terminal.external.windowsExec": "Personnalise le terminal à exécuter sur Windows.",
"terminalConfigurationTitle": "Configuration du terminal"
\ No newline at end of file
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// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"galleryExtensionsCommands": "Installer les extensions de la galerie",
"localExtensionsCommands": "Afficher les extensions locales",
"outdatedExtensionsCommands": "Mettre à jour les extensions obsolètes",
"extensions": "Extensions",
"reloadNow": "Redémarrer maintenant",
"success": "Les extensions ont été installées correctement. Redémarrez pour les activer.",
"successSingle": "{0} a été installé correctement. Redémarrez pour l'activer.",
"suggestedExtensionsCommands": "Afficher les extensions recommandées"
"successSingle": "{0} a été installé correctement. Redémarrez pour l'activer."
\ No newline at end of file
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// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"externalTerminal.windowsExec": "Personalizza il terminale da eseguire in Windows.",
"globalConsoleActionMacLinux": "Apri nuovo terminale",
"globalConsoleActionWin": "Apri nuovo prompt dei comandi",
"scopedConsoleActionMacLinux": "Apri nel terminale",
"scopedConsoleActionWin": "Apri nel prompt dei comandi",
"terminal.external.windowsExec": "Personalizza il terminale da eseguire in Windows.",
"terminalConfigurationTitle": "Configurazione del terminale"
\ No newline at end of file
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// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"galleryExtensionsCommands": "Installa estensioni della raccolta",
"localExtensionsCommands": "Mostra estensioni locali",
"outdatedExtensionsCommands": "Aggiorna estensioni obsolete",
"extensions": "Estensioni",
"reloadNow": "Riavvia ora",
"success": "Le estensioni sono state installate. Riavviare per abilitarle.",
"successSingle": "{0} è stato installato. Riavviare per abilitarlo.",
"suggestedExtensionsCommands": "Mostra suggerimenti per estensioni"
"successSingle": "{0} è stato installato. Riavviare per abilitarlo."
\ No newline at end of file
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// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"externalTerminal.linuxExec": "どのターミナルを Linux で実行するかをカスタマイズします。",
"externalTerminal.windowsExec": "どのターミナルを Windows で実行するかをカスタマイズします。",
"globalConsoleActionMacLinux": "新しいターミナルを開く",
"globalConsoleActionWin": "新しいコマンド プロンプトを開く",
"scopedConsoleActionMacLinux": "ターミナルで開く",
"scopedConsoleActionWin": "コマンド プロンプトで開く",
"terminal.external.windowsExec": "どのターミナルを Windows で実行するかをカスタマイズします。",
"terminalConfigurationTitle": "外部ターミナルの構成"
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// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"galleryExtensionsCommands": "ギャラリー拡張機能のインストール",
"localExtensionsCommands": "ローカル拡張機能の表示",
"outdatedExtensionsCommands": "古くなった拡張機能の更新",
"extensions": "拡張機能",
"reloadNow": "今すぐ再起動",
"success": "拡張機能は正常にインストールされました。有効にするには再起動してください。",
"successSingle": "{0} は正常にインストールされました。有効にするには再起動してください。",
"suggestedExtensionsCommands": "拡張機能のおすすめの表示"
"successSingle": "{0} は正常にインストールされました。有効にするには再起動してください。"
\ No newline at end of file
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// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"externalTerminal.linuxExec": "Linux에서 실행할 터미널을 사용자 지정합니다.",
"externalTerminal.windowsExec": "Windows에서 실행할 터미널을 사용자 지정합니다.",
"globalConsoleActionMacLinux": "새 터미널 열기",
"globalConsoleActionWin": "새 명령 프롬프트 열기",
"scopedConsoleActionMacLinux": "터미널에서 열기",
"scopedConsoleActionWin": "명령 프롬프트에서 열기",
"terminal.external.windowsExec": "Windows에서 실행할 터미널을 사용자 지정합니다.",
"terminalConfigurationTitle": "외부 터미널 구성"
\ No newline at end of file
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// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"galleryExtensionsCommands": "갤러리 확장 설치",
"localExtensionsCommands": "로컬 확장 표시",
"outdatedExtensionsCommands": "만료된 확장 업데이트",
"extensions": "확장",
"reloadNow": "지금 다시 시작",
"success": "확장이 설치되었습니다. 확장을 사용하려면 다시 시작하세요.",
"successSingle": "{0}이(가) 설치되었습니다. 사용하도록 설정하려면 다시 시작하세요.",
"suggestedExtensionsCommands": "확장 권장 사항 표시"
"successSingle": "{0}이(가) 설치되었습니다. 사용하도록 설정하려면 다시 시작하세요."
\ No newline at end of file
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// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"externalTerminal.linuxExec": "Настройка терминала для запуска в Linux.",
"externalTerminal.windowsExec": "Настройка терминала для запуска в Windows.",
"globalConsoleActionMacLinux": "Открыть новый терминал",
"globalConsoleActionWin": "Открыть новую командную строку",
"scopedConsoleActionMacLinux": "Открыть в терминале",
"scopedConsoleActionWin": "Открыть в командной строке",
"terminal.external.windowsExec": "Настройка терминала, который будет запущен в Windows.",
"terminalConfigurationTitle": "Конфигурация внешнего терминала"
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// Do not edit this file. It is machine generated.
"galleryExtensionsCommands": "Установить расширения из коллекции",
"localExtensionsCommands": "Показать локальные расширения",
"outdatedExtensionsCommands": "Обновить устаревшие расширения",
"extensions": "Расширения",
"reloadNow": "Перезагрузка",
"success": "Расширения были успешно установлены. Чтобы включить их, выполните перезапуск.",
"successSingle": "Расширение {0} было успешно установлено. Чтобы включить его, выполните перезапуск.",
"suggestedExtensionsCommands": "Показать рекомендуемые расширения"
"successSingle": "Расширение {0} было успешно установлено. Чтобы включить его, выполните перезапуск."
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