提交 e129140c 编写于 作者: S Sandeep Somavarapu

#92990 Use Preferences Sync category

上级 56af4490
......@@ -98,19 +98,19 @@ const getActivityTitle = (label: string, userDataSyncService: IUserDataSyncServi
const getIdentityTitle = (label: string, authenticationProviderId: string, account: AuthenticationSession | undefined, authenticationService: IAuthenticationService): string => {
return account ? `${label} (${authenticationService.getDisplayName(authenticationProviderId)}:${account.accountName})` : label;
const turnOnSyncCommand = { id: 'workbench.userData.actions.syncStart', title: localize('turn on sync with category', "Sync: Turn on Sync") };
const signInCommand = { id: 'workbench.userData.actions.signin', title: localize('sign in', "Sync: Sign in to sync") };
const stopSyncCommand = { id: 'workbench.userData.actions.stopSync', title(authenticationProviderId: string, account: AuthenticationSession | undefined, authenticationService: IAuthenticationService) { return getIdentityTitle(localize('stop sync', "Sync: Turn off Sync"), authenticationProviderId, account, authenticationService); } };
const resolveSettingsConflictsCommand = { id: 'workbench.userData.actions.resolveSettingsConflicts', title: localize('showConflicts', "Sync: Show Settings Conflicts") };
const resolveKeybindingsConflictsCommand = { id: 'workbench.userData.actions.resolveKeybindingsConflicts', title: localize('showKeybindingsConflicts', "Sync: Show Keybindings Conflicts") };
const resolveSnippetsConflictsCommand = { id: 'workbench.userData.actions.resolveSnippetsConflicts', title: localize('showSnippetsConflicts', "Sync: Show User Snippets Conflicts") };
const configureSyncCommand = { id: 'workbench.userData.actions.configureSync', title: localize('configure sync', "Sync: Configure") };
const turnOnSyncCommand = { id: 'workbench.userData.actions.syncStart', title: localize('turn on sync with category', "Preferences Sync: Turn on...") };
const signInCommand = { id: 'workbench.userData.actions.signin', title: localize('sign in', "Preferences Sync: Sign in to sync") };
const stopSyncCommand = { id: 'workbench.userData.actions.stopSync', title(authenticationProviderId: string, account: AuthenticationSession | undefined, authenticationService: IAuthenticationService) { return getIdentityTitle(localize('stop sync', "Preferences Sync: Turn off"), authenticationProviderId, account, authenticationService); } };
const resolveSettingsConflictsCommand = { id: 'workbench.userData.actions.resolveSettingsConflicts', title: localize('showConflicts', "Preferences Sync: Show Settings Conflicts") };
const resolveKeybindingsConflictsCommand = { id: 'workbench.userData.actions.resolveKeybindingsConflicts', title: localize('showKeybindingsConflicts', "Preferences Sync: Show Keybindings Conflicts") };
const resolveSnippetsConflictsCommand = { id: 'workbench.userData.actions.resolveSnippetsConflicts', title: localize('showSnippetsConflicts', "Preferences Sync: Show User Snippets Conflicts") };
const configureSyncCommand = { id: 'workbench.userData.actions.configureSync', title: localize('configure sync', "Preferences Sync: Configure...") };
const showSyncActivityCommand = {
id: 'workbench.userData.actions.showSyncActivity', title(userDataSyncService: IUserDataSyncService): string {
return getActivityTitle(localize('show sync log', "Sync: Show Log"), userDataSyncService);
return getActivityTitle(localize('show sync log', "Preferences Sync: Show Log"), userDataSyncService);
const showSyncSettingsCommand = { id: 'workbench.userData.actions.syncSettings', title: localize('sync settings', "Sync: Settings"), };
const showSyncSettingsCommand = { id: 'workbench.userData.actions.syncSettings', title: localize('sync settings', "Preferences Sync: Show Settings"), };
export class UserDataSyncWorkbenchContribution extends Disposable implements IWorkbenchContribution {
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncWorkbenchContribution extends Disposable implements IWo
private async showSwitchAccountPicker(sessions: readonly AuthenticationSession[]): Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve, _) => {
const quickPick = this.quickInputService.createQuickPick<{ label: string, session: AuthenticationSession }>();
quickPick.title = localize('chooseAccountTitle', "Sync: Choose Account");
quickPick.title = localize('chooseAccountTitle', "Preferences Sync: Choose Account");
quickPick.placeholder = localize('chooseAccount', "Choose an account you would like to use for settings sync");
quickPick.items = sessions.map(session => {
return {
......@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncWorkbenchContribution extends Disposable implements IWo
if (this.userDataSyncService.status !== SyncStatus.Uninitialized && this.userDataSyncEnablementService.isEnabled() && this.authenticationState.get() === AuthStatus.SignedOut) {
badge = new NumberBadge(1, () => localize('sign in to sync', "Sign in to Sync"));
} else if (this.userDataSyncService.conflicts.length) {
badge = new NumberBadge(this.userDataSyncService.conflicts.reduce((result, syncResourceConflict) => { return result + syncResourceConflict.conflicts.length; }, 0), () => localize('has conflicts', "Sync: Conflicts Detected"));
badge = new NumberBadge(this.userDataSyncService.conflicts.reduce((result, syncResourceConflict) => { return result + syncResourceConflict.conflicts.length; }, 0), () => localize('has conflicts', "Preferences Sync: Conflicts Detected"));
if (badge) {
......@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncWorkbenchContribution extends Disposable implements IWo
const disposables: DisposableStore = new DisposableStore();
const quickPick = this.quickInputService.createQuickPick<ConfigureSyncQuickPickItem>();
quickPick.title = localize('turn on title', "Sync: Turn On");
quickPick.title = localize('turn on title', "Preferences Sync: Turn On");
quickPick.ok = false;
quickPick.customButton = true;
if (this.authenticationState.get() === AuthStatus.SignedIn) {
......@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncWorkbenchContribution extends Disposable implements IWo
const disposables: DisposableStore = new DisposableStore();
const quickPick = this.quickInputService.createQuickPick<ConfigureSyncQuickPickItem>();
quickPick.title = localize('turn on sync', "Turn on Sync");
quickPick.title = localize('configure sync', "Preferences Sync: Configure...");
quickPick.placeholder = localize('configure sync placeholder', "Choose what to sync");
quickPick.canSelectMany = true;
quickPick.ignoreFocusOut = true;
......@@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncWorkbenchContribution extends Disposable implements IWo
group: '5_sync',
command: {
id: turnOnSyncCommand.id,
title: localize('global activity turn on sync', "Turn on Sync...")
title: localize('global activity turn on sync', "Preferences Sync: Turn on...")
when: turnOnSyncWhenContext,
order: 1
......@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncWorkbenchContribution extends Disposable implements IWo
group: '5_sync',
command: {
id: turnOnSyncCommand.id,
title: localize('global activity turn on sync', "Turn on Sync...")
title: localize('global activity turn on sync', "Preferences Sync: Turn on...")
when: turnOnSyncWhenContext,
......@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncWorkbenchContribution extends Disposable implements IWo
constructor() {
id: signInCommand.id,
title: localize('sign in 2', "Sync: Sign in to sync (1)"),
title: localize('sign in 2', "Preferences Sync: Sign in to sync (1)"),
menu: {
group: '5_sync',
id: MenuId.GlobalActivity,
......@@ -939,7 +939,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncWorkbenchContribution extends Disposable implements IWo
group: '5_sync',
command: {
id: resolveSettingsConflictsCommand.id,
title: localize('resolveConflicts_global', "Sync: Show Settings Conflicts (1)"),
title: localize('resolveConflicts_global', "Preferences Sync: Show Settings Conflicts (1)"),
when: resolveSettingsConflictsWhenContext,
order: 2
......@@ -948,7 +948,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncWorkbenchContribution extends Disposable implements IWo
group: '5_sync',
command: {
id: resolveSettingsConflictsCommand.id,
title: localize('resolveConflicts_global', "Sync: Show Settings Conflicts (1)"),
title: localize('resolveConflicts_global', "Preferences Sync: Show Settings Conflicts (1)"),
when: resolveSettingsConflictsWhenContext,
order: 2
......@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncWorkbenchContribution extends Disposable implements IWo
group: '5_sync',
command: {
id: resolveKeybindingsConflictsCommand.id,
title: localize('resolveKeybindingsConflicts_global', "Sync: Show Keybindings Conflicts (1)"),
title: localize('resolveKeybindingsConflicts_global', "Preferences Sync: Show Keybindings Conflicts (1)"),
when: resolveKeybindingsConflictsWhenContext,
order: 2
......@@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncWorkbenchContribution extends Disposable implements IWo
group: '5_sync',
command: {
id: resolveKeybindingsConflictsCommand.id,
title: localize('resolveKeybindingsConflicts_global', "Sync: Show Keybindings Conflicts (1)"),
title: localize('resolveKeybindingsConflicts_global', "Preferences Sync: Show Keybindings Conflicts (1)"),
when: resolveKeybindingsConflictsWhenContext,
order: 2
......@@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncWorkbenchContribution extends Disposable implements IWo
group: '5_sync',
command: {
id: resolveSnippetsConflictsCommand.id,
title: localize('resolveSnippetsConflicts_global', "Sync: Show User Snippets Conflicts ({0})", conflicts?.length || 1),
title: localize('resolveSnippetsConflicts_global', "Preferences Sync: Show User Snippets Conflicts ({0})", conflicts?.length || 1),
when: resolveSnippetsConflictsWhenContext,
order: 2
......@@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncWorkbenchContribution extends Disposable implements IWo
group: '5_sync',
command: {
id: resolveSnippetsConflictsCommand.id,
title: localize('resolveSnippetsConflicts_global', "Sync: Show User Snippets Conflicts ({0})", conflicts?.length || 1),
title: localize('resolveSnippetsConflicts_global', "Preferences Sync: Show User Snippets Conflicts ({0})", conflicts?.length || 1),
when: resolveSnippetsConflictsWhenContext,
order: 2
......@@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncWorkbenchContribution extends Disposable implements IWo
constructor() {
id: 'workbench.userData.actions.syncStatus',
title: localize('sync is on', "Sync is on"),
title: localize('sync is on', "Preferences Sync: On"),
menu: [
id: MenuId.GlobalActivity,
......@@ -1262,8 +1262,8 @@ class AcceptChangesContribution extends Disposable implements IEditorContributio
const result = await this.dialogService.confirm({
type: 'info',
title: isRemote
? localize('Sync accept remote', "Sync: {0}", acceptRemoteLabel)
: localize('Sync accept local', "Sync: {0}", acceptLocalLabel),
? localize('Sync accept remote', "Preferences Sync: {0}", acceptRemoteLabel)
: localize('Sync accept local', "Preferences Sync: {0}", acceptLocalLabel),
message: isRemote
? localize('confirm replace and overwrite local', "Would you like to accept remote {0} and replace local {1}?", syncAreaLabel.toLowerCase(), syncAreaLabel.toLowerCase())
: localize('confirm replace and overwrite remote', "Would you like to accept local {0} and replace remote {1}?", syncAreaLabel.toLowerCase(), syncAreaLabel.toLowerCase()),
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export class UserDataSyncViewContribution implements IWorkbenchContribution {
return Registry.as<IViewContainersRegistry>(Extensions.ViewContainersRegistry).registerViewContainer(
id: 'workbench.view.sync',
name: localize('sync', "Sync"),
name: localize('sync preferences', "Preferences Sync"),
ctorDescriptor: new SyncDescriptor(
['workbench.view.sync', `workbench.view.sync.state`, { mergeViewWithContainerWhenSingleView: true }]
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