提交 d766e6ba 编写于 作者: M Martin Aeschlimann

=revert changes to themes.contribution.ts

上级 c197be4e
......@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import { IQuickInputService, QuickPickInput } from 'vs/platform/quickinput/commo
import { ConfigurationTarget } from 'vs/platform/configuration/common/configuration';
import { DEFAULT_PRODUCT_ICON_THEME_ID } from 'vs/workbench/services/themes/browser/productIconThemeData';
import { IGettingStartedService } from 'vs/workbench/services/gettingStarted/common/gettingStartedService';
import { IProgressService, ProgressLocation } from 'vs/platform/progress/common/progress';
export class SelectColorThemeAction extends Action {
......@@ -298,20 +297,11 @@ class GenerateColorThemeAction extends Action {
label: string,
@IWorkbenchThemeService private readonly themeService: IWorkbenchThemeService,
@IEditorService private readonly editorService: IEditorService,
@IProgressService readonly progressService: IProgressService
) {
super(id, label);
async run(): Promise<any> {
await this.progressService.withProgress({ location: ProgressLocation.Dialog }, async (r) => {
r.report({ message: 'ssdf', total: 30 });
return new Promise<void>((s, e) => {
setTimeout(() => s(), 5000);
run(): Promise<any> {
let theme = this.themeService.getColorTheme();
let colors = Registry.as<IColorRegistry>(ColorRegistryExtensions.ColorContribution).getColors();
let colorIds = colors.map(c => c.id).sort();
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