提交 d616c781 编写于 作者: R Rob Lourens

Refactor search - remove search-rg text impl

上级 dc2206a1
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { RipgrepFileSearchEngine } from './ripgrepFileSearch';
import { RipgrepTextSearchEngine } from './ripgrepTextSearch';
export function activate(): void {
if (vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('searchRipgrep').get('enable')) {
......@@ -13,22 +12,16 @@ export function activate(): void {
const provider = new RipgrepSearchProvider(outputChannel);
vscode.workspace.registerFileIndexProvider('file', provider);
vscode.workspace.registerTextSearchProvider('file', provider);
class RipgrepSearchProvider implements vscode.FileIndexProvider, vscode.TextSearchProvider {
class RipgrepSearchProvider implements vscode.FileIndexProvider {
private inProgress: Set<vscode.CancellationTokenSource> = new Set();
constructor(private outputChannel: vscode.OutputChannel) {
process.once('exit', () => this.dispose());
provideTextSearchResults(query: vscode.TextSearchQuery, options: vscode.TextSearchOptions, progress: vscode.Progress<vscode.TextSearchResult>, token: vscode.CancellationToken): Promise<vscode.TextSearchComplete> {
const engine = new RipgrepTextSearchEngine(this.outputChannel);
return this.withToken(token, token => engine.provideTextSearchResults(query, options, progress, token));
provideFileIndex(options: vscode.FileSearchOptions, token: vscode.CancellationToken): Thenable<vscode.Uri[]> {
const engine = new RipgrepFileSearchEngine(this.outputChannel);
......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import { NodeStringDecoder, StringDecoder } from 'string_decoder';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { normalizeNFC, normalizeNFD } from './normalization';
import { rgPath } from './ripgrep';
import { rgErrorMsgForDisplay } from './ripgrepTextSearch';
import { anchorGlob, Maybe } from './utils';
const isMac = process.platform === 'darwin';
......@@ -210,3 +209,34 @@ function getRgArgs(options: vscode.FileSearchOptions): string[] {
return args;
* Read the first line of stderr and return an error for display or undefined, based on a whitelist.
* Ripgrep produces stderr output which is not from a fatal error, and we only want the search to be
* "failed" when a fatal error was produced.
export function rgErrorMsgForDisplay(msg: string): Maybe<string> {
const firstLine = msg.split('\n')[0].trim();
if (firstLine.startsWith('Error parsing regex')) {
return firstLine;
if (firstLine.startsWith('error parsing glob') ||
firstLine.startsWith('unsupported encoding')) {
// Uppercase first letter
return firstLine.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + firstLine.substr(1);
if (firstLine === `Literal '\\n' not allowed.`) {
// I won't localize this because none of the Ripgrep error messages are localized
return `Literal '\\n' currently not supported`;
if (firstLine.startsWith('Literal ')) {
// Other unsupported chars
return firstLine;
return undefined;
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as cp from 'child_process';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import * as path from 'path';
import { NodeStringDecoder, StringDecoder } from 'string_decoder';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { rgPath } from './ripgrep';
import { anchorGlob, createTextSearchResult, Maybe } from './utils';
// If vscode-ripgrep is in an .asar file, then the binary is unpacked.
const rgDiskPath = rgPath.replace(/\bnode_modules\.asar\b/, 'node_modules.asar.unpacked');
export class RipgrepTextSearchEngine {
constructor(private outputChannel: vscode.OutputChannel) { }
provideTextSearchResults(query: vscode.TextSearchQuery, options: vscode.TextSearchOptions, progress: vscode.Progress<vscode.TextSearchResult>, token: vscode.CancellationToken): Thenable<vscode.TextSearchComplete> {
this.outputChannel.appendLine(`provideTextSearchResults ${query.pattern}, ${JSON.stringify({
folder: options.folder.toString()
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
token.onCancellationRequested(() => cancel());
const rgArgs = getRgArgs(query, options);
const cwd = options.folder.fsPath;
const escapedArgs = rgArgs
.map(arg => arg.match(/^-/) ? arg : `'${arg}'`)
.join(' ');
this.outputChannel.appendLine(`rg ${escapedArgs}\n - cwd: ${cwd}`);
let rgProc: Maybe<cp.ChildProcess> = cp.spawn(rgDiskPath, rgArgs, { cwd });
rgProc.on('error', e => {
this.outputChannel.append('Error: ' + (e && e.message));
let gotResult = false;
const ripgrepParser = new RipgrepParser(options.maxResults, cwd, options.previewOptions);
ripgrepParser.on('result', (match: vscode.TextSearchResult) => {
gotResult = true;
let isDone = false;
const cancel = () => {
isDone = true;
if (rgProc) {
if (ripgrepParser) {
let limitHit = false;
ripgrepParser.on('hitLimit', () => {
limitHit = true;
rgProc.stdout.on('data', data => {
let gotData = false;
rgProc.stdout.once('data', () => gotData = true);
let stderr = '';
rgProc.stderr.on('data', data => {
const message = data.toString();
stderr += message;
rgProc.on('close', () => {
this.outputChannel.appendLine(gotData ? 'Got data from stdout' : 'No data from stdout');
this.outputChannel.appendLine(gotResult ? 'Got result from parser' : 'No result from parser');
if (isDone) {
resolve({ limitHit });
} else {
// Trigger last result
rgProc = null;
let displayMsg: Maybe<string>;
if (stderr && !gotData && (displayMsg = rgErrorMsgForDisplay(stderr))) {
reject(new Error(displayMsg));
} else {
resolve({ limitHit });
* Read the first line of stderr and return an error for display or undefined, based on a whitelist.
* Ripgrep produces stderr output which is not from a fatal error, and we only want the search to be
* "failed" when a fatal error was produced.
export function rgErrorMsgForDisplay(msg: string): Maybe<string> {
const firstLine = msg.split('\n')[0].trim();
if (firstLine.startsWith('Error parsing regex')) {
return firstLine;
if (firstLine.startsWith('error parsing glob') ||
firstLine.startsWith('unsupported encoding')) {
// Uppercase first letter
return firstLine.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + firstLine.substr(1);
if (firstLine === `Literal '\\n' not allowed.`) {
// I won't localize this because none of the Ripgrep error messages are localized
return `Literal '\\n' currently not supported`;
if (firstLine.startsWith('Literal ')) {
// Other unsupported chars
return firstLine;
return undefined;
export class RipgrepParser extends EventEmitter {
private remainder = '';
private isDone = false;
private stringDecoder: NodeStringDecoder;
private numResults = 0;
constructor(private maxResults: number, private rootFolder: string, private previewOptions?: vscode.TextSearchPreviewOptions) {
this.stringDecoder = new StringDecoder();
public cancel(): void {
this.isDone = true;
public flush(): void {
public handleData(data: Buffer | string): void {
const dataStr = typeof data === 'string' ? data : this.stringDecoder.write(data);
private handleDecodedData(decodedData: string): void {
// If the previous data chunk didn't end in a newline, prepend it to this chunk
const dataStr = this.remainder ?
this.remainder + decodedData :
const dataLines: string[] = dataStr.split(/\r\n|\n/);
this.remainder = dataLines[dataLines.length - 1] ? <string>dataLines.pop() : '';
for (let l = 0; l < dataLines.length; l++) {
const line = dataLines[l];
if (line) { // Empty line at the end of each chunk
private handleLine(outputLine: string): void {
if (this.isDone) {
let parsedLine: any;
try {
parsedLine = JSON.parse(outputLine);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`malformed line from rg: ${outputLine}`);
if (parsedLine.type === 'match') {
let hitLimit = false;
const uri = vscode.Uri.file(path.join(this.rootFolder, parsedLine.data.path.text));
parsedLine.data.submatches.map((match: any) => {
if (hitLimit) {
return null;
if (this.numResults >= this.maxResults) {
// Finish the line, then report the result below
hitLimit = true;
return this.submatchToResult(parsedLine, match, uri);
}).forEach((result: any) => {
if (result) {
if (hitLimit) {
private submatchToResult(parsedLine: any, match: any, uri: vscode.Uri): vscode.TextSearchResult {
const lineNumber = parsedLine.data.line_number - 1;
let matchText = parsedLine.data.lines.bytes ?
new Buffer(parsedLine.data.lines.bytes, 'base64').toString() :
let start = match.start;
let end = match.end;
if (lineNumber === 0) {
if (startsWithUTF8BOM(matchText)) {
matchText = stripUTF8BOM(matchText);
start -= 3;
end -= 3;
const range = new vscode.Range(lineNumber, start, lineNumber, end);
return createTextSearchResult(uri, matchText, range, this.previewOptions);
private onResult(match: vscode.TextSearchResult): void {
this.emit('result', match);
function getRgArgs(query: vscode.TextSearchQuery, options: vscode.TextSearchOptions): string[] {
const args = ['--hidden', '--heading', '--line-number', '--color', 'ansi', '--colors', 'path:none', '--colors', 'line:none', '--colors', 'match:fg:red', '--colors', 'match:style:nobold'];
args.push(query.isCaseSensitive ? '--case-sensitive' : '--ignore-case');
.forEach(globArg => args.push('-g', globArg));
.forEach(rgGlob => args.push('-g', `!${rgGlob}`));
if (options.maxFileSize) {
args.push('--max-filesize', options.maxFileSize + '');
if (options.useIgnoreFiles) {
} else {
// Don't use .gitignore or .ignore
if (options.followSymlinks) {
if (options.encoding) {
args.push('--encoding', options.encoding);
// Ripgrep handles -- as a -- arg separator. Only --.
// - is ok, --- is ok, --some-flag is handled as query text. Need to special case.
if (query.pattern === '--') {
query.isRegExp = true;
query.pattern = '\\-\\-';
let searchPatternAfterDoubleDashes: Maybe<string>;
if (query.isWordMatch) {
const regexp = createRegExp(query.pattern, !!query.isRegExp, { wholeWord: query.isWordMatch });
const regexpStr = regexp.source.replace(/\\\//g, '/'); // RegExp.source arbitrarily returns escaped slashes. Search and destroy.
args.push('--regexp', regexpStr);
} else if (query.isRegExp) {
args.push('--regexp', fixRegexEndingPattern(query.pattern));
} else {
searchPatternAfterDoubleDashes = query.pattern;
if (!options.useGlobalIgnoreFiles) {
// Folder to search
if (searchPatternAfterDoubleDashes) {
// Put the query after --, in case the query starts with a dash
return args;
interface RegExpOptions {
matchCase?: boolean;
wholeWord?: boolean;
multiline?: boolean;
global?: boolean;
function createRegExp(searchString: string, isRegex: boolean, options: RegExpOptions = {}): RegExp {
if (!searchString) {
throw new Error('Cannot create regex from empty string');
if (!isRegex) {
searchString = escapeRegExpCharacters(searchString);
if (options.wholeWord) {
if (!/\B/.test(searchString.charAt(0))) {
searchString = '\\b' + searchString;
if (!/\B/.test(searchString.charAt(searchString.length - 1))) {
searchString = searchString + '\\b';
let modifiers = '';
if (options.global) {
modifiers += 'g';
if (!options.matchCase) {
modifiers += 'i';
if (options.multiline) {
modifiers += 'm';
return new RegExp(searchString, modifiers);
* Escapes regular expression characters in a given string
function escapeRegExpCharacters(value: string): string {
return value.replace(/[\-\\\{\}\*\+\?\|\^\$\.\[\]\(\)\#]/g, '\\$&');
// -- UTF-8 BOM
const UTF8_BOM = 65279;
function startsWithUTF8BOM(str: string): boolean {
return !!(str && str.length > 0 && str.charCodeAt(0) === UTF8_BOM);
function stripUTF8BOM(str: string): string {
return startsWithUTF8BOM(str) ? str.substr(1) : str;
function fixRegexEndingPattern(pattern: string): string {
// Replace an unescaped $ at the end of the pattern with \r?$
// Match $ preceeded by none or even number of literal \
return pattern.match(/([^\\]|^)(\\\\)*\$$/) ?
pattern.replace(/\$$/, '\\r?$') :
\ No newline at end of file
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