未验证 提交 d39ba974 编写于 作者: J Johannes Rieken 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #102760 from microsoft/joh/celldocs

Clean up and simplify cell text document world
......@@ -131,6 +131,46 @@ suite('Notebook API tests', () => {
await firstDocumentClose;
test('notebook open/close, all cell-documents are ready', async function () {
const resource = await createRandomFile('', undefined, 'first', '.vsctestnb');
const p = getEventOncePromise(vscode.notebook.onDidOpenNotebookDocument).then(notebook => {
for (let cell of notebook.cells) {
const doc = vscode.workspace.textDocuments.find(doc => doc.uri.toString() === cell.uri.toString());
assert.strictEqual(doc === cell.document, true);
assert.strictEqual(doc?.languageId, cell.language);
assert.strictEqual(doc?.isDirty, false);
assert.strictEqual(doc?.isClosed, false);
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('vscode.openWith', resource, 'notebookCoreTest');
await p;
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.closeAllEditors');
test('notebook open/close, notebook ready when cell-document open event is fired', async function () {
const resource = await createRandomFile('', undefined, 'first', '.vsctestnb');
let didHappen = false;
const p = getEventOncePromise(vscode.workspace.onDidOpenTextDocument).then(doc => {
if (doc.uri.scheme !== 'vscode-notebook-cell') {
const notebook = vscode.notebook.notebookDocuments.find(notebook => {
const cell = notebook.cells.find(cell => cell.document === doc);
return Boolean(cell);
assert.ok(notebook, `notebook for cell ${doc.uri} NOT found`);
didHappen = true;
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('vscode.openWith', resource, 'notebookCoreTest');
await p;
assert.strictEqual(didHappen, true);
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.closeAllEditors');
test('shared document in notebook editors', async function () {
......@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ export namespace Schemas {
export const vscodeNotebook = 'vscode-notebook';
export const vscodeNotebookCell = 'vscode-notebook-cell';
export const vscodeSettings = 'vscode-settings';
export const webviewPanel = 'webview-panel';
......@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ export class MainThreadNotebooks extends Disposable implements MainThreadNoteboo
async removeNotebookTextModel(uri: URI): Promise<void> {
// TODO@rebornix, remove cell should use emitDelta as well to ensure document/editor events are sent together
await this._proxy.$acceptDocumentAndEditorsDelta({ removedDocuments: [uri] });
this._proxy.$acceptDocumentAndEditorsDelta({ removedDocuments: [uri] });
let textModelDisposableStore = this._editorEventListenersMapping.get(uri.toString());
......@@ -1633,7 +1633,7 @@ export interface ExtHostNotebookShape {
$acceptModelChanged(uriComponents: UriComponents, event: NotebookCellsChangedEvent): void;
$acceptModelSaved(uriComponents: UriComponents): void;
$acceptEditorPropertiesChanged(uriComponents: UriComponents, data: INotebookEditorPropertiesChangeData): void;
$acceptDocumentAndEditorsDelta(delta: INotebookDocumentsAndEditorsDelta): Promise<void>;
$acceptDocumentAndEditorsDelta(delta: INotebookDocumentsAndEditorsDelta): void;
$undoNotebook(viewType: string, uri: UriComponents, editId: number, isDirty: boolean): Promise<void>;
$redoNotebook(viewType: string, uri: UriComponents, editId: number, isDirty: boolean): Promise<void>;
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export class ExtHostDocuments implements ExtHostDocumentsShape {
public getAllDocumentData(): ExtHostDocumentData[] {
return this._documentsAndEditors.allDocuments();
return [...this._documentsAndEditors.allDocuments()];
public getDocumentData(resource: vscode.Uri): ExtHostDocumentData | undefined {
......@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ export class ExtHostDocuments implements ExtHostDocumentsShape {
public getDocument(resource: vscode.Uri): vscode.TextDocument {
const data = this.getDocumentData(resource);
if (!data || !data.document) {
throw new Error('Unable to retrieve document from URI');
if (!data?.document) {
throw new Error(`Unable to retrieve document from URI '${resource}'`);
return data.document;
......@@ -15,6 +15,19 @@ import { ExtHostTextEditor } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostTextEditor';
import * as typeConverters from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostTypeConverters';
import { ILogService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log';
import { ResourceMap } from 'vs/base/common/map';
import { Schemas } from 'vs/base/common/network';
import { Iterable } from 'vs/base/common/iterator';
class Reference<T> {
private _count = 0;
constructor(readonly value: T) { }
ref() {
unref() {
return --this._count === 0;
export class ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors implements ExtHostDocumentsAndEditorsShape {
......@@ -23,7 +36,7 @@ export class ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors implements ExtHostDocumentsAndEditorsSha
private _activeEditorId: string | null = null;
private readonly _editors = new Map<string, ExtHostTextEditor>();
private readonly _documents = new ResourceMap<ExtHostDocumentData>();
private readonly _documents = new ResourceMap<Reference<ExtHostDocumentData>>();
private readonly _onDidAddDocuments = new Emitter<ExtHostDocumentData[]>();
private readonly _onDidRemoveDocuments = new Emitter<ExtHostDocumentData[]>();
......@@ -50,9 +63,9 @@ export class ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors implements ExtHostDocumentsAndEditorsSha
for (const uriComponent of delta.removedDocuments) {
const uri = URI.revive(uriComponent);
const data = this._documents.get(uri);
if (data) {
if (data?.unref()) {
......@@ -60,19 +73,30 @@ export class ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors implements ExtHostDocumentsAndEditorsSha
if (delta.addedDocuments) {
for (const data of delta.addedDocuments) {
const resource = URI.revive(data.uri);
assert.ok(!this._documents.has(resource), `document '${resource} already exists!'`);
const documentData = new ExtHostDocumentData(
this._documents.set(resource, documentData);
let ref = this._documents.get(resource);
// double check -> only notebook cell documents should be
// referenced/opened more than once...
if (ref) {
if (resource.scheme !== Schemas.vscodeNotebookCell) {
throw new Error(`document '${resource} already exists!'`);
if (!ref) {
ref = new Reference(new ExtHostDocumentData(
this._documents.set(resource, ref);
......@@ -92,7 +116,7 @@ export class ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors implements ExtHostDocumentsAndEditorsSha
assert.ok(this._documents.has(resource), `document '${resource}' does not exist`);
assert.ok(!this._editors.has(data.id), `editor '${data.id}' already exists!`);
const documentData = this._documents.get(resource)!;
const documentData = this._documents.get(resource)!.value;
const editor = new ExtHostTextEditor(
......@@ -132,11 +156,11 @@ export class ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors implements ExtHostDocumentsAndEditorsSha
getDocument(uri: URI): ExtHostDocumentData | undefined {
return this._documents.get(uri);
return this._documents.get(uri)?.value;
allDocuments(): ExtHostDocumentData[] {
return [...this._documents.values()];
allDocuments(): Iterable<ExtHostDocumentData> {
return Iterable.map(this._documents.values(), ref => ref.value);
getEditor(id: string): ExtHostTextEditor | undefined {
......@@ -7,18 +7,16 @@ import { CancellationToken, CancellationTokenSource } from 'vs/base/common/cance
import { readonly } from 'vs/base/common/errors';
import { Emitter, Event } from 'vs/base/common/event';
import { hash } from 'vs/base/common/hash';
import { Disposable, DisposableStore, IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { Disposable, DisposableStore, dispose, IDisposable } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { Schemas } from 'vs/base/common/network';
import { joinPath } from 'vs/base/common/resources';
import { ISplice } from 'vs/base/common/sequence';
import { NotImplementedProxy } from 'vs/base/common/types';
import { URI, UriComponents } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import * as UUID from 'vs/base/common/uuid';
import { IExtensionDescription } from 'vs/platform/extensions/common/extensions';
import { CellKind, ExtHostNotebookShape, IMainContext, IModelAddedData, INotebookDocumentsAndEditorsDelta, INotebookEditorPropertiesChangeData, MainContext, MainThreadNotebookShape, NotebookCellOutputsSplice } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHost.protocol';
import { ILogService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log';
import { CellKind, ExtHostNotebookShape, IMainContext, INotebookDocumentsAndEditorsDelta, INotebookEditorPropertiesChangeData, MainContext, MainThreadDocumentsShape, MainThreadNotebookShape, NotebookCellOutputsSplice } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHost.protocol';
import { ExtHostCommands } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostCommands';
import { ExtHostDocumentData } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostDocumentData';
import { ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostDocumentsAndEditors';
import { IExtensionStoragePaths } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostStoragePaths';
import * as typeConverters from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostTypeConverters';
......@@ -28,6 +26,7 @@ import { CellEditType, CellOutputKind, diff, ICellDeleteEdit, ICellEditOperation
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { Cache } from './cache';
interface IObservable<T> {
proxy: T;
onDidChange: Event<void>;
......@@ -59,27 +58,18 @@ interface INotebookEventEmitter {
const addIdToOutput = (output: IRawOutput, id = UUID.generateUuid()): IProcessedOutput => output.outputKind === CellOutputKind.Rich
? ({ ...output, outputId: id }) : output;
class DettachedCellDocumentData extends ExtHostDocumentData {
private static readonly _fakeProxy = new class extends NotImplementedProxy<MainThreadDocumentsShape>('document') {
$trySaveDocument() {
return Promise.reject('Cell-document cannot be saved');
export class ExtHostCell extends Disposable implements vscode.NotebookCell {
constructor(cell: IMainCellDto) {
public static asModelAddData(cell: IMainCellDto): IModelAddedData {
return {
EOL: cell.eol,
lines: cell.source,
modeId: cell.language,
uri: cell.uri,
isDirty: false,
versionId: 1
export class ExtHostCell extends Disposable implements vscode.NotebookCell {
private _onDidChangeOutputs = new Emitter<ISplice<IProcessedOutput>[]>();
readonly onDidChangeOutputs: Event<ISplice<IProcessedOutput>[]> = this._onDidChangeOutputs.event;
......@@ -94,13 +84,6 @@ export class ExtHostCell extends Disposable implements vscode.NotebookCell {
readonly uri: URI;
readonly cellKind: CellKind;
// todo@jrieken this is a little fish because we have
// vscode.TextDocument for which we never fired an onDidOpen
// event and which doesn't appear in the list of documents.
// this will change once the "real" document comes along. We
// should come up with a better approach here...
readonly defaultDocument: DettachedCellDocumentData;
private _proxy: MainThreadNotebookShape,
readonly notebook: ExtHostNotebookDocument,
......@@ -112,7 +95,6 @@ export class ExtHostCell extends Disposable implements vscode.NotebookCell {
this.handle = cell.handle;
this.uri = URI.revive(cell.uri);
this.cellKind = cell.cellKind;
this.defaultDocument = new DettachedCellDocumentData(cell);
this._outputs = cell.outputs;
for (const output of this._outputs) {
......@@ -128,7 +110,7 @@ export class ExtHostCell extends Disposable implements vscode.NotebookCell {
get document(): vscode.TextDocument {
return this._extHostDocument.getDocument(this.uri)?.document ?? this.defaultDocument.document;
return this._extHostDocument.getDocument(this.uri)!.document;
get language(): string {
......@@ -348,7 +330,7 @@ export class ExtHostNotebookDocument extends Disposable implements vscode.Notebo
dispose() {
this._disposed = true;
this._cellDisposableMapping.forEach(cell => cell.dispose());
get fileName() { return this.uri.fsPath; }
......@@ -380,6 +362,7 @@ export class ExtHostNotebookDocument extends Disposable implements vscode.Notebo
const contentChangeEvents: vscode.NotebookCellsChangeData[] = [];
const addedCellDocuments: IModelAddedData[] = [];
splices.reverse().forEach(splice => {
const cellDtos = splice[2];
......@@ -387,6 +370,10 @@ export class ExtHostNotebookDocument extends Disposable implements vscode.Notebo
const extCell = new ExtHostCell(this._proxy, this, this._documentsAndEditors, cell);
if (!initialization) {
if (!this._cellDisposableMapping.has(extCell.handle)) {
this._cellDisposableMapping.set(extCell.handle, new DisposableStore());
......@@ -403,21 +390,22 @@ export class ExtHostNotebookDocument extends Disposable implements vscode.Notebo
for (let j = splice[0]; j < splice[0] + splice[1]; j++) {
const deletedItems = this.cells.splice(splice[0], splice[1], ...newCells);
const event: vscode.NotebookCellsChangeData = {
start: splice[0],
deletedCount: splice[1],
items: newCells
if (addedCellDocuments) {
this._documentsAndEditors.$acceptDocumentsAndEditorsDelta({ addedDocuments: addedCellDocuments });
if (!initialization) {
document: this,
......@@ -467,7 +455,6 @@ export class ExtHostNotebookDocument extends Disposable implements vscode.Notebo
private $changeCellLanguage(index: number, language: string): void {
const cell = this.cells[index];
const event: vscode.NotebookCellLanguageChangeEvent = { document: this, cell, language };
......@@ -1526,7 +1513,7 @@ export class ExtHostNotebookController implements ExtHostNotebookShape, ExtHostN
this._editors.set(editorId, { editor });
async $acceptDocumentAndEditorsDelta(delta: INotebookDocumentsAndEditorsDelta) {
$acceptDocumentAndEditorsDelta(delta: INotebookDocumentsAndEditorsDelta): void {
let editorChanged = false;
if (delta.removedDocuments) {
......@@ -1538,6 +1525,7 @@ export class ExtHostNotebookController implements ExtHostNotebookShape, ExtHostN
if (document) {
this._documentsAndEditors.$acceptDocumentsAndEditorsDelta({ removedDocuments: document.cells.map(cell => cell.uri) });
......@@ -1552,6 +1540,9 @@ export class ExtHostNotebookController implements ExtHostNotebookShape, ExtHostN
if (delta.addedDocuments) {
const addedCellDocuments: IModelAddedData[] = [];
delta.addedDocuments.forEach(modelData => {
const revivedUri = URI.revive(modelData.uri);
const revivedUriStr = revivedUri.toString();
......@@ -1598,6 +1589,9 @@ export class ExtHostNotebookController implements ExtHostNotebookShape, ExtHostN
// add cell document as vscode.TextDocument
this._documents.set(revivedUriStr, document);
......@@ -1608,6 +1602,10 @@ export class ExtHostNotebookController implements ExtHostNotebookShape, ExtHostN
addedDocuments: addedCellDocuments
const document = this._documents.get(revivedUriStr)!;
......@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ export function getCellUndoRedoComparisonKey(uri: URI) {
export namespace CellUri {
export const scheme = 'vscode-notebook-cell';
export const scheme = Schemas.vscodeNotebookCell;
const _regex = /^\d{7,}/;
export function generate(notebook: URI, handle: number): URI {
......@@ -4,148 +4,215 @@
import * as assert from 'assert';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostDocumentsAndEditors';
import { TestRPCProtocol } from 'vs/workbench/test/browser/api/testRPCProtocol';
import { DisposableStore } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle';
import { NullLogService } from 'vs/platform/log/common/log';
import { mock } from 'vs/base/test/common/mock';
import { MainThreadNotebookShape } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHost.protocol';
import { ExtHostNotebookDocument, ExtHostCell } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostNotebook';
import { CellKind } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/common/notebookCommon';
import { IModelAddedData, MainContext, MainThreadCommandsShape, MainThreadNotebookShape } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHost.protocol';
import { ExtHostNotebookDocument, ExtHostNotebookController } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostNotebook';
import { CellKind, CellUri, NotebookCellsChangeType } from 'vs/workbench/contrib/notebook/common/notebookCommon';
import { URI } from 'vs/base/common/uri';
import { ExtHostDocuments } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostDocuments';
import { ExtHostCommands } from 'vs/workbench/api/common/extHostCommands';
import { nullExtensionDescription } from 'vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensions';
import { isEqual } from 'vs/base/common/resources';
suite('NotebookCell#Document', function () {
suite('NotebookCell', function () {
let rpcProtocol: TestRPCProtocol;
let notebook: ExtHostNotebookDocument;
let extHostDocumentsAndEditors: ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors;
let extHostDocuments: ExtHostDocuments;
let extHostNotebooks: ExtHostNotebookController;
const notebookUri = URI.parse('test:///notebook.file');
const disposables = new DisposableStore();
const fakeNotebookProxy = new class extends mock<MainThreadNotebookShape>() { };
const fakeNotebook = new class extends mock<ExtHostNotebookDocument>() { };
setup(async function () {
rpcProtocol = new TestRPCProtocol();
rpcProtocol.set(MainContext.MainThreadCommands, new class extends mock<MainThreadCommandsShape>() {
$registerCommand() { }
rpcProtocol.set(MainContext.MainThreadNotebook, new class extends mock<MainThreadNotebookShape>() {
async $registerNotebookProvider() { }
async $unregisterNotebookProvider() { }
extHostDocumentsAndEditors = new ExtHostDocumentsAndEditors(rpcProtocol, new NullLogService());
extHostDocuments = new ExtHostDocuments(rpcProtocol, extHostDocumentsAndEditors);
extHostNotebooks = new ExtHostNotebookController(rpcProtocol, new ExtHostCommands(rpcProtocol, new NullLogService()), extHostDocumentsAndEditors, { isExtensionDevelopmentDebug: false, webviewCspSource: '', webviewResourceRoot: '' }, new NullLogService());
let reg = extHostNotebooks.registerNotebookContentProvider(nullExtensionDescription, 'test', new class extends mock<vscode.NotebookContentProvider>() {
// async openNotebook() { }
addedDocuments: [{
handle: 0,
uri: notebookUri,
viewType: 'test',
versionId: 0,
cells: [{
handle: 0,
uri: CellUri.generate(notebookUri, 0),
source: ['### Heading'],
eol: '\n',
language: 'markdown',
cellKind: CellKind.Markdown,
outputs: [],
}, {
handle: 1,
uri: CellUri.generate(notebookUri, 1),
source: ['console.log("aaa")', 'console.log("bbb")'],
eol: '\n',
language: 'javascript',
cellKind: CellKind.Code,
outputs: [],
addedEditors: [{
documentUri: notebookUri,
id: '_notebook_editor_0',
selections: [0]
extHostNotebooks.$acceptDocumentAndEditorsDelta({ newActiveEditor: '_notebook_editor_0' });
test('Document is real', function () {
const dto = {
cellKind: CellKind.Code,
eol: '\n',
source: ['aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc'],
handle: 0,
language: 'fooLang',
outputs: [],
uri: URI.parse('test:/path')
const cell = new ExtHostCell(fakeNotebookProxy, fakeNotebook, extHostDocumentsAndEditors, dto);
assert.strictEqual(cell.document.version, 0);
assert.strictEqual(cell.document.languageId, dto.language);
assert.strictEqual(cell.document.uri.toString(), dto.uri.toString());
assert.strictEqual(cell.uri.toString(), dto.uri.toString());
notebook = extHostNotebooks.notebookDocuments[0]!;
test('Document is uses actual document when possible', function () {
test('cell document is vscode.TextDocument', async function () {
const dto = {
cellKind: CellKind.Code,
eol: '\n',
source: ['aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc'],
handle: 0,
language: 'fooLang',
outputs: [],
uri: URI.parse('test:/path')
const cell = new ExtHostCell(fakeNotebookProxy, fakeNotebook, extHostDocumentsAndEditors, dto);
assert.strictEqual(notebook.cells.length, 2);
// this is the "default document" which is used when the real
// document isn't open
const documentNow = cell.document;
const [c1, c2] = notebook.cells;
const d1 = extHostDocuments.getDocument(c1.uri);
addedDocuments: [{
isDirty: false,
versionId: 12,
modeId: dto.language,
uri: dto.uri,
lines: dto.source,
EOL: dto.eol
// the real document
assert.ok(documentNow !== cell.document);
assert.strictEqual(cell.document.languageId, dto.language);
assert.strictEqual(cell.document.uri.toString(), dto.uri.toString());
assert.strictEqual(cell.uri.toString(), dto.uri.toString());
assert.equal(d1.languageId, c1.language);
assert.equal(d1.version, 1);
// back to "default document"
extHostDocumentsAndEditors.$acceptDocumentsAndEditorsDelta({ removedDocuments: [dto.uri] });
assert.ok(documentNow === cell.document);
const d2 = extHostDocuments.getDocument(c2.uri);
assert.equal(d2.languageId, c2.language);
assert.equal(d2.version, 1);
test('Document can change language (1/2)', function () {
const dto = {
cellKind: CellKind.Code,
eol: '\n',
source: ['aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc'],
handle: 0,
language: 'fooLang',
outputs: [],
uri: URI.parse('test:/path')
const cell = new ExtHostCell(fakeNotebookProxy, fakeNotebook, extHostDocumentsAndEditors, dto);
assert.strictEqual(cell.document.languageId, dto.language);
assert.strictEqual(cell.document.languageId, 'barLang');
test('cell document goes when notebook closes', async function () {
const cellUris: string[] = [];
for (let cell of notebook.cells) {
const removedCellUris: string[] = [];
const reg = extHostDocuments.onDidRemoveDocument(doc => {
extHostNotebooks.$acceptDocumentAndEditorsDelta({ removedDocuments: [notebook.uri] });
assert.strictEqual(removedCellUris.length, 2);
assert.deepStrictEqual(removedCellUris.sort(), cellUris.sort());
test('cell document is vscode.TextDocument after changing it', async function () {
test('Document can change language (1/2)', function () {
const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
extHostNotebooks.onDidChangeNotebookCells(e => {
try {
assert.strictEqual(e.changes.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(e.changes[0].items.length, 2);
const [first, second] = e.changes[0].items;
const dto = {
cellKind: CellKind.Code,
eol: '\n',
source: ['aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc'],
handle: 0,
language: 'fooLang',
outputs: [],
uri: URI.parse('test:/path')
const doc1 = extHostDocuments.getAllDocumentData().find(data => isEqual(data.document.uri, first.uri));
assert.strictEqual(doc1?.document === first.document, true);
addedDocuments: [{
isDirty: false,
versionId: 12,
modeId: dto.language,
uri: dto.uri,
lines: dto.source,
EOL: dto.eol
const doc2 = extHostDocuments.getAllDocumentData().find(data => isEqual(data.document.uri, second.uri));
assert.strictEqual(doc2?.document === second.document, true);
const extHostDocuments = new ExtHostDocuments(rpcProtocol, extHostDocumentsAndEditors);
const cell = new ExtHostCell(fakeNotebookProxy, fakeNotebook, extHostDocumentsAndEditors, dto);
} catch (err) {
// a real document already exists and therefore
// the "default document" doesn't count
extHostNotebooks.$acceptModelChanged(notebookUri, {
kind: NotebookCellsChangeType.ModelChange,
versionId: notebook.versionId + 1,
changes: [[0, 0, [{
handle: 2,
uri: CellUri.generate(notebookUri, 2),
source: ['Hello', 'World', 'Hello World!'],
eol: '\n',
language: 'test',
cellKind: CellKind.Code,
outputs: [],
}, {
handle: 3,
uri: CellUri.generate(notebookUri, 3),
source: ['Hallo', 'Welt', 'Hallo Welt!'],
eol: '\n',
language: 'test',
cellKind: CellKind.Code,
outputs: [],
assert.strictEqual(cell.document.languageId, dto.language);
assert.strictEqual(cell.document.languageId, dto.language);
await p;
extHostDocuments.$acceptModelModeChanged(dto.uri, dto.language, 'barLang');
assert.strictEqual(cell.document.languageId, 'barLang');
test('cell document stays open when notebook is still open', async function () {
const docs: vscode.TextDocument[] = [];
const addData: IModelAddedData[] = [];
for (let cell of notebook.cells) {
const doc = extHostDocuments.getDocument(cell.uri);
assert.equal(extHostDocuments.getDocument(cell.uri).isClosed, false);
EOL: '\n',
isDirty: doc.isDirty,
lines: doc.getText().split('\n'),
modeId: doc.languageId,
uri: doc.uri,
versionId: doc.version
// this call happens when opening a document on the main side
extHostDocumentsAndEditors.$acceptDocumentsAndEditorsDelta({ addedDocuments: addData });
// this call happens when closing a document from the main side
extHostDocumentsAndEditors.$acceptDocumentsAndEditorsDelta({ removedDocuments: docs.map(d => d.uri) });
// notebook is still open -> cell documents stay open
for (let cell of notebook.cells) {
assert.equal(extHostDocuments.getDocument(cell.uri).isClosed, false);
// close notebook -> docs are closed
extHostNotebooks.$acceptDocumentAndEditorsDelta({ removedDocuments: [notebook.uri] });
for (let cell of notebook.cells) {
assert.throws(() => extHostDocuments.getDocument(cell.uri));
for (let doc of docs) {
assert.equal(doc.isClosed, true);
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ suite('NotebookConcatDocument', function () {
let reg = extHostNotebooks.registerNotebookContentProvider(nullExtensionDescription, 'test', new class extends mock<vscode.NotebookContentProvider>() {
// async openNotebook() { }
await extHostNotebooks.$acceptDocumentAndEditorsDelta({
addedDocuments: [{
handle: 0,
uri: notebookUri,
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ suite('NotebookConcatDocument', function () {
await extHostNotebooks.$acceptDocumentAndEditorsDelta({ newActiveEditor: '_notebook_editor_0' });
extHostNotebooks.$acceptDocumentAndEditorsDelta({ newActiveEditor: '_notebook_editor_0' });
notebook = extHostNotebooks.notebookDocuments[0]!;
......@@ -292,17 +292,6 @@ suite('NotebookConcatDocument', function () {
let cell1End = doc.offsetAt(new Position(2, 12));
assert.equal(doc.positionAt(cell1End).isEqual(new Position(2, 12)), true);
addedDocuments: [{
uri: notebook.cells[0].uri,
versionId: 1,
lines: ['Hello', 'World', 'Hello World!'],
EOL: '\n',
modeId: '',
isDirty: false
extHostDocuments.$acceptModelChanged(notebook.cells[0].uri, {
versionId: 0,
eol: '\n',
Markdown is supported
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