未验证 提交 d1cd816e 编写于 作者: A Alex Dima

Fixes #95912: Do not show squiggles for unknown commands

上级 81fb0cfc
......@@ -709,10 +709,17 @@ let schema: IJSONSchema = {
'description': nls.localize('keybindings.json.key', "Key or key sequence (separated by space)"),
'command': {
'type': 'string',
'enum': commandsEnum,
'enumDescriptions': <any>commandsEnumDescriptions,
'description': nls.localize('keybindings.json.command', "Name of the command to execute"),
'anyOf': [
'type': 'string',
'enum': commandsEnum,
'enumDescriptions': <any>commandsEnumDescriptions,
'description': nls.localize('keybindings.json.command', "Name of the command to execute"),
'type': 'string'
'when': {
'type': 'string',
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