提交 cece28dc 编写于 作者: I isidor

debug: put a tree inside a hover

上级 d1ff2538
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ export class DebugEditorContribution implements editorcommon.IEditorContribution
) {
this.breakpointHintDecoration = [];
this.toDispose = [];
this.hoverWidget = new DebugHoverWidget(this.editor, this.debugService);
this.hoverWidget = new DebugHoverWidget(this.editor, this.debugService, this.instantiationService);
......@@ -6,13 +6,22 @@
import htmlcontentrenderer = require('vs/base/browser/htmlContentRenderer');
import errors = require('vs/base/common/errors');
import dom = require('vs/base/browser/dom');
import { ITree } from 'vs/base/parts/tree/common/tree';
import { Tree } from 'vs/base/parts/tree/browser/treeImpl';
import { DefaultController, ICancelableEvent } from 'vs/base/parts/tree/browser/treeDefaults';
import editorbrowser = require('vs/editor/browser/editorBrowser');
import editorcommon = require('vs/editor/common/editorCommon');
import debug = require('vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debug');
import { tokenizeToHtmlContent } from 'vs/editor/common/modes/textToHtmlTokenizer';
import { IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation';
import debug = require('vs/workbench/parts/debug/common/debug');
import viewer = require('vs/workbench/parts/debug/browser/debugViewer');
const $ = dom.emmet;
const stringRegex = /^(['"]).*\1$/;
const debugTreeOptions = {
indentPixels: 8,
twistiePixels: 20
export class DebugHoverWidget implements editorbrowser.IContentWidget {
......@@ -22,12 +31,20 @@ export class DebugHoverWidget implements editorbrowser.IContentWidget {
private domNode: HTMLElement;
private isVisible: boolean;
private tree: ITree;
private showAtPosition: editorcommon.IPosition;
private lastHoveringOver: string;
private highlightDecorations: string[];
constructor(private editor: editorbrowser.ICodeEditor, private debugService: debug.IDebugService) {
constructor(private editor: editorbrowser.ICodeEditor, private debugService: debug.IDebugService, private instantiationService: IInstantiationService) {
this.domNode = $('.debug-hover-widget monaco-editor-background');
const treeContainer = dom.append(this.domNode, $('.debug-hover-tree'));
this.tree = new Tree(treeContainer, {
dataSource: new viewer.VariablesDataSource(this.debugService),
renderer: this.instantiationService.createInstance(viewer.VariablesRenderer),
controller: new DebugHoverController()
}, debugTreeOptions);
this.isVisible = false;
this.showAtPosition = null;
this.lastHoveringOver = null;
......@@ -112,52 +129,9 @@ export class DebugHoverWidget implements editorbrowser.IContentWidget {
private doShow(position: editorcommon.IEditorPosition, expression: debug.IExpression): void {
let value: string = undefined;
if (expression.reference > 0 && expression.value.indexOf('function') === -1) {
let objectToString = '{\n';
expression.getChildren(this.debugService).then(children => {
if (!children) {
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
const nameAndValue = ` ${ children[i].name }: ${ children[i].value }`;
objectToString += nameAndValue.substr(0, 80);
// add a quote to the end of the string if cropped
if (nameAndValue.length > 80 && stringRegex.test(children[i].value)) {
objectToString += children[i].value[0];
this.tree.setInput(expression).done(null, errors.onUnexpectedError);
if (i < children.length - 1) {
objectToString += ',\n';
objectToString += '\n}';
return objectToString;
}).done(v => value = v, () => this.hide());
} else {
value = expression.value;
const model = this.editor.getModel();
if (!value || !model) {
let crlfCount = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
if (value[i] === '\n') {
if (crlfCount > 12) {
value = value.substr(0, i + 1) + ' ...\n}';
this.domNode.innerHTML = '';
this.domNode.appendChild(htmlcontentrenderer.renderHtml(tokenizeToHtmlContent(value, model.getMode())));
this.showAtPosition = position;
this.isVisible = true;
......@@ -184,3 +158,16 @@ export class DebugHoverWidget implements editorbrowser.IContentWidget {
} : null;
class DebugHoverController extends DefaultController {
/* protected */ public onLeftClick(tree: ITree, element: any, eventish: ICancelableEvent, origin: string = 'mouse'): boolean {
if (element.reference > 0) {
super.onLeftClick(tree, element, eventish, origin);
return true;
......@@ -156,7 +156,8 @@
animation-name: fadeIn;
white-space: pre;
min-width: 50px;
width: 350px;
height: 300px;
-webkit-user-select: text;
-ms-user-select: text;
......@@ -167,6 +168,24 @@
overflow: hidden;
.monaco-editor .debug-hover-widget .debug-hover-tree {
line-height: 24px;
height: 100%;
/* Disable tree hover highlight in debug hover tree. */
.monaco-editor .debug-hover-widget .debug-hover-tree .monaco-tree .monaco-tree-rows > .monaco-tree-row:hover:not(.highlighted):not(.selected):not(.focused) {
background-color: inherit;
.monaco-editor .debug-hover-widget .debug-hover-tree .monaco-tree .monaco-tree-rows > .monaco-tree-row {
cursor: default;
.monaco-editor .debug-hover-widget .debug-hover-tree .monaco-tree .monaco-tree-rows > .monaco-tree-row.has-children {
cursor: pointer;
.monaco-editor .debug-hover-widget pre {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
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